3 research outputs found

    Koloratzaile fotoaktiboen belaunaldi berria

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    Nature is a source of inspiration for humankind and helps in technological advance. As a matter of fact, the reproduction of the photosynthesis, where natural chromophores absorb the incoming sunlight, is a long seeking challenge. To mimic such antenna systems new organic dyes are designed. However, single molecules show intrinsic limitations to absorb the whole electromagnetic spectrum, for light traveling, and to withstand prolonged irradiation regimes. To offset such shortcoming, multichromophoric dyes are an appealing alternative. In these complex molecular structures dissimilar dyes are covalently linked to promote energy transfer between them, which is the key pathway. Thus, multichromohores enable a broadband and efficient absorption. Therefore, multichromophoric dyes emerge as the next generation of ap-plied photoactive systems for artificial antennae in optic and photovoltaic devices. Herein, we detail the main structural and photophysical requirements to develop efficient and stable multichromophores. As a proof of concept, we showcase multichromophoric dyes based on rhodamine, perylene red and BODIPY and describe their photonic performance applied as lasers and sensors.; Gizakiok, maiz, naturan inspiratzen gara garapen teknologikoa bultzatzeko. Bada, fotosin-tesia horren adibide argia da. Prozesu natural horretan, eguzki-argia kromoforo naturalen bidez xurgatzen da, eta gaur egun antena-sistema natural hori modu eraginkorrean imitatzeko azterlan ugari egiten ari dira, koloratzaile organiko berrien diseinuan oinarrituta. Hala ere, molekula sinpleak direnez, zenbait muga izaten dituzte; adibidez, zailtasunak dituzte espektro elektromagnetiko osoan argia xurgatzeko, argi-energia garraiatzeko eta erradiazio jarraituaren pean luze irauteko. Hala, hainbat kromoforoz osatutako koloratzaileak, multikromoforo deritzenak, irtenbide aproposa dira. Molekula-egitura horietan, kromoforo edo koloratzaile ezberdinak modu kobalentean konbinatzen dira eta energia-trukea sustatzen da. Hortaz, antena naturalak imitatzeko funtsezkoa den prozesua lortzen da eta argiaren xurgapen zabala eta eraginkorra bermatzen da. Hori dela eta, koloratzaileen kimikan, multikromoforoak etorkizuneko sistema fotoaktibotzat hartzen dira antena artifizialak garatzeko eta gailu optiko eta fotovoltaikoetan aplikatzeko. Argitalpen honetan, beraz, antena eraginkor eta egonkorrak garatzeko ezinbestekoak diren irizpide molekularrak eta fotofisikoak zehazten dira. Adibide gisa, errodaminan, perileno gorrian eta BODIPYan oinarritutako koloratzaile multikromoforikoak aurkezten dira, eta horien portaera fotonikoa deskribatzen da laser eta sentsore bezala erabiltzeko

    Mikrouhinen bidezko beroketaren onurak koloratzailez dopaturiko material hibridoen sintesian

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    Due to the huge steps forward the technology has undergone, more and more sophisticated properties are required in systems to accomplish today's needs, and often these features can hardly be achieved with conventional materials. In order to tackle this problem, hybrid materials have entered with great force, which can have new and improved features. Hence, inorganic supports that include photoactive organic molecules are very interesting, because they provide rigidity, protection and order to organic molecules, reinforcing the properties of chromophores. This paper describes the development of LDS 730 hemicyanine embedded in MgAPO-5 zeolite, an outstanding material that emits electromagnetic radiation in the near infrared region. In addition to outlining technological applications, the photophysical and structural properties of this material have been analyzed together with two types of heating synthesis processes: the conventional and microwave oven-synthesis have been compared, highlighting the advantages of the last one.; Teknologiak jasan dituen aurrerapauso ikaragarriak direla eta, gero eta propietate konplexuagoak dituzten sistemak behar dira gaur egungo beharrak asetzeko, eta maiz, ezaugarri horiek nekez lor daitezke ohiko materialekin. Arazo honi aurre egiteko, ezaugarri berri eta hobetuak erakusten dituzten material hibridoek indar handia hartu dute. Honen harian, molekula organiko fotoaktiboak barne hartzen dituzten euskarri ez-organikoak interesgarriak dira, molekula organikoei zurruntasuna, babesa eta ordena eskaintzen dietelako, kromoforoen propietateak sendotuz. Lan honetan, berebiziko interesa duen eta infragorri hurbileko eremuan erradiazio elektromagnetikoa igortzen duen material baten garapena deskribatzen da, LDS 730 hemizianina MgAPO-5 material zeolitikoan kapsulatuz. Aplikazio teknologikoak gogoan izanda, propietate fotofisikoak eta estrukturalak aztertzeaz gain, sintesi prozesua ere ikertu da, materiala bi beroketa metodo desberdinen bidez lortuz. Horrela, ohiko labearen eta mikrouhin labearen bidezko sintesiak konparatu dira, azken honen abantailak goraipatuz

    Acetoxymethyl-BODIPY Dyes: A Universal Platform for the Fluorescence Labeling of Nucleophiles

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    Current methods for the preparation of functional small-molecule fluorophores generally require labor-intensive, multi-step synthetic routes for all the major chromophore groups. In spite of recent significant contributions from numerous laboratories, the paucity of rapid, straightforward and wide-scope synthetic strategies in this field is limiting the development of advanced probes for bioimaging, sensing and therapeutic applications. We describe herein a general and robust methodology for the one-step fluorescent labeling of a wide variety of molecules having C-, N-, P-, O-, S-, or halide-nucleophilic centers, using stable and readily available acetoxymethyl-BODIPYs as reagents in the presence of an acid catalyst. This modular methodology allows a very facile preparation of mono- and di-functional probes incorporating a broad assortment of biomolecules, enzyme cofactors, natural products, and other chromophores, as well as chemical functionalities for a wide range of applications including bioorthogonal conjugation, polymerization, and supramolecular chemistry, among others. The photophysical properties and preliminary applications of the new probes in live-cell imaging were also studied. The described strategy could enable the high-throughput engineering of novel BODIPY dyes with diverse functionalities for basic and applied research with potential for innovative technological applications