6 research outputs found

    Validation and implementation of a method for 226Ra determination by using LSC

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    A co-precipitation method followed by a liquid–liquid extraction and liquid scintillation counting is validated by applying it to five different types of matrices. In order to test the applicability of the method, complex matrices are selected. This paper shows the implementation and the results of the validation of the method

    Radiological environmental monitoring of groundwater around NPP: A proposal for its assessment

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    Whether a nuclear installation has radiological impact and, in that case, its extension, are the questions behind any environmental analysis of the installation along its operational life. This analysis is based on the detailed establishment of the radiological background of the area. Accordingly, the dismantling and decommissioning process (D&D) of a nuclear power plant starts with a radiological monitoring plan, which includes the radiological characterization of the area and of its surroundings. At the completion of the D&D, unrestricted use for the site will be permitted strictly in accordance with results of the radiological survey within the limits established by the local authorities. Groundwater quality is typically included in any radiological analysis since, among other reasons, a significant part of it is highly likely to end up being extracted for domestic use and hence, human consumption. While there is no regulation containing maximum activity concentration or radionuclide guidance values for water that may be destined for uses other than public consumption, if groundwater is considered a “part” of the land, dose criteria for site release can be applied. Therefore, together with the guidance levels to be established for the different radionuclides expected in the groundwater, the detection limits to be employed when performing routine radio analytical characterization procedures in the laboratory should also be provided. In this paper, we first propose a relation of the potential radionuclides to be analyzed in groundwater, together with their detection limits to be achieved when the determinations are performed in a laboratory, and subsequently, we discuss the most suitable analytical methodologies and resources that would be necessary to undertake radiological characterization plans from a practical point of view

    Makina hidraulikoak: ariketa-bilduma

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    Helburuak: Ikasmaterial hau Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko (UPV/EHU) Bilboko Ingeniaritza Goi Eskola Teknikoan (IGET) Makina Hidraulikoak irakasgaian 2004-2005 ikasturtetik 2010-2011 ikasturtera bitartean proposatu diren azterketetako enuntziatuen bilduma bat da. Ariketa horietan, makina hidrauliko guztien artean, bereziki turbomakinak landu dira helburu hauekin: Industria mailan fluidoekin lan egiten duten instalazioen eta makinen kalkuluetan trebetasuna hartzea. Ponpaketa-instalazioetan ponpen aukeraketa egitea, funtzionamendu-puntuak zehaztea, lan-baldintza egokiak zeintzuk diren ulertzea eta ager daitezkeen arazoak aurreikustea. Elektrizitatea lortzeko erabiltzen diren turbina hidraulikoen kalkuluak lantzea: aukeraketa, dimentsionaketa, funtzionamendua, antzekotasuna eta abar. Norentzat: Ikasmaterial hau Ingeniaritza Industrialeko 5. mailako Fluidoen Instalazioak eta Makinak izeneko irakasgaian erabiltzeko aproposa da. Horrez gain, Ingeniaritza Industrialeko Hidraulikari dagokion espezialitatean bereziki eta baita beste alor batzuetan ere erabilgarria izan daiteke: Fluidoen Mekanika, Instalazio Hidraulikoak... Orokorrean, Makina Hidraulikoekin zerikusia duten gaiak lantzen dituen edozein ikaslerentzat prestatutako lana da.Liburu honetan atal hauek agertzen dira: 1.- Hitzaurrea, 2.- Ponpak 3.- Turbinak, 4.-EmaitzakLiburu honek UPV/EHUko Euskara eta Eleaniztasuneko Errektoreordetzaren dirulaguntza jaso d

    Makina hidraulikoak: ariketa-bilduma

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    Helburuak: Ikasmaterial hau Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko (UPV/EHU) Bilboko Ingeniaritza Goi Eskola Teknikoan (IGET) Makina Hidraulikoak irakasgaian 2004-2005 ikasturtetik 2010-2011 ikasturtera bitartean proposatu diren azterketetako enuntziatuen bilduma bat da. Ariketa horietan, makina hidrauliko guztien artean, bereziki turbomakinak landu dira helburu hauekin: Industria mailan fluidoekin lan egiten duten instalazioen eta makinen kalkuluetan trebetasuna hartzea. Ponpaketa-instalazioetan ponpen aukeraketa egitea, funtzionamendu-puntuak zehaztea, lan-baldintza egokiak zeintzuk diren ulertzea eta ager daitezkeen arazoak aurreikustea. Elektrizitatea lortzeko erabiltzen diren turbina hidraulikoen kalkuluak lantzea: aukeraketa, dimentsionaketa, funtzionamendua, antzekotasuna eta abar. Norentzat: Ikasmaterial hau Ingeniaritza Industrialeko 5. mailako Fluidoen Instalazioak eta Makinak izeneko irakasgaian erabiltzeko aproposa da. Horrez gain, Ingeniaritza Industrialeko Hidraulikari dagokion espezialitatean bereziki eta baita beste alor batzuetan ere erabilgarria izan daiteke: Fluidoen Mekanika, Instalazio Hidraulikoak... Orokorrean, Makina Hidraulikoekin zerikusia duten gaiak lantzen dituen edozein ikaslerentzat prestatutako lana da.Liburu honetan atal hauek agertzen dira: 1.- Hitzaurrea, 2.- Ponpak 3.- Turbinak, 4.-EmaitzakLiburu honek UPV/EHUko Euskara eta Eleaniztasuneko Errektoreordetzaren dirulaguntza jaso d

    Proposed detection limits for radioactivity concentrations in water in the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities

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    The Dismantling and Decommissioning (D&D) of nuclear facilities poses several challenges for radioactivity measurement laboratories involved in environmental radiation monitoring plans. One of them is the definition of the detection limits to be achieved for the radionuclides analysis in different samples. The detection limits should be set in such a way that the obtained concentration values for each radionuclide are easily discriminated from certain maximum activity concentration levels. These maximum activity concentration levels are usually set in view of the respective dose contributions from each radionuclide. There are some national legislations that settle detection limits for drinking water. However, there is no regulation containing detection limits for groundwater or surface water. In this way, different institutions or companies require very different detection limits for radioactivity concentration assessment in those types of water associated with D&D activities. In this work, we focus on the detection limits required for the D&D activities in rainwater, surface water and groundwater. We propose detection limits obtained by applying the WHO methodology for maximum activity concentration levels and compare with those requested by radioactive waste management agencies and regulatory bodies. Some real cases where our proposal allows identification of events are analysed and conclusions are extracted.The authors acknowledge funding from SENyRAD (IT1694-22), a research group at the Basque University System of the Basque Government (Spain). Open Access funding is partially provided by the University of Basque Country

    Aprendizaje competencial efectivo mediante las prácticas del laboratorio de las asignaturas del área de Mecánica de Fluidos de los estudios de Grado y Máster de Ingeniería Industrial de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao

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    Resumen de los autoresUniversidad del País Vasco. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (Bilbao)El Proyecto de Innovación Educativa FLUID-IBL surge con el propósito de conseguir un aprendizaje situacional significativo en las prácticas de laboratorio de las asignaturas del área de Mecánica de Fluidos de los estudios de grado y máster de ingeniería industrial de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao. Este proyecto desarrolla una estrategia estructurada del equipo docente para resolver las carencias encontradas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del trabajo práctico desarrollado en el laboratorio y conseguir con éxito el desarrollo de resultados de aprendizaje por parte del alumnado. Estos resultados de aprendizaje contienen diferentes dimensiones competenciales que engloban el trabajo cooperativo, la argumentación y comunicación oral y escrita además del ámbito científico-técnico asociado al saber. El presente trabajo presenta el análisis del problema detectado y las líneas maestras de actuación propuestas para su resolución.ES