77 research outputs found
Distribuição de Sistemas Agroflorestais no Estado De São Paulo: apontamentos para restauração florestal e produção sustentável
The aim of this study was to make a descriptive analysis of the spatial distribution of agroforestry systems in the State of São Paulo, based on information provided by the 2006 Agricultural Census. Based on the distribution presented by these systems, we discuss their adoption and relationship with land use in different regions, as well as their potential as production and restoration systems in protected areas in the rural landscape of the state. The results show an incipient use of AFs at the time of survey, and their concentration in specific regions, with emphasis on some municipalities. This is probably associated to the concentration of rural settlements and small properties, to the compliance of permanent preservation areas and legal reserves, and to the interest in establishing agroforestry models of production with some species (mainly exotic) in particular.Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo uma análise descritiva da distribuição espacial de sistemas agroflorestais no Estado de São Paulo, a partir de informações disponibilizadas pelo Censo Agropecuário de 2006. Partindo-se da distribuição apresentada por esses sistemas, buscamos discutir sua adoção e relação com o uso do solo em diferentes regiões, bem como discorrer sobre seu potencial como sistemas de produção e de restauração em áreas protegidas na paisagem rural do estado. Os resultados apontam uso incipiente dos Sistemas Agroflorestais à época do levantamento, e concentração dos mesmos em regiões específicas, com destaque a alguns municípios. Isso provavelmente está associado à concentração de assentamentos rurais e pequenas propriedades, à adequação de áreas de preservação permanente e reservas legais e ao interesse na implantação de modelos agroflorestais de produção com algumas espécies (principalmente exóticas) em particular
ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION: ANALYSING THE LAST TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS OF PUBLICATIONS IN THIS AREA. The main aspects of restoration, in various ecosystems, are here discussed, by means of a bibliographic analysis of the last twenty-eight years. The main concepts, research themes and target ecosystems are also described. Keywords: Ecological restoration; forest ecosystems restoration; concepts and evolution.RESTAURACIÓN ECOLOGICA: ANALISIS DE LOS ULTIMOS VENTIOCHO AÑOS DE PUBLICACIONES EN ESTA AREA. A partir del análisis bibliográfico de los últimos 28 años, se describen los aspectos más importantes planteados en las publicaciones relacionadas a la restauración ecológica em diversos ecosistemas. Se describen los principales conceptos, temas de investigación y ecosistemas blanco. Palabras claves: Restauración ecológica; restauración de ecosistemas forestales; conceptos y evolución.A partir de análise bibliográfica, são descritos aqui, os principais aspectos abordados por publicações, referentes à restauração ecológica, em ecossistemas diversos, nos últimos vinte e oito anos. São descritos os principais conceitos, principais temas de pesquisa e ecossistemas enfocado
Religious and cultural uses of plants promoting agroecological transitions in rural settlements in Brazil.
Nature is a sacred space, where the tradition and rituals of Afro-Brazilian religions are celebrated, which performance is essential for the preservation of natural resources. Traditional communities that practice Candomblé in Brazil are settled on Nature, so they value and maintain biodiversity. Our objective was to study the spatial evolution of the land use by the traditional African-based community that occupies the Quilombo AnastáciaSite, as well as to understand how their customs – related to the maintenance of health and food -and their rituals help in the conservation of agrobiodiversity. The monitoring of the evolution of land use was carried out using LANDSAT satellite images and images from Google Earth software. According to the timeline (elaborated for 1997-2019), there was substantial increase in vegetation cover. In addition, the planting of native trees, food and medicinal species, as well as the use of agroecological practices (such as implementation of agroforestry systems), promoted diversification in the property. The Quilombo Site area favors the maintenance of the people's health and dietary habits, and the culture of this traditional African-based community guided the occupation of the soil, in order to benefit the conservation of agrobiodiversity
Why do We Want Trees? Potential for Improvement in Food and Income in Brazilian Rural Settlements
The aim of this study was to investigate tree species cultivated and maintained by family farmers in five rural settlements, to understand the motivations for farmers to cultivate them and analyze their potential to provide income and food improvement. We have studied trees distribution in 16 lots and surveyed tree species cultivated by farmers, as well as their functions within the lots. We listed food and medicinal species, and those already commercialized, and the main market channels for their products. The main reason the families cultivate or maintain trees in their lots is for food supply but there are other motivations, related to well-being and cultural issues. Farmers plant trees motivated mainly by direct use (food) and for the possibility of generating income through the sale of tree products. We found 94 tree species, being half of them cultivated for food and medicinal uses. Approximately 45% of these species are commercialized by farmers in different channels. We conclude that trees are important for farming and livelihoods in rural settlements and have potential to be inserted in local productive systems
Parcerias sexuais de pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids: orientação sexual, aspectos sociodemograficos, clinicos e comportamentais
Objective: To analyze the influence of sexual orientation on sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral variables among sexual partners of people living with Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Methods: A cross-sectional study carried out in a medical assistance service specialized in the treatment of people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, with 173 participants. Pearson's Chi-square or Fisher's exact test was used to analyze the results. Results: We identified an association between sexual orientation and variables such as gender, age, marital status, age, education, income, type of exposure, type of birth, consistent condom use, presence of infection, sexual practice, partner in routine consultations, disclosure of HIV to the partner and considers disclosure of their condition to the partner. Conclusion: Establishing a sexual partnership in the context of HIV and having a non-heterosexual orientation presented statistical differences between sociodemographic and behavioral variables.Objetivo: Analizar la influencia de la orientación sexual de las variables socio-demográficas, clínicas y de comportamiento entre las parejas sexuales de las personas que viven con el Virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana/Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en un servicio de asistencia médica especializada en el tratamiento de personas con el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana, con 173 participantes. En el análisis de los resultados se utilizó el test Chi-cuadrado de Pearson o exacto de Fisher. Resultados: Se identificó asociación entre la orientación sexual y las variables: sexo, edad, estado civil, grupo de edad, escolaridad, renta, forma de exposición, tipo de asociación, uso consistente del preservativo, presencia de infección, práctica sexual, presencia del compañero en las consultas de rutina, divulgación del VIH al compañero y considerar importante la divulgación de su condición serológica para el compañero. Conclusión: Establecer un emparejamiento sexual en el contexto del VIH y tener una orientación no heterosexual presentó diferencias estadísticas entre las variables sociodemográficas y comportamentales.Objetivo: Analisar a influência da orientação sexual sobre as variáveis sociodemograficas, clínicas e comportamentais entre parcerias sexuais de pessoas que vivem com vírus da imunodeficiência humana/Síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em um serviço de assistência médica especializada no tratamento de pessoas com o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana, com 173 participantes. Na análise dos resultados utilizou-se o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou exato de Fisher. Resultados: Identificou-se associação entre a orientação sexual e as variáveis: sexo, idade, estado civil, faixa etária, escolaridade, renda, forma de exposição, tipo de parceria, uso consistente do preservativo, presença de infecção, prática sexual, acompanhamento do parceiro nas consultas de rotina, divulgação do HIV para o parceiro e considerar importante a divulgação da sua condição sorológica para o parceiro. Conclusão: Estabelecer uma parceria sexual no contexto do HIV e ter uma orientação não-heterossexual apresentou diferenças estatísticas entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais
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