75 research outputs found

    Parcours scolaires en France et espace d’opportunités : une analyse à l’aune de la théorie des capabilités de Sen

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    De nombreuses études ont mis en exergue le poids de l’environnement socio-culturel sur les trajectoires scolaires. Il s’agit ici d’analyser comment les différents facteurs sociaux, qui peuvent se cumuler, conduisent à élargir, pour certains, le champ des possibles et à le restreindre pour d’autres. Nous proposons d’analyser l’espace des possibles au cours des trajectoires de formation à l’aune de la théorie des « capabilités » de l’économiste Amartya Sen. Appliquée à l'éducation, elle contribue à renouveler l'analyse de l'égalité des chances à l'école en se focalisant sur les opportunités réelles des élèves au cours de leur trajectoire de formation et sur les contraintes qu’ils peuvent rencontrer.Many studies highlighted the impact of socio-cultural background on educational trajectories. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the different social factors lead to the multiplication of opportunities for some individuals while restraining the opportunities for others. We analyze opportunities in educational trajectories in the light of Sen’s theory of capabilities. When applied to education, this theory renews the debate on equality of opportunity by focusing on students’ real opportunities and on the constraints they might face.Viele Studien haben die Bedeutung des soziokulturellen Umfelds auf die schulischen Werdegänge hervorgehoben. Hier soll analysiert werden, wie verschiedene soziale Faktoren, die sich häufen können, für Einige den Bereich des Möglichen erweitern und für Andere einengen können. Wir wollen den Raum des Möglichen während der Ausbildungswerdegänge nach dem Capability Approach des Wirtschaftswissenschaftlers Amartya Sen überprüfen. Diese Theorie, auf die Bildung angewandt, verhilft zu einer neuen Analyse der Chancengleichheit in der Schule unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der reellen Opportunitäten der Schüler auf ihrem Bildungsweg und der Zwänge, denen sie begegnen können.Muchos estudios han puesto en evidencia el peso del entorno sociocultural sobre las trayectorias escolares. Aquí se trata de analizar cómo los diferentes factores sociales, que pueden acumularse, llevan a ampliar el algunos casos el campo de posibles y en otros, a restringirlo. Proponemos analizar el espacio de los posibles en el curso de las trayectorias de formación según la teoría de las “capacidades “ del economista Amartya Sen. Aplicada a la educación, contribuye a renovar el análisis de la igualdad de oportunidades en la escuela, focalizándose en las oportunidades reales de los alumnos en el curso de su trayectoria de formación y en las restricciones que pueden encontrar

    Gender, Subjective well-being and capabilities: an application to the Moroccan Youth

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    Our paper investigates how gender shapes youth's aspirations, subjective well-being and capabilities in Morocco. We compare two different informational basis in analysing gender inequalities: the subjective well-being framework, and the capability approach. To do so we propose to operationalize capabilities through mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) based on: 1. Qualitative data that we collected in Morocco and 2. An innovative dataset collected by the Office of Economic Cooperation for Mediterranean and Middle East (OCEMO), among 1333 young Moroccan individuals aged 15-35 living in rural and urban areas of the Marrakesh region. Our results suggest that subjective well-being poorly reflects gender inequalities among Moroccan youths, as it does not consider adaptive preferences. Capabilities indicators perform much better as they account for both the capability to choose a lifestyle, and the ability to fulfill one's choice; i.e. spaces of freedom. The paper also reveals the striking significance of adaptive preferences among rural young women; as well as the frustrations among young educated men resulting from an inability to fulfill a chosen lifestyle. Gender justice and capabilities-as the freedom to choose and to turn opportunities into valuable outcome-indeed appear significant in understanding the structural transformations of the Moroccan society

    EQUIPO DE LOS JESUITAS [Material gráfico]

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    ÁLBUM FAMILIAR CASA DE COLÓNCopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    HOMBRE SIN IDENTICAR [Material gráfico]

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    HOMBRE JOVEN. PLANO CASI DE CUERPO ENTERO. SENTADO. BIGOTE Y CORBATA A ROMBOS. DECORADO DE FONDO PINTADO (MARINA)Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Capabilities and Education: which real freedoms within education systems and beyond?

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    International audienc

    To measure the educative systems equality of opportunity : an international comparison based on PISA multi-levels data

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    Inequalities in education are most of the time unacceptable perceptions as far as schools system is supposed to be an intergenerational mobility vector. A growing litterature in Economics question the differences among educative schemes and particularly the impact of a student's social background on his/her school results (Wössmann 2004). The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the ability of several developed countries to promote equal opportunities. To define the different educative systems, we supported our theory on Mons typology (2004) which define four major types of systems : individualised integration, particularised integration, regular integration and separation. Each education model was represented by a country belonging to O.E.C.D. : Japan and Finland for individualised integration, United Kingdom for particularised integration, Italy for regular integration and Germany for separation model. Concerning the notion of equal opportunities, our analysis area is close to the 'capability approach' from the economist Amartya Sen (1985,1992) and turns to liberate students possibilities for choosing the school career they are supposed to prefer. An Educative System can be considered as egalitarian as soon as students performances are relatively independent of their sociocultural background. So, the aim is to analyse if educative system make students free from the weight of their social environment and can get a real freedom to reach the level of education they have reasons to value. After having compared the different existing educative systems in developed countries, a multilevel economical model will show the way students are posted to the different schools of countries and so, allow to estimate people leeways. According to our assumptions, the results confirm that educative models in Finland and in United Kingdom produce a large equality in opportunities. At the opposite, in Japan, for whom educative system is similar to Finland, it seems to appear a poor equality in opportunities, the objective for this egalitarian system may be biased by a hard competition period between pupils before their university entrance examination. Furthermore, unexpectedly, the educative system in Germany seems a little more egalitarian than in Italy for whom the educative model does not seem actually satisfying its unique school ambition. Results are implemented from PISA 2003,which is a relevant database since it helps in measuring : -the impact of the student's social and cultural environments on his performance -the variations of performance within each school -the variations of performance between several schools Therefore, it can identify the way students are appointed to the various schools within a country