173 research outputs found

    Tolerating the Unwelcome Guest; How the Host Withstands Persistent Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Our understanding of the host response to infections has historically focused on resistance mechanisms that directly control pathogen replication. However, both pathogen effectors and antimicrobial immune pathways have the capacity to damage host tissue, and the ability to tolerate these insults can also be critical for host survival. These tolerance mechanisms may be equally as important as resistance to prevent disease in the context of a persistent infection, such as tuberculosis, when resistance mechanisms are ineffective and the pathogen persists in the tissue for long periods. Host tolerance encompasses a wide range of strategies, many of which involve regulation of the inflammatory response. Here we will examine general strategies used by macrophages and T cells to promote tolerance in the context of tuberculosis, and focus on pathways, such as regulation of inflammasome activation, that are emerging as common mediators of tolerance

    The Phagocyte Oxidase Controls Tolerance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. [preprint]

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    Protection from infectious disease relies on two distinct mechanisms. \u27Antimicrobial resistance\u27 directly inhibits pathogen growth, whereas \u27infection tolerance\u27 controls tissue damage. A single immune-mediator can differentially contribute to these mechanisms in distinct contexts, confounding our understanding of protection to different pathogens. For example, the NADPH-dependent phagocyte oxidase complex (Phox) produces anti-microbial superoxides and protects from tuberculosis in humans. However, Phox-deficient mice do not display the expected defect in resistance to M. tuberculosis leaving the role of this complex unclear. We re-examined the mechanisms by which Phox contributes to protection from TB and found that mice lacking the Cybb subunit of Phox suffered from a specific defect in tolerance, which was due to unregulated Caspase1 activation, IL-1β production, and neutrophil influx into the lung. These studies demonstrate that Phox-derived superoxide protect against TB by promoting tolerance to persistent infection, and highlight a central role for Caspase1 in regulating TB disease progression

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis evasion of Guanylate Binding Protein-mediated host defense in mice requires the ESX1 secretion system [preprint]

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    Cell-intrinsic immune mechanisms control intracellular pathogens that infect eukaryotes. The intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) evolved to withstand cell-autonomous immunity to cause persistent infections and disease. A potent inducer of cell-autonomous immunity is the lymphocyte-derived cytokine IFNγ. While the production of IFNγ by T cells is essential to protect against Mtb, it is not capable of fully eradicating Mtb infection. This suggests that Mtb evades a subset of IFNγ-mediated antimicrobial responses, yet what mechanisms Mtb resists remains unclear. The IFNγ-inducible Guanylate binding proteins (GBPs) are key host defense proteins able to control infections with intracellular pathogens. GBPs were previously shown to directly restrict Mycobacterium bovis BCG yet their role during Mtb infection has remained unknown. Here, we examine the importance of a cluster of five GBPs on mouse chromosome 3 in controlling Mycobacterial infection. While M. bovis BCG is directly restricted by GBPs, we find that the GBPs on chromosome 3 do not contribute to the control of Mtb replication or the associated host response to infection. The differential effects of GBPs during Mtb versus M. bovis BCG infection is at least partially explained by the absence of the ESX1 secretion system from M. bovis BCG, since Mtb mutants lacking the ESX1 secretion system become similarly susceptible to GBP-mediated immune defense. Therefore, this specific genetic interaction between the murine host and Mycobacteria reveals a novel function for the ESX1 virulence system in the evasion of GBP-mediated immunity

    Mitochondrial respiration contributes to the interferon gamma response in antigen presenting cells [preprint]

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    The immunological synapse allows antigen presenting cells (APC) to convey a wide array of functionally distinct signals to T cells, which ultimately shape the immune response. The relative effect of stimulatory and inhibitory signals is influenced by the activation state of the APC, which is determined by an interplay between signal transduction and metabolic pathways. While toll-like receptor ligation relies on glycolytic metabolism for the proper expression of inflammatory mediators, little is known about the metabolic dependencies of other critical signals such as interferon gamma (IFNγ). Using CRISPR-Cas9, we performed a series of genome-wide knockout screens in macrophages to identify the regulators of IFNγ-inducible T cell stimulatory or inhibitory proteins MHCII, CD40, and PD-L1. Our multi-screen approach enabled us to identify novel pathways that control these functionally distinct markers. Further integration of these screening data implicated complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in the expression of all three markers, and by extension the IFNγ signaling pathway. We report that the IFNγ response requires mitochondrial respiration, and APCs are unable to activate T cells upon genetic or chemical inhibition of complex I. These findings suggest a dichotomous metabolic dependency between IFNγ and toll-like receptor signaling, implicating mitochondrial function as a fulcrum of innate immunity

    A variable near-infrared counterpart to the neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1705-440

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    We report the discovery of a near-infrared (nIR) counterpart to the persistent neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1705-440, at a location consistent with its recently determined Chandra X-ray position. The nIR source is highly variable, with K_s-band magnitudes varying between 15.2 and 17.3 and additional J- and H-band observations revealing color variations. A comparison with contemporaneous X-ray monitoring observations shows that the nIR brightness correlates well with X-ray flux and X-ray spectral state. We also find possible indications for a change in the slope of the nIR/X-ray flux relation between different X-ray states. We discuss and test various proposed mechanisms for the nIR emission from neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries and conclude that the nIR emission in 4U 1705-440 is most likely dominated by X-ray heating of the outer accretion disk and the secondary star.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Host immunity increases Mycobacterium tuberculosis reliance on cytochrome bd oxidase

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    In order to sustain a persistent infection, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) must adapt to a changing environment that is shaped by the developing immune response. This necessity to adapt is evident in the flexibility of many aspects of Mtb metabolism, including a respiratory chain that consists of two distinct terminal cytochrome oxidase complexes. Under the conditions tested thus far, the bc1/aa3 complex appears to play a dominant role, while the alternative bd oxidase is largely redundant. However, the presence of two terminal oxidases in this obligate pathogen implies that respiratory requirements might change during infection. We report that the cytochrome bd oxidase is specifically required for resisting the adaptive immune response. While the bd oxidase was dispensable for growth in resting macrophages and the establishment of infection in mice, this complex was necessary for optimal fitness after the initiation of adaptive immunity. This requirement was dependent on lymphocyte-derived interferon gamma (IFNgamma), but did not involve nitrogen and oxygen radicals that are known to inhibit respiration in other contexts. Instead, we found that DeltacydA mutants were hypersusceptible to the low pH encountered in IFNgamma-activated macrophages. Unlike wild type Mtb, cytochrome bd-deficient bacteria were unable to sustain a maximal oxygen consumption rate (OCR) at low pH, indicating that the remaining cytochrome bc1/aa3 complex is preferentially inhibited under acidic conditions. Consistent with this model, the potency of the cytochrome bc1/aa3 inhibitor, Q203, is dramatically enhanced at low pH. This work identifies a critical interaction between host immunity and pathogen respiration that influences both the progression of the infection and the efficacy of potential new TB drugs

    Identification of the MxiH Needle Protein Residues Responsible for Anchoring Invasion Plasmid Antigen D to the Type III Secretion Needle Tip

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    The pathogenesis of Shigella flexneri requires a functional type III secretion apparatus to serve as a conduit for injecting host-altering effector proteins into the membrane and cytoplasm of the targeted cell. The type III secretion apparatus is composed of a basal body and an exposed needle that is an extended polymer of MxiH with a 2.0-nm inner channel. Invasion plasmid antigen D (IpaD) resides at the tip of the needle to control type III secretion. The atomic structures of MxiH and IpaD have been solved. MxiH (8.3 kDa) is a helix-turn-helix, whereas IpaD (36.6 kDa) has a dumbbell shape with two globular domains flanking a central coiled-coil that stabilizes the protein. These structures alone, however, have not been sufficient to produce a workable in silico model by which IpaD docks at the needle tip. Thus, the work presented here provides an initial step in understanding this important protein-protein interaction. We have identified key MxiH residues located in its PSNP loop and the contiguous surface that uniquely contribute to the formation of the IpaD-needle interface as determined by NMR chemical shift mapping. Mutation of Asn-43, Leu-47, and Tyr-50 residues severely affects the stable maintenance of IpaD at the Shigella surface and thus compromises the invasive phenotype of S. flexneri. Other residues could be mutated to give rise to intermediate phenotypes, suggesting they have a role in tip complex stabilization while not being essential for tip complex formation. Initial in vitro fluorescence polarization studies confirmed that specific amino acid changes adversely affect the MxiH-IpaD interaction. Meanwhile, none of the mutations appeared to have a negative effect on the MxiH-MxiH interactions required for efficient needle assembly

    Reducing SS- duality to TT- duality

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    The infrared limit of D=4,  N=4D=4,~~N=4 Yang-Mills theory with compact gauge group GG compactified on a two-torus is governed by an effective superconformal field theory. We conjecture that this is a certain orbifold involving the maximal torus of GG. Yang-Mills SS-duality makes predictions for all correlators of this effective conformal field theory. These predictions are shown to be implied by the standard TT-duality of the conformal field theory. Consequently, Montonen-Olive duality between electric and magnetic states reduces to the standard two-dimensional duality between momentum and winding states.Comment: 13 pages, harvmac, no figures. (Some Comments added. Some references added.

    The Oxidative Stress Network of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Reveals Coordination between Radical Detoxification Systems

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    SummaryM. tuberculosis (Mtb) survives a hostile environment within the host that is shaped in part by oxidative stress. The mechanisms used by Mtb to resist these stresses remain ill-defined because the complex combination of oxidants generated by host immunity is difficult to accurately recapitulate in vitro. We performed a genome-wide genetic interaction screen to comprehensively delineate oxidative stress resistance pathways necessary for Mtb to resist oxidation during infection. Our analysis predicted functional relationships between the superoxide-detoxifying enzyme (SodA), an integral membrane protein (DoxX), and a predicted thiol-oxidoreductase (SseA). Consistent with that, SodA, DoxX, and SseA form a membrane-associated oxidoreductase complex (MRC) that physically links radical detoxification with cytosolic thiol homeostasis. Loss of any MRC component correlated with defective recycling of mycothiol and accumulation of cellular oxidative damage. This previously uncharacterized coordination between oxygen radical detoxification and thiol homeostasis is required to overcome the oxidative environment Mtb encounters in the host