22,902 research outputs found

    Fluctuating Topological Defects in 2D Liquids: Heterogeneous Motion and Noise

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    We measure the defect density as a function of time at different temperatures in simulations of a two dimensional system of interacting particles. Just above the solid to liquid transition temperature, the power spectrum of the defect fluctuations shows a 1/f signature, which crosses over to a white noise signature at higher temperatures. When 1/f noise is present, the 5-7 defects predominately form string like structures, and the particle trajectories show a 1D correlated motion that follows the defect strings. At higher temperatures this heterogeneous motion is lost. We demonstrate this heterogeneity both in systems interacting with a short ranged screened Coulomb interaction, as well as in systems with a long range logarithmic interaction between the particles.Comment: 4 pages, 5 postscript figure

    Anisotropic Sliding Dynamics, Peak Effect, and Metastability in Stripe Systems

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    A variety of soft and hard condensed matter systems are known to form stripe patterns. Here we use numerical simulations to analyze how such stripe states depin and slide when interacting with a random substrate and with driving in different directions with respect to the orientation of the stripes. Depending on the strength and density of the substrate disorder, we find that there can be pronounced anisotropy in the transport produced by different dynamical flow phases. We also find a disorder-induced "peak effect" similar to that observed for superconducting vortex systems, which is marked by a transition from elastic depinning to a state where the stripe structure fragments or partially disorders at depinning. Under the sudden application of a driving force, we observe pronounced metastability effects similar to those found near the order-disorder transition associated with the peak effect regime for three-dimensional superconducting vortices. The characteristic transient time required for the system to reach a steady state diverges in the region where the flow changes from elastic to disordered. We also find that anisotropy of the flow persists in the presence of thermal disorder when thermally-induced particle hopping along the stripes dominates. The thermal effects can wash out the effects of the quenched disorder, leading to a thermally-induced stripe state. We map out the dynamical phase diagram for this system, and discuss how our results could be explored in electron liquid crystal systems, type-1.5 superconductors, and pattern-forming colloidal assemblies.Comment: 18 pages, 22 postscript figure

    Structural Transitions, Melting, and Intermediate Phases for Stripe and Clump Forming Systems

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    We numerically examine the properties of a two-dimensional system of particles which have competing long range repulsive and short range attractive interactions as a function of density and temperature. For increasing density, there are well defined transitions between a low density clump phase, an intermediate stripe phase, an anticlump phase, and a high density uniform phase. To characterize the transitions between these phases we propose several measures which take into account the different length scales in the system. For increasing temperature, we find an intermediate phase that is liquid-like on the short length scale of interparticle spacing but solid-like on the larger length scale of the clump, stripe, or anticlump pattern. This intermediate phase persists over the widest temperature range in the stripe state when the local particle lattice within an individual stripe melts well below the temperature at which the entire stripe structure breaks down, and is characterized by intra-stripe diffusion of particles without inter-stripe diffusion. This is followed at higher temperatures by the onset of inter-stripe diffusion in an anisotropic diffusion phase, and then by breakup of the stripe structure. We identify the transitions between these regimes through diffusion, specific heat, and energy fluctuation measurements, and find that within the intra-stripe liquid regime, the excess entropy goes into disordering the particle arrangements within the stripe rather than affecting the stripe structure itself. The clump and anticlump phases also show multiple temperature-induced diffusive regimes which are not as pronounced as those of the stripe phase.Comment: 13 pages, 17 postscript figure

    Study of an attitude reference system utilizing an electrically suspended gyro final report, 1 aug. 1964 - 31 mar. 1965

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    Miniature electrically suspended gyroscope for spacecraft attitude reference syste

    The development of an advanced system to cool a man in a pressure suit

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    Conductive cooling system for cooling man in pressurized space sui

    Point Defect Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals

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    We study the topological configurations and dynamics of individual point defect vacancies and interstitials in a two-dimensional colloidal crystal. Our Brownian dynamics simulations show that the diffusion mechanism for vacancy defects occurs in two phases. The defect can glide along the crystal lattice directions, and it can rotate during an excited topological transition configuration to assume a different direction for the next period of gliding. The results for the vacancy defects are in good agreement with recent experiments. For the interstitial point defects, which were not studied in the experiments, we find several of the same modes of motion as in the vacancy defect case along with two additional diffusion pathways. The interstitial defects are more mobile than the vacancy defects due to the more two-dimensional nature of the diffusion of the interstitial defects.Comment: 8 pages, 9 postscript figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Silicon purification using a Cu-Si alloy source

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    Production of 99.9999% pure silicon from 98% pure metallurgical grade (MG) silicon by a vapor transport filtration process (VTP) is described. The VTF process is a cold wall version of an HCl chemical vapor transport technique using a Si:Cu3Si alloy as the silicon source. The concentration, origin, and behavior of the various impurities involved in the process were determined by chemically analyzing alloys of different purity, the slag formed during the alloying process, and the purified silicon. Atomic absorption, emission spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma, spark source mass spectrometry, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy were used for these analyses. The influence of the Cl/H ratio and the deposition temperature on the transport rate was also investigated

    Restoration of multichannel microwave radiometric images

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    A constrained iterative image restoration method is applied to multichannel diffraction-limited imagery. This method is based on the Gerchberg-Papoulis algorithm utilizing incomplete information and partial constraints. The procedure is described using the orthogonal projection operators which project onto two prescribed subspaces iteratively. Some of its properties and limitations are also presented. The selection of appropriate constraints was emphasized in a practical application. Multichannel microwave images, each having different spatial resolution, were restored to a common highest resolution to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Both noise-free and noisy images were used in this investigation


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    Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,