190 research outputs found

    Functional characterization of hexokinases in the moss Physcomitrella patens

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    Carbohydrates are important nutrients and structural components in all living organisms. In plants they affect the developmental and metabolic processes throughout the plant life cycle. However, the mechanisms by which plants recognise and respond to carbohydrates are mainly unknown. Hexokinase, an enzyme that mediates the first catalytic step in hexose metabolism, has recently been suggested to be involved in sugar sensing and signalling in plants. The moss Physcomitrella patens has recently emerged as a powerful model system in plant functional genomics following the discovery that gene targeting works in it with frequencies comparable to those in yeast. The aim of this thesis was to learn more about the function of plant hexokinases, both as key metabolic enzymes and in their putative role as sensors in sugar signalling, using Physcomitrella patens as a model system. Five hexokinases from Physcomitrella patens were cloned and studied with respect to their subcellular localizations. PpHxk1 and PpHxk5 are located in the stroma of chloroplasts and are dependent on N-terminal transit peptides for correct localization. PpHxk2 and PpHxk3 both contain hydrophobic membrane anchors that localize the proteins to the outer envelope of chloroplasts. PpHxk4 contain neither a transit peptide nor an anchor, and is found in the cytosol. A targeted knockout revealed that PpHxk1 is the major hexokinase in Physcomitrella, accounting for 80% of the glucose phosphorylating activity. Consistent with this, the knockout mutant exhibits an artificial starvation phenotype with altered sensitivities to plant hormones and a disturbed development

    Pathways to Employment

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    Background This project’s aims are twofold (1) to uncover and define the underlying theories of change guiding competing active labor market programs (ALMP) in Sweden, and (2) to assess the relative effectiveness of these competing programs in a theory-based non-randomized controlled trial. The purpose is to assess the extent to which competing ALMPs are effective in moving long-term unemployed individuals (i.e. unemployed for 6 months or more) closer to the labor-market. Methods/Design This project will engage ALMP program administrators and service providers in semi-structured interviews. The transcribed interview material will be used as a basis for program theory reconstruction. All specified program theories will be presented back to program stakeholders for validation. ALMP program effectiveness will be assessed quasi-experimentally with pre- (T1) and posttest (T2) collection of self-reported data. Additionally, official register data from the Longitudinal integrated database for health insurance and labor market studies (LISA) will be collected for all participants. In addition, a matched sample will be collected from LISA to be used as a non-treated control group on final policy outcomes (e.g., employment, salary/wage). This study also assesses program implementation and economic outcomes of the included ALMPs. Discussion Long-term unemployment has profound impact of the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities. In addition, the effects of long-term unemployment have been found to impact subgroups differently. Today we have scant knowledge on the mechanisms that are influential in moving individuals from long-term unemployment closer to the labor market. This study is designed to answer six research questions using a variety of methods (mixed-methods) and outcome measures (self-report, official register). In addition, this study leverages official register data to construct an untreated control group. This study will assess the extent to which an emerging theory of becoming job ready holds under experimental scrutiny

    OmvÄrdnadsÄtgÀrder kring mÄltiden som frÀmjar hÀlsan för personer med anorexia nervosa. En litteraturstudie.

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    Bakgrund: Anorexia nervosa Àr en psykisk sjukdom som pÄverkar bÄde den fysiska och psykiska hÀlsan och minst 10% av patientgruppen dör i sjukdomen pÄ lÄng sikt. MÄltiden Àr en viktig del av behandlingen inom slutenvÄrden och sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i att hjÀlpa patienterna mot en god hÀlsa. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vilka omvÄrdnadsÄtgÀrder i anslutning till mÄltiden som kan frÀmja hÀlsan för personer med anorexia nervosa inom slutenvÄrden. Resultat: En god terapeutisk relation Àr en förutsÀttning för att normalisera Àtbeteendet hos patienterna. Tydliga rutiner Àr viktiga för att ÄterfÄ ett normalt Àtmönster och frÀmja hÀlsan. Under mÄltiden bör sjuksköterskan sitta med för att handleda, agera förebild och anvÀnda olika metoder för att distrahera patienten, sÄsom musik och videoklipp. NÀr patienterna fÄr agera förebild för varandra kan deras utveckling i behandlingen bli positivt pÄverkad. Diskussion: Litteraturstudien har en mindre omfattning. Eftersom en större litteraturstudie aldrig gjorts pÄ Àmnet skulle en sÄdan behövas för att sammanstÀlla kunskap som kan vara anvÀndbar i den kliniska sjuksköterskan arbete

    Two novel types of hexokinases in the moss Physcomitrella patens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hexokinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose and fructose, but it is also involved in sugar sensing in both fungi and plants. We have previously described two types of hexokinases in the moss <it>Physcomitrella</it>. Type A, exemplified by PpHxk1, the major hexokinase in <it>Physcomitrella</it>, is a soluble protein that localizes to the chloroplast stroma. Type B, exemplified by PpHxk2, has an N-terminal membrane anchor. Both types are found also in vascular plants, and localize to the chloroplast stroma and mitochondrial membranes, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have now characterized all 11 hexokinase encoding genes in <it>Physcomitrella</it>. Based on their N-terminal sequences and intracellular localizations, three of the encoded proteins are type A hexokinases and four are type B hexokinases. One of the type B hexokinases has a splice variant without a membrane anchor, that localizes to the cytosol and the nucleus. However, we also found two new types of hexokinases with no obvious orthologs in vascular plants. Type C, encoded by a single gene, has neither transit peptide nor membrane anchor, and is found in the cytosol and in the nucleus. Type D hexokinases, encoded by three genes, have membrane anchors and localize to mitochondrial membranes, but their sequences differ from those of the type B hexokinases. Interestingly, all moss hexokinases are more similar to each other in overall sequence than to hexokinases from other plants, even though characteristic sequence motifs such as the membrane anchor of the type B hexokinases are highly conserved between moss and vascular plants, indicating a common origin for hexokinases of the same type.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that the hexokinase gene family is more diverse in <it>Physcomitrella</it>, encoding two additional types of hexokinases that are absent in vascular plants. In particular, the presence of a cytosolic and nuclear hexokinase (type C) sets <it>Physcomitrella </it>apart from vascular plants, and instead resembles yeast, where all hexokinases localize to the cytosol. The fact that all moss hexokinases are more similar to each other than to hexokinases from vascular plants, even though both type A and type B hexokinases are present in all plants, further suggests that the hexokinase gene family in <it>Physcomitrella </it>has undergone concerted evolution.</p

    Alternativa distributionskanaler för mjölkprodukter

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    Mjölkproduktion Àr viktigt för svenskt jordbruk. Sektorn stÄr för sammanlagt en femtedel av jordbrukets produktionsvÀrde. Trenden bland mjölkproducenterna gÄr mot att de med smÄ besÀttningar avvecklar sin verksamhet medan de stora vÀxer. Orsaken till det konstant minskande antalet producenter Àr rationaliseringen inom jordbruket, men Àven den svaga lönsamheten som i dagslÀget rÄder i branschen. Distributionen och förÀdlingen inom den svenska mjölkindustrin domineras av ett fÄtal stora mejerikooperativ som har marknadsmakt. Genom att anvÀnda sig av alternativa distributionskanaler, som i denna uppsats definieras som de kanaler som inte Àr direkt via de stora konventionella mejerikooperativen sÄ som Arla, Milko och SkÄnemejerier, kan mjölkproducenten fÄ större inflytande i distributionskedjan. Denna typ av distribution kan Àven skapa mervÀrden för producenten vilket gör att motiven att behÄlla verksamheten ökar. Problemet för mjölkproducenter som vill distribuera sina produkter via alternativa kanaler Àr att det Àr svÄrt för nya aktörer att trÀda in pÄ mjölkmarknaden pÄ grund av marknadsdominansen. Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att studera vilka fördelar och problem mjölkproducenter upplever med att anvÀnda alternativa distributionskanaler. Syftet Àr Àven att analysera vilka strategier mjölkproducenterna kan utnyttja för att vara konkurrenskraftiga pÄ marknaden nÀr de anvÀnder sig av alternativa distributionskanaler. För att utreda uppsatsens syfte har en empirisk studie i form av en kvalitativ intervjustudie med mjölkproducenter som anvÀnder alternativa distributionskanaler gjorts. Intervjustudien har kompletterats med en litteraturstudie inom omrÄdet. Resultatet Àr att de fördelar mjölkproducenterna upplever med de alternativa distributions-kanalerna Àr att de fÄr ökat inflytande och kontroll i distributionskanalen. En annan betydande fördel Àr att de kan skapa ett eget varumÀrke baserat pÄ mervÀrden och dÀrigenom förmedla en stolthet över sin produktion. Problem för mjölkproducenter som anvÀnder sig av alternativa distributionskanaler Àr att mejeriindustrin Àr reglerad av hÄrda krav och dessutom Àr kapitalintensiv. Ett annat problem Àr att distributionen blir ineffektiv dÄ mjölkproducenten i mÄnga fall Àr smÄskalig och inte kan utnyttja stordriftsfördelar. Mjölkproducenterna upplever Àven svÄrigheter i att komma in i butikssortimentet. Ett framtida problem pÄ marknaden för mjölkprodukter som distribueras genom alternativa kanaler Àr att konkurrensen ökar. För att en mjölkproducent ska kunna anvÀnda alternativa distributionskanaler och samtidigt vara konkurrenskraftig pÄ marknaden krÀvs att producenten har en strategi som bygger pÄ ett koncept med ett varumÀrke som förmedlar produktens mervÀrden. Dessa mervÀrden mÄste producenten sedan förmedla till konsumenten pÄ ett trovÀrdigt sÀtt för att kunna bygga upp ett konkurrenskraftigt varumÀrke. Distributionen bör ske med fÄ mellanhÀnder sÄ att producenten har kontroll och inflytande över kedjan. För att underlÀtta och effektivisera distributionen bör producenten samarbeta med andra aktörer som strÀvar mot gemensamma intressen. Distributionen av mjölkprodukter bör ske genom en intensiv strategi men profileras med en exklusiv image eller sÄ bör mjölken vidareförÀdlas sÄ att produkten blir mer unik. PÄ vilket sÀtt en mjölkproducent bör utnyttja distributionsstrategierna beror pÄ verksamhetens omfattning och struktur

    The role of relationships in lending to farmers

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    There have been significant changes in the agricultural sector during the past 20 years (Jordbruksverket, 2008). The development of today is towards deregulation and adaption to global market conditions. As farmers try to adapt to the changed and more competitive market conditions investments are often necessary (LRF Konsult et al, 2012). Loans to agriculture and forestry businesses have increased to record levels and debt has doubled over the past years. The financial turbulence of the past years has contributed to an increase of the meaningfulness and willingness of the banks to be able to understand and handle risks associated with agriculture and forestry (Breiding, 2010). Handelsbanken has during the last five years made a major expansion in the segment of farm and forestry clients. When assessing finance to farm businesses, it can be a costly and complicated process for the loan officer to find the right objective information; therefore the personal contact and relationship between the loan officer and the credit applicant is a very important factor in the credit evaluation process (Akhavein et al, 2004). Yet little is known about how the relationship is established and which factors affect the relationship (Hedelin & Sjöberg, 1992; Bruns 2003). The farm- and forestry division of Handelsbanken is interested in investigating how the relationship between the bank and its clients is established and what factors are influencing the relationship. The purpose of this study is to investigate how loan officers establish an understanding of applicants' personal character in the loan application process, and how that understanding together with the personal relationship that is formed between the loan officer and the credit applicant affects the credit evaluation. The approach of this project is explorative. According to Kvale (1997) the aim of an explorative study is to search for new dimensions of the unit of analysis. The reason for choosing an explorative approach of the study is that there has not been much research about the lending relationship between loan officers and farmers (Lindstrand, 2003). This study consists of a theoretical framework where data was collected in order to obtain a general understanding about relationships and the problems and solutions associated with lending relationships. In order to obtain a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the relationship in the credit evaluation process, literature that describes the problem associated with lending relationships is studied. A case study including interviews with 16 loan officers working at Handelsbanken were conducted in March and April 2012, in order to collect data for studying the relationship between loan officers and farmers. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the loan officers establish an understanding of applicants' personal character in the loan application process by being interested in the credit applicant and his business. This creates legitimacy for the loan officer and he receives the credit applicants’ approval, which creates trust in the relationship. A relationship built on trust leads to improved communication between the loan officer and the credit applicant. The good communication can increase the flow of information, which leads to the establishment of a mutual understanding. This understanding between the parties decreases the problems of information asymmetry in the credit evaluation process, which makes the process more efficient and viable in a long-term perspective.Under de senaste 20 Ă„ren har det skett stora förĂ€ndringar inom den agrara sektorn i Sverige (Jordbruksverket, 2008). FörĂ€ndringarna har inneburit avregleringar av jordbrukspolitiken, vilket resulterat i lantbruksföretagare mĂ„ste anpassa sig till alltmer marknadsmĂ€ssiga krav och regelverk. MĂ„nga lantbruksföretagare mĂ„ste göra stora investeringar för att uppfylla de nya kraven och vara konkurrenskraftiga pĂ„ marknaden (LRF Konsult et al, 2012). Investeringar innebĂ€r för mĂ„nga lantbrukare belĂ„ning av externt kapital, vilket ocksĂ„ mĂ€rks hos banker och kreditinstitut dĂ€r utlĂ„ningsnivĂ„erna till kunder inom den agrara sektorn fördubblats under de senaste Ă„ren. Den finansiella turbulens som rĂ„der pĂ„ vĂ€rldsmarknaden sedan en tid gör att det Ă€r Ă€n viktigare att bankerna Ă€r insatta i och förstĂ„r förutsĂ€ttningarna och riskerna med att bedriva skog- och lantbruk (Breiding, 2010). Handelsbanken Ă€r en av de svenska bankerna som under de senaste Ă„ren gjort en stor satsning inom detta segment genom att bygga upp en egen division för skog och lantbruk. Det kan vara en kostsam och komplicerad process för bankerna att hitta trovĂ€rdig och objektiv information om lantbruksföretag (Akhavein et al, 2004). Den personliga relationen mellan kreditgivaren och kredittagaren kan dĂ€rför vara av stor betydelse för att kunna göra en rĂ€ttvis kreditbedömning. Det finns inte sĂ„ mycket forskning gjord om vilken betydelse den personliga relationen har vid kreditbedömningar och vilka faktorer som pĂ„verkar relationen (Hedelin & Sjöberg, 1992; Bruns 2003). Handelsbanken skog- och lantbruk Ă€r intresserade av att fĂ„ en djupare förstĂ„else för hur relationen mellan kreditgivare och kredittagare etableras samt hur relationen pĂ„verkar kreditgivningsprocessen. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka hur kreditgivare skapar sig en förstĂ„else för kredittagarens personliga egenskaper, samt hur denna förstĂ„else pĂ„verkar kreditbedömningsprocessen. Denna studie har ett explorativt angreppssĂ€tt. Enligt Kvale (1997) Ă€r syftet med en explorativ studie att söka efter nya dimensioner av studieobjektet. Ett explorativt angreppssĂ€tt passar denna studie eftersom Ă€mnet ”betydelsen av relationen mellan kreditgivare och lantbruksföretagare” Ă€r relativt outforskat (Lindstrand, 2003). Denna studie bestĂ„r av ett teoretiskt ramverk för att ge en förstĂ„else om affĂ€rsrelationer. Litteraturstudien bestĂ„r av en genomgĂ„ng av vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker för att ge en djupare inblick i bankrelationer och relationens betydelse i kreditgivningsprocessen. För att applicera frĂ„gestĂ€llningen pĂ„ lantbrukssektorn gjordes under mars och april 2012 en telefonintervjustudie med 16 skog- och lantbruksansvariga kredithandlĂ€ggare inom Handelsbanken. Slutsatsen av denna studie Ă€r att kreditgivaren skapar sig en förstĂ„else för kredittagarens personliga egenskaper genom sitt intresse för kredittagaren och dennes verksamhet. Kreditgivarens intresse och förstĂ„else skapar ett gillande hos kredittagaren, vilket resulterar i ökad legitimitet för kreditgivaren och skapar ett förtroende i relationen. En relation baserad pĂ„ förtroende leder till förbĂ€ttrad kommunikation mellan parterna. FörbĂ€ttrad kommunikation mellan de bĂ„da parterna kan öka flödet av information i kreditbedömningsprocessen. Ökat flöde av information och en ömsesidig förstĂ„else minskar problemen med asymmetrisk information. Detta resulterar i en effektivare kreditbedömningsprocess och ger bĂ€ttre förutsĂ€ttningar för att relationen ska vara hĂ„llbar i ett lĂ€ngre perspektiv

    Identification of CpG-SNPs associated with type 2 diabetes and differential DNA methylation in human pancreatic islets.

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: To date, the molecular function of most of the reported type 2 diabetes-associated loci remains unknown. The introduction or removal of cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) dinucleotides, which are possible sites of DNA methylation, has been suggested as a potential mechanism through which single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can affect gene function via epigenetics. The aim of this study was to examine if any of 40 SNPs previously associated with type 2 diabetes introduce or remove a CpG site and if these CpG-SNPs are associated with differential DNA methylation in pancreatic islets of 84 human donors. METHODS: DNA methylation was analysed using pyrosequencing. RESULTS: We found that 19 of 40 (48%) type 2 diabetes-associated SNPs introduce or remove a CpG site. Successful DNA methylation data were generated for 16 of these 19 CpG-SNP loci, representing the candidate genes TCF7L2, KCNQ1, PPARG, HHEX, CDKN2A, SLC30A8, DUSP9, CDKAL1, ADCY5, SRR, WFS1, IRS1, DUSP8, HMGA2, TSPAN8 and CHCHD9. All analysed CpG-SNPs were associated with differential DNA methylation of the CpG-SNP site in human islets. Moreover, six CpG-SNPs, representing TCF7L2, KCNQ1, CDKN2A, ADCY5, WFS1 and HMGA2, were also associated with DNA methylation of surrounding CpG sites. Some of the type 2 diabetes CpG-SNP sites that exhibit differential DNA methylation were further associated with gene expression, alternative splicing events determined by splice index, and hormone secretion in the human islets. The 19 type 2 diabetes-associated CpG-SNPs are in strong linkage disequilibrium (r (2) > 0.8) with a total of 295 SNPs, including 91 CpG-SNPs. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our results suggest that the introduction or removal of a CpG site may be a molecular mechanism through which some of the type 2 diabetes SNPs affect gene function via differential DNA methylation and consequently contributes to the phenotype of the disease

    Beauty sleep: experimental study on the perceived health and attractiveness of sleep deprived people

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    Objective To investigate whether sleep deprived people are perceived as less healthy, less attractive, and more tired than after a normal night’s sleep

    Two common genetic variants near nuclear-encoded OXPHOS genes are associated with insulin secretion in vivo

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    Context Mitochondrial ATP production is important in the regulation of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Genetic factors may modulate the capacity of the ÎČ-cells to secrete insulin and thereby contribute to the risk of type 2 diabetes. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify genetic loci in or adjacent to nuclear encoded genes of the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) pathway that are associated with insulin secretion in vivo. DESIGN AND METHODS: To find polymorphisms associated with glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, data from a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 1467 non-diabetic individuals, the Diabetes Genetic Initiative (DGI), was examined. 413 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a minor allele frequency (MAF) ≄0.05 located in or adjacent to 76 OXPHOS genes were included in the DGI GWAS. A more extensive population based study of 4323 non-diabetics, the PPP-Botnia, was used as a replication cohort. Insulinogenic index during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was used as a surrogate marker of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Multivariate linear regression analyses were used to test genotype-phenotype associations. RESULTS: Two common variants were indentified in the DGI, where the major C-allele of rs606164, adjacent to NDUFC2 (NADH dehyrogenase (ubiqinone) 1 subunit C2), and the minor G-allele of rs1323070, adjacent to COX7A2 (cythochrome c oxidase subunit VIIa polypeptide 2), showed nominal associations with decreased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (p=0.0009 respective p=0.003). These associations were replicated in PPP-Botnia (p=0.002 and p=0.05). CONCLUSION: Our study shows that genetic variation near genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation may influence glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in vivo

    Neighborhood conditions in a Swedish context-Two studies of reliability and validity of virtual systematic social observation using Google Street View

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    IntroductionThe goal of these studies was to investigate the reliability and validity of virtual systematic social observation (virtual SSO) using Google Street View in a Swedish neighborhood context.MethodsThis was accomplished in two studies. Study 1 focused on interrater reliability and construct validity, comparing ratings conducted in-person to those done using Google Street View, across 24 study sites within four postal code areas. Study 2 focused on criterion validity of virtual SSO in terms of neighborhoods with low versus high income levels, including 133 study sites within 22 postal code areas in a large Swedish city. In both studies, assessment of the neighborhood context was conducted at each study site, using a protocol adapted to a Swedish context.ResultsScales for Physical Decay, Neighborhood Dangerousness, and Physical Disorder were found to be reliable, with adequate interrater reliability, high consistency across methods, and high internal consistency. In Study 2, significantly higher levels of observed Physical Decay, Neighborhood Dangerousness, and signs of garbage or litter were observed in postal codes areas (site data was aggregated to postal code level) with lower as compared to higher income levels.DiscussionWe concluded that the scales within the virtual SSO with Google Street View protocol that were developed in this series of studies represents a reliable and valid measure of several key neighborhood contextual features. Implications for understanding the complex person-context interactions central to many theories of positive development among youth were discussed in relation to the study findings
