644 research outputs found

    Network Localization by Shadow Edges

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    Localization is a fundamental task for sensor networks. Traditional network construction approaches allow to obtain localized networks requiring the nodes to be at least tri-connected (in 2D), i.e., the communication graph needs to be globally rigid. In this paper we exploit, besides the information on the neighbors sensed by each robot/sensor, also the information about the lack of communication among nodes. The result is a framework where the nodes are required to be bi-connected and the communication graph has to be rigid. This is possible considering a novel typology of link, namely Shadow Edges, that account for the lack of communication among nodes and allow to reduce the uncertainty associated to the position of the nodes.Comment: preprint submitted to 2013 European Control Conference, July 17-19 2013, Zurich, Switzerlan

    Sonoelastography in the diagnosis of tendinopathies: An added value

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    BACKGROUND: sonoelastography helps in the detection of abnormalities not yet evident on B-mode exam. METHODS: in this observational study, we report a collection of cases of symptomatic patients without alterations at ultrasound imaging but with evidence of pathological findings at sonoelastography. Patients, with clinical history suggestive for tendinopathies or surgically treated, and negative at the ultrasound exam, were submitted to sonoelastography. Out of 846, 632 patients with positive ultrasound exam were excluded. Sonoelastography was therefore performed in the remaining 214. RESULTS: the examination was positive in 168 cases: 78 patients were affected with shoulder diseases, while elbow pathology was observed in 31 subjects; patellar, Achilles and plantar fascia disorders were reported in 19, 27, and 13 patients, respectively. CONCLUSION: sonoelastography can reveal tendon abnormalities of clinical relevance in a high percentage of cases, where the ultrasound exam was negative, making the method a complementary tool to ultrasound evaluation

    Fondamentalismo e radicalizzazione in immigrati di seconda e terza generazione in Italia e in Europa. Inquadramento psicopatologico e studio di casi

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    Obiettivo di questo studio, a partire dai dati in possesso della Polizia di Stato e dalle fonti istituzionali nel contesto del territorio italiano, è mettere in luce gli elementi che concorrono a porre in essere fenomeni di radicalizzazione e fondamentalismo religioso in immigrati di seconda e terza generazione, a volte fino a giungere alla scelta estrema di diventare foreign fighters. Verranno a tal fine presi in esame elementi sicuramente condizionanti quali quelli socio-economico-culturali, ma anche la valutazione di eventuali caratteristiche personali di tipo psico-patologico. Si farà riferimento a casi concreti attraverso esempi giunti alla ribalta delle cronache, con particolare attenzione alle proposte di policy ed alle forme di prevenzione del fenomeno

    R. Scruton, Understanding music. Philosophy and interpretation

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    The circular insanity of philosophy: an aesthetic vision

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    A long tradition, whose echo is still perceptible in some contemporary reflections, combines philosophy and melancholy, often indentifying melancholy as the beginning of philosophy. But rereading the Freud’s Mourning and Melancholia, the «circular insanity» shows two sides, depressive and maniac. Once the double nature of the «circular insanity» has been taken into consideration, it can be reiterated that melancholy is connected to philosophy not only with regard of its beginning but also to its (temporary) end, approached through Wittgenstein's reflection on the miracle and the mystical as the extinction of the philosophical question. In this perspective, the whole cycle of philosophy, from its depressive beginning to its maniacal outcome, undergoes an aesthetic consideration, in which what is more important is the how of experience rather than its what. Finally, the aesthetic point of view on the connection between melancholy and philosophy makes it possible to reconsider the very status of that research that presents itself as 'love of knowledge'

    Perché la musica? Le quattro cause dell’estetica musicale

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    Obiettivo del presente contributo è di reimpostare l’indagine sul senso del fenomeno musicale svincolando l’analisi dal paradigma linguistico che obbliga a interrogarsi sul significato delle «forme sonore in movimento». Al quesito sul senso si sostituisce la domanda sul perché, che trova in Berio e in Wolff due differenti trattazioni. Adottando uno schema di matrice aristotelica, la riflessione individua nelle quattro cause (materiale, formale, efficiente, finale) altrettante piste da percorrere per giungere a una comprensione non riduttiva del fenomeno musicale. In particolare, riannodando i fili del confronto con l’indagine sul linguaggio, il ricorso alle quattro cause consente di considerare la musica sotto i due aspetti di energeia e ergon, di attività e prodotto.  La musica non si riduce pertanto a un segno significante ma si mostra come un fenomeno complesso, il cui studio riguarda tanto l’estetica quanto l’etica, tanto la musicologia quanto l’antropologia e la filosofia

    E. Campbell, Music after Deleuze

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