3 research outputs found

    Species-level detection rates for termite DNA in ant guts.

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    <p>Only ant species with >5 individuals presented here, with the exception of known termite predators in the genera <i>Hypoponera</i>, and <i>Odontomachus</i>.</p><p>*Ant species for which multiple cryptic molecular clades were present, but for which no morphological correlates were found. Since not all ant individuals were sequenced, the morphological identifications for these species were retained.</p><p>Species-level detection rates for termite DNA in ant guts.</p

    Maximum likelihood phylogeny of termites consumed by ants based on COII sequences.

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    <p>Phylogeny rooted to Rhinotermitidae. Node values give bootstrap support. Scale bar represents substitutions per site based on the GTR+I+G model.</p

    Bipartite hypogeic (below soil-surface) food web visualising ant predation on termites in rain forest in Gabon.

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    <p>For termites (lower level), abbreviations are as follows. Ano = <i>Anoplotermes</i> group; Mac = Macrotermitinae; Ter = Termitinae; Rhi = Rhinotermitidae. For ants, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122533#pone.0122533.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> for full genus names. Even with this small dataset there are three species of ants that prey on more than one termite species, and two termite species that are preyed on by multiple ant species. Note that <i>Pheidole</i> sp 8 is included here, although it was not included in statistical analyses, since we tested fewer than six ant individuals for this species.</p