5,745 research outputs found

    Trapping and displacement of liquid collars and plugs in rough-walled tubes

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    A liquid film wetting the interior of a long circular cylinder redistributes under the action of surface tension to form annular collars or occlusive plugs. These equilibrium structures are invariant under axial translation within a perfectly smooth uniform tube and therefore can be displaced axially by very weak external forcing. We consider how this degeneracy is disrupted when the tube wall is rough, and determine threshold conditions under which collars or plugs resist displacement under forcing. Wall roughness is modelled as a non-axisymmetric Gaussian random field of prescribed correlation length and small variance, mimicking some of the geometric irregularities inherent in applications such as lung airways. The thin film coating this surface is modelled using lubrication theory. When the roughness is weak, we show how the locations of equilibrium collars and plugs can be identified in terms of the azimuthally averaged tube radius; we derive conditions specifying equilibrium collar locations under an externally imposed shear flow, and plug locations under an imposed pressure gradient. We use these results to determine the probability of external forcing being sufficient to displace a collar or plug from a rough-walled tube, when the tube roughness is defined only in statistical terms

    Drop spreading with random viscosity

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    We examine theoretically the spreading of a viscous liquid drop over a thin film of uniform thickness, assuming the liquid's viscosity is regulated by the concentration of a solute that is carried passively by the spreading flow. The solute is assumed to be initially heterogeneous, having a spatial distribution with prescribed statistical features. To examine how this variability influences the drop's motion, we investigate spreading in a planar geometry using lubrication theory, combining numerical simulations with asymptotic analysis. We assume diffusion is sufficient to suppress solute concentration gradients across but not along the film. The solute field beneath the bulk of the drop is stretched by the spreading flow, such that the initial solute concentration immediately behind the drop's effective contact lines has a long-lived influence on the spreading rate. Over long periods, solute swept up from the precursor film accumulates in a short region behind the contact line, allowing patches of elevated viscosity within the precursor film to hinder spreading. A low-order model provides explicit predictions of the variances in spreading rate and drop location, which are validated against simulations

    Drop spreading and drifting on a spatially heterogeneous film: capturing variability with asymptotics and emulation

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    A liquid drop spreading over a thin heterogeneous precursor film (such as an inhaled droplet on the mucus-lined wall of a lung airway) will experience perturbations in shape and location as its advancing contact line encounters regions of low or high film viscosity. Prior work on spatially one-dimensional spreading over a precursor film having a random viscosity field [Xu & Jensen 2016, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 472, 20160270] has demonstrated how viscosity fluctuations are swept into a narrow region behind the contact line, where they can impact drop dynamics. Here we investigate two-dimensional drops, seeking to understand the relationship between the statistical properties of the precursor film and those of the spreading drop. Assuming the precursor film is much thinner than the drop and viscosity fluctuations are weak, we use asymptotic methods to derive explicit predictions for the mean and variance of drop area and the drop's lateral drift. For larger film variability, we use Gaussian process emulation to estimate the variance of outcomes from a restricted set of simulations. Stochastic drift of the droplet is predicted to be greatest when the initial drop diameter is comparable to the correlation length of viscosity fluctuations.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Stochastic transport in the presence of spatial disorder: fluctuation-induced corrections to homogenization

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    Motivated by uncertainty quantification in natural transport systems, we investigate an individual-based transport process involving particles undergoing a random walk along a line of point sinks whose strengths are themselves independent random variables. We assume particles are removed from the system via first-order kinetics. We analyse the system using a hierarchy of approaches when the sinks are sparsely distributed, including a stochastic homogenization approximation that yields explicit predictions for the extrinsic disorder in the stationary state due to sink strength fluctuations. The extrinsic noise induces long-range spatial correlations in the particle concentration, unlike fluctuations due to the intrinsic noise alone. Additionally, the mean concentration profile, averaged over both intrinsic and extrinsic noise, is elevated compared with the corresponding profile from a uniform sink distribution, showing that the classical homogenization approximation can be a biased estimator of the true mean.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Local and global instabilities of flow in a flexible-walled channel

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    We consider laminar high-Reynolds-number flow through a long finite-length planar channel, where a segment of one wall is replaced by a massless membrane held under longitudinal tension. The flow is driven by a fixed pressure difference across the channel and is described using an integral form of the unsteady boundary-layer equations. The basic flow state, for which the channel has uniform width, exhibits static and oscillatory global instabilities, having distinct modal forms. In contrast, the corresponding local problem (neglecting boundary conditions associated with the rigid parts of the system) is found to be convectively, but not absolutely, unstable to small-amplitude disturbances in the absence of wall damping. We show how amplification of the primary global oscillatory instability can arise entirely from wave reflections with the rigid parts of the system, involving interacting travelling wave flutter and static-divergence modes that are convectively stable; alteration of the mean flow by oscillations makes the onset of this primary instability subcritical. We also show how distinct mechanisms of energy transfer differentiate the primary global mode from other modes of oscillatory instability

    Mechanical characterization of disordered and anisotropic cellular monolayers

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    We consider a cellular monolayer, described using a vertex-based model, for which cells form a spatially disordered array of convex polygons that tile the plane. Equilibrium cell configurations are assumed to minimize a global energy defined in terms of cell areas and perimeters; energy is dissipated via dynamic area and length changes, as well as cell neighbour exchanges. The model captures our observations of an epithelium from a Xenopus embryo showing that uniaxial stretching induces spatial ordering, with cells under net tension (compression) tending to align with (against) the direction of stretch, but with the stress remaining heterogeneous at the single-cell level. We use the vertex model to derive the linearized relation between tissue-level stress, strain and strain-rate about a deformed base state, which can be used to characterize the tissue's anisotropic mechanical properties; expressions for viscoelastic tissue moduli are given as direct sums over cells. When the base state is isotropic, the model predicts that tissue properties can be tuned to a regime with high elastic shear resistance but low resistance to area changes, or vice versa.Comment: 9 figure

    Couple stresses and discrete potentials in the vertex model of cellular monolayers

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    The vertex model is widely used to simulate the mechanical properties of confluent epithelia and other multicellular tissues. This inherently discrete framework allows a Cauchy stress to be attributed to each cell, and its symmetric component has been widely reported, at least for planar monolayers. Here we consider the stress attributed to the neighbourhood of each tricellular junction, evaluating in particular its leading-order antisymmetric component and the associated couple stresses, which characterise the degree to which individual cells experience (and resist) in-plane bending deformations. We develop discrete potential theory for localised monolayers having disordered internal structure and use this to derive the analogues of Airy and Mindlin stress functions. These scalar potentials typically have broad-banded spectra, highlighting the contributions of small-scale defects and boundary-layers to global stress patterns. An affine approximation attributes couple stresses to pressure differences between cells sharing a trijunction, but simulations indicate an additional role for non-affine deformations.Comment: 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Static and dynamic stress heterogeneity in a multiscale model of the asthmatic airway wall

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    Airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) is a key characteristic of asthma that remains poorly understood. Tidal breathing and deep inspiration ordinarily cause rapid relaxation of airway smooth muscle (ASM) (as demonstrated via application of length fluctuations to tissue strips) and are therefore implicated in modulation of AHR, but in some cases (such as application of transmural pressure oscillations to isolated intact airways) this mechanism fails. Here we use a multiscale biomechanical model for intact airways that incorporates strain stiffening due to collagen recruitment and dynamic force generation by ASM cells to show that the geometry of the airway, together with interplay between dynamic active and passive forces, gives rise to large stress and compliance heterogeneities across the airway wall that are absent in tissue strips. We show further that these stress heterogeneities result in auxotonic loading conditions that are currently not replicated in tissue-strip experiments; stresses in the strip are similar to hoop stress only at the outer airway wall and are under- or overestimates of stresses at the lumen. Taken together these results suggest that a previously underappreciated factor, stress heterogeneities within the airway wall and consequent ASM cellular response to this micromechanical environment, could contribute to AHR and should be explored further both theoretically and experimentally

    Patterns of recruitment and injury in a heterogeneous airway network model

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    In respiratory distress, lung airways become flooded with liquid and may collapse due to surface-tension forces acting on air-liquid interfaces, inhibiting gas exchange. This pa- per proposes a mathematical multiscale model for the mechanical ventilation of a network of occluded airways, where air is forced into the network at a fixed tidal volume, allowing investigation of optimal recruitment strategies. The temporal response is derived from mechanistic models of individual airway reopening, incorporating feedback on the airway pressure due to recruitment. The model accounts for stochastic variability in airway di- ameter and stiffness across and between generations. For weak heterogeneity, the network is completely ventilated via one or more avalanches of recruitment (with airways recruited in quick succession), each characterised by a transient decrease in the airway pressure; avalanches become more erratic for airways that are initially more flooded. However, the time taken for complete ventilation of the network increases significantly as the network becomes more heterogeneous, leading to increased stresses on airway walls. The model predicts that the most peripheral airways are most at risk of ventilation-induced damage. A positive-end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) reduces the total recruitment time but at the cost of larger stresses exerted on airway walls
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