22 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of Stakeholders and Accounting Teachers‟ Perception of Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure Practice in Nigeria

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    The paper addresses a significant gap in the Corporate Social Environmental Disclosure literature indicated by the lack of studies that examine non-managerial stakeholders‟ perceptions of the practice. Recent calls in the CSER literature have emphasized the importance of giving voice to non-managerial stakeholders groups. This paper adopting the stakeholder theory examined the perceptions of stakeholders‟ and accounting teachers‟ toward CSER practice in Nigeria. The study with the aid of charts and the Analysis of variance, analyzed a total of 80 questionnaires that were administered to accountants of various groups. The paper as part of its finding observed that there was a variation in the perceptions accountants as it relates to corporate social environmental disclosure issues. the paper calls for more pro-active steps on the part government, accounting regulatory bodies and the academia to wake up to their responsibilities by issuing out policy statements and standards that will make it either voluntary or mandatory fo

    Role of Corporate Governance in the Financial Crisis; Evidence from Nigerian Banks

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    Accessing problems from the perceived causes usually leads to a relief or solution. This paper examines corporate governance and the Nigerian financial crisis which was majorly characterised by poor credit risk management, with the aim to determine the relationship that exists between corporate governance and credit risk management. Secondary data were gathered from 19 listed Nigerian banks for a 5 year period between 2005 and 2009; the postconsolidation to financial sector crash in Nigeria. Corporate governance is measured by statutory committee, committee independence, board size, board composition, executive duality and directors’ interest; while credit risk management is measured by non–performing loans ratio, loan loss provision, and loan to deposit ratio. The data were analysed by Ordinary least square panel data analysis. Findings revealed that banks with good corporate governance have better credit risk management. Results of the hypotheses tests revealed that there is a significant relationship between corporate governance and the credit risk management variables: non–performing loans ratio; loan loss provision; and loans to deposits ratio. This paper recommends that directors of banks should ensure compliance with corporate governance policies for a more thorough administration of the financial syste

    An Empirical Examination of the Relationship between Ownership Structure and the Performance of Firms in Nigeria

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    This study examines the relationship between ownership structure and the financial performance of listed firms in the financial sector of the Nigerian economy. To achieve the objective of this study, a total of 31 selected listed firms in the Nigerian stock exchange market were used. Also, the corporate annual reports for the period 2006-2010 were analyzed. This paper basically modeled the corporate ownership structure and firm performance relationship of the selected listed firms using the multivariate multiple regression analysis method to test the research propositions in this study. The study as part of it findings observed that observed that institutional ownership has a significant positive impact on the performance of the selected listed firms in Nigeria. In addition, the study also revealed that that there is a significant positive relationship between foreign ownership and the firm performance in Nigeria

    Corporate Regulation of Unethical Practices: Assessment of Nigeria’s Commercial Banking Industry

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    Evidently, a culture of due compliance has been eroded on multiple levels within Nigeria’s commercial banking industry. Hence, corporate values and professional ethics are being sacrificed on the grounds of; being competitive, returning impressive profit margins and increasing market share. Historical antecedents and emerging trends indicate the long term adverse effects of corporate malpractices, especially when left unmitigated by affected stakeholders. The appreciable decline in global oil prices has reenergized corporate regulatory oversight in Nigeria. The aim in this regard and as widely publicized; is to sanitize the wider business environment and importantly renew the public trust, domestically and internationally. Apparent trends of insider dealing practices subsist in Nigeria’s banking industry, even though very limited conclusive cases are available for exhaustive analysis. This fact is further validated by the various interventions of the requisite regulatory agencies, coupled with the local and international commentaries in this regards. Instructively, deployment of statutory-oversight by the requisite agencies has prevented a systemic collapse of banking industry. The paper also succinctly explored the essence of the stakeholder theory, as a basis to validate the necessity of corporate regulatory intervention. Relevant evidences, specific statutes and others verifiable sources utilized to expound on the theme of the paper. It is opined that there must be active collaborations between corporate stakeholders and the regulatory structures, particularly against the backdrop of Nigeria’s unfolding socio-economic peculiarities

    The Effect of Risk Management on Bank's Financial Performance in Nigeria

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    Financial management crisis around the world has proven that risk management practices are indispensable for organisations that aim at sustaining customer and shareholder patronage. The examples of Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat, Tyco, Barings Empire, Daiwa Bank debacle, and the recent N192 billion naira stimulation fund injected by the Governor Central Bank of Nigeria Sanusi Lamido into the banking sector to save ailing banks and the economy at large proved to us that effective risk management in banking operations cannot be compromised. This study investigated the impact of effective risk management on bank’s financial performance. The Ordinary least square Regression was employed in testing the hypothesis formulated. Data was collected from the annual reports of banks listed on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The study observed that there exist a negative non-significant relationship between risk management proxies and bank’s performance as captured with return on equity. Thus financial performance cannot be explained away by the compliance or non-compliance to Basel’s regulation by financial institutions, but could be as a result of the accumulation of minor difficulties and inconsequential malfunction of the individual actors resulting in a massive breakdow

    Mobile learning and accounting students’ readiness in tertiary and professional institutions in Nigeria

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    Mobile Learning (m-learning) a learning method facilitated by the convenience of mobile technology has a crucial role to play in the development of quality education in Nigeria which represents the fourth Sustainable Development Goal. However, Despite the advantages of mobile learning as an emerging learning method and its adoption across several disciplines, research into its adoption in accounting education and within developing contexts including Nigeria is still at infancy. This study, therefore, investigates the readiness of Accounting students in Nigeria to utilize m-learning for their accounting education. The survey research design was employed with copies of a relevant questionnaire distributed to 1,225 accounting students in three tertiary as well as three professional institutions in Nigeria, a total of 1021 of the retrieved copies were deemed suitable for data analyses. The study observes that there is a widespread usage of mobile devices and technology, especially smart devices among accounting students in both tertiary and professional institutions. It also found that the cost of internet access, instability of network as well as the level of the inexperience of students and instructors may impede the successful adoption of m-learning in Nigeria. The study recommends that m-learning adoption of m-learning in Nigerian should go in-line with the enhancement of mobile infrastructure especially network coverage and the training of students as well as instructors in the country to use mobile technology for learning. This will bring sustainable development to education in Nigeria


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    Urban renewal is usually a government-sanctioned exercise to clean up decaying portions of cities. Following unintended negative consequences like internal displacements arising from the exercise in developing countries, scholars call for naming those displaced by it “special categories of IDPs” to receive humanitarian assistance like those displaced by conflicts. This research aims to examine the challenges faced by development-induced IDPs in Ogun State, South-West Nigeria. About 420 adult IDPs who have had either their houses or shops demolished were randomly selected from two purposively chosen Local Government Areas (LGAs): Abeokuta North and Ado-Odo/Ota out of the five LGAs where massive urban renewal took place recently. Logistic regression results showed significant relationships between those forcefully displaced and occupational, income as well as health consequences. Traders, for instance, are three times more likely to lose customers and subsequently close business than civil servants who are the reference category in the regression results ( OR= 3.0; P< 0.001). Results also show a significant relationship between forced migrants and symptoms of depression arising from displacement through urban renewal because those affected were 12.8 times more likely to be depressed than those who were not displaced (RC=12.8; P<0.001). We recommend that in future similar exercise, the better and lasting solution is to compensate development-induced IDPs commensurately rather than calling them names that do not solve their problems