28 research outputs found

    Conformational Plasticity in IL-2 Is Captured Via in Silico Fragment-Based Drug Design Using SILCS Fragmaps

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    Computational Fragment-Based Binding Site Identification by Ligand Competitive Saturation

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    Fragment-based drug discovery using NMR and x-ray crystallographic methods has proven utility but also non-trivial time, materials, and labor costs. Current computational fragment-based approaches circumvent these issues but suffer from limited representations of protein flexibility and solvation effects, leading to difficulties with rigorous ranking of fragment affinities. To overcome these limitations we describe an explicit solvent all-atom molecular dynamics methodology (SILCS: Site Identification by Ligand Competitive Saturation) that uses small aliphatic and aromatic molecules plus water molecules to map the affinity pattern of a protein for hydrophobic groups, aromatic groups, hydrogen bond donors, and hydrogen bond acceptors. By simultaneously incorporating ligands representative of all these functionalities, the method is an in silico free energy-based competition assay that generates three-dimensional probability maps of fragment binding (FragMaps) indicating favorable fragment∶protein interactions. Applied to the two-fold symmetric oncoprotein BCL-6, the SILCS method yields two-fold symmetric FragMaps that recapitulate the crystallographic binding modes of the SMRT and BCOR peptides. These FragMaps account both for important sequence and structure differences in the C-terminal halves of the two peptides and also the high mobility of the BCL-6 His116 sidechain in the peptide-binding groove. Such SILCS FragMaps can be used to qualitatively inform the design of small-molecule inhibitors or as scoring grids for high-throughput in silico docking that incorporate both an atomic-level description of solvation and protein flexibility

    Atomic-Resolution Experimental Structural Biology and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Hyaluronan and Its Complexes

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    This review summarizes the atomic-resolution structural biology of hyaluronan and its complexes available in the Protein Data Bank, as well as published studies of atomic-resolution explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations on these and other hyaluronan and hyaluronan-containing systems. Advances in accurate molecular mechanics force fields, simulation methods and software, and computer hardware have supported a recent flourish in such simulations, such that the simulation publications now outnumber the structural biology publications by an order of magnitude. In addition to supplementing the experimental structural biology with computed dynamic and thermodynamic information, the molecular dynamics studies provide a wealth of atomic-resolution information on hyaluronan-containing systems for which there is no atomic-resolution structural biology either available or possible. Examples of these summarized in this review include hyaluronan pairing with other hyaluronan molecules and glycosaminoglycans, with ions, with proteins and peptides, with lipids, and with drugs and drug-like molecules. Despite limitations imposed by present-day computing resources on system size and simulation timescale, atomic-resolution explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations have been able to contribute significant insight into hyaluronan’s flexibility and capacity for intra- and intermolecular non-covalent interactions

    Pyranose Ring Puckering Thermodynamics for Glycan Monosaccharides Associated with Vertebrate Proteins

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    The conformational properties of carbohydrates can contribute to protein structure directly through covalent conjugation in the cases of glycoproteins and proteoglycans and indirectly in the case of transmembrane proteins embedded in glycolipid-containing bilayers. However, there continue to be significant challenges associated with experimental structural biology of such carbohydrate-containing systems. All-atom explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations provide a direct atomic resolution view of biomolecular dynamics and thermodynamics, but the accuracy of the results depends on the quality of the force field parametrization used in the simulations. A key determinant of the conformational properties of carbohydrates is ring puckering. Here, we applied extended system adaptive biasing force (eABF) all-atom explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the ring puckering thermodynamics of the ten common pyranose monosaccharides found in vertebrate biology (as represented by the CHARMM carbohydrate force field). The results, along with those for idose, demonstrate that the CHARMM force field reliably models ring puckering across this diverse set of molecules, including accurately capturing the subtle balance between 4C1 and 1C4 chair conformations in the cases of iduronate and of idose. This suggests the broad applicability of the force field for accurate modeling of carbohydrate-containing vertebrate biomolecules such as glycoproteins, proteoglycans, and glycolipids

    Sulfation and Cation Effects on the Conformational Properties of the Glycan Backbone of Chondroitin Sulfate Disaccharides

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    Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is one of several glycosaminoglycans that are major components of proteoglycans. A linear polymer consisting of repeats of the disaccharide −4GlcAβ1–3GalNAcβ1–, CS undergoes differential sulfation resulting in five unique sulfation patterns. Because of the dimer repeat, the CS glycosidic “backbone” has two distinct sets of conformational degrees of freedom defined by pairs of dihedral angles: (ϕ<sub>1</sub>, ψ<sub>1</sub>) about the β1–3 glycosidic linkage and (ϕ<sub>2</sub>, ψ<sub>2</sub>) about the β1–4 glycosidic linkage. Differential sulfation and the possibility of cation binding, combined with the conformational flexibility and biological diversity of CS, complicate experimental efforts to understand CS three-dimensional structures at atomic resolution. Therefore, all-atom explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations with Adaptive Biasing Force sampling of the CS backbone were applied to obtain high-resolution, high-precision free energies of CS disaccharides as a function of all possible backbone geometries. All 10 disaccharides (β1–3 vs β1–4 linkage × five different sulfation patterns) were studied; additionally, ion effects were investigated by considering each disaccharide in the presence of either neutralizing sodium or calcium cations. GlcAβ1–3GalNAc disaccharides have a single, broad, thermodynamically important free-energy minimum, whereas GalNAcβ1–4GlcA disaccharides have two such minima. Calcium cations but not sodium cations bind to the disaccharides, and binding is primarily to the GlcA −COO<sup>–</sup> moiety as opposed to sulfate groups. This binding alters the glycan backbone thermodynamics in instances where a calcium cation bound to −COO<sup>–</sup> can act to bridge and stabilize an interaction with an adjacent sulfate group, whereas, in the absence of this cation, the proximity of a sulfate group to −COO<sup>–</sup> results in two like charges being both desolvated and placed adjacent to each other and is found to be destabilizing. In addition to providing information on sulfation and cation effects, the present results can be applied to building models of CS polymers and as a point of comparison in studies of CS polymer backbone dynamics and thermodynamics