9 research outputs found

    Efeito do sevofluorano sobre a freqüência cardíaca fetal no terço final de gestação de cadelas

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    Estudaram-se os efeitos do sevofluorano sobre a freqüência cardíaca nos fetos de cadelas no terço final de gestação, mediante a mensuração da freqüência cardíaca fetal com a utilização do ultra-som. Nove cadelas, sem raça definida, entre um e cinco anos de idade, com aproximadamente 45 dias de gestação, foram anestesiadas com acepromazina (0,05mg/kg, IV), propofol (5mg/kg, IV) e sevofluorano. O monitoramento da freqüência cardíaca fetal foi realizado antes da medicação pré-anestésica (M0), 15 minutos após a intubação traqueal (M1), aos 30 minutos (M2) e 60 minutos (M3) do período de manutenção anestésica. A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), média (PAM) e diastólica (PAD) foram obtidas pelo método não invasivo, sendo a PAM avaliada também pelo método invasivo. Por meio do monitoramento da freqüência cardíaca fetal média não se observou diferença significativa entre M0, M1 e M2, e verificou-se elevação apenas aos 60 minutos da manutenção anestésica (M3) em relação ao M0, porém sem significado clínico. O protocolo anestésico provocou diminuição significativa da pressão sangüínea arterial materna sem alterar, porém a freqüência cardíaca dos fetos.The effect of sevoflurane on fetal heart rate of 45-day fetuses was investigated through monitoring fetal heart rate by ultrasonographic evaluation in nine adult bitches aging from 1 to 5-year-old. After sedation with acepromazine (0.05mg/kg, IV), the anesthetic induction was accomplished using propofol (5mg/kg, IV) and the maintenance was kept with sevoflurane. The fetal heart rate was measured before sedation (M0), 15 minutes after endotracheal intubation (M1), at 30 (M2) and 60 minutes (M3) from the beginning of general anesthesia. The systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressures were obtained by indirect techniques, while mean blood pressure were also obtained by direct technique. The measure of fetal heart rate did not show any difference between M0, M1 and M2, but there was a remarkable increase in the last moment of the study (M3) comparing to M0, however without clinical relevance. The anesthetic protocol employing acepromazine, propofol and sevoflurane in 45-day pregnancy bitches decreased their arterial blood pressure without affecting the fetal heart rate

    O sevofluorano em cadelas gestantes

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    Com este experimento, objetivou-se avaliar como a anestesia geral inalatória, com o sevofluorano, interfere nos parâmetros fisiológicos de cadelas gestantes. Nove cadelas sem raça definida, adultas, com idade média de três anos, foram submetidas ao mesmo procedimento anestésico em dois períodos distintos, sendo o primeiro na condição não gestante e o segundo aos 45 dias de gestação. Todas receberam acepromazina (0,05mg kg-1) pela via intravenosa como medicação pré-anestésica, propofol (5mg kg-1) pela mesma via e sevofluorano diluído em oxigênio. As variáveis estudadas foram freqüência cardíaca e respiratória, pressão arterial sistólica, média e diastólica, temperatura retal, pressão parcial de CO2 ao final da expiração, saturação de oxigênio nas hemoglobinas, pH sangüíneo, pressão parcial arterial de oxigênio, pressão parcial arterial de CO2, bicarbonato e excesso de base. Os parâmetros foram avaliados antes da medicação pré-anestésica (M0) e 15 minutos após (M1), 15 minutos após a estabilização da anestesia inalatória (M2) e, depois, a cada 15 minutos durante 60 minutos (M3, M4, M5 e M6), com exceção das variáveis hemogasométricas que foram avaliadas em M0, M2 e M6. A análise estatística foi realizada com Análise de Variância e teste de Tukey, sendo considerado o nível de significância de 5%. A freqüência cardíaca elevou-se na paciente gestante no momento basal e 15 minutos após a medicação pré-anestésica, sendo observado ainda diminuição da pressão arterial e da temperatura retal nas gestantes. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o protocolo anestésico não alterou as variáveis mensuradas neste experimento, podendo ser utilizado com segurança para as cadelas, se houver a necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica e/ou anestésica aos 45 dias de sua gestação.The aim of this work was to evaluate how inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane alters physiological parameters of pregnant bitches. Nine mixed breed bitches with mean age of 3 year-old were submitted to the same anesthetic procedure in two different moments: the first one envolving non-pregnant bitches and the second one 45 day pregnant bitches. All bitches received acepromazine (0,05mg kg-1) intravenously as premedication, propofol (5mg kg-1) by the same way and sevoflurane diluted in oxygen. The variables measured were: heart rate and respiratory rate, systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressure, rectal temperature, end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure, oxyhemoglobin saturation, pH, oxygen tension, carbon dioxide tension, bicarbonate and base excess. The parameters were evaluated before (M0) and 15 minutes after tranquilization (M1), 15 minutes after parameters stabilization of inhalation anesthesia (M2) and every 15 minutes during 60 minutes (M3, M4, M5, M6), except pH and blood gas values which were measured before tranquilization (M0), 15 minutes after parameters stabilization (M2) and at 60 minutes of anesthesia (M6). The heart rate increased in the pregnant bitch before and 15 minutes after tranquilization and there was blood pressure and rectal temperature decrease. The statistical evaluation used were Analysis of Variance and Tukey s test (P<0,05). These results allowed the conclusion that the anesthetic protocol didn t change the variables measured, which can be employed safely in case of surgical and/or anesthetic procedure in 45 day pregnant bitches.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Anestesia peribulbar com ropivacaína como alternativa ao bloqueio neuromuscular para facectomia em cães

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    A peribulbar block technique was developed and its clinical efficacy was compared with neuromuscular blockade in dogs undergoing cataract surgery. Twelve dogs of different breeds were randomly and equally allocated in two groups. After given acepromazine (0.05mg/kg, IV), anesthesia was induced with propofol (5mg/kg, IV) and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen during spontaneous breathing. A peribulbar block with 0.75% ropivacaine was performed in G1 dogs while partial neuromuscular blockade with pancuronium (0.01mg/kg IV) was provided in G2 dogs. Globe position scores, oculocardiac reflex, and intra-ocular pressure (mmHg) were evaluated at pre-defined intervals during surgery. Peribulbar blocks were successful performed according to posterior peribulbar block described in humans. In both groups, the globe was centralized and globe position scores did not differ between groups. The intra-ocular pressure was significantly lower in G1 after the block (10.7 +/- 0.6 vs 14.7 +/- 0.6). There were no electrocardiographycal changes attributed to the oculocardiac reflex. In conclusion, satisfactory surgical conditions were provided by the peribulbar block. This technique can be used as an alternative to the use of neuromuscular blocking agents in dogs undergoing cataract surgery, with the advantage of providing analgesia of the eye.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Effect of lidocaine on the minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane in dogs

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    ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of a low-dose constant rate infusion (LCRI; 50 mu g kg(-1) minute(-1)) and high-dose CRI (HCRI; 200 mu g kg(-1) minute(-1)) lidocaine on arterial blood pressure and on the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of sevoflurane (Sevo), in dogs.Study designProspective, randomized experimental design.AnimalsEight healthy adult spayed female dogs, weighing 16.0 +/- 2.1 kg.MethodsEach dog was anesthetized with sevoflurane in oxygen and mechanically ventilated, on three separate occasions 7 days apart. Following a 40-minute equilibration period, a 0.1-mL kg(-1) saline loading dose or lidocaine (2 mg kg(-1) intravenously) was administered over 3 minutes, followed by saline CRI or lidocaine LCRI or HCRI. The sevoflurane MAC was determined using a tail clamp. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure and plasma concentration of lidocaine were measured. All values are expressed as mean +/- SD.ResultsThe MAC of Sevo was 2.30 +/- 0.19%. The LCRI reduced MAC by 15% to 1.95 +/- 0.23% and HCRI by 37% to 1.45 +/- 0.21%. Diastolic and mean pressure increased with HCRI. Lidocaine plasma concentration was 0.84 +/- 0.18 for LCRI and 1.89 +/- 0.37 mu g mL(-1) for HCRI. Seventy-five percent of HCRI dogs vomited during recovery.Conclusion and clinical relevanceLidocaine infusions dose dependently decreased the MAC of Sevo, did not induce clinically significant changes in HR or arterial blood pressure, but vomiting was common during recovery in HCRI.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Influência do butorfanol sobre os períodos de latência e de ação da ropivacaína pela via peridural na ovariossalpingo-histerectomia em cadelas

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    Avaliaram-se os períodos de latência e de duração do efeito do butorfanol associado à ropivacaína aplicados pela via peridural e a possibilidade de uso dessa associação como protocolo anestésico para realização de ovariossalpingo-histerectomia (OSH) em cadelas. Utilizaram-se 16 cadelas pré-medicadas com acepromazina e midazolam compondo dois grupos: no grupo 1 (n=8) aplicou-se ropivacaína isolada (0,3mL/kg) e no grupo 2 (n=8), butorfanol (0,1mg/kg) e ropivacaína (até o volume de 0,3mL/kg), pela via peridural. Consideraram-se nove momentos (M): M0 - animal sem anestesia, M1 - 15 minutos após medicação pré-anestésica; M2 - 30 minutos após a aplicação peridural; M3, M4 e M5 - correspondentes ao início do procedimento e ao pinçamento dos pedículos esquerdo e direito, respectivamente; M6 - ligadura da cérvix uterina; e M7 e M8 - início da laparorrafia e fim da sutura de pele, respectivamente. Foram avaliados os períodos de latência e ação do bloqueio, além da viabilidade de realização do procedimento cirúrgico por meio do bloqueio efetuado. O que recebeu ropivacaína + butorfanol apresentou sedação pronunciada e permitiu a realização de OSH em 75% dos animais, sem indução anestésica. Não houve diferença entre os grupos quanto aos períodos de latência e duração. A associação do butorfanol à ropivacaína proporcionou bloqueio anestésico compatível com a realização de OSH e período de latência curto, com duração de efeito suficiente para o procedimento cirúrgico.The periods of latency and duration of butorphanol associated with ropivacaine used via epidural, and this combination as anesthetic protocol for carrying out ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH) in bitches were evaluated. Sixteen animals pre-medicated with acepromazine and midazolam were used composing two groups that received: 1 (n=8) ropivacaine (0.3mL/kg) and 2 (n=8) butorphanol (0.1mg/kg) and ropivacaine (up to the volume of 0.3ml/kg) via epidural. Nine moments were studied: M1 - 15 minutes after pre-anesthetic medication; M2 - 30 minutes after the epidural medication; M3, M4, and M5 - at the beginning of surgery and at clamping left and right pedicles, respectively; M6 - at ligation of the uterine cervix; and M7 and M8 - at laparorhaphy and end of skin suture, respectively. Periods of latency and blocking the action of random double-covert manner were evaluated as well as the feasibility of carrying out the surgery performed by the blockade. It was observed that the group receiving ropivacaine + butorphanol allowed the execution of OSH in 75% of animals without the need for anesthesia. There was no statistical difference between the periods of latency and duration. It was concluded that the combination of butorphanol to ropivacaine provides, in bitches, block compatible with the implementation of OSH with short period of latency and duration of effect sufficient for the surgical procedure.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Cardiopulmonary and analgesic effects of caudal epidurally administered ropivacaine in cattle

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    Objective To assess cardiopulmonary and analgesic effects after administration of ropivacaine into the caudal epidural space of cattle.Study design Prospective, single-dose trial.Animals Eight healthy mixed breed cows aged 8 +/- 5 years and weighing 507 +/- 112 kg.Methods Caudal epidural anesthesia was produced in cows with 0.75% ropivacaine (0.11 mg kg(-1)). Onset time, duration and cranial spread of analgesia were recorded. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f(R)), rectal temperature (RT), and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were measured prior to epidural administration (T-0) and at 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes after epidural administration (T-15, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240). Arterial blood acid-base balance (pH, standard bicarbonate and base excess), gas tension (PaO2, PaCO2, SaO(2)) and electrolytes (Na+, K+, iCa(2+), Cl-) were recorded at T-0, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240. Ataxia was evaluated at T-0, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240 and at 1 hour intervals thereafter until analgesia was no longer present in each animal.Results Epidurally administered ropivacaine induced variable analgesia extending bilaterally from the coccyx to S3. Time to onset of analgesia and mean duration in the perineal area were 15 +/- 4 and 359 +/- 90 minutes, respectively. Respiratory rate and RT increased from T-120 to T-240 when compared to the value at T-0. Ionized calcium and chloride concentrations increased at T-180 and T-240 when compared to T-0. The other variables were not significantly different from baseline values (p > 0.05). Four animals were mildly ataxic.Conclusion and clinical relevance Ropivacaine (0.75%, 0.11 mg kg(-1)) can be administered by caudal epidural injection to produce prolonged bilateral perineal analgesia with minimal ataxia and cardiopulmonary changes in standing cattle

    Neurological and cardiocirculatory investigation of dog neonates born by normal parturition or cesarean section on sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia

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    A anestesia obstétrica possibilita um procedimento mais seguro para a mãe e para os fetos. em medicina veterinária, no entanto, a literatura científica a respeito do assunto é deficiente. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o grau de depressão neurológica, hemodinâmica e respiratória fetais provocado pelo agente anestésico, em que as mães foram submetidas ao parto normal ou à cesariana, utilizando-se sevofluorano como agente de manutenção anestésica, comparando-o com o parto normal. Foram realizados seis partos normais (GN) e seis cesarianas (GC), avaliando-se um total de 36 filhotes. As cesarianas foram realizadas utilizando-se acepromazina, propofol e sevofluorano (GC) e os neonatos foram avaliados clinicamente ao primeiro, quinto e décimo minuto de nascimento, nos dois grupos. Observou-se maior depressão respiratória nos filhotes nascidos de cesariana. Contudo, apesar dessa depressão, o protocolo anestésico empregado não comprometeu de maneira importante a viabilidade e a saúde das mães e dos filhotes, demonstrando ser seguro em cadelas gestantes.The obstetric anesthesia must be safe for mother and puppies and about this, the literature is pour. This study was aimed at evaluating the neurological, hemodinamic and respiratory changes in neonates provoked by the anestesic agent as a result of normal parturition and cesarean section employing sevoflurane as the maintenance agent. Six deliveries (GN) and six cesarean sections (GC) were performed. The cesarean sections were performed under general anesthesia using acepromazina maleate, propofol and sevoflurane. Thirty six puppies were evaluated and the neurologic reflexes were worse in that were born through cesarean section. However, we concluded that despite the anesthetic depression, the protocol employed didn,t affect in any important way the viability and health of the mothers and puppies, being suitable for cesarean sections

    Correlação de diferentes períodos de jejum com níveis séricos de cortisol, glicemia plasmática, estado clínico e equilíbrio ácido-base em case submetidos à anestesia geral inalatória

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    This study correlated the solid preoperative fasting periods with plasma glycemia, serum cortisol, condition clinic and acid-base balance in dogs submitted to inhalation of general anaesthesia. Eight adults, animals were distributed into three groups in accordance with solid preoperative fasting: group 1 (12 hours), group 2 (18 hours) and group 3 (24 hours). Gastric emptying was observed and following this animals were submitted to the same anesthetic procedure. Heart and respiratory rate, rectal temperature, capillary refill time, percent hydration and noninvasive arterial pressure determined before and after Acepromazine and every 10 minutes during anaesthesia, included ETCO 2; values blood gas (pH, PaCO 2, PaO 2, HCO 3, TCO 2, SaO 2, BE), glycemic and serum cortisol were analyzed before MPA and each 30 minutes during anaesthesia. In recovery anaesthetic, glycemia and serum cortisol were repeated. During anaesthesia there were little cardiovascular and respiratory alteration not having interference of the preoperative fasting periods. Animals with 12 hours of the preoperative fasting showed a higher rise in glycemia levels than others groups in recovery anaesthetic. Serum cortisol wasn't influenced by fasting. Solid preoperative fasting independent of the duration describe a discreet respiratory alkalosis. All animals showed good clinical condition in all three groups. Solid preoperative fasting of the 18 hours is recommended to ensure a complete absence of the solid food contents in stomach