710 research outputs found

    D. Fr. Aleixo de Meneses (1559-1617): um percurso biográfico em contexto

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    Analysis of the biographical trajectory of Friar Aleixo de Meneses, son of the Portuguese King Sebastião’s schoolmaster and grandson of the 1st Count of Cantanhede. Friar Aleixo joined the Hermits of St. Augustine at the age of 15 and reached the archbishopric, the post of viceroy and the presidency of Portugal’s Council. The article discusses the factors that fostered this rapid promotion and examines if it was unusual in the beginning of the 17th century.UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007702), FCT/Portugal, COMPETE, FEDER, Portugal202

    Social change in the Iberian World: Iberian Peninsula and Brazil

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    This chapter identifies the major societal changes that occurred in the Iberian peninsula and Brazil during the eighteenth century through a comparative approach, with the end goal of analysing what these changes meant to these societies, organised by privilege and structural inequality. As the 18th century unfolded, Iberia’s political units became peripheral in the European context and the difference was clear. A number of reforms developed in the enlightenment context aimed to offset the divergence and to modernize Iberia according to the standards set in other regions of Europe, but they were not fully successful. The key questions within this framework are: what themes of change impacted the diversity of Iberian societies? What did change mean at this time? How did each social group react to change?PTDC/ HIS- HIS/ 118227/ 2010; UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007702), FCT/Portugal, COMPETE, FEDER, Portugal2020. UID/HIS/00057/2019, FCT, Portugal

    “Honra, cavalarias e Ordens (Portugal, séculos XVI-XVII): dos romances de cavalaria às práticas e das práticas aos textos”

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    No século XVI e no começo da centúria seguinte, a Coroa portuguesa tinha grandes necessidades de serviços militares, em diferentes palcos, sobretudo fora do território peninsular. As próprias Ordens Militares haviam abandonado os campos de batalha há muito e assemelhavam-se a Ordens de Cavalaria. Florescem neste período os romances de cavalaria porque eram escritos ou promovidos com um certo cunho publicístico de toda esta ideologia do serviço militar

    Structural Changes within the 16th-century Portuguese Military Orders

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    How and why the Portuguese Military Orders changed in the 16th century is the central topic of this paper. Three great 16th-century structural changes are analyzed: the process of the perpetual transfer of tutelage of the Orders to the Portuguese Crown; the introduction of individual service as a means of servants gaining access to the Military Orders; and the adoption of statutes dealing with purity of blood and occupation


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    Definição do que era um comenda, patamar de rendimento e composição deste tipo de recurso. Analisa-se ainda de que forma eram concedidas e inventariam-se as comendas atlânticas.UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007702

    “Portugal in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries”

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    Análise dos pontos mais inovadores e dos menos conseguidos nas recentes Histórias de Portugal (século XVI e XVII) de A. Disney, A., 2009. A history of Portugal and the Portuguese empire from beginnings to 1807.( Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press) e de Nuno G. Monteiro, 2009. História de Portugal (3.ª ed. R. Ramos, ed., Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros)

    The Knights of the Portuguese Order of Christ on the Island of Madeira (1640-1755): a social-historical approach

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    Análise do perfil social dos cavaleiros das Ordens Militares do Arquipélago da Madeira (1640-1755) e dos contextos de obtenção dos respectivos hábitos

    The culture of background investigations (Portugal, 1570-1773)

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    This article seeks to justify why it is possible to speak about a culture of background investigations in Portugal, or even in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the 17th-18th centuries. It will emphasize three points: the huge number of people who made qualifications in Portugal and in the overseas Empire; how it created specialized knowledge and the need for specialized officers to deal with it; to demonstrate how the culture of qualification conditioned behaviors in different social groups.UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007702