2,527 research outputs found

    Seasonal differences in the photochemistry of the South Pacific: A comparison of observations and model results from PEM-Tropics A and B

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    A time-dependent photochemical box model is used to examine the photochemistry of the equatorial and southern subtropical Pacific troposphere with aircraft data obtained during two distinct seasons: the Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics A (PEM-Tropics A) field campaign in September and October of 1996 and the Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics B (PEM-Tropics B) campaign in March and April of 1999. Model-predicted values were compared to observations for selected species (e.g., NO2, OH, HO2) with generally good agreement. Predicted values of HO2 were larger than those observed in the upper troposphere, in contrast to previous studies which show a general underprediction of HO2 at upper altitudes. Some characteristics of the budgets of HOx, NOx, and peroxides are discussed. The integrated net tendency for O3 is negative over the remote Pacific during both seasons, with gross formation equal to no more than half of the gross destruction. This suggests that a continual supply of O3 into the Pacific region throughout the year must exist in order to maintain O3 levels. Integrated net tendencies for equatorial O3 showed a seasonality, with a net loss of 1.06×1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 during PEM-Tropics B (March) increasing by 50% to 1.60×1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 during PEM-Tropics A (September). The seasonality over the southern subtropical Pacific was somewhat lower, with losses of 1.21×1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 during PEM-Tropics B (March) increasing by 25% to 1.51×1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 during PEM-Tropics A (September). While the larger net losses during PEM-Tropics A were primarily driven by higher concentrations of O3, the ability of the subtropical atmosphere to destroy O3 was ∼30% less effective during the PEM-Tropics A (September) campaign due to a drier atmosphere and higher overhead O3 column amounts. Copyright 2001 by the American Geophysical Union

    Sympathetic and swap cooling of trapped ions by cold atoms in a MOT

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    A mixed system of cooled and trapped, ions and atoms, paves the way for ion assisted cold chemistry and novel many body studies. Due to the different individual trapping mechanisms, trapped atoms are significantly colder than trapped ions, therefore in the combined system, the strong binary ion-atom interaction results in heat flow from ions to atoms. Conversely, trapped ions can also get collisionally heated by the cold atoms, making the resulting equilibrium between ions and atoms intriguing. Here we experimentally demonstrate, Rubidium ions (Rb+^+) cool in contact with magneto-optically trapped (MOT) Rb atoms, contrary to the general expectation of ion heating for equal ion and atom masses. The cooling mechanism is explained theoretically and substantiated with numerical simulations. The importance of resonant charge exchange (RCx) collisions, which allows swap cooling of ions with atoms, wherein a single glancing collision event brings a fast ion to rest, is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Role of macrophage sialoadhesin in host defense against the sialylated pathogen group B <em>Streptococcus</em>

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    ABSTRACT: Several bacterial pathogens decorate their surfaces with sialic acid (Sia) residues within cell wall components or capsular exopolysaccharides. Sialic acid expression can promote bacterial virulence by blocking complement activation or by engagement of inhibitory sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs) on host leukocytes. Expressed at high levels on splenic and lymph node macrophages, sialoadhesin (Sn) is a unique Siglec with an elongated structure that lacks intracellular signaling motifs. Sialoadhesin allows macrophage to engage certain sialylated pathogens and stimulate inflammatory responses, but the in vivo significance of sialoadhesin in infection has not been shown. We demonstrate that macrophages phagocytose the sialylated pathogen group B Streptococcus (GBS) and increase bactericidal activity via sialoadhesin-sialic-acid-mediated recognition. Sialoadhesin expression on marginal zone metallophillic macrophages in the spleen trapped circulating GBS and restricted the spread of the GBS to distant organs, reducing mortality. Specific IgM antibody responses to GBS challenge were also impaired in sialoadhesin-deficient mice. Thus, sialoadhesin represents a key bridge to orchestrate innate and adaptive immune defenses against invasive sialylated bacterial pathogens. KEY MESSAGE: Sialoadhesin is critical for macrophages to phagocytose and clear GBS. Increased GBS organ dissemination in the sialoadhesin-deficient mice. Reduced anti-GBS IgM production in the sialoadhesin-deficient mice. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00109-014-1157-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Identifying Defects in Li-Ion Cells Using Ultrasound Acoustic Measurements

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    Identification of the state-of-health (SoH) of Li-ion cells is a vital tool to protect operating battery packs against accelerated degradation and failure. This is becoming increasingly important as the energy and power densities demanded by batteries and the economic costs of packs increase. Here, ultrasonic time-of-flight analysis is performed to demonstrate the technique as a tool for the identification of a range of defects and SoH in Li-ion cells. Analysis of large, purpose-built defects across multiple length scales is performed in pouch cells. The technique is then demonstrated to detect a microscale defect in a commercial cell, which is validated by examining the acoustic transmission signal through the cell. The location and scale of the defects are confirmed using X-ray computed tomography, which also provides information pertaining to the layered structure of the cells. The demonstration of this technique as a methodology for obtaining direct, non-destructive, depth-resolved measurements of the condition of electrode layers highlights the potential application of acoustic methods in real-time diagnostics for SoH monitoring and manufacturing processes

    Finding motif pairs in the interactions between heterogeneous proteins via bootstrapping and boosting

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Supervised learning and many stochastic methods for predicting protein-protein interactions require both negative and positive interactions in the training data set. Unlike positive interactions, negative interactions cannot be readily obtained from interaction data, so these must be generated. In protein-protein interactions and other molecular interactions as well, taking all non-positive interactions as negative interactions produces too many negative interactions for the positive interactions. Random selection from non-positive interactions is unsuitable, since the selected data may not reflect the original distribution of data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed a bootstrapping algorithm for generating a negative data set of arbitrary size from protein-protein interaction data. We also developed an efficient boosting algorithm for finding interacting motif pairs in human and virus proteins. The boosting algorithm showed the best performance (84.4% sensitivity and 75.9% specificity) with balanced positive and negative data sets. The boosting algorithm was also used to find potential motif pairs in complexes of human and virus proteins, for which structural data was not used to train the algorithm. Interacting motif pairs common to multiple folds of structural data for the complexes were proven to be statistically significant. The data set for interactions between human and virus proteins was extracted from BOND and is available at <url>http://virus.hpid.org/interactions.aspx</url>. The complexes of human and virus proteins were extracted from PDB and their identifiers are available at <url>http://virus.hpid.org/PDB_IDs.html</url>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>When the positive and negative training data sets are unbalanced, the result via the prediction model tends to be biased. Bootstrapping is effective for generating a negative data set, for which the size and distribution are easily controlled. Our boosting algorithm could efficiently predict interacting motif pairs from protein interaction and sequence data, which was trained with the balanced data sets generated via the bootstrapping method.</p

    Expression and Purification of Recombinant Hemoglobin in Escherichia coli

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    Recombinant DNA technologies have played a pivotal role in the elucidation of structure-function relationships in hemoglobin (Hb) and other globin proteins. Here we describe the development of a plasmid expression system to synthesize recombinant Hbs in Escherichia coli, and we describe a protocol for expressing Hbs with low intrinsic solubilities. Since the α- and β-chain Hbs of different species span a broad range of solubilities, experimental protocols that have been optimized for expressing recombinant human HbA may often prove unsuitable for the recombinant expression of wildtype and mutant Hbs of other species.As a test case for our expression system, we produced recombinant Hbs of the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), a species that has been the subject of research on mechanisms of Hb adaptation to hypoxia. By experimentally assessing the combined effects of induction temperature, induction time and E. coli expression strain on the solubility of recombinant deer mouse Hbs, we identified combinations of expression conditions that greatly enhanced the yield of recombinant protein and which also increased the efficiency of post-translational modifications.Our protocol should prove useful for the experimental study of recombinant Hbs in many non-human animals. One of the chief advantages of our protocol is that we can express soluble recombinant Hb without co-expressing molecular chaperones, and without the need for additional reconstitution or heme-incorporation steps. Moreover, our plasmid construct contains a combination of unique restriction sites that allows us to produce recombinant Hbs with different α- and β-chain subunit combinations by means of cassette mutagenesis