4 research outputs found
Additional file 6: of Minnelide effectively eliminates CD133+ side population in pancreatic cancer
IC50 values for triptolide of MIA PaCa-2 and CD133 + and CD133 - 脗聽of CSM and 12T groups. (TIF 705脗聽kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Minnelide effectively eliminates CD133+ side population in pancreatic cancer
Expression of stemness genes in CSM and 12脗聽T cells (Fold change in expression over CSM cells). SEM is represented within parenthesis. (DOC 30脗聽kb
Additional file 2: Table S2. of Minnelide effectively eliminates CD133+ side population in pancreatic cancer
Tumorigenicity with MIA PaCa-2, CSM and 12脗聽T cells. (DOC 28脗聽kb
Bolet铆n de Segovia: N煤mero 90 - 1862 julio 25
Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirecci贸n General de Coordinaci贸n Bibliotecaria, 200