39 research outputs found

    Dynamics, Alterations, and Consequences of Minimally Invasive Intraocular Pressure Elevation in Rats

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    Citation: Gramlich OW, Lueckner TCS, Kriechbaum M, et al. Dynamics, alterations, and consequences of minimally invasive intraocular pressure elevation in rats. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014;55:600-611. DOI: 10.1167/iovs. PURPOSE. An important, yet not exclusive, aspect of primary open angle glaucoma is elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) profiles within fluctuations and pressure peaks. The study aimed at establishing minimally invasive methods for recurrent IOP elevation in rats to investigate the impact of IOP dynamics and pathomorphologic retinal alterations during and after IOP elevation. METHODS. Intraocular pressure was elevated unilaterally in Long Evans rats to a level of »35 mm Hg for 1 hour in a total of 30 manipulations within 6 weeks, by using two methods: (1) suction-cup oculopression and (2) loop-adjusted oculopression. Retinal thickness (RT) was measured via optical coherence tomography (OCT), and neuronal survival was analyzed. Additional experiments were performed for ''in situ'' OCT investigations during exposures to different IOP levels. RESULTS. A mean IOP exposure of þ737.3 6 9.6 DIOP mm Hg for loop adjustment and þ188.9 6 16 DIOP mm Hg for suction cup was achieved. Optical coherence tomography examination revealed notable changes of RT between controls, untreated, and treated eyes, and evaluation of neuronal loss showed a significant decrease of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) density in both groups. In situ OCT investigation showed paradoxical retinal distortion and deformation of the optic nerve head toward the eye background. CONCLUSIONS. After accurate IOP elevation with minimally invasive methods, it was possible to detect RGC loss and retinal thinning. While suction cup is capable of simulating accurate arbitrary IOP profiles, loop adjustment enables the detection of pressure-dependent retinal alterations. For the first time, it was feasible to investigate consequences of variable IOP elevation profiles, including pressure peaks, by using real-time live imaging in vivo. Keywords: recurrent IOP elevation, OCT imaging, retinal degeneration, ''in situ'' imaging T he pathology of glaucoma is still subject to research. In general, it is considered a multifactorial, heterogeneous group of ocular diseases and is the second most common cause of human blindness worldwide. 1 Furthermore, it is defined by a progressive and irreversible loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their axons, 2 which leads to visual field loss in more advanced stages. 3 Glaucoma is often associated with an elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), 4 but solely 60% to 75% of the patients who suffer from primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) show an IOP elevation of more than 21 mm Hg. 5 Several studies have demonstrated that an elevated IOP does not remain at a stable level, but rather that it underlies strong dynamics including IOP fluctuations, pressure peaks, and circadian variations of approximately 10% to 20% (up to 64 mm Hg). 6-8 Moreover, there are hints of a relationship between IOP fluctuations and increased mean IOP, which further impacts the visual field. 9-12 While half of these studies indicate a direct link to disease progression, others do not. On the other hand, the remaining 25% to 35% of the glaucoma patients suffering from normal tension glaucoma manifest glaucomatous symptoms without significant elevation of the IOP. 14 By now, numerous different hypotheses concerning the pathogenesis exist, but none is sufficient to elucidate the disease pattern on its own. It is assumed that the interaction of individual pathomechanisms, such as IOP-dependent and IOP-independent dysregulations of the ocular blood flow and retinal ischemia, lead to the final loss of RGCs. These pressureinduced dysfunctions and autoregulations in retinal blood vessels often lead to RGC loss by, for example, anoxia and reperfusion injury

    Early Functional Impairment in Experimental Glaucoma Is Accompanied by Disruption of the GABAergic System and Inceptive Neuroinflammation

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    Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, and increased intraocular pressure (IOP) is a major risk factor. We aimed to determine if early functional and molecular differences in the glaucomatous retina manifest before significant retinal ganglion cell (RGC) loss is apparent. Adenoviral vectors expressing a pathogenic form of myocilin (Ad5.MYOC) were used to induce IOP elevation in C57BL/6 mice. IOP and pattern electroretinograms (pERG) were recorded, and retinas were prepared for RNA sequencing, immunohistochemistry, or to determine RGC loss. Ocular injection of Ad5.MYOC leads to reliable IOP elevation, resulting in significant loss of RGC after nine weeks. A significant decrease in the pERG amplitude was evident in eyes three weeks after IOP elevation. Retinal gene expression analysis revealed increased expression for 291 genes related to complement cascade, inflammation, and antigen presentation in hypertensive eyes. Decreased expression was found for 378 genes associated with the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic and glutamatergic systems and axon guidance. These data suggest that early functional changes in RGC might be due to reduced GABAA receptor signaling and neuroinflammation that precedes RGC loss in this glaucoma model. These initial changes may offer new targets for early detection of glaucoma and the development of new interventions

    Immune Responses in the Glaucomatous Retina: Regulation and Dynamics

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    Glaucoma is a multifactorial disease resulting in progressive vision loss due to retinal ganglion cell (RGC) dysfunction and death. Early events in the pathobiology of the disease include oxidative, metabolic, or mechanical stress that acts upon RGC, causing these to rapidly release danger signals, including extracellular ATP, resulting in micro- and macroglial activation and neuroinflammation. Danger signaling also leads to the formation of inflammasomes in the retina that enable maturation of proinflammatory cytokines such IL-1β and IL-18. Chronic neuroinflammation can have directly damaging effects on RGC, but it also creates a proinflammatory environment and compromises the immune privilege of the retina. In particular, continuous synthesis of proinflammatory mediators such as TNFα, IL-1β, and anaphylatoxins weakens the blood-retina barrier and recruits or activates T-cells. Recent data have demonstrated that adaptive immune responses strongly exacerbate RGC loss in animal models of the disease as T-cells appear to target heat shock proteins displayed on the surface of stressed RGC to cause their apoptotic death. It is possible that dysregulation of these immune responses contributes to the continued loss of RGC in some patients

    Systemic Treatment with Pioglitazone Reverses Vision Loss in Preclinical Glaucoma Models

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    Neuroinflammation significantly contributes to the pathophysiology of several neurodegenerative diseases. This is also the case in glaucoma and may be a reason why many patients suffer from progressive vision loss despite maximal reduction in intraocular pressure. Pioglitazone is an agonist of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) whose pleiotrophic activities include modulation of cellular energy metabolism and reduction in inflammation. In this study we employed the DBA2/J mouse model of glaucoma with chronically elevated intraocular pressure to investigate whether oral low-dose pioglitazone treatment preserves retinal ganglion cell (RGC) survival. We then used an inducible glaucoma model in C57BL/6J mice to determine visual function, pattern electroretinographs, and tracking of optokinetic reflex. Our findings demonstrate that pioglitazone treatment does significantly protect RGCs and prevents axonal degeneration in the glaucomatous retina. Furthermore, treatment preserves and partially reverses vision loss in spite of continuously elevated intraocular pressure. These data suggest that pioglitazone may provide treatment benefits for those glaucoma patients experiencing continued vision loss

    Targeting Cholesterol Homeostasis Improves Recovery in Experimental Optic Neuritis

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    Acute optic neuritis (ON) is a common cause of vision loss and is often associated with multiple sclerosis (MS). Cholesterol recycling has been identified as a key limiting factor in recovery after demyelination events. Thus, the purpose of our study was to determine if the augmentation of cholesterol transport by gentisic acid (GA) benefits retinal ganglion cell (RGC) development and myelination in organoid systems and enables the recovery of the ocular phenotype upon systemic GA treatment in a MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) ON model. The retinal organoids treated with GA demonstrate an accelerated maturation when compared to the conventionally derived organoids, which was evidenced by the improved organization of Brn3a-GFP+RGC and increased synaptogenesis. A GA supplementation in brain organoids leads to a 10-fold increase in NG2 and Olig2 expression. Weekly GA injections of EAE mice significantly lessened motor-sensory impairment, protected amplitudes in pattern electroretinogram recordings, and preserved visual acuity over the study period of 56 days. Furthermore, GA-treated EAE mice revealed diminished GCL/IPL complex thinning when compared to the untreated EAE mice. An optic nerve histopathology revealed less severe grades of demyelination in the GA-treated EAE cohort and fewer infiltrating cells were observed. Interventions to improve cholesterol homeostasis may be a viable approach to promoting the rehabilitation of MS patients

    Enhanced insight into the autoimmune component of glaucoma: IgG autoantibody accumulation and pro-inflammatory conditions in human glaucomatous retina.

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    BACKGROUND: There is accumulating evidence that autoimmune components, such as autoantibodies and autoantibody depositions, play a role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimeŕs disease or Multiple Sclerosis. Due to alterations of autoantibody patterns in sera and aqueous humor, an autoimmune component is also assumed in the pathogenesis of glaucoma, a common reason for irreversible blindness worldwide. So far there has been no convincing evidence that autoantibodies are accumulated in the retina of glaucoma patients and that the local immune homeostasis might be affected. METHODS AND RESULTS: Six human glaucomatous donor eyes and nine samples from donors with no recorded ocular disease were included. Antibody microarrays were used to examine the patterns of pro-inflammatory proteins and complement proteins. Analysis of TNF-α and interleukin levels revealed a slight up-regulation exclusively in the glaucomatous group, while complement protein levels were not altered. IgG autoantibody accumulations and/or cellular components were determined by immunohistology (n = 4 per group). A significantly reduced number of retinal ganglion cells was found in the glaucomatous group (healthy: 104±7 nuclei/mm, glaucoma: 67±9 nuclei/mm; p = 0.0007). Cell loss was accompanied by strong retinal IgG autoantibody accumulations, which were at least twice as high as in healthy subjects (healthy: 5.0±0.5 IgG deposits/100 cells, glaucoma: 9.4±1.9 IgG deposits/100 cells; p = 0.004). CD27(+) cells and CD27(+)/IgG(+) plasma cells were observed in all glaucomatous subjects, but not in controls. CONCLUSION: This work provides serious evidence for the occurrence of IgG antibody deposition and plasma cells in human glaucomatous retina. Moreover, the results suggest that these IgG deposits occurred in a pro-inflammatory environment which seems to be maintained locally by immune-competent cells like microglia. Thereby, glaucoma features an immunological involvement comparable to other neurodegenerative diseases, but also shows a multifactorial pathomechanism, which diverges and might be linked to the specific nature of both eye and retina

    Glaucoma related proteomic alterations in human retina samples

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    Glaucoma related proteomic changes have been documented in cell and animal models. However, proteomic studies investigating on human retina samples are still rare. In the present work, retina samples of glaucoma and non-glaucoma control donors have been examined by a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) workflow to uncover glaucoma related proteomic changes. More than 600 proteins could be identified with high confidence (FDR < 1%) in human retina samples. Distinct proteomic changes have been observed in 10% of proteins encircling mitochondrial and nucleus species. Numerous proteins showed a significant glaucoma related level change (p < 0.05) or distinct tendency of alteration (p < 0.1). Candidates were documented to be involved in cellular development, stress and cell death. Increase of stress related proteins and decrease of new glaucoma related candidates, ADP/ATP translocase 3 (ANT3), PC4 and SRFS1-interacting protein 1 (DFS70) and methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCp2) could be documented by MS. Moreover, candidates could be validated by Accurate Inclusion Mass Screening (AIMS) and immunostaining and supported for the retinal ganglion cell layer (GCL) by laser capture microdissection (LCM) in porcine and human eye cryosections. The workflow allowed a detailed view into the human retina proteome highlighting new molecular players ANT3, DFS70 and MeCp2 associated to glaucoma