31 research outputs found

    Les causes de non-évidence d’emprunts Française en anglais (le cas du lexique d’origine Française date du XIIe-XVe siècle)

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    During its history the English language was under the influence of other languages for a long time. The influence of the French language was the most considerable one, that resulted in amount of words which rooted in English. For the people whose working language is English loanwords seem to be quite ordinary, as if they would always exist in the language. However, it is not a rare case when at the first sight banal words appear to be the borrowed ones. Using a group of words of French origin, which came into English in the XII – XV centuries, we will observe peculiarities of adaptation process of some French words in English and major factors due to which the loanwords seem natural for the English language and do not cause any difficulties in use. This article will be interesting for students and teachers of the faculties of Linguistics and Philology, who work with the pair of languages: English – French.Depuis son histoire la langue anglaise a été influencée par d’autres langues. L’influence de la langue française s’est avérée la plus considérable qui a débouché sur le nombre de mots enracinés en anglais. Pour les gens dont la langue du travail est anglais les mots empruntés semblent être assez ordinaires comme s’ils existaient toujours dans la langue. Pourtant, un mot qui est souvent très banal au premier abord est emprunté. Dans le cas des groupes de mots d’origine française qui sont venu en anglais au XIIe – XVe siècle, on examine des particularités du processus d’assimilation des mots français en anglais et des facteurs principaux, en raison desquels les emprunts semblent naturels pour l’anglais et ne causent pas de difficultés en usage. Cet article sera intéressant avant tout aux étudiants et aux professeurs des facultés linguistiques et celles des lettres qui travaillent avec la paire de langues: l’anglais – le français

    Interconnection of family anxiety and empathy

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    Contemporary psychology more and more often pays attention to the fact that family relationships have influence on an individual's mental state, whereas empathy is one of the factors affecting relationships with other people and social status

    Case-study as a way to improve the quality of the students training in foreign language at the medical university

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    In this paper we consider the possibility of using case-method at the lessons of foreign language at the medical universitywithin special/ extracurricular courses. Using the case method in professionally -oriented foreign language teaching promotes the formation of ability to solve problems related to professional activities in terms of foreign language communication, the development of analytical and evaluative skills and the ability to work in a team. In addition, such organization of training in a foreign language can improve students' motivation to learn a foreign language and to improve the quality of training.В данной работе рассматривается возможность применения кейс-метода на занятиях по иностранному языку в медицинском вузе в рамках спецкурсов/факультативных занятий. Использование кейс-метода в профессионально-ориентированном обучении иностранному языку способствует формированию умения решать задачи, связанные с профессиональной деятельностью, в условиях иноязычного общения, развитию аналитических и оценочных навыков, умений работать в команде. Кроме того, такая организация подготовки по иностранному языку позволяет повысить мотивацию студентов к изучению иностранного языка и повысить качество подготовки специалистов

    Healing in agricultural and traditional societies

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    The textbook is intended for foreign students studying medicine in Russia. Its novelty is that the authors analyze the history of medicine from the standpoint of the civilizational approach, give the characteristics of eras. The general laws and features of the development of healing of this culture and people are derived in accordance with the characteristics of civilizations. Social subjects of medicine are presented in separate paragraphs on relevant topics. The textbook consists of English and Russian parts; each of them contains seven lectures reflecting the development of world medicine at the stage of pre-industrial societies. The textbook contains the plans of seminars where these topics are studied at the Ural State Medical University, and a list of references. Therefore, the textbook can be used by students who are not familiar with the English language. It will also be useful for teachers, graduate students and students interested in history of medicine. The English text is illustrated

    Correlation between protective mechanisms and mother perception at youth

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    The article investigated the correlation between mother perception in 16- and 17-year-old teenagers and various mechanisms of psychological defense, and analyzed the differences between boys and girls

    A new approach to the analysis of complex biological systems

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    A new approach to the analysis of biological systems according to the complexes of related elements is suggested. Rules for integral transformation of sets of attributes in biosystems are developed. For the first time, the resulting indicator of the system of contraction mappings (Ri SCM) that we developed was used for the analysis of biological systems. A comprehensive study of biosystems is largely determined by the algorithm for converting the totality of sequences of its elements. The structural and mathematical analysis of the complex of related elements which was used reflects the homologous variability of biological systems, based on which the classification of combinations of attributes is carried out. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The impact of social isolation on the quality of life in late postmenopausal women

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    Social isolation was the measure for prevention the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevalence. It required to keep staying at home and to reduce any social contacts. However, it had the actual significance for physical and psychical health among patients older than 65 years old. Especially, it affected late postmenopausal women because they have comorbid diseases which doctors should periodically follow up

    Sexually transmitted infections in a cohort of HIV-positive people in a region with a high incidence of human immunodeficiency virus in the population

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    The article presents an assessment of the level and structure of the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STI) for the period 2009-2018 in the population of HIV-positive residents of the region of Russia with a high prevalence of HIV infection (Sverdlovsk region). It was found that the incidence rate of STIs among people living with HIV (PLHIV) has a steady downward trend, but continues to exceed regional values. At the same time, viral etiology diseases prevail among STIs. Screening for all STIs in patients with HIV is effective within the framework of dispensary observation in the territorial centers for the prevention and control of AIDS (RC AIDS), and it is advisable to expand it. The high incidence rates of bacterial sexually transmitted infections and trichomoniasis in PLHIV suggest the widespread practice of risky sexual behavior among them and the neglect of individual prevention measures. Timely diagnosis and treatment of STIs in PLHIV is one of the measures to counteract HIV infectionВ статье представлена оценка уровня и структуры заболеваемости инфекциями, передаваемыми половым путем (ИППП) за период 2009-2018гг. в популяции ВИЧ-позитивных жителей региона России с высокой превалентностью ВИЧ-инфекции (Свердловская область). Установлено, что показатель заболеваемости ИППП среди людей, живущих с ВИЧ (ЛЖВ), имеет устойчивый тренд к снижению, но продолжает превышать региональные значения. При этом среди ИППП преобладают заболевания вирусной этиологии. Скрининг на ИППП больным ВИЧ-инфекцией в рамках диспансерного наблюдения в территориальных центрах по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД (ОЦ СПИД) эффективен, и целесообразно его расширение. Высокие показатели заболеваемости бактериальными половыми инфекциями и трихомониазом у ЛЖВ свидетельствуют о распространенной среди них практике рискованного сексуального поведения и пренебрежении мерами индивидуальной профилактики. Своевременная диагностика и лечение ИППП у ЛЖВ – одна из мер по противодействию ВИЧ-инфекци

    Features of emotional well-being of first-graders

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    The article is devoted to the study of the problem of emotional well-being of primary school children. The results of studying the emotional component of first-graders are considered. The features of the emotional sphere, the emotional attitude to school of boys and girls of primary school age are studiedСтатья посвящена изучению проблемы эмоционального самочувствия младших школьников. Рассмотрены результаты изучения эмоционального компонента первоклассников. Изучены особенности эмоциональной сферы, эмоционального отношения к школе мальчиков и девочек младшего школьного возраст