100 research outputs found

    Effect of the RGB Wavelengths of LED Light on Growth Rates of Nile Tilapia Fry in Biofloc Technology (BFT) Systems

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    This research evaluates the effect of wavelengths of the light on growth rates of Nile tilapia fry in the order of improving sustainability in aquaculture production. For this purpose, four tanks of water with tilapias were studied. Three tanks were illuminated with LED lamps each one with monochromatic peak wavelengths (): Blue light (BL) tank with = 451.67 nm, Green light (GL) with = 513.33 nm and Red light (RL) tank with = 627.27 nm. All tanks were illuminated with a light intensity of 0.832 ⁄2, and they had a photoperiod of 18L:6D throughout the study. Besides, the fourth tank was illuminated only by Natural light (NL) tank, which had the function of witness tank. Each treatment included the fourth, were randomly assigned to 150L tanks that were stocked with 122 Nile tilapia fry. The Nile tilapia fry had an initial average weight of 0.24 ± 0.01 , and were grown for 73 days. The average final weight for BL, GL, RL and NL treatments were 15.54 g, 16.84 g, 17.27 g and 16.22 g, respectively. The results suggest that Nile tilapia fry was positively influenced by the red light wavelength, which was represented in the greatest mass gain

    Creación de Políticas de Seguridad de la Información a partir de un Análisis de Riesgos de los Activos de la Información dentro de la Unidad Académica de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas

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    The Autonomous University of Zacatecas has sensitive information on different axes; starting from personal information, academic projects and management of financial, technological and institutional resources. All this information constitutes, by nature, a series of assets that will always be important for any educational organization. In this logic, this research arises from the interest of implementing Information Security Policies to be able to adequately manage risks by administrative personnel who have direct contact with said information assets, specifically within the Academic Unit of Psychology. The focus of the present investigation is quantitative, using the non- experimental method, through a cross-sectional design, where the characteristic of data collection was carried out in a single moment and was descriptive. The results of the present investigation show, through a risk analysis matrix, different vulnerabilities of the information assets of this institution, a tool that set the standard to be able to adequately justify the risk mitigation measures. Based on this, an exhaustive search for good information security practices was carried out to display a series of recommendations that will help prevent many of the vulnerabilities and risks found in each information asset; All of these recommendations were incorporated through the creation of a Security Policy within the Administrative Area of the Academic Psychology Unit of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.La Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas cuenta con información sensible en distintos ejes; empezando desde información personal, de proyectos académicos y de manejo de recursos financieros, tecnológicos e institucionales. Toda esta información, constituye por naturaleza, una serie de activos que siempre serán importantes para cualquier organización educativa. En esta lógica, la presente investigación, nace del interés de implementar Políticas de Seguridad de la Información para poder gestionar adecuadamente los riesgos por parte del personal administrativo que tiene contacto directo con dichos activos de la información, específicamente dentro de la Unidad Académica de Psicología. El enfoque de la presente investigación es cuantitativo, utilizando el método no experimental, a través de un diseño transversal, donde la característica de recolección de datos se realizó en un único momento y fue de tipo descriptivo. Los resultados de la presente investigación muestran, a través de una matriz de análisis de riesgos, diferentes vulnerabilidades de los activos de la información de esta institución, herramienta que marcó la pauta para poder justificar adecuadamente las medidas de mitigación de riegos. Con base a esto, se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva de buenas prácticas de seguridad de la información para exhibir una seria de recomendaciones que ayudarán a prevenir muchas de las vulnerabilidades y riesgos encontrados en cada activo de la información; todas estas recomendaciones se incorporaron a través de la creación de Políticas de Seguridad dentro del Área Administrativa de la Unidad Académica de Psicología de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas

    Effects of Colored Light on Growth and Nutritional Composition of Tilapia, and Biofloc as a Food Source

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    Light stimulation and biofloc technology can be combined to improve the efficiency and sustainability of tilapia production. A 73-day pilot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of colored light on growth rates and nutritional composition of the Nile tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus) in biofloc systems. The effect of colored light on the nutritional composition of bioflocs as a food source for fish was measured. Three groups were illuminated in addition to natural sunlight with colored light using RGB light emitting diodes (LEDs) with peak wavelengths ( ) of 627.27 nm for red (R), 513.33 nm for green (G), and 451.67 nm for blue (B) light. LED light intensity was constant (0.832 mW/cm2), and had an 18-h photoperiod of light per day throughout the study. The control group was illuminated only with natural sunlight (natural). Tilapia had an average initial weight of 0.242 g. There was a significant effect of colored light on tilapia growth and composition. The R group showed the best growth rate, highest survival, and highest lipid content. The B group showed homogeneous growth with the lowest growth rate and lipid content, but the highest protein level. On the other hand, the biofloc composition was influenced by the green light in the highest content of lipids, protein, and nitrogen-free extract

    Measurements of concentration differences between liquid mixtures using digital holographic interferometry

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    We present an alternative method to detect and measure the concentration changes in liquid solutions. The method uses Digital Holographic Interferometry (DHI) and is based on measuring refractive index variations. The first hologram is recorded when a wavefront from light comes across an ordinary cylindrical glass container filled with a liquid solution. The second hologram is recorded after slight changing the liquid’s concentration. Differences in phase obtained from the correlation of the first hologram with the second one provide information about the refractive index variation, which is directly related to the changes in physical properties related to the concentration. The method can be used − with high sensitivity, accuracy, and speed − either to detect adulterations or to measure a slight change of concentration in the order of 0.001 moles which is equivalent to a difference of 0.003 g of sodium chloride in solutions. The method also enables to measure and calculate the phase difference among each pixel of two samples. This makes it possible to generate a global measurement of the phase difference of the entire sensed region

    Desarrollo de un Sistema para estimación de Evapotranspiración por la Técnica de Surface Renewal

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    La técnica de Surface Renewal fue usada para estimar la densidad del flujo de calor sensible (H), para lograr dicha estimación fue necesario realizar mediciones de temperatura a una frecuencia de 10 Hz, esto para analizar las pérdidas de agua en el cultivo a través de evapotranspiración real en pasto (césped), uno de los resultados obtenidos fue la estimación de H por la técnica de SR a través de dispositivos electrónicos y comunicación para proceso de la señal en tiempo real, esto para poder estimar el flujo de calor latente que es equivalente a la evapotranspiración y poder analizar cuanta pérdida de agua hay en un cultivo

    Teaching digital holography through an interface in Java

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    We present an interactive simulation software to help to teach and learn the holography concept. The education interface was developed in the Java platform. The Holographic Interface is a computer assisted learning that can be used in classrooms or for distance education. The binary holograms are numerically generated and reconstructed in the virtual optical laboratory. Several procedures are shown. The interface has been implemented with different options such as addition, subtraction, multiplexing and some properties of holography. Moreover, the software was designed to simultaneously visualize the 2D object, the generated hologram and the recovered image. We have taken into account the students’ suggestions in this version in Java

    El Programa de Consultorías Universitarias y su impacto en el desarrollo de las MiPyMEs de la Región Valles del Estado de Jalisco: caso CUValles

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    La tercera función sustantiva de las Universidades (vinculación-extensión) realza cada vez más su importancia en el desarrollo de todas las funciones sustantivas en las mismas, destacando la aplicación del Modelo de la Triple Hélice (Universidad- Empresa-Gobierno) con el desarrollo de programas de vinculación efectiva entre estos actores de la sociedad. Dicha vinculación se considera un eje articulador en la forma- ción profesional de los estudiantes, al tener la oportunidad de aplicar los conocimientos y habilidades adquiridas en su formación académica. El objetivo de este artículo es exponer los resultados del Programa de Consultorías Universitarias que se lleva a cabo en el Centro Universitario de los Valles, de la Universidad de Guadalajara, desde el año 2006, mediante el análisis de los resultados obtenidos en las MiPyMEs atendidas en la región de los Valles del Estado de Jalisco, mediante la metodología del Instituto para el Desarrollo y la Innovación de la Tecnología en la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa (IDITpyme), con la finalidad de incrementar su competitividad. La metodología aplicada es de carácter no experimental con un diseño descriptivo del análisis de la Base de Datos del Programa. Los principales hallazgos obtenidos del análisis son el fortalecimiento y las mejoras que logran implementar las MiPyMEs atendidas en el Programa, en las áreas de Administración, Costos, Implementación de Tecnologías, Mercadotecnia, Recursos Humanos, entre otras

    Real-time measurement of the average temperature profiles in liquid cooling using digital holographic interferometry

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    We present an alternative optical method to estimate the temperature during the cooling process of a liquid using digital holographic interferometry (DHI). We make use of phase variations that are linked to variations in the refractive index and the temperature property of a liquid. In DHI, a hologram is first recorded using an object beam scattered from a rectangular container with a liquid at a certain reference temperature. A second hologram is then recorded when the temperature is decreased slightly. A phase difference between the two holograms indicates a temperature variation, and it is possible to obtain the temperature value at each small point of the sensed optical field. The relative phase map between the two object states is obtained simply and quickly through Fourier-transform method. Our experimental results reveal that the temperature values measured using this method and those obtained with a thermometer are consistent. We additionally show that it is possible to analyze the heat-loss process of a liquid sample in dynamic events using DHI. (C) 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE

    Celdas de combustible con convertidores elevadores para energías alternativas

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    The need for energy in the world has led to the search for new ways of electric power generation, among which is the use of fuel cells as a renewable source that does not contribute to environmental pollution and has high efficiency in energy conversion. In this type of technology the system suffers voltage fluctuations due to the connected loads. Booster converters of boost type are used, which allow to regulate the tension to an optimal value, without great fluctuations. We chose the design of the PI type control by means of the state space method to obtain the transfer functions, and the Routh-Hurwitz criterion to obtain the constants of the PI controller. A fuel cell system of 1 kW was simulated keeping the regulator output voltage at 48 V constant with an overvoltage not greater than 30% of the desired value.The need for energy in the world has led to the search for new ways of electric power generation, among which is the use of fuel cells as a renewable source that does not contribute to environmental pollution and has high efficiency in energy conversion. In this type of technology the system suffers voltage fluctuations due to the connected loads. Booster converters of boost type are used, which allow to regulate the tension to an optimal value, without great fluctuations. We chose the design of the PI type control by means of the state space method to obtain the transfer functions, and the Routh-Hurwitz criterion to obtain the constants of the PI controller. A fuel cell system of 1 kW was simulated keeping the regulator output voltage at 48 V constant with an overvoltage not greater than 30% of the desired value