20 research outputs found


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    Communication subscribes to the notion of transparency in the legal working of authorities who have to publish permanently their work. Transparency involves a mutual communication between authorities and citizens in several aspects: access to public information, transparency in the decisions take, transparency regarding the activities of the legal persons. Publishing the criminal judgments is made in the form established by the court through the written press or audiovisual or other means of audiovisual communication. The number of appearances can’t be more than 10, if the distribution is done through the written press or audiovisual. If other audiovisual media broadcasts, the duration can’t exceed 3 months. The prevention of the criminal law must be interpreted in the broader context of crime prevention through measures that should be taken involving the social, economical and juridical plans.communication, civil society, criminal judgments, justice

    ConsĂ©quences de l’instabilitĂ© morphodynamique liĂ©e Ă  l’exploitation du soufre dans le massif volcanique du Calimani (Roumanie)

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    En Roumanie, la seuleexploitation du soufre en carriĂšre a Ă©tĂ© ouverte en 1973 dans le secteur du Negoiul Romanesc situĂ© dans la partie centrale du massif du Calimani (Carpates Orientales roumaines). Mais, Ă  cause de la faible rentabilitĂ©, cette activitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© arrĂȘtĂ©e dĂ©finitivement en 1997. Actuellement, les versants du cĂŽne transformĂ©s en carriĂšre et terrils sont trĂšs instables, caractĂ©risĂ©s par une morphodynamique active  (coulĂ©es de dĂ©bris, glissements de terrain, etc.). Utilisant des orthophotoplans, des cartes topographiques 1/25000 et 1/5000 et les informations provenant des observations de terrain, des sources bibliographiques diverses ou des tĂ©moignages, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une carte actuelle de l’occupation du sol de cette rĂ©gion. Sur cette carte, on observe l’extension spatiale des zones de carriĂšre, des terrils ou de la plateforme industrielle rĂ©alisĂ©e au dĂ©triment des forĂȘts. En aval des terrils, les glissements de terrain et les coulĂ©es de dĂ©bris ont affectĂ© les forĂȘts. Des mesures topographiques ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es afin de dĂ©terminer la vitesse de remplissage des sĂ©diments transportĂ©s par les coulĂ©es de dĂ©bris et dĂ©posĂ©s derriĂšre les barrages construits pour stopper leur progression. Les valeurs obtenues indiquent des vitesses de remplissage de 1430 m3 par an dans le cas du barrage Dumitrelul, respectivement 3250 m3 par an pour le barrage Pinul. Des travaux de rĂ©habilitation des terrils, de la carriĂšre et de la plateforme industrielle ont commencĂ© en juillet 2008, 11 ans aprĂšs l’arrĂȘt dĂ©finitif de l’activitĂ© miniĂšre.In Romania, the onlyopencast sulphur mining was begun in 1973 in the Negoiul RomĂąnesc area, situated in the central part of the Călimani massif (Romanian Oriental Carpathians). In 1997 the mining activity ceased for good because of the low profitability. At the moment, the volcanic cone slopes that were turned into quarry and spoil heaps are extremely unstable, and they are characterized by active morphodynamics (debris flows, landslides, etc.). Based on the use of orthophotoplans, topographical maps (1/25000 and 1/5000) and field observations, various bibliographical sources or accounts, we have made a present-day land use map of this area. This map shows the spatial expansion of the quarry, the spoil heaps and the industrial platform that replaced the forest. Downstream the spoil heaps the forests were affected by landslides and debris flows. Topographical measurements have been carried out in order to determine the accumulation rate of the sediments transported by the debris flows and laid beyond the dams that were built in order to stop them. The results show an accumulation rate of 1430 m3 per year for the Dumitrelul dam, respectively 3250 m3 per year for the Pinul dam. In July 2008, 11 years after the definitive cease of the mining activity, rehabilitation work was begun in the spoil heaps, the quarry and the industrial platform.Der einzige Schwefel-Tageabbau in RumĂ€nien wurde im Jahre 1973 im Gebiet des Negoiul RomĂąnesc, im zentralen Teil des Călimani-Gebirges (RumĂ€nische Ostkarpaten), eröffnet. Wegen der geringen RentabilitĂ€t  wurde jedoch der Abbau 1997 endgĂŒltig eingestellt. Z.Z. sind der in einen Steinbruch umgewandelte Kegel und die Halden sehr unbestĂ€ndig, so dass sie von aktiven morphodynamischen Prozessen erfasst worden sind (Schuttfließen, Erdrutschungen u.a.). Durch Verwendung von OrthophotoplĂ€nen, topographischen Karten im Maßstab 1:25.000 und 1: 5.000, durch GelĂ€ndestudien und Auswertung verschiedener Informationsquellen und Berichte wurde die aktuelle Nutzungskarte des Gebietes erstellt. Man erkennt die Ausdehnung  der SteinbrĂŒche, der Abraumhalden und der Industrieplattformen, die an Stelle des Waldes angelegt wurden. Im unteren Bereich haben Erdrutsche und Schuttströme den Wald verdĂ€ngt.  Es wurden topographische Messungen gemacht, um die Geschwindigkeit festzustellen, mit der sich die hinter Staumauern angelegten Becken mit Gesteinsschutt auffĂŒllen, die diesen zurĂŒckhalten sollen.  Die ermittelten Werte zeigen eine AuffĂŒllgeschwindigkeit von 1430 mÂł pro Jahr am Dumitrelul-Stauwehr und 3250  mÂł am Pinul Stauwehr. Die Rehabilitierungsarbeiten an den Halden, SteinbrĂŒchen und Industrieplattformen haben im Juli 2008 begonnen, elf Jahre nach der vollstĂ€ndigen Einstellung des Abbaus

    The theoretical and practical implications of Criminal Convention regarding the corruption concluded in Strasbourg 1999 upon Romanian legislation

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    Considering Resolution (58)7 regarding the authorisation of creating of an enlarged partial Agreement, which establishes the Group of States against corruption - GRECO, the Penal Convention regarding Corruption was also issued in January 27, 1999 at Strasbourg (STEN 173), convention which had a decisive impact upon changing the vision of the Romanian legislator regarding aspects concerning the notion of ‘corruption’, both of incriminatory as well as of procedural order.Considering Resolution (58)7 regarding the authorisation of creating of an enlarged partial Agreement, which establishes the Group of States against corruption - GRECO, the Penal Convention regarding Corruption was also issued in January 27, 1999 at Strasbourg (STEN 173), convention which had a decisive impact upon changing the vision of the Romanian legislator regarding aspects concerning the notion of ‘corruption’, both of incriminatory as well as of procedural order

    Dendroclimatic Reconstruction of Summer Temperatures in Irik Valley, Mount Elbrus (Greater Caucasus)

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    Recent evidence suggests an acceleration of glacier retreat in Greater Caucasus after 1980. For the same period a significant summer temperature warming trend and little or no change in precipitation variation have been observed. In this paper we seek to find similar past climatic conditions using a dendroclimatic reconstruction of summer temperatures from upper treeline sites after the Little Ice Age (LIA). Dendroclimatological sampling of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) has been made in Irik Valley, near Elbrus glacier, and a tree-ring width (TRW) chronology has been used to reconstruct May – August (MJJA) temperatures back to 1830. Three warm periods were identified in the MJJA temperatures reconstructed data (1830 - 1900), but we cannot appreciate if they had the same intensity as the recent warm perio

    Tree-ring records of the historic pollution along Novăƣ river, MaramureƟ Mountains, (Romania)

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    Mining activities cause heavy metal pollution of the water, the soil and the air in the affected areas. Metal toxicity, acidic pH and changes in soil structure are supposed to induce a stress on the riparian forest. Coniferous trees affected by this type of human-induced environmental stress react by producing different anatomical changes, commonly the abrupt radial growth decrease and traumatic resin duct production. By analysing growth anomalies formed in tree-rings, it is therefore possible to reconstruct retrospectively the dynamics of forest under environmental polluted, conditions.On the 10th of March 2000 an ecological disaster occurred in MaramureƟ Mountains, Romania. A tailing pond of the Baia BorƟa mines (district Maramures) burst after heavy precipitations and thawing. About 20 000 t of heavy metal contaminated sludge flooded along Novăƣ and Vaser Valleys and then reached the rivers ViƟeu and Tisa.The 2000 event severely pollutes with heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn etc.) the soil and ground water in the riparian forest areas. Moreover, these trees were buried under toxic sediments left after the passage of the flood. Riparian forest stands along Novăƣ river are mainly composed by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L) Karst.) trees. This tree species is known to have a high susceptibility to soil pollution, because of the shallow growing roots within the upper part of the soil profile. It has therefore a high potential for dendrochronological studies. In this mining area, so far relations between pollution events and the growth response of Norway spruce have not been tested. </p

    Dendroclimatic reconstruction of summer temperatures in Southern Carpathians

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    A significant summer temperature warming trend and little or no change in precipitation variation have been observed in the southern part of the Carpathians after 1980. In this paper we seek to find similar past climatic conditions using a dendroclimatic reconstruction of summer temperatures. Regional dendroclimatic reconstruction has been conducted in four different massifs (Bucegi, Piatra Craiului, FăgăraƟ and Parñng Massifs) belonging to the Southern Carpathians. The four sampling sites are located nearby the upper timberline, the forest stands being here dominated by Norway spruce trees (Picea abies (L) Karst). A tree-ring width (TRW) chronology of P. abies has been used here to reconstruct summer temperatures back to the end of 19th century. Results indicate that during the considered period, the decadal periods characterized by cold summers alternate with those with warm summer temperature

    Permafrost response to the post Little Ice Age climate variability in the Romanian Carpathians

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    The geomorphological evidences along with the range of methods recently (since 2008) applied in the Romanian Carpathians indicate that most of the rock glaciers are relict or inactive in the present. Only a few cases of active or complex rock glaciers (active only across their upper parts) are supposed to exist in the highest granitic massifs of Southern Carpathians (Retezat and ParĂąng), but contemporary inactivation trends seem to take place as indicated by growth of vegetation (especially Pinus mugo) on their fronts. On the other hand, most of the inactive rock glaciers present distinct signs of activity in the recent past that followed the Little Ice Age colder period which in the Romanian Carpathians had its last maximum between 1820 and 1840 (Popa and Kern, 2008).</p

    Experimental Study of Static and Fatigue Behavior of CFRP-Balsa Sandwiches under Three-point Flexural Loading

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    Balsa wood is a natural cellular material with an excellent resistance-to-weight ratio that is ideal for manufacturing the core of sandwich structures. In this study, sandwich specimens with a carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) skin and a balsa wood core were tested with static and dynamic loading. Three-point flexural tests in static regime determined the mechanical characteristics of the CFRP-balsa specimens that were needed for subsequent fatigue strength tests. Also, experimental research was performed on the Charpy impact response of the CFRP-balsa sandwich specimens. This study implemented an accelerated fatigue testing method to identify and predict the mean fatigue life of the CFRP-balsa sandwich specimens subjected to cyclic fatigue via three-point flexural tests. Using the accelerated fatigue and the three-point flexural testing methodology on the CFRP-balsa sandwich specimens, the testing period was reduced by 11.9 times, and thus the material costs necessary for the tests were also reduced. Also, the breaking surfaces were analysed to reveal the failure modes of CFRP-balsa specimens subjected to static and fatigue tests at three-point flexural and at impact tests