15 research outputs found

    Organizational Trust as a Conflict Management Tool in Contemporary Work Organizations

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    Conflict between management and employees or among employees is an irresistible phenomenon in contemporary work organizations. Evidences gathered from past and present studies revealed that a lot of conflict situations have occurred in work organizations which have significantly impacted organizational performance and its survival in recent times. Consequently, several conventional strategies and techniques have been deployed to constructively manage conflict situation in work organization however, realities show that managing conflict in work organizations remain a challenge to managers in today’s world of work. This is partly due to the fact that conflict arises from different sources; hence it is inimical to subscribes to the idea of one-size-fit-all approach to management of conflict. Based on this momentum, this chapter examines organizational trust as a conflict management tool in contemporary work organizations using an explanatory design and a basic review of literature. The chapter therefore explains the concept of organizational conflict vis-a vis organizational trust within the context of work organization. It also discusses factors causing conflict situation. It examines the importance of trust and factors responsible for the development of trust in organizations. The chapter further examines some theories of trust and also develops a framework for dealing with conflict in work organization

    Occupy Development: Towards a Caring Environment in Nigerian Urban Cities

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    ccupy Development (OD) stems from the yearning to explore transition ofsocial and human development as well as transformation strategies at bothconceptual and practical levels in a democratic, inclusive and sustainablemanner. Its main goal is to advance sustainable developmental paradigmentrenched by encouraging cautious utilization of human environment and itsresources in the context of meeting people‟s imageries and visions of a betterlife. Unfortunately, previous research showed that the altitude for a caringenvironment in Nigeria is abysmally low particularly in urban areas and therepercussion is becoming evident in the harsh socio-economic challenges thatthe people now face. Based on this reality, this paper advocates for occupydevelopment towards a caring environment in Nigerian urban cities. PollutionControl Model (PCM) was adopted as theoretical guide. Methodology employedincludes explanatory survey design. Extensive desk work was conducted onsecondary data retrieved from current and relevant academic publications,official bulletins and reports. Findings from the paper provided detailedknowledge on how to promote a free and just environment in Nigerian urbancentres.Keywords: Occupy Development, Environment, Attitude, Pollution, Urba

    Community-Based Green Care Initiative-A Catalyst for Sustainable Parenting Styles, Teaching Patterns and Early Child Self-Esteem in Nigeria

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    Community-based green care initiative is an intervention geared towards satisfying the environmental, social, psychological, medical and material care for stimulating healthy well-being of children, adolescence and adults. Evidence-based studies have established that there is continual degeneration of self-esteem among adolescence in developing countries including Nigeria due to problems associated with unsustainable parenting styles and teaching patterns. It is in the light of this, the study examines a community-based green care initiative as a catalyst for sustainable parenting styles, teaching patterns and child self-esteem in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study adopted exploratory survey design and tested three hypotheses on the subject matter. A self-structured questionnaire and in-depth interview guide were used for data collection. Quantitative data were analysed through percentage distribution table and multiple regressions while qualitative data were analysed using direct quotes. Findings were discussed with reference to relevant empirical literatures and future research highlighted

    Knowledge of Green Practices Adoption and Infusion among Employees’ of Selected Manufacturing Firms in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    This study investigates the knowledge of green practices adoption and infusion among employees of selected manufacturing companies in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study adopts a descriptive design in which qualitative (in-depth interview and key informant interview guide) and quantitative (questionnaire) methods were used for data collection. Multistage sampling techniques were employed in selecting respondents for the study. A total of 321 respondents were utilized in gathering the quantitative data while four (4) key informant interviews and eight (8) in-depth interviews were used for the collection of qualitative data. Descriptive statistics (frequency count and percentage distribution) and qualitative content analysis were deployed in analysing the data. The socio-demographic of the respondents showed that all had some level of formal education.  The findings of the study also revealed that a majority (84.7%) of the respondents had some level of knowledge about green practices adoption and infusion in their organizations however a significant proportion (15.3%) of the respondents are still lacking sufficient understanding of green practices adoption and infusion as indicated in the study organizations. The study therefore concludes that improved awareness and education on every aspect of green practices infusion and adoption is still needed among employees of manufacturing companies in Nigeria in order to achieve the desired sustainable development goals by the year 2030

    Leadership Style and Multigenerational Workforce: A Call for Workplace Agility in Nigerian Public Organizations

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    In today’s work organization, leaders are faced with the task of harmonizing workplace friction occasioned by multi-generation workforce, each with different perspectives and traits toward achieving organizational goal and objectives. Consequently, public organizations around the world and Nigeria inclusive comprised of four different generations of employees i.e. Traditionalist, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y otherwise known as Millennials – who can bring out the best or worst of the organization depending on how well the leader can manage the talent mix. Thus, it become imperative for leaders to develop knowledge on how to address the differences in motivations, working styles, communication pattern and technological  preferences of multigenerational workforce. This task cannot be ignored by organization that aimed to achieve harmonious working environment and progress in the current global economy. In light of this reality, the paper examined leadership and multi-generational workforce in Nigerian public organizations through extensive review of literatures on concept of leadership, dynamics of multigenerational workforce and the strategies on how to integrate the multigenerational differences to bring about many benefits such as workplace productivity, creativity and innovation, talent attraction, reduced turnover and increased competitive advantage as well as to reduce tension in Nigerian public organizations. Keywords: Workforce, Multi-generation, Integration, Creativity, Organizational Productivit

    Factors Influencing Green Practices Adoption and Infusion by Manufacturing Companies in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    This study examined factors influencing the adoption and infusion of green practices by manufacturing companies in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study adopted a cross-sectional and descriptive survey research design. Area-based technique in which multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 321 employees of medium and large-sca2le manufacturing firms in Ogun State, Nigeria. A semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were analysed using factor analysis and multiple regression. An examination of the research objective revealed two technological factors which are a combination of adoption cost and complexity (as the first factor) as well as the combination of relative advantage and compatibility (as the second factor) that influence green practices adoption in every manufacturing company. Also, five organizational factors (regulatory support, organizational support, quality of human resources, environmental factors and customer pressure) influence green practices adoption with eigenvalues greater than 1 and Cronbach’s alpha greater than 0.700. Test of hypotheses revealed that compatibility (β =0.191, t = 2.033; P .05), complexity (β =0.022, t = .264; P .05), quality of human resource (β =0.125, t = 1.364; P > .05), government support (β =-.031, t = -464; P > .05), regulatory support (β = -.118, t = -1.562 P > .05) and customer pressure (β = -.119, t = -1.557; P > .05) had no significant independent prediction on infusion of green practices. The findings of the study were discussed within the existing literature and recommendations were provided for policy intervention

    Knowledge of Green Practices Adoption and Infusion among Employees’ of Selected Manufacturing Firms in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    This study investigates the knowledge of green practices adoption and infusion among employees of selected manufacturing companies in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study adopts a descriptive design in which qualitative (in-depth interview and key informant interview guide) and quantitative (questionnaire) methods were used for data collection. Multistage sampling techniques were employed in selecting respondents for the study. A total of 321 respondents were utilized in gathering the quantitative data while four (4) key informant interviews and eight (8) in-depth interviews were used for the collection of qualitative data. Descriptive statistics (frequency count and percentage distribution) and qualitative content analysis were deployed in analysing the data. The socio-demographic of the respondents showed that all had some level of formal education.  The findings of the study also revealed that a majority (84.7%) of the respondents had some level of knowledge about green practices adoption and infusion in their organizations however a significant proportion (15.3%) of the respondents are still lacking sufficient understanding of green practices adoption and infusion as indicated in the study organizations. The study therefore concludes that improved awareness and education on every aspect of green practices infusion and adoption is still needed among employees of manufacturing companies in Nigeria in order to achieve the desired sustainable development goals by the year 2030

    La importancia de salvaguardar el entorno electoral para la seguridad del votante y una elección creíble en África: el caso de Nigeria

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    La protección del entorno es un proceso de resurgimiento del medio ambiente en lo que concierne a la amenaza de la paz global y la seguridad emergente. Es un esfuerzo pluridimensional que involucra la seguridad mental, económica, social, cultural, informática y la seguridad intelectual. Desde este punto de vista, un tema que se ha mantenido a la vanguardia del debate público es la forma de garantizar la máxima seguridad en el proceso electoral. A la luz de esto, el estudio examina por medio de una teoría de la seguridad social la relevancia de la protección del entorno para garantizar la seguridad y la credibilidad de los votantes en África, particularmente en Nigueria. Utiliza el diseño de motivos con fuerte dependencia de los datos cualitativos secundarios procedentes de publicaciones académicas actuales y relevantes, boletines oficiales e informes, con el objetivo de encontrar a partir del estudio los conocimientos prácticos sobre cómo un medio ambiente asegurado puede contribuir al proceso de democratización de Áfric

    La importancia de salvaguardar el entorno electoral para la seguridad del votante y una elección creíble en África: el caso de Nigeria

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    The protection of the surroundings is a process of resurgence of the environment in regard to the threat to global peace and the emerging security. It is a pluri-dimensional effort that involves mental, economic, cultural, information technology and intellectual security. From this point of view, a topic that has been at the forefront of public debate is the way to guarantee maximum security in the electoral process. In light of this, the study examines, by means of a theory of social security, the relevance of the protection of the surroundings in order to guarantee the security and credibility of voters in Africa, particularly in Nigeria. It uses the motives design with a strong dependence on secondary qualitative data that come from current and relevant data, official bulletins and reports with the aim of finding, based on the study, practical knowledge about how a secured environment can contribute to the democratization process in AfricaLa protección del entorno es un proceso de resurgimiento del medio ambiente en lo que concierne a la amenaza de la paz global y la seguridad emergente. Es un esfuerzo pluridimensional que involucra la seguridad mental, económica, social, cultural, informática y la seguridad intelectual. Desde este punto de vista, un tema que se ha mantenido a la vanguardia del debate público es la forma de garantizar la máxima seguridad en el proceso electoral. A la luz de esto, el estudio examina por medio de una teoría de la seguridad social la relevancia de la protección del entorno para garantizar la seguridad y la credibilidad de los votantes en África, particularmente en Nigueria. Utiliza el diseño de motivos con fuerte dependencia de los datos cualitativos secundarios procedentes de publicaciones académicas actuales y relevantes, boletines oficiales e informes, con el objetivo de encontrar a partir del estudio los conocimientos prácticos sobre cómo un medio ambiente asegurado puede contribuir al proceso de democratización de Áfric

    Ecopreneurship and Green Product Initiative (GPI): An Agenda for Nigeria’s Sustainable Development in the 21st Century

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    W artykule omówiono ekoprzedsiębiorczość oraz inicjatywę na rzecz ekologicznych produktów jako program zrównoważonego rozwoju w Nigerii. Wyjaśniono, jak wyjątkową rolę odgrywają one w ramach kształtującej się tendencji w zakresie zielonej gospodarki na obecnym rynku światowym. W artykule udokumentowano liczne korzyści związane z ekoprzedsiębiorczością oraz wskazano możliwe sposoby ich przełożenia na oczekiwany zrównoważony rozwój. Wyjaśniono również wielopoziomową wspólną płaszczyznę ekoprzedsiębiorczości i inicjatyw na rzecz ekologicznych produktów w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Z teoretycznego punktu widzenia w celu podkreślenia znaczenia ekoprzedsiębiorczości i inicjatyw na rzecz ekologicznych produktów w tym właśnie kontekście jako ramy rozwoju przyjęto teorię przedsiębiorczości Schumpetera oraz teorię ekologicznej modernizacji. Artykuł ma charakter eksploracyjny. Wykorzystano w nim dane wtórne z aktualnych tematycznych publikacji naukowych oraz raportów. Wnioski służą jako wskazówki i zalecenia dla rządu, badaczy, naukowcówW artykule omówiono ekoprzedsiębiorczość oraz inicjatywę na rzecz ekologicznych produktów jako program zrównoważonego rozwoju w Nigerii. Wyjaśniono, jak wyjątkową rolę odgrywają one w ramach kształtującej się tendencji w zakresie zielonej gospodarki na obecnym rynku światowym. W artykule udokumentowano liczne korzyści związane z ekoprzedsiębiorczością oraz wskazano możliwe sposoby ich przełożenia na oczekiwany zrównoważony rozwój. Wyjaśniono również wielopoziomową wspólną płaszczyznę ekoprzedsiębiorczości i inicjatyw na rzecz ekologicznych produktów w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Z teoretycznego punktu widzenia w celu podkreślenia znaczenia ekoprzedsiębiorczości i inicjatyw na rzecz ekologicznych produktów w tym właśnie kontekście jako ramy rozwoju przyjęto teorię przedsiębiorczości Schumpetera oraz teorię ekologicznej modernizacji. Artykuł ma charakter eksploracyjny. Wykorzystano w nim dane wtórne z aktualnych tematycznych publikacji naukowych oraz raportów. Wnioski służą jako wskazówki i zalecenia dla rządu, badaczy, naukowców i innych zainteresowanych podmiotów, dotyczące wspierania ekoprzedsiębiorczości i inicjatyw na rzecz ekologicznych produktów oraz angażowania się i inwestycji w tym zakresie, a także pokazujące kierunki podążania ku zrównoważonemu rozwojowi w przyszłości.This paper examines ecopreneurship and green product initiative as an agenda for sustainable development in Nigeria. It explains the exclusive roles of ecopreneurship and green product initiatives in the rising trend of green economy in the current global market. The paper documents the numerous benefits associated with eco-entrepreneurship and how these benefits can translate to anticipated sustainable development. It also explains the multi-level intersection of eco-entrepreneurship and green product initiatives within the context of sustainable development. Theoretically, the paper adopts Schumpeter’s theory of entrepreneurship and ecological modernization theory as a development framework to underline the importance of ecopreneurship and green product initiatives in the context of sustainable development. The paper is exploratory with the use of secondary data sourced from current and relevant academic publications and reports. Findings from the paper serve as indicators and pointers to government, researchers, academicians and other stakeholders to promote, engage and invest in ecopreneurship and green product initiatives as the lens to locate the path to a more sustainable future