1,761 research outputs found

    Gravitational multipole moments from Noether charges

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    We define the mass and current multipole moments for an arbitrary theory of gravity in terms of canonical Noether charges associated with specific residual transformations in canonical harmonic gauge, which we call multipole symmetries. We show that our definition exactly matches Thorne's mass and current multipole moments in Einstein gravity, which are defined in terms of metric components. For radiative configurations, the total multipole charges -- including the contributions from the source and the radiation -- are given by surface charges at spatial infinity, while the source multipole moments are naturally identified by surface integrals in the near-zone or, alternatively, from a regularization of the Noether charges at null infinity. The conservation of total multipole charges is used to derive the variation of source multipole moments in the near-zone in terms of the flux of multipole charges at null infinity.Comment: v1: 22 pages + 13 pages of appendices, 1 figure; v2: published version in JHE

    The First Stars: formation under X-ray feedback

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    We investigate the impact of a cosmic X-ray background (CXB) on Population III stars forming in a minihalo at zā‰ƒ25z\simeq25. Using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics code GADGET-2, we attain sufficient numerical resolution to follow gas collapsing into the centre of the minihalo from cosmological initial conditions up to densities of 1012ā€‰cmāˆ’310^{12}\,{\rm cm}^{-3}, at which point we form sink particles. This allows us to study how the presence of a CXB affects the formation of H2_2 and HD in the gas prior to becoming fully molecular. Using a suite of simulations for a range of possible CXB models, we follow each simulation for 5000\yr after the first sink particle forms. The CXB provides two competing effects, with X-rays both heating the gas and increasing the free electron fraction, allowing more H2_2 to form. X-ray heating dominates below nāˆ¼1ā€‰cmāˆ’3n\sim1\,{\rm cm}^{-3}, while the additional H2_2 cooling becomes more important above nāˆ¼102ā€‰cmāˆ’3n\sim10^2\,{\rm cm}^{-3}. The gas becomes optically thick to X-rays as it exits the quasi-hydrostatic `loitering phase,' such that the primary impact of the CXB is to cool the gas at intermediate densities, resulting in an earlier onset of baryonic collapse into the dark matter halo. At the highest densities, self-shielding results in similar thermodynamic behaviour across a wide range of CXB strengths. Consequently, we find that star formation is relatively insensitive to the presence of a CXB; both the number and the characteristic mass of the stars formed remains quite similar even as the strength of the CXB varies by several orders of magnitude.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Includes improved treatment of X-ray optical depth. 13 pages, 12 figure

    Alx1, a member of the Cart1/Alx3/Alx4 subfamily of Paired-class homeodomain proteins, is an essential component of the gene network controlling skeletogenic fate specification in the sea urchin embryo

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    In the sea urchin embryo, the large micromeres and their progeny function as a critical signaling center and execute a complex morphogenetic program. We have identified a new and essential component of the gene network that controls large micromere specification, the homeodomain protein Alx1. Alx1 is expressed exclusively by cells of the large micromere lineage beginning in the first interphase after the large micromeres are born. Morpholino studies demonstrate that Alx1 is essential at an early stage of specification and controls downstream genes required for epithelial-mesenchymal transition and biomineralization. Expression of Alx1 is cell autonomous and regulated maternally through Ɵ-catenin and its downstream effector, Pmar1. Alx1 expression can be activated in other cell lineages at much later stages of development, however, through a regulative pathway of skeletogenesis that is responsive to cell signaling. The Alx1 protein is highly conserved among euechinoid sea urchins and is closely related to the Cart1/Alx3/Alx4 family of vertebrate homeodomain proteins. In vertebrates, these proteins regulate the formation of skeletal elements of the limbs, face and neck. Our findings suggest that the ancestral deuterostome had a population of biomineral-forming mesenchyme cells that expressed an Alx1-like protein

    Expression of skeletogenic genes during arm regeneration in the brittle star Amphiura filiformis.

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    The brittle star Amphiura filiformis, which regenerates its arms post autotomy, is emerging as a useful model for studying the molecular underpinnings of regeneration, aided by the recent availability of some molecular resources. During regeneration a blastema initially is formed distally to the amputation site, and then a rapid rebuild is obtained by adding metameric units, which will eventually differentiate and become fully functional. In this work we first characterize the developmental process of the regenerating arms using two differentiation markers for muscle and skeletal structures - Afi-trop-1 and Afi-Ī±coll. Both genes are not expressed in the blastema and newly added undifferentiated metameric units. Their expression at different regenerating stages shows an early segregation of muscle and skeletal cells during the regenerating process, long before the metameric units become functional. We then studied the expression of a set of genes orthologous of the sea urchin transcription factors involved in the development of skeletal and non-skeletal mesoderm: Afi-ets1/2, Afi-alx1, Afi-tbr, Afi-foxB and Afi-gataC. We found that Afi-ets1/2, Afi-alx1, Afi-foxB and Afi-gataC are all expressed at the blastemal stage. As regeneration progresses those genes are expressed in a similar small undifferentiated domain beneath the distal growth cap, while in more advanced metameric units they become restricted to different skeletal domains. Afi-foxB becomes expressed in non-skeletal structures. This suggests that they might play a combinatorial role only in the early cell specification process and that subsequently they function independently in the differentiation of different structures. Afi-tbr is not present in the adult arm tissue at any stage of regeneration. In situ hybridization results have been confirmed with a new strategy for quantitative PCR (QPCR), using a subdivision of the three stages of regeneration into proximal (differentiated) and distal (undifferentiated) arm segments

    Changes in behavioural response of Mediterranean Seabass (Dicenthratus labrax L.) under different feeding distributions

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    Captive-induced behavioural deviations may involve many aspects of fish behaviour such as swimming activity and enhancement of individual aggressiveness. We studied seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) behaviour as a function of manual and automatic feeding distribution modes. Under manual mode, the food is distributed over an extended area for a longer period, and its precise location is not always predictable, while with pneumatic automatic feeders, fish receive the same amount of resource, which is concentrated in the same surface area over a shorter period. We compared seabass behaviour under automatic and manual conditions collecting video image recordings before, during, and after feeding distribution, in the morning and in afternoon, on two different days, and analysing data within independent sessions of measurements. Feeding modes significantly affected swimming behaviour: automatically- fed fish were characterised by vertical movements through the water column (towards the surface and bottom) and by horizontal swimming. Manually-fed fish were instead characterised by sharp direction changes during their swimming, mostly towards the surface. Feeding distribution induced changes in collision frequency and elicited aggressive behaviour. In particular, agonistic behaviour (i.e. a fish attacks another fish) was almost exclusively recorded during the feeding under automatic distribution, whereas it was constantly expressed during all the distribution phases under manual mod

    Mathematical Patterns and Cognitive Architectures

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    Mathematical patterns are an important subclass of the class of patterns. The main task of this paper is examining a particular proposal concerning the nature of mathematical patterns and some elements of the cognitive architecture an agent should have to recognize them

    Application of Biotests for the Determination of Soil Ecotoxicity after Exposure to Biodegradable Plastics

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    Biodegradable plastics are mostly applied in packaging materials (e.g., shopping bags), waste collection bags, catering products, and agricultural applications. In this last case, degradation takes place directly in soil where biodegradable plastic products are intentionally left after use (e.g., mulch films for weeds control). Due to the growing volumes of biodegradable polymers and plastics, interest in their environmental safety is increasing and more research is carried out. Some attempt has been made to apply biotests, used in other sectors of environmental sciences, in the assessment of biodegradable plastics safety. In this work, the quality of soils after biodegradation of the bioplastics Mater-Bi has been assessed with a large array of biotests based on model organisms representative of the different trophic levels in the food chains of the edaphic and aquatic ecosystems. Mater-Bi was degraded under controlled conditions for 6 months at a 1% concentration. The selected organisms included bacteria and protozoa (Vibrio fischeri and Dictyostelium discoideum, respectively), the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, plants (the monocotyledon Sorghum saccharatum and the dicotyledon Lepidium sativum), and invertebrates animals (Daphnia magna, a freshwater crustacean, and the Oligochaeta earthworm Eisenia andrei), using both acute and chronic endpoints. The results of the applied ecotoxicological tests showed that the Mater-Bi materials tested at very high doses did not affect the soil quality. Soil exposed to Mater-Bi has no noxious effects on edaphic organisms; in particular, mono and dicotyledon plants results, indicate that Mater-Bi plastic products are innocuous for agricultural uses. The use of more sensitive chronic endpoints allows to exclude possible effects at population level. This is the first time that such a comprehensive approach is applied to the assessment of possible ecotoxicity effects induced by biodegradable plastics in soil and represents a possible starting point for improved standardized testing schemes

    On Representing Concepts in High-dimensional Linear Spaces

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    Producing a mathematical model of concepts is a very important issue in artificial intelligence, because if such a model were found this, besides being a very interesting result in its own right, would also contribute to the emergence of what we could call the \u2018mathematics of thought.\u2019 One of the most interesting attempts made in this direction is P. Gardenfors\u2019 theory of conceptual spaces, a \ua8 theory which is mostly presented by its author in an informal way. The main aim of the present article is contributing to Gardenfors\u2019 theory of conceptual spaces \ua8 by discussing some of the advantages which derive from the possibility of representing concepts in high-dimensional linear spaces

    On modelling damage in composite laminates using the Ritz method and continuum damage mechanics

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    In this work, a Ritz formulation for the analysis of damage initiation and evolution in composite plates under progressive loading is presented. The proposed model assumes a first order shear deformation theory and considers geometric non-linearities through the von Karman assumptions. The damage is modelled through Continuum Damage Mechanics. A set of results is presented to show the potential of the method and highlight some issues to be addressed by suitable developments of the method

    Creativity in Conceptual Spaces

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    The main aim of this paper is contributing to what in the last few years has been known as computational creativity. This will be done by showing the relevance of a particular mathematical representation of G"ardenfors's conceptual spaces to the problem of modelling a phenomenon which plays a central role in producing novel and fruitful representations of perceptual patterns: analogy
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