13 research outputs found

    Effect of Traditional smoking Method on Nutritive Values and Organoleptic Properties of Sarotherodon galilaeus and Oreochromis niloticus

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    Fish deterioration or spoilage is one of the greatest problems facing the fishing industry in Nigeria, and since ancient times, smoking has been used to preserve fish products and improve their taste, aroma and colour. The present study was carried out to determine and compare the effects of traditional smoking kiln on nutritional properties and sensory characteristics of Sarotherodon galilaeus and Oreochromis niloticus. A drum type smoking kiln was used for fish smoking. Raw and smoked fish samples were subjected to nutritional analysis and sensory evaluations. Nutritional analysis showed that the crude protein value of smoked O. niloticus (47.69 + 0.13%) was significantly (P<0.05) lower than the smoked S.galilaeus (50.12 +0.31%) while the crude fat values of S.galilaeus was slightly higher than the O. niloticus. The value of nitrogen free extract of S.galilaeus was higher than the value of O.niloticus with mean values of 18.00+ 0.02% and 0.32±0.01% recorded respectively while the metabolizable energy value of S. galilaeus was significantly (P<0.05) higher than O.niloticus . Sensory evaluation results revealed that smoked S. galilaeus was better in terms of juiciness and overall acceptability while O. niloticus had higher values in term of flavour, tenderness and texture. Based on the results of the study, smoked S. galilaeus and O. niloticus were nutritionally comparable. The results also showed that traditional smoking method is an important preservation method which could enhance the nutritive values of fishes and possibly reduce post-harvest losses.Keywords: Proximate composition, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Oreochromis niloticus, smoking, sensory evaluation

    Allergy sensitization and asthma among 13-14 year old school children in Nigeria

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    Background: The prevalence of asthma and role of atopy in asthma among children has not been clearly defined in Nigeria.Objective: To determine the prevalence of asthma and investigate risk factors related to allergy sensitization among urban and rural school children in southwest Nigeria.Methods: Validated ISAAC questionnaire was administered to 1736 high school children in randomly selected schools in rural and urban communities. Identified asthma cases were matched to controls. Allergy skin tests, blood eosinophil count, serum IgE and stool examination for parasites were performed. Dust samples from homes were also collected and analyzed for allergens.Results: The prevalence of asthma was 7.5% (95% CI 6.0 to 9.2%) and 8% (95% CI 6.0-10.4%) in the rural and urban communities respectively . Risk factors for asthma included cigarette-smoking, cats in the home and family size. Eosinophil count (109/L) was elevated in asthmatics [0.70 (95% CI 0.48-1.11) vs. 0.32 (95% CI 0.19-0.69); p<0.01], but IgE levels were similar between the two groups (298±229 IU/mL vs. 288±257; p=0.97). Positive skin tests to cat hair, cockroach, mango blossom and mouse epithelium were more frequent in asthmatics than in healthy controls, especially in the rural communities. There was no correlation between allergens in dust collected from homes and skin test reactivity.Conclusion: Asthma prevalence is similar in rural and urban children in Southwest Nigeria and atopy with elevated IgE was not observed to be a major factor for asthma in our cohort of children in both communities.Key words: Asthma, risk factors, prevalence, atopy, sensitization, childre

    Vertical Administration of Vanadium through Lactation Induces Behavioural and Neuromorphological Changes: Protective Role of Vitamin E

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    The work investigated the protective role of vitamin E on vanadium induced neurotoxicity. Three adult female rats were divided into three groups, A-C with each dam and her pups forming a group. Group A served as control. The dam in Group B was given 3mg/kg b.w./day of vanadium from PND 1 while the Group C dam were given 3mg/kg b.w./day of vanadium, for 14 days and 500mg/kg b.w. of vitamin E 72 hourly in the same time frame. The results showed that pups from Group B, exhibited behavioural deficits in most tests, a significant reduction in body weight gain and absolute brain weight; in addition immunohistochemistry showed reactive astrogliosis induced by vanadium exposure. All these findings were however attenuated in pups whose dam was exposed to vanadium and vitamin E depicting the significant protective effects of this antioxidant against vanadium. This study is novel in that both vanadium and vitamin E were introduced through the lactation route. We conclude that though caution remains essential in the posology of vitamin E, the management of lactating mothers who have been exposed to vanadium occupationally, environmentally or therapeutically with supplementation of this antioxidant may be beneficial at least in the short term to both mother and offspring.Keywords: Vanadium, Vitamin E, Vertical administration, Neuroprotection. Nig. J. Physiol. Sci. 26(June 2011) 055 – 06

    Morphometric and Meristic Analysis of Gymnarchus niloticus (Teleostei: Gymnarchidae) from Oyan Dam and Epe Creek in South West, Nigeria

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    A study of morphometric and meristic characteristics of Gymnarchus niloticus from Oyan dam in Ogun State and Epe creek, Lagos State used three meristic and ten morphometric measurements in relation to standard length and head length. The body measurements and proportions did not bring out definite demarcation in the morphology of Gymnarchus niloticus from the two locations, even though; slight differences were observed in all the parameters measured. Specimens from Oyan dam were longer (mean = 92.6 mm) than those from Epe creek (75.6 mm). Similarly meristic counts also showed slight differences in the two locations with dorsal fin ray count in Oyan dam specimens higher (165.7) than Epe Creek specimens (155). The t-Test revealed no significant differences exist in these character ratio data at 5% probability level of significance. These results have in dictated that minor difference observed in morphometric characters and meristic counts may be due to environmental influence on the species.Key words: Gymnarchus niloticus, morphometric characters, meristic characters, Oyan dam, Epe cree

    An analysis of factors affecting aquaculture development in Ogun state, Nigeria

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    No Abstract.Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 5 (2) 2006: pp. 101-10

    An analysis of some heavy metals in the water, sediments and some fishery organisms from Yewa Lagoon, Nigeria

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    The concentration of heavy metals(Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd and Cu) in the muscle of three fishery organisms (Chrysicththys nigrodigitatus, Sarotherodon galilaeus and Peneaus monodon)and in environmental samples of waterand sediment were tested in Yewa Lagoon, Nigeria. Five fishing villages along the lagoon were selected as the sample sites where these metals were tested. The heavy metal content in the muscle of the fishery organisms was Zn > Ni >Pb> Cu > Cd;Zn > Ni >Pb> Cd > Cu and Zn > Ni >Pb> Cd > Cu in C.nigrodigitatus, S. galilaeus and P. monodon respectively. The heavy metal concentrations in the sediment was Zn >Pb> Cu > Ni > Cd. However, nickel and cadmium were not present in the water at two sampling sitesof Yewa Lagoon.The water of Yewa Lagoon is polluted with all the five heavy metals which were all higher than the WHO standard. The concentration of Zinc in the fisheryorganisms were below the WHO standard. However, the high concentration of zinc in the water (which is well above the WHO standard) could be associated with the fact that zinc is naturally abundant in Nigeria soils.Keywords: Heavy metals, sediments, fishery organisms, lagoon

    Factors influencing the marketing of fresh fish in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    A study was conducted to examine the factors influencing the sales of fresh fish in Ogun State. Data was collected with the use of structured questionnaires, which was administered in three of the four agricultural zones of Ogun State: Abeokuta, Ijebu-Ode, and Ilaro zones. The results revealed that the respondents were mostly males (79.38%) with high level of literacy. The pond sizes ranged between less than 1 – 5 with 46.37% of fish farms within pond size grouping of less than one hectare. The market prices of Clarias spp. ranged between □250 □400/Kg and the farmers were mostly patronized by retailers. Fish farm location significantly (P<0.05) affected the weight size, species and condition of the fishes offered for sale or purchased by the farmers. The cost of fish in the three agricultural zones were significantly (P<0.05) different. This was attributed to distance to sales point or markets. However, the ages of the  respondents in the zones were not significantly different and it did not make much impact on the cost and sales of the fish species offered for sale. The main fish species cultured and offered for sale in the state was Clarias gariepinus and this was attributed to consumers demand. However, few of the farmers offered other species for sale, which included Heterotis niloticus, Tilapia spp, Heterobrancus and Heteroclarias spp. Most of these other species were captured fisheries and not cultured

    Allergy sensitization and asthma among 13-14 year old school children in Nigeria

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of asthma and role of atopy in asthma among children has not been clearly defined in Nigeria. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of asthma and investigate risk factors related to allergy sensitization among urban and rural school children in southwest Nigeria. METHODS: Validated ISAAC questionnaire was administered to 1736 high school children in randomly selected schools in rural and urban communities. Identified asthma cases were matched to controls. Allergy skin tests, blood eosinophil count, serum IgE and stool examination for parasites were performed. Dust samples from homes were also collected and analyzed for allergens. RESULTS: The prevalence of asthma was 7.5% (95% CI 6.0 to 9.2%) and 8% (95% CI 6.0–10.4%) in the rural and urban communities respectively . Risk factors for asthma included cigarette-smoking, cats in the home and family size. Eosinophil count (109/L) was elevated in asthmatics [0.70 (95% CI 0.48–1.11) vs. 0.32 (95% CI 0.19–0.69); p<0.01], but IgE levels were similar between the two groups (298±229 IU/mL vs. 288±257; p=0.97). Positive skin tests to cat hair, cockroach, mango blossom and mouse epithelium were more frequent in asthmatics than in healthy controls, especially in the rural communities. There was no correlation between allergens in dust collected from homes and skin test reactivity. CONCLUSION: Asthma prevalence is similar in rural and urban children in Southwest Nigeria and atopy with elevated IgE was not observed to be a major factor for asthma in our cohort of children in both communities