19 research outputs found

    Superficial Soil Quality Under Management Systems For Pasture In The State Of Piaui, Brazil [qualidade Superficial De Um Solo Sob Sistemas De Manejo Utilizados Para Produção De Forragens No Estado Do Piauí]

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the soil quality index under pastures and legumes systems. Soil samples were collected, at 0-10 cm depth, in the sites: native forest; pasture with Tifton grass; pasture with Tanzania grass under rotational grazing; Leucaena tress. We evaluated soil chemical, physical and biological properties. Soil organic C and microbial biomass did not show differences between the sites. Soil microbial quotient was higher under Tifton grass and native forest. The soil physical properties did not have significant differences. The native forest showed high values of soil fauna diversity, in function of the presence of a burlap with diverse types of substrates. The soil quality index allowed to infer on the changes imposed for agricultural practices, with respect to the soil physical, chemical and biological indicators.294867875Albuquerque, J.A., Sangoi, L., Ender, M., Efeitos da integração lavoura-pecuária nas propriedades físicas do solo e características da cultura do milho (2001) Revista Brasileira De Ciências Do Solo, 25 (3), pp. 717-723. , ViçosaAlonso, J., Flebes, G., Rodriguez, I., Achang, G., Fraga, S., Effects of the evolution of a system leucaena-guinea grass on the soil macrofauna (2005) Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 39 (1), pp. 83-89. , San José de las LajasAlvarenga, M.I.N., Siqueira, J.O., Davide, A.C., Teor de carbono, biomassa microbiana, agregação e micorrizas em solos de cerrados com diferentes usos (1999) Ciência E Agrotecnologia, 23 (3), pp. 617-625. , LavrasAnderson, T.H., Domsch, K.H., Ratios of microbial biomassa carbon to total organic carbon in arable soils (1989) Soil Biology Biochemistry, 21 (4), pp. 471-479. , OxfordBarros, E., Neves, A., Blanchart, E., Fernandes, E.C.M., Wandelli, E., Lavelle, P., Development of the soil macrofauna community under silvopastoral and agrosilvicultural systems in Amazonia (2003) Pedobiologia, 47 (2), pp. 273-280. , JenaBastos, E.A., Andrade Jr., A.S., (2000) Dados Agrometeorológicos Para O Município De Teresina, PI (1980-1999), p. 25. , Teresina: Embrapa Meio-Norte, (Documentos, 47)Bronick, C.J., Lal, R., Soil structure and management: A review (2005) Geoderma, 124 (1), pp. 3-22. , AmsterdamBurger, J.A., Kelting, D.L., Using soil quality indicators to asses Forest stand management (1999) Forest Ecology Management, 122 (1), pp. 155-166. , OxfordCarneiro, M.A.C., Assia, P.C.R., Melo, L.B.C., Pereira, H.S., Paulino, H.B., Silveira, N.A.N., Atributos bioquímicos em dois solos de cerrado sob diferentes sistemas de manejo e uso (2008) Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 38 (4), pp. 276-283. , GoiâniaDias, P.F., Souto, S.M., Correia, M.E.F., Rocha, G.P., Moreira, J.F., Rodrigues, K.M., Franco, A.A., Árvores fixadoras de nitrogênio e macrofauna do solo em pastagem de híbrido de Digitaria (2006) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 41 (6), pp. 1015-1021. , BrasíliaDoran, J.W., Parkin, T.B., Quantitative indicators of soil quality: A minimum data set (1996) Methods For Assessing Soil Quality, pp. 25-37. , In: DORAN, J. W.JONES, A. J. (Eds.), Madison: Soil Science Society American, (Special Publication, 39)(2006) Sistema Brasileiro De Classificação De Solos, p. 306. , Rio de Janeiro: EMBRAPA Produção de Informação(1997) Manual De Métodos De Análise De Solo, p. 212. , EMBRAPA, Rio de Janeiro: EMBRAPA/CNPSFidalski, J., Tormena, C.A., Cecato, U., Barbero, L.M., Lugão, S.M.B., Costa, M.A.T., Qualidade física do solo em pastagem adubada e sob pastejo contínuo (2008) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 43 (11), pp. 1583-1590. , BrasíliaImnhoff, S., Silva, A.P., Tormena, C.A., Aplicações da curva de resistência no controle da qualidade física de um solo sob pastagem (2000) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 35 (7), pp. 1493-1500. , BrasíliaIslam, K.R., Weil, R.R., A rapid microwave digestion method for colorimetric measurement of soil organic carbon (1988) Communication In Soil Science and Plant Analyses, 29 (12), pp. 2269-2284. , New YorkJakelaits, A., Silva, A.A., Santo, J.B., Vivian, R., Qualidade da camada superficial de solo sob mata, pastagens e áreas cultivadas (2008) Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 38 (2), pp. 118-127. , GoiâniaJenkinson, D.S., Ladd, J.N., Microbial biomass in soil: Measurement and turnover (1981) Soil Biochemistry, pp. 415-471. , In: PAUL, E. A.LADD, N, Marcel DeckerLavelle, P., Diversity of soil fauna and ecosystem function (1996) Biology International, 33 (1), pp. 3-16. , ParisLok, S., Crespo, G., Frometa, E., Fraga, S., Evaluation of the performance of some agrophysical, biological and productive indicators in two grassland agroecosystems with or without the utilization of Leucaena leucocephala (2005) Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 39 (3), pp. 351-356. , San José de las LajasMarques, T.C.L.L., Vasconcelos, C.A., Pereira, F.I., França, G.E., Cruz, J.C., Envolvimento de dióxido de carbono e mineralização de nitrogênio em latossolo vermelho-escuro com diferentes manejos (2000) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 35 (3), pp. 581-589. , BrasíliaMoreira, F.M.S., Siqueira, J.O., (2006) Microbiologia E Bioquímica Do Solo, p. 729. , Lavras: Editora UFLANunes, L.A.P.L.N., Dias, L.E., Jucksch, I., Barros, N.F., Kasuya, M.C.M., Correia, M.E.F., Impacto do monocultivo de café sobre os indicadores biológicos do solo na zona da mata mineira (2009) Ciência Rural, 39 (9), pp. 2467-2474. , Santa MariaProffitt, A.P.B., Bendotti, S., Riethmuller, G.P., A comparison between continuous and controlled grazing on a red duplex soil. I. Effects on soil physical characteristics (1995) Soil Tillage Research, 35 (2), pp. 199-210. , OxfordRangel, O.J.P., Silva, C.A., Estoques de carbono e nitrogênio e frações orgânicas de latossolo submetido a diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo (2007) Revista Brasileira De Ciências Do Solo, 31 (6), pp. 1609-1623. , ViçosaSarmento, P., Rodrigues, L.R., Cruz, M.C.P., Lugão, S.M.B., Campos, F.P., Centurion, J.F., Ferreira, M.E., Atributos químicos e físicos de um Argissolo cultivado com Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. IPR Milênio, sob lotação rotacionada e adubado com nitrogênio (2008) Revista Brasileira De Ciência Do Solo, 32 (1), pp. 183-193. , ViçosaSilva, A.P., Imhnhoff, S., Tormena, C.A., Takahama, R.S., Qualidade física de solos sob sistemas intensivos de pastejo rotacionado (2002) SIMPÓSIO SOBRE MANEJO DE PASTAGEM, 19, pp. 79-99. , Piracicaba. Anais... 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    Numerical Study of Wake Characteristics in a Horizontal-Axis Hydrokinetic Turbine

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    ABSTRACT Over the years most studies on wake characteristics have been devoted to wind turbines, while few works are related to hydrokinetic turbines. Among studies applied to rivers, depth and width are important parameters for a suitable design. In this work, a numerical study of the wake in a horizontal-axis hydrokinetic turbine is performed, where the main objective is an investigation on the wake structure, which can be a constraining factor in rivers. The present paper uses the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) flow simulation technique, in which the Shear-Stress Transport (SST) turbulent model is considered, in order to simulate a free hydrokinetic runner in a typical river flow. The NREL-PHASE VI wind turbine was used to validate the numerical approach. Simulations for a 3-bladed axial hydrokinetic turbine with 10 m diameter were carried out, depicting the expanded helical behavior of the wake. The axial velocity, in this case, is fully recovered at 12 diameters downstream in the wake. The results are compared with others available in the literature and also a study of the turbulence kinetic energy and mean axial velocity is presented so as to assess the influence of proximity of river surface from rotor in the wake geometry. Hence, even for a single turbine facility it is still necessary to consider the propagation of the wake over the spatial domain