10 research outputs found

    Developing a Modified Hybrid Caesar Cipher and Vigenere Cipher for Secure Data Communication

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    Many Ciphers have been developed to provide data security. This paper sets out to contribute to the general body of knowledge in the area of classical cryptography by developing a new modified hybrid way of encryption of plaintext. Using of large key spaces with huge number of rounds with multiple complex operations may provide security but at the same time affects speed of operation. Hence in this paper, a modified hybrid of Caesar Cipher and Vigenere Cipher with diffusion and confusion which Classical ciphers cannot boast of is proposed. The Caesar Cipher and Vigenere Cipher have been modified and expanded so as to include alphabets, numbers and symbols and at the same time introduced a complete confusion and diffusion into the modified cipher developed. Classical ciphers can be made effective and used for providing security by adding the properties possessed by the modern ciphers. In this paper, the characteristics of modern cipher were incorporated to classical cipher. Thus the proposed Scheme is a hybrid version of classical and modern cipher properties in which the modified hybrid of both the Caesar Cipher and Vigenere Cipher is now made a very strong cipher and difficult to break using a frequency method, brute force, etc. Keywords: Encryption, Decryption, Substitution, Cipher, Random Number, Recursive, Primitive Root, Plaintext, Cipher Text, Optimizatio

    Study of Pressurized Water Reactor Design Models

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    This study of pressurized water reactor design models involves the application of linear regression analysis on two typical Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactor design models, viz Pressurized Water Reactor Design I (PWRD I) and Pressurized Water Reactor Design II (PWRD II). Empirical expressions are obtained for PWRD I model and PWRD II model. The results of the statistical analyses on these two types of nuclear reactor models reveal that the PWRD II promises to be more stable and therefore safer. The implication of this research effort to Nigeria’s nuclear power project is discussed. Keywords: Linear Regression Analysis, Pressurized Water Reactor Design Models, Safety Factor, ?, Optimization, Stability Margin in Nuclear Power Reactor Design

    Stability Margin Analysis of Gas-Cooled Reactor Design Models

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    To determined the safety margin of different Gas-Cooled Reactor Design, linear regression analysis is applied on three typical Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactor design models, viz Gas-Cooled Reactor Design I (GCRD I), Gas-cooled Reactor Design II (GCRD II) and Gas-cooled Reactor Design III (GCRD III). Empirical expressions are obtained for GCRD I model, GCRD II model and GCRD III model. The results of the statistical analyses on these three types of nuclear reactor models reveal that the GCRD III promises to be most stable and therefore safer. The implication of this research effort to Nigeria’s nuclear power project is discussed. Keywords: Linear Regression Analysis, Gas-Cooled Reactor Design Models, Safety Margin, Safety Factor, ?, Optimization, Stability Margin in Nuclear Power Reactor Design Models

    The Use of ICT Tools in Tackling Insecurity and Terrorism Problem in Nigeria

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    The paper seek ICT tools solution to crime and insurgence attack in Nigeria by providing a broad view of the Public Security Communications System  (PSCS), Public Safety Networks (PSNs)  and National Security Information Centre (NSIC) and some ways that ICT-based technologies can assist security agencies in been more efficient and effective in their operations for national development. In addition, some efficient and effective techniques to tackle insurgency was presented. Keywords: PSCS,  PSNs, NSIC, Insecurity, Crime, Insurgency, Boko-Haram, Nigeri

    Comparative Analysis of Water-Cooled Reactor Design Models and Gas-Cooled Reactor Design Models

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    To determined the most stable and probably the safest reactor between water-cooled reactor designs and gas-cooled reactor designs in terms of their coolant, Linear Regression Analysis is applied on four typical nuclear reactor design models, viz water-cooled reactor design I (WCRD I), water-cooled reactor design II (WCRD II), gas-cooled reactor design I (GCRD I) and gas-cooled reactor design II (GCRD II). Empirical expressions are obtained for WCRD I model, WCRD II model, GCRD I model and GCRD II model. The results of the statistical analyses on these four types of nuclear reactor models reveal that the GCRD II promises to be most stable. The implication of this research effort to Nigeria’s nuclear power project is discussed. Keywords: Linear Regression Analysis, Water-Cooled Reactor Design Models, Gas-Cooled Reactor Design Models, Safety Factor, ?, Optimization, Stability Margin in Nuclear Power Reactor Design

    Assessment of genetic diversity of selected cowpea landraces from Nigeria based on simple sequence repeat markers

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    Understanding the genetic diversity of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) landraces is useful for effective characterization and ex-situ conservation of germplasm. The analysis of genetic diversity of eighteen cowpea landraces collected from five agro-ecological zones in Nigeria was reported in this study. Five individuals per landrace were genotyped with six polymorphic microsatellite markers. Three to 5 alleles with a mean of 3.833 were detected. Mean Polymorphic information content (PIC) and observed heterozygosity of the markers were 0.5721 and 0.2433, respectively. Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) showed that variation due to agroecological zone constituted 24%, while variations among and within landraces as well as within individuals constituted 25%, 17% and 33%, respectively. Landraces collected from the humid rainforest zone showed high within landrace diversity and were not significantly different (P ≥ 0.001) from other landraces collected from the same zone. Landraces from the savannah zones showed low within landrace diversity and homozygous across all loci. Consequently, among landrace diversity was higher in the savannah zone with landraces collected from guinea savannah been the most diverse, followed by landraces from the derived savannah and Sudan savannah. Mantel test showed positive and significant correlation (r= 0.377, p= 0.01) between genetic and geographical distance of landrace collections. The findings are important for up-to-date characterizations of cowpea germplasm in Nigeria for improved breeding programs. Keywords: Genetic diversity, cowpea, Alleles, Polymorphic information content, AMOVA

    Examine Unsteady State of the Emergency Power System on Reactor Stability and Safety

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    The research conducted safety margin test on some typical water-cooled reactor design (WCRD) models at an accident situation and at same time loss of emergency power supply occurred, secondly safety margin test was carried out on the thermal efficiency and thermal power output of the reactor when power supply failed and thirdly, safety margin test was perform on the reactor in relation to the high temperature effect within reactor core and the fuel temperature. The results of the statistical analysis on these types of nuclear reactor models reveals that the typical water-cooled reactor design (WCRD) models promises most stability under thermal efficiency of 45% and above. Meanwhile, at anything below 45% thermal efficiency the fuel element seems to be unstable in the reactor as the regression plot could not find it optimal. At this point the fuel temperature seems at maximum, the reactor agrees to be stable as the regression plot was at the best fit, that is the least squares method finds its optimum when the sum, S, of squared residuals became minimal. The safety margin prediction of 4.42% was validated for a typical WCRD model as an advantage over the current 5.1% challenging problem for plant engineers to predict the safety margin limit. Keywords: water-cooled reactor design models accident, emergency power supply failure, high temperature effect, thermal efficiency and thermal power output, reactor stability and safety.

    Assessing the Design effect of Pressure Vessel Height and Radius on Reactor Stability and Safety

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    The Design of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) should be that the height of pressure vessel is up to 16.0m and radius is up to 5.6m to ensure safe operation of nuclear reactor. The research conducted safety margin test on the design dimension of RPV in terms of the height and radius, secondly safety margin test was carried out on applied high temperature on the reactor graphite core and thirdly, safety margin test were perform on the cooling problem of the nuclear reactor core in relation to fuel temperature. By applying Linear Regression Analysis Techniques on some typical Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) models. The results of the statistical analysis on these types of nuclear reactor models reveals that the RPV models promises stability under application of pressure vessel up to 16.0m height and radius 5.6m. At this point the temperature seems at maximum and the reactor agrees to be more stable as the regression plot was optimized, that is the least squares method finds its optimum when the sum, S, of squared residuals is at minimum. The safety margin prediction of 3.1% was validated for a typical RPV model as an advantage over the current 5.1% challenging problem for plant engineers to predict the safety margin limit. Keywords: Reactor pressure vessel design, height and radius, high temperature effect, fuel element, risk and failure, reactor safety, safety factor, ?, optimization, stability margin, reactor pressure vessel design models, selection of pressure vessel

    Control Rods Drop Failure On Reactors Stability And Safety

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    This paper examined the control rod drop-failure in nuclear power plants. Safety margin test was conducted on some typical water-cooled reactor design (WCRD) models at an accident situation, secondly safety margin test was carried out on the thermal efficiency and thermal power output of the reactor when power supply failed and thirdly, safety margin test was perform on the reactor in relation to the high temperature within reactor core and the fuel temperature. The results of the statistical analysis on these types of nuclear reactor models reveals that the typical water-cooled reactor design (WCRD) models promises most stability under thermal efficiency of 45% and above. Meanwhile, at anything below 45% thermal efficiency the fuel element seems to be unstable in the reactor as the regression plot could not find it optimal. At this point the fuel temperature seems at maximum, the reactor agrees to be stable as the regression plot was at the best fit, that is the least squares method finds its optimum when the sum, S, of squared residuals became minimal. Safety margin prediction of 4.42% was validated for a typical WCRD model as an advantage over the current 5.1% challenging problem for plant engineers to predict the safety margin limit. Keywords: water-cooled reactor design models, control rods drop failure, high fuel temperature, thermal efficiency and thermal power,  reactor stability and safety

    The Nigeria Energy Challenge and the Nuclear Energy Option

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    Nigeria and other nations are looking for solution to their energy crisis and nuclear energy seem to be an option as Federal Government have mandated NAEC, an apex arm of government charge with development of nuclear energy programme for the country to look at the possibility of using nuclear power to generate electricity. The study investigated risk management of nuclear project so as to guide against wastage or loss in the economy. More also, this paper look at the challenges involved in nuclear power industry, assessed the prospects in Nigeria, examined nuclear power plant safety in the country by taken cognizant of Nigeria maintenance culture and environmental challenges. Furthermore, the study examined the advantages of nuclear power plants because historically they are highly complex and prime innovators of new technology. The research implication was that adequate preparation on nuclear safety, education, strong public sensitization, foundational public awareness creation and acceptances, and then coupled with strong legislative nuclear power policy are necessary factors for the development of the sector in Nigeria. Keywords: Nigeria energy crisis, nuclear energy option for Nigeria, nuclear power plants challenges and prospects, safety aspect of nuclear power plant in Nigeria, maintenance culture and environmental challenges, nuclear power plants advantages and cost implication