41 research outputs found

    A reactive, scalable, and transferable model for molecular energies from a neural network approach based on local information

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    Despite the ever-increasing computer power, accurate ab initio calculations for large systems (thousands to millions of atoms) remain infeasible. Instead, approximate empirical energy functions are used. Most current approaches are either transferable between different chemical systems, but not particularly accurate, or they are fine-tuned to a specific application. In this work, a data-driven method to construct a potential energy surface based on neural networks is presented. Since the total energy is decomposed into local atomic contributions, the evaluation is easily parallelizable and scales linearly with system size. With prediction errors below 0.5 kcal mol −1 for both unknown molecules and configurations, the method is accurate across chemical and configurational space, which is demonstrated by applying it to datasets from nonreactive and reactive molecular dynamics simulations and a diverse database of equilibrium structures. The possibility to use small molecules as reference data to predict larger structures is also explored. Since the descriptor only uses local information, high-level ab initio methods, which are computationally too expensive for large molecules, become feasible for generating the necessary reference data used to train the neural network

    PhysNet: A Neural Network for Predicting Energies, Forces, Dipole Moments and Partial Charges

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    In recent years, machine learning (ML) methods have become increasingly popular in computational chemistry. After being trained on appropriate ab initio reference data, these methods allow to accurately predict the properties of chemical systems, circumventing the need for explicitly solving the electronic Schr\"odinger equation. Because of their computational efficiency and scalability to large datasets, deep neural networks (DNNs) are a particularly promising ML algorithm for chemical applications. This work introduces PhysNet, a DNN architecture designed for predicting energies, forces and dipole moments of chemical systems. PhysNet achieves state-of-the-art performance on the QM9, MD17 and ISO17 benchmarks. Further, two new datasets are generated in order to probe the performance of ML models for describing chemical reactions, long-range interactions, and condensed phase systems. It is shown that explicitly including electrostatics in energy predictions is crucial for a qualitatively correct description of the asymptotic regions of a potential energy surface (PES). PhysNet models trained on a systematically constructed set of small peptide fragments (at most eight heavy atoms) are able to generalize to considerably larger proteins like deca-alanine (Ala10_{10}): The optimized geometry of helical Ala10_{10} predicted by PhysNet is virtually identical to ab initio results (RMSD = 0.21 \r{A}). By running unbiased molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of Ala10_{10} on the PhysNet-PES in gas phase, it is found that instead of a helical structure, Ala10_{10} folds into a wreath-shaped configuration, which is more stable than the helical form by 0.46 kcal mol−1^{-1} according to the reference ab initio calculations.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 7 table

    Sampling reactive regions in phase space by following the minimum dynamic path

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    Understanding mechanistic aspects of reactivity lies at the heart of chemistry. Once the potential energy surface (PES) for a system of interest is known, reactions can be studied by computational means. While the minimum energy path (MEP) between two minima of the PES can give some insight into the topological changes required for a reaction to occur, it lacks dynamical information and is an unrealistic depiction of the reactive process. For a more realistic view, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are required. However, this usually involves generating thousands of trajectories in order to sample a few reactive events and is therefore much more computationally expensive than calculating the MEP. In this work, it is shown that a "minimum dynamic path" (MDP) can be constructed, which, contrary to the MEP, provides insight into the reaction dynamics. It is shown that the underlying concepts can be extended to directly sample reactive regions in phase space. The sampling method and the MDP are demonstrated on the well-known 2-dimensional Müller-Brown PES and for a realistic 12-dimensional reactive PES for sulfurochloridic acid, a proxy molecule used to study vibrationally induced photodissociation of sulfuric acid

    Isomerization and Decomposition Reactions of Acetaldehyde Relevant to Atmospheric Processes from Dynamics Simulations on Neural Network-Based Potential Energy Surfaces

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    Acetaldehyde (AA) isomerization (to vinylalcohol, VA) and decomposition (into either CO+CH4_4 and H2_2+H2_2CCO) is studied using a fully dimensional, reactive potential energy surface represented as a neural network (NN). The NN, trained on 432'399 reference structures from MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculations has a MAE of 0.0453 kcal/mol and an RMSE of 1.186 kcal/mol for a test set of 27'399 structures. For the isomerization process AA →\rightarrow VA the minimum dynamical path implies that the C-H vibration, and the C-C-H (with H being the transferring H-atom) and the C-C-O angles are involved to surmount the 68.2 kcal/mol barrier. Using an excess energy of 93.6 kcal/mol - the energy available in the solar spectrum and sufficient to excite to the first electronically excited state - to initialize the molecular dynamics, no isomerization to VA is observed on the 500 ns time scale. Only with excess energies of ∼\sim 127.6 kcal/mol (including the zero point energy of the AA molecule), isomerization occurs on the nanosecond time scale. Given that collisional de-excitation at atmospheric conditions in the stratosphere occurs on the 100 ns time scale, it is concluded that formation of VA following photoexcitation of AA from actinic photons is unlikely. This also limits the relevance of this reaction pathway to be a source for formic acid

    Reactive Dynamics and Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Transfer from Neural Network-Based Reactive Potential Energy Surfaces

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    The in silico exploration of chemical, physical and biological systems requires accurate and efficient energy functions to follow their nuclear dynamics at a molecular and atomistic level. Recently, machine learning tools gained a lot of attention in the field of molecular sciences and simulations and are increasingly used to investigate the dynamics of such systems. Among the various approaches, artificial neural networks (NNs) are one promising tool to learn a representation of potential energy surfaces. This is done by formulating the problem as a mapping from a set of atomic positions x\mathbf{x} and nuclear charges ZiZ_i to a potential energy V(x)V(\mathbf{x}). Here, a fully-dimensional, reactive neural network representation for malonaldehyde (MA), acetoacetaldehyde (AAA) and acetylacetone (AcAc) is learned. It is used to run finite-temperature molecular dynamics simulations, and to determine the infrared spectra and the hydrogen transfer rates for the three molecules. The finite-temperature infrared spectrum for MA based on the NN learned on MP2 reference data provides a realistic representation of the low-frequency modes and the H-transfer band whereas the CH vibrations are somewhat too high in frequency. For AAA it is demonstrated that the IR spectroscopy is sensitive to the position of the transferring hydrogen at either the OCH- or OCCH3_3 end of the molecule. For the hydrogen transfer rates it is demonstrated that the O-O vibration is a gating mode and largely determines the rate at which the hydrogen is transferred between the donor and acceptor. Finally, possibilities to further improve such NN-based potential energy surfaces are explored. They include the transferability of an NN-learned energy function across chemical species (here methylation) and transfer learning from a lower level of reference data (MP2) to a higher level of theory (pair natural orbital-LCCSD(T))

    From Peptides to Nanostructures: A Euclidean Transformer for Fast and Stable Machine Learned Force Fields

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    Recent years have seen vast progress in the development of machine learned force fields (MLFFs) based on ab-initio reference calculations. Despite achieving low test errors, the reliability of MLFFs in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations is facing growing scrutiny due to concerns about instability over extended simulation timescales. Our findings suggest a potential connection between robustness to cumulative inaccuracies and the use of equivariant representations in MLFFs, but the computational cost associated with these representations can limit this advantage in practice. To address this, we propose a transformer architecture called SO3krates that combines sparse equivariant representations (Euclidean variables) with a self-attention mechanism that separates invariant and equivariant information, eliminating the need for expensive tensor products. SO3krates achieves a unique combination of accuracy, stability, and speed that enables insightful analysis of quantum properties of matter on extended time and system size scales. To showcase this capability, we generate stable MD trajectories for flexible peptides and supra-molecular structures with hundreds of atoms. Furthermore, we investigate the PES topology for medium-sized chainlike molecules (e.g., small peptides) by exploring thousands of minima. Remarkably, SO3krates demonstrates the ability to strike a balance between the conflicting demands of stability and the emergence of new minimum-energy conformations beyond the training data, which is crucial for realistic exploration tasks in the field of biochemistry

    Exhaustive state-to-state cross sections for reactive molecular collisions from importance sampling simulation and a neural network representation

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    High-temperature, reactive gas flow is inherently nonequilibrium in terms of energy and state population distributions. Modeling such con- ditions is challenging even for the smallest molecular systems due to the extremely large number of accessible states and transitions between them. Here, neural networks (NNs) trained on explicitly simulated data are constructed and shown to provide quantitatively realistic descrip- tions which can be used in mesoscale simulation approaches such as Direct Simulation Monte Carlo to model gas flow at the hypersonic regime. As an example, the state-to-state cross sections for N( 4 S) + NO( 2 Π ) → O( 3 P) + N 2 (X 1 Σ + g ) are computed from quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) simulations. By training NNs on a sparsely sampled noisy set of state-to-state cross sections, it is demonstrated that independently generated reference data are predicted with high accuracy. State-specific and total reaction rates as a function of temperature from the NN are in quantitative agreement with explicit QCT simulations and confirm earlier simulations, and the final state distributions of the vibra- tional and rotational energies agree as well. Thus, NNs trained on physical reference data can provide a viable alternative to computationally demanding explicit evaluation of the microscopic information at run time. This will considerably advance the ability to realistically model nonequilibrium ensembles for network-based simulations

    Collision-induced rotational excitation in N2 (+)((2)Σg (+),v=0)-Ar: Comparison of computations and experiment

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    The collisional dynamics of N2 (+)((2)Σg (+)) cations with Ar atoms is studied using quasi-classical simulations. N2 (+)-Ar is a proxy to study cooling of molecular ions and interesting in its own right for molecule-to-atom charge transfer reactions. An accurate potential energy surface (PES) is constructed from a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) interpolation based on high-level ab initio data. The global PES including the asymptotics is fully treated within the realm of RKHS. From several ten thousand trajectories, the final state distribution of the rotational quantum number of N2 (+) after collision with Ar is determined. Contrary to the interpretation of previous experiments which indicate that up to 98% of collisions are elastic and conserve the quantum state, the present simulations find a considerably larger number of inelastic collisions which supports more recent findings