120 research outputs found

    Profiling combat sports athletes: Competitive history and outcomes according to sports type and current level of competition

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    Background This study aimed to investigate the competitive history (the age when training and competing started), training habits and patterns of winning and losing of competitive combat sports athletes across different combat sports as well as the level of competition (e.g. amateurs, state-level and elite). Methods Competitors (N = 298) from mixed martial arts (MMA), Muay Thai/kickboxing, boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), wrestling, judo and traditional striking sports (TSS) completed an online questionnaire. Results Most athletes began competing in their mid-teenage years and competing soon after except for wrestlers who began earlier. Elite athletes began training earlier than amateurs (13.75 ± 7.75 years and 16.2 ± 7.45 years, p \u3c 0.01, respectively). Training habits were similar across sports (~4 combat and ~3 non-combat training sessions per week), except for MMA and wrestling which did more combat sports-specific training than Judo and TSS. Wrestlers did more non-combat sports-specific training than all other sports. Elite athletes completed more combat sessions per week than their lower-level contemporaries (4.64 ± 2.49 and 3.9 ± 1.44, p=0.01, respectively). Patterns of winning or losing were consistent across sports, except for amateur athletes who were more likely to report all their victories by points and none of their victories by submission or pin. Additionally, elite athletes are less likely to report none of their victories coming by knockout

    Alexithymia and impulsivity in combat sports – A tale of three measures

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the psychometric properties of two measures of alexithymia – the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ) – as well as the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale 11 measure of behavioural impulsivity because the psychometric properties of these scales have not been established in athletes. As part of a larger study, 298 participants completed an online survey that included the TAS-20, PAQ, and BIS 11, as well personal- (age and gender) and sport-specific (primary combat sport and level of competition) demographic measures. A unidimensional model was retained for the TAS-20. A unidimensional model with the possibility of multidimensional measure was retained for the PAQ, with the viability of a subscale for Generalised Externally Orientated Thinking supported. The only versions of the BIS that were retainable were unidimensional models for the BIS-15 (a 15-item version of the BIS 11) and the BIS-Brief (an 8-item version of the BIS 11). As expected, the measures of alexithymia were highly correlated. The associations between impulsivity and alexithymia as well as age and alexithymia were small in nature, with none these associations moderated by level of gender, level of competition, or primary sport for the participants. No differences in alexithymia or impulsivity according to gender, level of competition, or primary sport were noted for the participants. Implications of these findings for the measures of alexithymia – the TAS-20 and PAQ – and impulsivity – the BIS-15 and BIS-Brief – examined in the present study with athletes (as well as with other populations) are discussed

    Different methods of winning, losing, and training in combat sports and their relationship with overall competitive winningness

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    This study aimed to investigate how overall competitive winningness in combat sports depended on patterns of victory and loss, as well as training habits. Competitors (N = 280) from several combat sports participated in the study. The online survey included questions on self-reported patterns of victory (and loss), training habits, general demographics (e.g., age), and sport-specific information (e.g., stage of career and competitive style). Overall, it was found across four models that reflected diversity of winningness in combat sports that the most important predictors of competitive winningness were loss by points (negative), loss by submission (negative), loss (negative) or victory (positive) by throw or technical fall, and loss (negative) or victory (positive) by knockout. The findings applied to amateur and regional/state athletes, and rarely to karate or tae kwon do. Findings around demographics or training habits were largely unremarkable, outside of a relationship between higher training loads and less career winning in wrestlers. Results show that while winning via a finishing sequence (e.g., knockout or submission) is preferable to the judge\u27s decision or points, the matter of victory is less important than the methods by which an athlete loses. In grappling-only sports, we observed a trend that more losses via finishing sequence were worse for careers than losing by points. In fact, having most of one\u27s losses coming via judge\u27s decision or points was beneficial in wrestling and judo, perhaps due to athletes taking less risks and having better defence. These findings may aid practitioners developing effective tactics and training programs

    The current state of weight-cutting in combat sports

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    In combat sports, athletes are divided into categories based on gender and body mass. Athletes attempt to compete against a lighter opponent by losing body mass prior to being weighed (i.e., \u27weight-cutting\u27). The purpose of this narrative review was to explore the current body of literature on weight-cutting and outline gaps for further research. Methods of weight-loss include energy intake restriction, total body fluid reduction and pseudo extreme/abusive medical practice (e.g., diuretics). The influence of weight-cutting on performance is unclear, with studies suggesting a negative or no effect. However, larger weight-cuts (~5% of body mass inh) do impair repeat-effort performance. It is unclear if the benefit from competing against a smaller opponent outweighs the observed reduction in physical capacity. Many mechanisms have been proposed for the observed reductions in performance, ranging from reduced glycogen availability to increased perceptions of fatigue. Athletes undertaking weight-cutting may be able to utilise strategies around glycogen, total body water and electrolyte replenishment to prepare for competition. Despite substantial discussion on managing weight-cutting in combat sports, no clear solution has been offered. Given the prevalence of weight-cutting, it is important to develop a deeper understanding of such practices so appropriate advice can be given

    Reviewing the current methods of assessing hydration in athletes

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    Background Despite a substantial body of research, no clear best practice guidelines exist for the assessment of hydration in athletes. Body water is stored in and shifted between different sites throughout the body complicating hydration assessment. This review seeks to highlight the unique strengths and limitations of various hydration assessment methods described in the literature as well as providing best practice guidelines. Main body There is a plethora of methods that range in validity and reliability, including complicated and invasive methods (i.e. neutron activation analysis and stable isotope dilution), to moderately invasive blood, urine and salivary variables, progressing to non-invasive metrics such as tear osmolality, body mass, bioimpedance analysis, and sensation of thirst. Any single assessment of hydration status is problematic. Instead, the recommended approach is to use a combination, which have complementary strengths, which increase accuracy and validity. If methods such as salivary variables, urine colour, vital signs and sensation of thirst are utilised in isolation, great care must be taken due to their lack of sensitivity, reliability and/or accuracy. Detailed assessments such as neutron activation and stable isotope dilution analysis are highly accurate but expensive, with significant time delays due to data analysis providing little potential for immediate action. While alternative variables such as hormonal and electrolyte concentration, bioimpedance and tear osmolality require further research to determine their validity and reliability before inclusion into any test battery. Conclusion To improve best practice additional comprehensive research is required to further the scientific understanding of evaluating hydration status

    Weight loss strategies in combat sports and concerning habits in mixed martial arts

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    Context: Combat sports are typically divided into weight classes, and body-mass manipulation to reach a weight class is commonplace. Previous research suggests that weight loss practices in mixed martial arts (MMA) may be more extreme than in other combat sports. Purpose: To investigate the magnitude of weight loss and the prevalence of weight loss strategies in different combat sports. Methods: Competitors (N = 637) from Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, judo, MMA, Muay Thai/kickboxing, taekwondo, and wrestling completed an online questionnaire seeking information regarding their weight loss practices. Results: Body-mass manipulation was commonly undertaken by all combat-sport athletes, with a particularly high incidence of gradual dieting, increased exercise, and fluid restriction. Skipping meals was higher in taekwondo and wrestling (84%) compared with the other combat sports (∼58%), whereas training in heated rooms and forced oral fluid loss (spitting) was higher in wrestling (83% and 47%, respectively) compared with other combat sports (∼45% and ∼19%, respectively). MMA athletes reported the highest usage of sauna (76%) and water loading (67%) while also reporting the second-highest use of training in rubber/plastic suits (63%). Conclusions: Body-mass manipulation was present in all combat sports, with the prevalence and magnitude of acute weight loss greater in MMA. The incidence of and practices reported will help support staff be fully aware of the variety of methods these athletes and coaches may use to achieve weight loss. Additionally, the results could aid regulatory bodies in the further development of policies on weight cutting

    Acute dehydration impairs endurance without modulating neuromuscular function

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    Introduction/Purpose: This study examined the influence of acute dehydration on neuromuscular function. Methods: On separate days, combat sports athletes experienced in acute dehydration practices (n = 14) completed a 3 h passive heating intervention (40∘C, 63% relative humidity) to induce dehydration (DHY) or a thermoneutral euhydration control (25∘C, 50% relative humidity: CON). In the ensuing 3 h ad libitum fluid and food intake was allowed, after which participants performed fatiguing exercise consisting of repeated unilateral knee extensions at 85% of their maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque until task failure. Both before and after the fatiguing protocol participants performed six MVICs during which measures of central and peripheral neuromuscular function were made. Urine and whole blood samples to assess urine specific gravity, urine osmolality, haematocrit and serum osmolality were collected before, immediately and 3 h after intervention. Results: Body mass was reduced by 3.2 ± 1.1% immediately after DHY (P \u3c 0.001) but recovered by 3 h. Urine and whole blood markers indicated dehydration immediately after DHY, although blood markers were not different to CON at 3 h. Participants completed 28% fewer knee extensions at 85% MVIC (P \u3c 0.001, g = 0.775) and reported a greater perception of fatigue (P = 0.012) 3 h after DHY than CON despite peak torque results being unaffected. No between-condition differences were observed in central or peripheral indicators of neuromuscular function at any timepoint. Conclusion: Results indicate that acute dehydration of 3.2% body mass followed by 3 h of recovery impairs muscular strength-endurance and increases fatigue perception without changes in markers of central or peripheral function. These findings suggest that altered fatigue perception underpins muscular performance decrements in recovery from acute dehydration

    Considerations when assessing endurance in combat sport athletes

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    Combat sports encompass a range of sports, each involving physical combat between participants. Such sports are unique, with competitive success influenced by a diverse range of physical characteristics. Effectively identifying and evaluating each characteristic is essential for athletes and support staff alike. Previous research investigating the relationship between combat sports performance and measures of strength and power is robust. However, research investigating the relationship between combat sports performance and assessments of endurance is less conclusive. As a physical characteristic, endurance is complex and influenced by multiple factors including mechanical efficiency, maximal aerobic capacity, metabolic thresholds, and anaerobic capacities. To assess endurance of combat sports athletes, previous research has employed methods ranging from incremental exercise tests to circuits involving sports-specific techniques. These tests range in their ability to discern various physiological attributes or performance characteristics, with varying levels of accuracy and ecological validity. In fact, it is unclear how various physiological attributes influence combat sport endurance performance. Further, the sensitivity of sports specific skills in performance based tests is also unclear. When developing or utilizing tests to better understand an athletes\u27 combat sports-specific endurance characteristic, it is important to consider what information the test will and will not provide. Additionally, it is important to determine which combination of performance and physiological assessments will provide the most comprehensive picture. Strengthening the understanding of assessing combat sport-specific endurance as a physiological process and as a performance metric will improve the quality of future research and help support staff effectively monitor their athlete\u27s characteristics

    Developing a Comprehensive Testing Battery for Mixed Martial Arts

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(4): 941-961, 2021. Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a combat sport that employs techniques from different combat disciplines. There are a multitude of technical and physiological characteristics that contribute to competitive success. Developing a single scientific assessment that can predict competitive outcomes poses great difficulty due to the complexity of MMA. While previous research has investigated some important physiological characteristics, there is no accepted best-practice for a comprehensive testing battery. As such, this study aimed to design and utilize a battery of physiological assessments to cover aerobic and anaerobic function, strength measures including explosive and maximal strength, body composition and repeat effort ability in Australian MMA athletes. Six participants with competitive experience were recruited. Testing involved a familiarization, three experimental sessions and including assessments such as the isometric midthigh pull, Wingate test, graded exercise test, countermovement jump and body composition scan. Results showed the testing battery in this study was realistic and able to be completed by the participants without issue and that regional Australian MMA athletes were similar physiologically to elite standard compared with previous research taken from a range of sources. However, future research with the testing battery is required with larger and more diverse samples to better understand the full profiles of MMA athletes. The results of the study can help inform athletes, researchers and support staff alike when deciding upon which testing protocols to use for MMA athletes. Future research should aim to develop normative data using the battery proposed in the current study

    Acute Dehydration Impairs Endurance Without Modulating Neuromuscular Function

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    Introduction/Purpose: This study examined the influence of acute dehydration on neuromuscular function.Methods: On separate days, combat sports athletes experienced in acute dehydration practices (n = 14) completed a 3 h passive heating intervention (40°C, 63% relative humidity) to induce dehydration (DHY) or a thermoneutral euhydration control (25°C, 50% relative humidity: CON). In the ensuing 3 h ad libitum fluid and food intake was allowed, after which participants performed fatiguing exercise consisting of repeated unilateral knee extensions at 85% of their maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque until task failure. Both before and after the fatiguing protocol participants performed six MVICs during which measures of central and peripheral neuromuscular function were made. Urine and whole blood samples to assess urine specific gravity, urine osmolality, haematocrit and serum osmolality were collected before, immediately and 3 h after intervention.Results: Body mass was reduced by 3.2 ± 1.1% immediately after DHY (P < 0.001) but recovered by 3 h. Urine and whole blood markers indicated dehydration immediately after DHY, although blood markers were not different to CON at 3 h. Participants completed 28% fewer knee extensions at 85% MVIC (P < 0.001, g = 0.775) and reported a greater perception of fatigue (P = 0.012) 3 h after DHY than CON despite peak torque results being unaffected. No between-condition differences were observed in central or peripheral indicators of neuromuscular function at any timepoint.Conclusion: Results indicate that acute dehydration of 3.2% body mass followed by 3 h of recovery impairs muscular strength-endurance and increases fatigue perception without changes in markers of central or peripheral function. These findings suggest that altered fatigue perception underpins muscular performance decrements in recovery from acute dehydration
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