26 research outputs found

    Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp - is it really a rare condition?

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    Introduction. Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp (EPDS) is a rare disorder of unknown etiology that usually occurs in the elderly and is characterized by multiple pustules, erosions and crusts that appear on the scalp leading to scarring alopecia. The histopathology and laboratory tests are not specific which is the reason that EPDS is a frequently misdiagnosed condition. Case report. We presented two patients with EPDS. The first patient had the known history of local trauma, both patients had chronic recidivant process, classic clinical presentations, and nonspecific histological findings. Each patient had prompt therapeutical response to potent topical steroids. Conclusion. The diagnosis of EPDS can be made if a condition fulfills the following criteria: atrophic or actinic damaged skin, clinical association of erosions, pustules, scales and crusts, no specific histopathology, no infectious agent found responsible for the condition, and chronic course leading to scarring alopecia, and prompt response to the treatment with topical steroids. The history of chemical or physical trauma is often present

    Interkulturelle Dimension des Curriculums der bĆ¼rgerlichen Erziehung und die Demokratisierung der Bildung

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    U radu se polazi od stava da je interkulturalno obrazovanje ključno za razumijevanje i prihvaćanje ljudskih prava i kulturne različitosti u suvremenim druÅ”tvima. Autorica u radu nastoji osvijetliti interkulturalnu dimenziju kurikuluma građanski odgoj iz perspektive ciljeva i zadataka koji potiču razvoj demokratskih vrijednosti i demokratske kulture u najÅ”irem smislu. Teorijsko-empirijsko istraživanje je usmjereno na ispitivanje nastavničke percepcije teleoloÅ”ke dimenzije nastave predmeta građanski odgoj koja jasno refl ektira interkulturalnost utemeljenu na načelima demokracije. Kao metoda znanstvenog istraživanja primijenjena je deskriptivna metoda, od tehnika anketiranje, a kao instrument je poslužio Upitnik za evaluaciju kurikuluma građanski odgoj. Uzorak obuhvaća 241 nastavnika u srednjim Å”kolama u Republici Srbiji, a prikupljeni podaci su obrađeni primjenom deskriptivne statistike i kanoničke diskriminativne analize. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je diskriminativna funkcija ciljeva i zadataka u nastavi predmeta građanski odgoj značajna s obzirom na karakteristike nastavnika u pogledu sredine u kojoj se Å”kola nalazi, te da nastavnici različito rangiraju i percipiraju realizaciju postavljenih ciljeva i zadataka u nastavi predmeta građanski odgoj. Kao najvažniji ciljevi ističu se razvijanje tolerancije u odnosu spram različitosti drugih kultura i naroda, kao i razumijevanje kulture vlastitog naroda. Koncept interkulturalnosti u nastavi građanskog odgoja podrazumijeva dinamičan i interaktivan konstrukt u kojemu različitosti kontinuirano uspostavljaju dijalektičke relacije, Å”to rezultira poÅ”tovanjem i tolerancijom različitosti na nekoliko razina. Zaključuje se da ključna uloga u interkulturalnom odgoju i obrazovanju, koje vodi k individualnoj i kolektivnoj akciji, toleranciji, zaÅ”titi vlastitog identiteta i samopoÅ”tovanja, pripada nastavniku te da je nužno njegov profesionalni razvoj usmjeriti prema razvoju senzibiliteta za prepoznavanje dinamizama interkulturalnog dijaloga i razvoj demokracije.Th is paper is based on the premise that intercultural education is key to understanding and acceptance of human rights and cultural diversity in contemporary societies. Th e author aims to elucidate the intercultural dimension of the Civic education curriculum from the perspective of aims and tasks that support the development of democratic values and culture of democracy in the most general sense. The theoretically-informed research is focused on examining teachersā€™ perception of the teleological dimension of the Civic education curriculum that manifestly refl ects interculturalism founded on democratic principles. The method used in the research was the descriptive method, whilst interviewing was used as the research technique, and the Questionnaire for evaluating the Civic education curriculum served as the research instrument. Th e sample included 241 secondary school teachers from the Republic of Serbia and the collected data was processed by means of descriptive statistics and canonical discriminant analysis. Th e research results have shown that the discriminant function of aims and tasks of the Civic education curriculum is significant considering the profile of the teachers in terms of the schoolā€™s locale, and that the achievement of these aims and tasks is differently ranked and perceived by the teachers. Th e building of tolerance towards differences of other cultures and nations and understanding of oneā€™s own national culture were emphasized as the most important aims. Th e concept of interculturalism in the Civic education curriculum implies a dynamic and interactive construct in which diff erences continually establish dialectic relationships, resulting in respect and tolerance on several levels. In conclusion, the key role in intercultural education that aims towards individual and collective action, tolerance, protection of own identity and self-respect, belongs to the teacher, so the teacherā€™s professional growth must be directed towards developing a sensibility for the recognition of intercultural dialogue dynamics and development of democracy.Den Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit bildet die Annahme, dass die interkulturelle Erziehung eine SchlĆ¼sselrolle fĆ¼r das Verstehen und die Akzeptanz von Menschenrechten und kultureller Vielfalt in den modernen Gesellschaft en hat. Die Autorin versucht, die interkulturelle Dimension des Curriculums BĆ¼rgerliche Erziehung aus der Perspektive von Zielen und Aufgaben auszuleuchten, welche die Entwicklung von demokratischen Werten und der demokratischen Kultur im weitesten Sinne fƶrdern. Die theoretisch ā€“ empirische Untersuchung setzt sich zum Ziel, die Wahrnehmung der teleologischen Dimension des Unterrichtsfaches BĆ¼rgerliche Erziehung durch die Lehrer zu erfragen, da diese den auf den demokratischen Prinzipien begrĆ¼ndeten Interkulturalismus wiederspiegelt. Als Methode der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung wurde die deskriptive Methode angewandt, als deren Technik die Umfrage, und als Instrument der Fragebogen zur Auswertung des Curriculums BĆ¼rgerliche Erziehung. Die Stichprobe umfasste 241 Mittelschullehrer in der Republik Serbien, und die gesammelten Daten wurden unter Anwendung der deskriptiven Statistik und der kanonischen Diskriminationsanalyse ausgewertet. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigten auf, dass die diskriminative Funktion von Zielen und Aufgaben im Unterrichtsfach BĆ¼rgerliche Erziehung eine wichtige Rolle spielt im Hinblick auf die Lehrereigenschaften und die Merkmale der Schulumgebung, sowie dass die befragten Lehrer die ErfĆ¼llung von gesetzten Zielen und Aufgaben im Unterrichtsfach BĆ¼rgerliche Erziehung unterschiedlich wahrnehmen und rangieren. Als wichtigste Ziele wurden die Entwicklung der Toleranz in Bezug auf die Unterschiedlichkeit anderer Kulturen und Vƶlker sowie das VerstƤndnis der eigenen nationalen Kultur hervorgehoben. Das Konzept des Interkulturalismus im Unterrichtsfach BĆ¼rgerliche Erziehung setzt ein dynamisches und interaktives Konstrukt voraus, in dem die Unterschiede kontinuierlich dialektische Beziehungen eingehen, woras sich Respekt und Toleranz von Unterschieden auf mehreren Ebenen ergeben. AbschlieƟend wird gefolgert, dass dem Lehrer eine SchlĆ¼sselfunktion in der interkulturellen Erziehung zukommt, die auf das individuelle und kollektive Engagement, auf Toleranz, Schutz der eigenen IdentitƤt und Selbstachtung zielt. Deswegen ist es notwendig, die Lehrer durch ihre berufl iche Fortbildung zu befƤhigen, Dynamismen im interkulturellen Dialog zu erkennen und die Demokratie zu fƶrdern


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    The paper underlies the importance of the museum and international scientific partnership to promote and add value to the regional cultural heritage, as a condition for developing greater awareness of the civilisational framework of cultural inheritance at the global level. The goal of the action research carried out in parallel in Italy and Serbia and involving 170 children was to devise, realise and evaluate and educational programme that would bring museums closer to children. Reflexivity and triangulation were used in this research endeavour based on a constructivist theoretical framework. Reflecting on the activities carried out and the data collected, the authors of this paper, as participants in the research, are able to validate several important roles of the museum as a place that facilitates the development of an awareness of the cultural heritage of oneā€™s own country, skills and capabilities, the social and individual construction of meaning, as well as the development of international partnership. The research findings confirm that the field of qualitative educational discourse offers museums a respectable future in terms of linking theory and practice. In other words, museums will make it possible for scientific results to be more closely applied for the purpose of improving educationa lpractice.U tekstu se objaÅ”njava značaj muzeja i međunarodnog znanstvenog partnerstva u promociji i valorizaciji regionalnog kulturnog nasljeđa, kao preduvjetu razvijanja svijesti o civilizacijskom okviru kulturnih tekovina na globalnom nivou. S ciljem osmiÅ”ljavanja, realizacije i evaluacije edukativnog programa radi približavanja djece muzejima, paralelno je u Italiji i Srbiji provedeno akcijsko istraživanje kojim je bilo obuhvaćeno 170 djece. Istraživački projekt, utemeljen u konstruktivistički teorijski okvir, odlikuje refleksivnost i triangulacija. Refleksije provedenih aktivnosti i prikupljenih podataka omogućuju autoricama teksta da, kao sudionice istraživanja, vrednuju važnu ulogu muzeja kao mjesta razvijanja svijesti o kulturnoj baÅ”tini vlastite teritorije, vjeÅ”tina i sposobnosti, socijalne i personalne konstrukcije značenja, te oblikovanja međunarodnog partnerstva. Istraživački nalazi potvrđuju da polje kvalitativnog obrazovnog diskursa, muzejima nudi respektabilnu perspektivu u pogledu povezivanja teorije i prakse, odnosno mogućnosti neposrednije primjene znanstvenih rezultata u funkciji unapređivanja obrazovne prakse

    Primary Umbilical Endometriosis: A Case Report

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    Endometriosis (EM) is defined as extrauterine functional endometrial tissue, commonly found in the pelvic peritoneum, ovaries, or rectovaginal septum. This is a chronic condition that affects 6-15% women of reproductive age and 6% of postmenopausal women (1). The most common symptoms are dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia (1), although 20-25% patients are asymptomatic (1-3). Infertility affects 30- 50% of patients (2)

    Primary Umbilical Endometriosis: A Case Report

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    Endometriosis (EM) is defined as extrauterine functional endometrial tissue, commonly found in the pelvic peritoneum, ovaries, or rectovaginal septum. This is a chronic condition that affects 6-15% women of reproductive age and 6% of postmenopausal women (1). The most common symptoms are dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia (1), although 20-25% patients are asymptomatic (1-3). Infertility affects 30- 50% of patients (2)

    Inclusion of socially marginalized individuals in the light of human rights education

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    In the work Inclusion of socially marginalized individuals in the light of human rights education, Olivera Gajić, Milica Andevski, Spomenka Budić and Biljana Lungulov consider possibilities for inclusion of socially marginalized individuals and groups in an institutional framework and a local community in the context of human rights education. The authors consider the context of social inclusion and human rights education in order to collect qualitative indicators concerning the existing knowledge, interest, and recognition of social inclusion and human rights with the purpose of shedding light on this problem by protagonists of the education process, as well as the wider community, which forms the basis of strategic decisions and guidelines of education in a democratic society. Finally, the authors conclude that a well organized support network for workers in this area, who are required to ensure conditions for the fulfilment of human rights on the principles of accessibility, participation and equality.Collection name : Library ā€žPEDAGOÅ KA TEORIJA I PRAKSAā€ 4

    Multianalytical Study of the Blue Pigments Usage in Serbian Iconography at the Beginning of the 18th-Century

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    Traditional Serbian religious art originated in Byzantine culture and conserved Byzantine elements until modern times. However, since the end of the 17th century, many changes in traditional icon painting have been introduced. Previous studies focused on the changes in iconography and style, but very little attention was paid to the changes in painting materials and techniques. This research focuses on the blue pigments on icons from the first half of the 18th century. Eight icons with blue areas of a different hue were selected for the study. Due to its rarity in nature, price, and iconographical importance, the blue pigment was particularly praised by painters. Therefore, the choice of the blue pigment can be related to historical information to trace influences and the development of the painterā€™s practice. Imaging techniques, several portable, non-destructive analytical techniques, such as XRF and FTIR, followed by optical microscopy and SEM-EDX analysis of the samples were used to characterize blue pigments and the painting technique. An analysis showed that icon painters at the beginning of the 18th century used pigments such as azurite, an indigo-organic colourant of plant origin, and Prussian blue. Contrary to the traditional belief that natural ultramarine blue was used, it was not confirmed in any studied examples

    Macroscopic optical and diffraction assessment of encrustations and SEM analyses of phototrophic microbial mats from wellheads and select zones of emergence of mineral water in Serbia

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    Investigations focusing on wellhead encrustations within select zones of emergence of mineral water, in different hydrogeological provinces, were conducted from 2014 to 2017 in Serbia. They included: well BB-1 in Bogatic (Inner Dinaric Alps of western Serbia), wells LB-4 and LB-5 in Lukovska Banja (Sumadija-Kopaonik-Kosovo Province), and wells VG-2 and VG-3 in Vranjska Banja (Serbian Crystalline Core). The studied occurrences belong to the group of hot mineral waters, with temperatures ranging from 62 degrees C to 93.9 degrees C, and total dissolved solids (TDS) from 600 to 1267 mg/L. They are mildly acidic to mildly alkaline (pH 6.6 -8.0) and their genetic types are HCO3--Na++K+ (Bogatic and Lukovska Banja) and SO42-, HCO3--Na++K+ (Vranjska Banja). Macroscopic, optical and diffraction assessment revealed that the encrustations comprised calcite and aragonite minerals, along with some local quartz, muscovite, albite and clinochlore. The conclusion was that there was a predominant presence of calcium carbonate in all the occurrences, represented by crystalline calcite grains, characteristically birefractive, and dark, semi-translucent grains in the form of microcrystalline calcite highly stained by iron hydroxides (Bogatic), as well as crystalline calcite with radially developed carbonate - aragonite (Lukovska Banja) and rod-like and filamentous aggregates of aragonite and calcite, highly translucent in places (Vranjska Banja). The texture of the samples exhibits alternating horizontal or wavy carbonate laminae. In Vranjska Banja, they include thin micritic to medium crystalline laminae and laminae composed of aggregates of aragonite needles in the form of bunch. In Bogatic and Lukovska Banja, there are thick micritic and highly porous laminae, 0.025 to 1 mm thick, or interlayers of a coarser crystalline structure. Apart from encrustations, all the occurrences exhibit phototrophic microbial mats, which were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The onset and progress of encrustation are primarily influenced by the physical and chemical composition of the mineral water (T, pH, TDS, HCO3-, Ca2+, CO2, etc.), as corroborated by hydrogeochemical modeling software PHREEQC 3.4.0. In addition, phototrophic biofilms might be contributing to the creation and accumulation of minerals in the encrustations

    Macroscopic, optical and diffraction assessment of encrustations and SEM analyses of phototrophic microbial mats from wellheads and select zones of emergence of mineral water in Serbia

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    Investigations focusing on wellhead encrustations within select zones of emergence of mineral water, in different hydrogeological provinces, were conducted from 2014 to 2017 in Serbia. They included: well BB-1 in Bogatić (Inner Dinaric Alps of western Serbia), wells LB-4 and LB-5 in Lukovska Banja (Å umadija-Kopaonik-Kosovo Province), and wells VG-2 and VG-3 in Vranjska Banja (Serbian Crystalline Core). The studied occurrences belong to the group of hot mineral waters, with temperatures ranging from 62Ā°C to 93.9Ā°C, and total dissolved solids (TDS) from 600 to 1267 mg/L. They are mildly acidic to mildly alkaline (pH 6.6 ā€“ 8.0) and their genetic types are HCO3--Na++K+ (Bogatić and Lukovska Banja) and SO42-, HCO3--Na++K+ (Vranjska Banja). Macroscopic, optical and diffraction assessment revealed that the encrustations comprised calcite and aragonite minerals, along with some local quartz, muscovite, albite and clinochlore. The conclusion was that there was a predominant presence of calcium carbonate in all the occurrences, represented by crystalline calcite grains, characteristically birefractive, and dark, semitranslucent grains in the form of microcrystalline calcite highly stained by iron hydroxides (Bogatić), as well as crystalline calcite with radially developed carbonate - aragonite (Lukovska Banja) and rod-like and filamentous aggregates of aragonite and calcite, highly translucent in places (Vranjska Banja).The texture of the samples exhibits alternating horizontal or wavy carbonate laminae. In Vranjska Banja, they include thin micritic to medium crystalline laminae and laminae composed of aggregates of aragonite needles in the form of bunch. In Bogatić and Lukovska Banja, there are thick micritic and highly porous laminae, 0.025 to 1 mm thick, or interlayers of a coarser crystalline structure. Apart from encrustations, all the occurrences exhibit phototrophic microbial mats, which were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The onset and progress of encrustation are primarily influenced by the physical and chemical composition of the mineral water (T, pH, TDS, HCO3-, Ca2+, CO2, etc.), as corroborated by hydrogeochemical modeling software PHREEQC 3.4.0. In addition, phototrophic biofilms might be contributing to the creation and accumulation of minerals in the encrustations.</p