15 research outputs found

    The Influence of Socio-Economic Factors toward the Farmer’s Adoption Rate on Soy Bean Crop Farming in the Semi Arid Area of South Amanatun Sub District, the South-Midle Timor District

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    It is neccery to realize that soy bean has certain important benefits for people, either for food or for fulfiling the row materials needed by such industries as: animal feed, medicine, liquid paint, and printed ink industries. For food, people should consum the soybean, primarily by people who are living in the areas placed far from the source of fish and meat, because the soy bean contains nabati protein in a high level of percentege, around 40-41%, and nine kinds of important matters functioning to prevent women from breast canccer infection. People can consume soybean in the type of: fermented soy bean cake (tempeh), tofu, soy bean milk, et cetera. Although the soy bean is categorized as an important food, but the number of farmers cultivating this crop in Indonesia, as well as in the Pronvince of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), included in the Sub District of South Amanatun as a semi arid area, are still very limited, while the availability of natural resources supporting the growth of this crop is very potensial, and then the soy bean needed by industries operated near by this Sub District dominantly are supplied by outside of the NTT, such as from: Java, Bali, and Lombok, even from U. S. A. Farmers in the Sub District of South Amanatun, only a few who have cultivated soy bean crops, while the majority of them have not cultivated yet. These facts indicate that among farmers probably because of their having different level of socio-nomic factors which inluence them to adopt or not to the soy bean crop farming. To examine whether or not these different level of socio-economic factors have signicant influence to the farmer’s adoption on the soy bean farming, then a study had been done in 2018. On the basis of results of the data analysis by applying the Linear Probablity Modle demonstrated that: the socio-economic factors which have the significant influence to the farmer’s adoption on the soy bean crop farming in the study area were: (1) the level of farmer’s knowledge related to soy bean cultivation and soy bean processing, (2) the level of farmer’s perception on the soy bean cultivation, (3) the level of farmer’s interest on the soy bean crop farming, and (4) farmer’s family income. The other soci-economic factors such as the level of farmer’s formal and non formal education, the level of farmer’s cosmopolitan, the farmer’s orientation on soybean crop farming, and the farmer’s size of land operated for soyben crop farming have no significant infuence to the farmer’s adoption on soybean cropp farming


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    This research on Farmer's Perceptions and Attitudes Toward the Role of Agricultural Extension in Mustard Farming Development was conducted in the village of Netpala, Mollon District, North Central Timor Regency in August 2019. This study aims to determine: the role of extension personnel; farmers 'perceptions ,farmers' attitudes. The method used in this research is a survey method. The research location was determined deliberately, the respondents were assigned as many as 52 people who were randomly selected. The types of data collected were primary data and secondary data. To determine the first objective, the data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively and to determine the second and third objectives, the data were analyzed descriptively by using a Likert scale. The research result shows that; the role of extension workers in the development of mustard farming, according to the assessment of farmers, most farmers have felt the impact of extension activities. The perception of farmers on the role of agricultural extension agents in the development of mustard farming in Netpala Village, Mollo Utara District, South Central Timor Regency has a fairly good perception. with an average score of 53,84. the attitude of farmers towards the role of agricultural instructors in the development of mustard (Brassica Juncea L) farming in Netpala Village, Mollo Utara District, Timor Tengah Selatan Regency, has an agreeable attitude with an average score of 88,46. Therefore, it can be concluded that the mustard farmers in Netpala Village have a fairly good perception and agree with the role of agricultural extension agents in the development of mustard farming


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    This research was carried out from December 2019 to January 2020 in Mata Air Village, Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency. The aims of this researchwere to determine the performance of BUMDes INA HUK in generating a net profit after tax and the performance of BUMDes INA HUK in generating net profits with available capital. The research data were obtained through observations, interviews and documentation on 9 respondents. The location of this research was BUMDes INA HUK, which was intentionally determined since it was one of BUMDes with active status. The results showed that BUMdes INA HUK's net profit after tax from three business units in 2019 was Rp. 19,517,016 and the total capital available at BUMDes INA HUk was Rp. 250,000,000.00. The net profit after tax on INA HUK BUMDes was 19.13% with good industry standard valuation standards of 20%. BUMDes INA HUK's performance in increasing the net profit after tax with available capital was said to be not good at 7.80% with an industry valuation standard of 40%


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    This research was conducted in Jak Village, North Central Timor Regency, from June 2021 to July 2021. The objectives were to determine: 1) the existing integrated farming system in Jak Village, East Miomaffo District through a farming system approach, 2) the sustainability of the existing integrated farming system. in Jak Village, 3) the direction of developing a sustainable integrated farming system in Jak Village. This research was conducted by a survey method. Determination of the research location is donepurposively. The population in this study was six farmer groups in Jak Village, totaling 30 people. The types of data collected are primary data and secondary data. To find out the first purpose of the data was analyzed descriptively qualitatively, the second and third objectives of the data were analyzed by the sustainability analysis of RAP-IFS MDS. The results of the study show that: 1) From the farming model that has been implemented, it is known that all farmers in Jak Village have implemented an integrated farming system. 2) The sustainability of the integrated farming system in Jak Village produces a sustainability index of 55.93% which can be categorized as quite sustainable. 3) The development of a sustainable integrated farming system in Jak Village is seen from the sensitive attributes that are key factors in determining the direction of further development, namely: a). Farmer group status b). Frequency of counseling and training activities c.) Conflict intensit


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    Tantangan utama dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan di tingkat rumah tangga adalah membangun kapasitas dan kemandirian masyarakat untuk mengatasi masalah pangan yang terjadi di dalam rumah tangga maupun di lingkungan sekitarnya. Rendahnya pendapatan masyarakat akan berimbas pada rendahnya daya beli masyarakat, keterbatasan kemampuan masyarakat dalam mengakses pangan, serta keterbatasan kemampuan sumber daya untuk mengembangkan usaha kecil mikro sehingga menyebabkan rentan terhadap kerawanan pangan. Salah satu program pemerintah mengatasi kerawanan pangan dan kemiskinan adalah meningkatkan kemampuan anggota masyarakat dalam mengembangkan usaha produktif berbasis sumber daya lokal, peningkatan ketersediaan pangan, peningkatan daya beli masyarakat dan akses pangan rumah tangga untuk memenuhi kecukupan gizi rumah tangga


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    Taman Wisata Alam 17 Pulau merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi yang berada di Pulau Flores. Penilaian terhadap Taman Wisata Alam 17 Pulau sangat penting untuk dilakukan mengingat TWA ini adalah salah satu objek wisata yangsedang dikembangkan dan belum diketahui nilai ekonominya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1.) mengetahui pengaruh dari biaya perjalanan, pendapatan, pendidikan, umur, jenis kelamin, jarak, jumlah rombongan, lama waktu berkunjung dan sarana yang tersedia terhadap jumlah kunjungan di Taman Wisata Alam 17 Pulau, dan 2.) mengukur nilai ekonomi yang diperoleh Taman Wisata Alam 17 Pulau dengan menggunakan metode biaya perjalanan (travel cost method). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2019 dengan menggunakan metode survey terhadap 50 responden yang ditentukan berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode biaya perjalanan (travel cost method). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: biaya perjalanan, pendapatan, pendidikan, jenis kelamin dan jarak berpengaruh tidak signifikan dan negatif (berbanding terbalik) terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke Taman Wisata Alam 17 Pulau, umur serta sarana berpengaruh tidak signifikan dan positif (berbanding lurus) terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke Taman Wisata Alam 17 Pulau, jumlah rombongan berpengaruh signifikan dan negatif (berbanding terbalik) terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke Taman Wisata Alam 17 Pulau, dan lama waktu berkunjung berpengaruh signifikan dan positif (berbanding lurus) terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke Taman Wisata Alam 17 Pulau. Nilai ekonomi Taman Wisata Alam 17 Pulau dengan menggunakan metode biaya perjalanan (travel cost method) dalam kurun waktu 5 (lima) tahun dari tahun 2014-2018 adalah sebesar Rp,0


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    This research was conducted in Kelaisi Timur village, Sub District of Alor Selatan, Alor Regency. The aims of study is to find out the marketing channel, marketing margin, farmer’s share, marketing advantage and the level of marketing efficiency of vanilla. Research data obtained by interviews 54 respondents.  The data collected are primary data and secondary data. The vanilla marketing channel,  marketing margin, farmer’s share, marketing advantage and the level of marketing efficiency of vanilla were analyzed quantitatively, qualitatively and descriptively. The results of the study indicate that two marketing channel of vanilla. The first channel farmers directly sell to inter-island traders. The second channel the farmers sell to collectors and then sell to inter-island traders. The price difference between levels of institutions in the marketing system is channel I of Rp. 176.000,-/kg, and the channel II of Rp. 200.000,- in the collector and Rp. 176.000,- on the inter island traders. The farmers share vanilla in the Kelaisi Timur Urban village to the mall which is the highest in channel I which is is equal to 81,97%, while channel II is 61,48%. While the highest marketing adventage are in farmers in the channel II which is equal to Rp. 370.625,59 per kg /kg, And the efficiency of vanilla marketing  in both channel is already efficient

    Analisis Biaya Dan Pendapatan Industri Rumah Tangga Usaha Jamur Tiram Putih

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    ABSTRACT This research entitled Analysis of Cost and Income of White Oyster Mushroom Home Industry (Case Study in Noelbaki Village, Kupang Tengah Sub District, Kupang Regency), was carried out in Noelbaki Village, Kupang Tengah Sub District, Kupang Regency for 2 months from November-December 2018. This research aims to find out how much the cost and income of the white oyster mushroom home industry, and to find out the feasibility of the business of white oyster mushrooms in the village of Noelbaki, Kupang Tengah Sub District, Kupang Regency. The results showed that the production of white oyster mushrooms was 1.380 kg for one year of the production process. The total costs (TC) was Rp 22.644.700, the total revenue (TR) obtained was Rp 48.300.000, so that the income earned was Rp 25.655.300. Analysis of the business feasibility of white oyster mushrooms. Wield R/C Ratio analysis, the year of the R/C Ratio 2.13. It means that every Rp 1,00 bilion interest will return to earn Rp 2.13 bilion. Based in this result it can be conclured that the white oyster mushroom business is profitable or economically feasible. to reach break-even point is needed BEP Production of 647 Kg and BEP Price is Rp 16.500 per kg. Penelitan ini dengan Judul Analisis Biaya dan Pendapatan Industri Rumah Tangga Usaha Jamur Tiram Putih (Studi Kasus di Desa Noelbaki Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang), telah dilaksanakan di Desa Noelbaki Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang selama 2 bulan dari bulan November-Desember 2018. Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui berapa besarnya biaya dan pendapatan industri rumah tangga usaha jamur tiram putih dan mengetahui kelayakan usaha jamur tiram putih di desa Noelbaki, Kecamatan Kupang Tengah, Kabupaten Kupang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi jamur tiram putih sebanyak 1.380 kg selama satu tahun proses produksi. Total biaya (TC) sebesar Rp 22.644.700 memperoleh total penerimaan (TR) sebesar Rp 48.300.000 sehingga pendapatan yang diperolah sebesar Rp 25.655.300. Analisis kelayakan usaha jamur tiram putih Nilai R/C Ratio sebesar 2,13 menunjukan bahwa dalam usaha jamur tiram putih, setiap pengeluaran Rp 1,00 miliar akan mengembalikan penerimaan sebesar Rp 2,13 miliar artinya usaha jamur tiram putih menguntungkan atau layak secara ekonomi. Untuk mencapai titik impas dibutuhkan BEP Produksi sebanyak 647 Kg dan BEP Harga sebesar Rp 16.500 per kg

    Tingkat Partisipasi Anggota Kelompok Tani Dalam Perencanaan Program Penyuluhan Pertanian, Di Desa Oelbiteno Kecamatan Fatuleu Tengah, Kabupaten Kupang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Mengidentifikasikan program-program penyuluhan pertanian yang telah dilaksanakan di Desa Oelbiteno Kecamatan Fatuleu Tengah Kabupaten Kupang, (2) Mengidentifikasikan Tingkat Partisipasi Anggota Kelompok Tani Dalam Perencanaan Programa Penyuluhan di Desa Oelbiteno Kecamatan Fatuleu Tengah Kabupaten Kupang, (3) Mengidentifikasikan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi anggota kelompok tani dalam perencanaan programa penyuluhan di Desa Oelbiteno Kecamatan Fatuleu Tengah Kabupaten Kupang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Lokasi sampel ditentukan secara  purpossive sampling yaitu pada Desa Oelbiteno Kecamatan Fatuleu Tengah Kabupaten Kupang. Populasi penelitian  ini adalah seluruh petani yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani  yaitu Berkat bersama, Harapan, Biseli, Amtoas, Taleko monit, Ameko,Besla satu, Amkolo, Tunas baru, Besla dua, Amoki, dan Polok teno,  yang berjumlah 290 orang. Petani sampel ditentukan secara simple random sampling dengan rumus Slovin sehingga diperoleh petani sampel sebanyak 290 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis rata-rata dan persentase dengan menggunakan pendekatan skala Likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 51,35%  responden tergolong pada usia dewasa akhir (>50) tahun, pendidikan formal tergolong rendah (43,24% dari total responden yakni hanya mengikuti pendidikan hingga tamat SD), pendidikan non formal masih tergolong rendah (77,03%), dan luas lahan usahatani cukup besar yakni pada interval 0,5-1 ha (86,49%). Programa penyuluhan  yang dilaksanakan di Desa Oelbiteno yakni programa peningkatan produksi padi ladang, dengan melihat potensi lahan kering dan rata-rata petani di lokasi penelitian berusahatani padi ladang. Tingkat partisipasi anggota kelompok tani dalam perencanaan program peningkatan produksi padi ladang di Desa Oelbiteno  berada pada kategori “Tinggi”. Dimana patrisipasi petani dalam pengumpulan data berada pada kategori tinggi dan tingkat partisipasi petani dalam penyusunan konsep programa penyuluhan juga berada pada kategori tinggi.  Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi oleh petani di lokasi penelitian yaitu rendanya pengetahuan, sikap, dan ketrampilan petani. Dimana di lokasi penelitian rata-rata petani berpendidikan rendah, sehingga sulit dalam memberikan informasi mengenai keadaan yang mereka alami. Abstract  This study purpose to: (1) Identify agricultural extension programs which already conducted at Oelbiteno Village Center Fatuleu Subdistrict of Kupang Regency, (2) Identify level participation of farmer group members in planning of agriculturalextension program at Oelbiteno Village, Center Fatuleu Subdistrict of Kupang Regency,  (3) Idetify the obstacles faced farmer group member at Oelbiteno Village Center Fatuleu Subdistrict of Kupang Regency. The method study was survay. Sample location was purpossive sampling determining namely Oelbiteno Village, Center Fatuleu Subdistrict of Kupang Regency. The populasi in this study was all farmer which grouped in farmer groups namely  Berkat Bersama, Harapan, Biseli, Amtoas, Taleko Monit, Ameko, Besla Satu, Amkolo, Tunas Baru, Besla Dua, Amoki, dan  Polok Teno with the amount of 290 farmers. Sample of  farmer was simple random sampling determination by using Slovin formula therefore obtained farmer sample asmany as 74 farmers.  Data analysis in this study were qualitative descriptive, average and percentage analysis by using Likert Scale Approach. The result of study show that  51,35% respondent appertained on old ages (>50 years), appertained on low formal education (43,24% from the total of respondent who joined formal education untill pass from Elementary School), appertained on low non formal education (77,03%), and the wide of  farming was big enough namely on interval of 0,5-1 Ha (86,49%). Extension program which already conducted at Oelbiteno Village namely program of  increasing  production of dryland paddy, by looking the potencial of dryland and the average of farmer cultivate dryland paddy in the study location. Participation level of farmer group member in planning program of  production  increasion of dryland paddy at Oelbiteno Village was on “High” category. It was looking from farmer participation  on data collection appertained on high category and  level participation of  farmer on compiling estension draft program also on high category.  The obstacles which faced by farmer in the location of study namely low experiance of  knowledge, attitude, and farmer’s skill. In addition, farmer in the study location average own lowformal education, therefore they are difficult to inform their real codition


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    This research was conducted in Totomala Village, Wolowae sub District, District of Nagekeo. The aims of study is to fi nd out the marketing channel, marketing margin and farmer’s share of cashew. Research data obtained by conducting interviews with 67 respondents. The data collected was analyzed by qualitative and descriptive methods, also used the predetermined equations. The results of the study indicate that there marketing channels of cashew at the research site. The fi rst channel farmers sell to wholesalers, the second channel the farmers sell to outside traders and then arrive at wholesaler, and the third channel of the farmers in the village and then to wholesalers. The price diff erence between levels of institutions in the marketing system is channel I of Rp.2000/kg, channel II of Rp.1000/kg, and channel III of Rp.2000/kg. The farmer shares cashew in the village to the mall which is the highest in channel II which is equal to 96,15 %, while channel I is 92,59% and channel III is 1%. While highest cost share is on channel III by 50,510%, followed by channel II by 10%. While on channel I there is no share of costs because farmers directly sell to large traders. While the highest share of profi ts is in channel I at 35,37% followed by channel II at 26% and channel III at 12,438% ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Totomala, Kecamatan Wolowae, Kabupaten Nagekeo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui saluran pemasaran, besarnya margin pemasaran dan farmer’s share pemasaran jambu mete di Desa Totomala, Kecamatan Wolowae, Kabupaten Nagekeo. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara kepada 67 orang responden. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis metode deskriptif, kualitatif, dan menggunakan persamaan yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga saluran pemasaran jambu mete di lokasi penelitian. Saluran pertama Petani menjual kepada Pedagang Besar, saluran kedua Petani menjual kepada P.P.L.D baru kemudian sampai di Pedagang Besar, dan saluran ketiga Petani menjual ke P.P.D.D kemudian kepada Pedagang Besar. Perbedaan harga diantara tingkat lembaga dalam sistem pemasaran yaitu saluran I sebesar Rp. 2000/Kg, saluran II sebesar Rp. 1000/Kg dan saluran III sebesar Rp.2000/ Kg. Farmer’s share jambu mete di Desa Totomala yang tertinggi berada pada saluran dua yaitu sebesar 96,15%. Sedangkan pada saluran satu sebesar 92,59% dan saluran tiga sebesar 1%. Sedangkan share biaya tertinggi terdapat pada saluran tiga sebesar 50,510%, diikuti saluran dua sebesar 10%. Sedangkan pada saluran satu tidak terdapat share biaya karena petani langsung menjual kepada pedagang besar. Sementara itu share keuntungan tertinggi terdapat pada saluran I sebesar 35,37%, diikuti saluran dua sebesar 26% dan saluran tiga sebesar 12,438%. &nbsp