30 research outputs found

    Dynamics and energetics of trapped diurnal internal Kelvin waves around a midlatitude lsland

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 47 (2017): 2479-2498, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-16-0167.1.The generation of trapped and radiating internal tides around Izu‐Oshima Island located off Sagami Bay, Japan, is investigated using the three-dimensional Stanford Unstructured Nonhydrostatic Terrain-following Adaptive Navier–Stokes Simulator (SUNTANS) that is validated with observations of isotherm displacements in shallow water. The model is forced by barotropic tides, which generate strong baroclinic internal tides in the study region. Model results showed that when diurnal K1 barotropic tides dominate, resonance of a trapped internal Kelvin wave leads to large-amplitude internal tides in shallow waters on the coast. This resonance produces diurnal motions that are much stronger than the semidiurnal motions. The weaker, freely propagating, semidiurnal internal tides are generated on the western side of the island, where the M2 internal tide beam angle matches the topographic slope. The internal wave energy flux due to the diurnal internal tides is much higher than that of the semidiurnal tides in the study region. Although the diurnal internal tide energy is trapped, this study shows that steepening of the Kelvin waves produces high-frequency internal tides that radiate from the island, thus acting as a mechanism to extract energy from the diurnal motions.This study was supported by JST CREST Grant Number JPRMJCR12A6.2018-04-1

    The future of coastal and estuarine modeling: Findings from a workshop

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    This paper summarizes the findings of a workshop convened in the United States in 2018 to discuss methods in coastal and estuarine modeling and to propose key areas of research and development needed to improve their accuracy and reliability. The focus of this paper is on physical processes, and we provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art based on presentations and discussions at the meeting, which revolved around the four primary themes of parameterizations, numerical methods, in-situ and remote-sensing measurements,and high-performance computing. A primary outcome of the workshop was agreement on the need to reduce subjectivity and improve reproducibility in modeling of physical processes in the coastal ocean. Reduction of subjectivity can be accomplished through development of standards for benchmarks, grid generation, and validation, and reproducibility can be improved through development of standards for input/output, coupling and model nesting, and reporting. Subjectivity can also be reduced through more engagement with the applied mathematics and computer science communities to develop methods for robust parameter estimation anduncertainty quantification. Such engagement could be encouraged through more collaboration between thef orward and inverse modeling communities and integration of more applied math and computer science into oceanography curricula. Another outcome of the workshop was agreement on the need to develop high-resolution models that scale on advanced HPC systems to resolve, rather than parameterize, processes with horizontal scales that range between the depth and the internal Rossby deformation scale. Unsurprisingly,more research is needed on parameterizations of processes at scales smaller than the depth, includingparameterizations for drag (including bottom roughness, bedforms, vegetation and corals), wave breaking, and air–sea interactions under strong wind conditions. Other topics that require significantly more work to better parameterize include nearshore wave modeling, sediment transport modeling, and morphodynamics. Finally, it was agreed that coastal models should be considered as key infrastructure needed to support research, just like laboratory facilities, field instrumentation, and research vessels. This will require a shift in the way proposals related to coastal ocean modeling are reviewed and funded

    Nearshore internal bores and turbulent mixing in southern Monterey Bay

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    We observed transient stratification and mixing events associated with nearshore internal bores in southern Monterey Bay using an array of instruments with high spatial and temporal resolution. The arrival of the bores is characterized by surging masses of dense (cold) water that tend to stratify the water column. The bore is followed by a gradual drop in the temperature throughout the water column over several hours (defined here as the bore period) until a sharp warm-front relaxation, followed by high frequency temperature fluctuations, returns the column back to nearly its original state (defined here as the mixing period). Mixing periods revealed increased temperature variance at high frequencies (ω \u3e ), as well as a greater percentage of events where dynamic instabilities may be present (Ri\u3c 0.25), suggesting active mixing of the stratified water column. Turbulent dissipation rates in the stratified interior during the mixing period, estimated using the technique of isopycnal slope spectra, revealed mean values the same order of magnitude as near-bed bottom-generated turbulence. Observations indicate that local shear-produced turbulent kinetic energy by the warm front relaxations dominates mixing in the stratified interior. The non-canonical nature of these bore and relaxation events is also investigated with a numerical model, and the dynamics are shown to depend on the internal Iribarren number. Our results suggest that nearshore internal bores interacting with local bathymetry dramatically alter local dynamics and mixing in the nearshore with important ecological implications

    Fate of internal waves on a shallow shelf

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125(5), (2020): e2019JC015377, doi:10.1029/2019JC015377.Internal waves strongly influence the physical and chemical environment of coastal ecosystems worldwide. We report novel observations from a distributed temperature sensing (DTS) system that tracked the transformation of internal waves from the shelf break to the surf zone over a narrow shelf slope region in the South China Sea. The spatially continuous view of temperature fields provides a perspective of physical processes commonly available only in laboratory settings or numerical models, including internal wave reflection off a natural slope, shoreward transport of dense fluid within trapped cores, and observations of internal rundown (near‐bed, offshore‐directed jets of water preceding a breaking internal wave). Analysis shows that the fate of internal waves on this shelf—whether transmitted into shallow waters or reflected back offshore—is mediated by local water column density structure and background currents set by the previous shoaling internal waves, highlighting the importance of wave‐wave interactions in nearshore internal wave dynamics.We are grateful for the support of the Dongsha Atoll Research Station (DARS) and the Dongsha Atoll Marine National Park, whose efforts made this research possible. The authors would also like to thank A. Hall, S. Tyler, and J. Selker from the Center for Transformative Environmental Monitoring Programs (CTEMPs) funded by the National Science Foundation (EAR awards 1440596 and 1440506), G. Lohmann from WHOI, A. Safaie from UC Irvine, G. Wong, L. Hou, F. Shiah, and K. Lee from Academia Sinica for providing logistical and field support, as well as E. Pawlak, S. Lentz, B. Sanders, and S. Grant for equipment, and B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, R. Walter and D. Lucas for informative discussions that improved this work. We acknowledge the US Army Research Laboratory DoD Supercomputing Resource Center for computer time on Excalibur, which was used for the numerical simulations in this work. Funding for this work supported by Academia Sinica and for K.D. and E.R. from NSF‐OCE 1753317 and for O.F., J.R., and R.A. from ONR Grant 1182789‐1‐TDZZM. A portion of this work (R.A.) was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE‐AC52‐07NA27344.2020-10-2

    The formation and fate of internal waves in the South China Sea

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature 521 (2015): 65-69, doi:10.1038/nature14399.Internal gravity waves, the subsurface analogue of the familiar surface gravity waves that break on beaches, are ubiquitous in the ocean. Because of their strong vertical and horizontal currents, and the turbulent mixing caused by their breaking, they impact a panoply of ocean processes, such as the supply of nutrients for photosynthesis1, sediment and pollutant transport2 and acoustic transmission3; they also pose hazards for manmade structures in the ocean4. Generated primarily by the wind and the tides, internal waves can travel thousands of kilometres from their sources before breaking5, posing severe challenges for their observation and their inclusion in numerical climate models, which are sensitive to their effects6-7. Over a decade of studies8-11 have targeted the South China Sea, where the oceans’ most powerful internal waves are generated in the Luzon Strait and steepen dramatically as they propagate west. Confusion has persisted regarding their generation mechanism, variability and energy budget, however, due to the lack of in-situ data from the Luzon Strait, where extreme flow conditions make measurements challenging. Here we employ new observations and numerical models to (i) show that the waves begin as sinusoidal disturbances rather than from sharp hydraulic phenomena, (ii) reveal the existence of >200-m-high breaking internal waves in the generation region that give rise to turbulence levels >10,000 times that in the open ocean, (iii) determine that the Kuroshio western boundary current significantly refracts the internal wave field emanating from the Luzon Strait, and (iv) demonstrate a factor-of-two agreement between modelled and observed energy fluxes that enables the first observationally-supported energy budget of the region. Together, these findings give a cradle-to-grave picture of internal waves on a basin scale, which will support further improvements of their representation in numerical climate predictions.Our work was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the Taiwan National Science Council.2015-10-2

    Regional Models of Internal Tides

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    Internal tides are ubiquitous in the ocean, and they play an important role in a range of ocean processes, for example, particle dispersal, acoustics, and vertical buoyancy flux. The wavelength of internal tides can be as much as 250 km in the open ocean, but as the generation of these tides depends on the angle between the depth-averaged current and the topography, there can be considerable local spatial variability. This range of scales makes it difficult to develop a comprehensive understanding of the processes involved from observations alone. Regional numerical modeling provides a way to study the generation and early propagation of internal tides at high resolution. Here, we review the role that regional internal tide models, primarily hydrostatic models, can play in increasing our understanding

    Modeling dilute sediment suspension using largeeddy simulation with a dynamic mixed model

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    Transport of suspended sediment in high Reynolds number channel flows ͓Re= O͑600 000͔͒ is simulated using large-eddy simulation along with a dynamic-mixed model ͑DMM͒. Because the modeled sediment concentration is low and the bulk Stokes' number ͑St b ͒ is small during the simulation, the sediment concentration is calculated through the use of the Eulerian approach. In order to employ the DMM for the suspended sediment, we formulate a generalized bottom boundary condition in a finite-volume formulation that accounts for sediment flux from the bed without requiring specific details of the underlying turbulence model. This enables the use of the pickup function without requiring any assumptions about the behavior of the eddy viscosity. Using our new boundary condition, simulations indicate that the resolved component of the vertical flux is one order of magnitude greater than the resolved subfilter-scale flux, which is in turn one order of magnitude greater than the eddy-diffusive flux. Analysis of the behavior of the suspended sediment above the bed indicates the existence of three basic time scales that arise due to varying degrees of competition between the upward turbulent flux and downward settling flux. Instantaneous sediment concentration and velocity fields indicate that streamwise vortices account for a bulk of the resolved flux of sediment from the bed

    Simulations of shear instabilities in interfacial gravity waves

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