10 research outputs found

    On the possibility of utilizing sodium lignosulfonate as a nano-organic foundation for creating soil-like bodies in the purposes of technogenic-degraded land rehabilitation

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction. Currently a significant number of quarry restoration strategies have been developed, based on different aspects of soil impact: specifically, mixing the topsoil with the empty rock of exhausted quarries; introducing organic waste; applying mulching and polymer structure formers; using the adapted plants. In this study we attempt to combine the positive aspects of the previously mentioned methods. Therefore, the aim of our research is to create artificial soil-like structures with specified agroecological properties. We anticipate further use of the obtained mixture as a layer between the quarry waste material and fertile soil, which is to be applied to the reclaimed surface and followed by the planting of local plant species. Materials and methods.Studies on the possibility of reclamation of mine tailings were conducted under conditions of model experiment with sodium lignosulfonate (SL), a waste organic material from the pulp and paper industry, as the organic base for the soil-like body. Fine fraction soil (FS) sampled from the mine tailings was mixed with SL in ratios of 1/0.5, 1/1, and 1/2; to accelerate the decomposition of organic matter depending on the experimental scheme, strains of bacteria Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Pseudomonas kunmingensis were added. The obtained mixtures have been composting for three months at a room temperature, with regular mixing and maintaining moisture levels. The phytotoxicity of the obtained mixtures was assessed by germinating seeds of a short duration radish variety called "18 days". Results and discussion. The application of sodium lignosulfonate (SL) into the fine fraction soil (FS) significantly increased the organic matter content and decreased the acidity of the medium. The fertilizing with nitrogen in the SL experimental variants has led to a significant increase in the content of alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen compared to the variants in the absence of N and the presence of SL. Conclusion. The research results showed that the application of sodium lignosulfonate (SL) to the fine fraction soil (FS) contributed to a decrease in acidity, an increase in organic matter and alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen content in the mixture, as well as a reduction in substrate toxicit

    High-Molecular-Weight Plasmids Carrying Carbapenemase Genes <i>bla</i><sub>NDM-1</sub>, <i>bla</i><sub>KPC-2</sub>, and <i>bla</i><sub>OXA-48</sub> Coexisting in Clinical <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i> Strains of ST39

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    Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae, a member of the ESKAPE group of bacterial pathogens, has developed multi-antimicrobial resistance (AMR), including resistance to carbapenems, which has increased alarmingly due to the acquisition of carbapenemase genes located on specific plasmids. Methods: Four clinical K. pneumoniae isolates were collected from four patients of a neuro-intensive care unit in Moscow, Russia, during the point prevalence survey. The AMR phenotype was estimated using the Vitec-2 instrument, and whole genome sequencing (WGS) was done using Illumina and Nanopore technologies. Results: All strains were resistant to beta-lactams, nitrofurans, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, and tetracyclines. WGS analysis revealed that all strains were closely related to K. pneumoniae ST39, capsular type K-23, with 99.99% chromosome identity. The novelty of the study is the description of the strains carrying simultaneously three large plasmids of the IncHI1B, IncC, and IncFIB groups carrying the carbapenemase genes of three types, blaOXA-48, blaNDM-1, and blaKPC-2, respectively. The first of them, highly identical in all strains, was a hybrid plasmid that combined two regions of the resistance genes (blaOXA-48 and blaTEM-1 + blaCTX-M-15 + blaOXA-1 + catB + qnrS1 + int1) and a region of the virulence genes (iucABCD, iutA, terC, and rmpA2::IS110). Conclusion: The spread of K. pneumoniae strains carrying multiple plasmids conferring resistance even to last-resort antibiotics is of great clinical concern

    Effects of Chicory (<i>Cichorium intybus</i> L.) Extract on Male Rat Reproductive System, Pregnancy and Offspring Development

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    Background: We recently reported that extract prepared from the aerial part of Cichorium intybus L. (CE) possesses hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic, and hypoglycemic properties. This paper focuses on the effects of CE on the male rat reproductive system and the effects of this treatment on pregnancy and offspring development. Methods: The experimental male rats received 100 mg/kg bw/day, 500 mg/kg bw/day, and 1000 mg/kg bw/day of CE orally for 60 consecutive days. Rats that received tap water were used as controls. After treatment, we evaluated the effects of CE on the male reproductive system, fertility, and offspring development. Results: For CE-treated male rats, there was a significant increase in the (1) diameter of seminiferous tubules, (2) spermatogenic index, (3) number of total and motile spermatozoa, and (4) testosterone levels. Additionally, there was a decrease in the pre- and post-implantation death of the embryos in the CE-treated group. All pups born from CE-treated males demonstrated normal development. Conclusions: CE treatment significantly improved male reproductive functions. No adverse effects on pregnancy and offspring development were observed when males were treated with CE. Further clinical evaluation of CE should lead to the development of a safe and effective phytodrug for treating male infertility

    A new tool for self-evaluation of adherence to antimuscarinic drugs treatment in patients with urinary incontinence

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    Abstract objective: To evaluate the validity of the Medication Adherence Self-Report Inventory (MASRI) questionnaire in determining antimuscarinic drugs adherence in patients with urinary incontinence (UI). Patients and methods: In all, 629 patients [355 (56.4%) women and 274 (43.6%) men], aged 18â65â¯years, were included. All patients were prescribed antimuscarinic drugs and treatment adherence was tested at the start, and after 4, 8 and 12â¯weeks using the MASRI. The standard of external monitoring was the Brief Medication Questionnaire (BMQ) and visual count of the remaining pills. The functional status of the lower urinary tract was tested using voiding diaries and uroflowmetry. Results: The correlation between indicators of adherence according to the MASRI and screen mode of the BMQ was râ¯=â¯0.84 (Pâ¯â¤â¯0.01), râ¯=â¯0.72 (Pâ¯â¤â¯0.01), râ¯=â¯0.7 (Pâ¯â¤â¯0.05) at 4, 8 and 12â¯weeks of follow-up, respectively, which indicated a satisfactory competitive validity. In the study of the discriminant validity, we found that non-adherent patients were correctly identified according to the MASRI in 96.2%, 96.9% and 96.2% of cases at 4, 8 and 12â¯weeks of follow-up, respectively. The values of the positive likelihood ratio (7.92, 10.81, and 12.8 at 4, 8 and 12â¯weeks of follow-up, respectively) were quite acceptable for the adherence forecast. The receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed a failure of the null hypothesis of the excess/insufficient discrimination power of the MASRI. The correlation between the percentage of non-adherent patients and the percentage of patients with impaired lower urinary tract function according to uroflowmetry data was râ¯=â¯0.55 (Pâ¯â¤â¯0.05) at 4â¯weeks; râ¯=â¯0.59 (Pâ¯â¤â¯0.05) at 8â¯weeks; and râ¯=â¯0.62 (Pâ¯â¤â¯0.01) at 12â¯weeks. Conclusion: The MASRI questionnaire is highly constructive, competitive, has discriminant validity, and is suitable for self-assessment of treatment adherence in patients with UI taking antimuscarinics. Using the MASRI is less costly and faster compared with other assessment tools. Keywords: Self-evaluation, Questionnaire, Antimuscarinic, Adherence, Urinary incontinenc

    Magneto-Mineralogical and Biological Properties of Sediments of the Lake Bolshoy Kharbey

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    Исследование кернов донных отложений оз. Большой Харбей (Большеземельская тундра), проведенное комплексом магнито-минералогических и палеобиологических методов, включающих в себя спорово-пыльцевой, кладоцерный и хирономидный анализы, показало, что в состоянии донных отложений, составе растительности и сообществах гидробионтов произошли существенные изменения. Нижняя часть керна характеризуется более низкими значениями ферромагнитной составляющей, что связано с растворением биогенных магнитных минералов с глубиной. Верхняя часть керна имеет более высокие значения магнитной восприимчивости, что связано с зоной распространения магнитотактических бактерий, производящих биологически контролируемые магнитные минералы. Проведенный анализ продемонстрировал, что в целом растительность региона на протяжении изученного отрезка осадконакопления характеризовалась доминированием хвойных пород (сосна, ель) с постоянным присутствием карликовой березки, ольховника и вересковых, что предполагает наряду с распространением хвойных лесов существование локальных ерниковых и кустарниковых тундровых растительных группировок. Травянистые таксоны в значительной мере представлены осокой, отражающей локальную прибрежно-водную растительность. Со временем в донных отложениях практически исчезает пыльца лиственницы и увеличивается роль пыльцы березы и ольховника. В кладоцерных сообществах озера доминируют таксоны, присущие крупным водоемам, в основном представители семейства Bosminidae. По всему керну наиболее частыми зоопланктерами являлись Chydorus cf. sphaericus, Eubosmina cf. longispina, мелкиe формы рода Alona. Ядро сообществ хирономид представлено толерантными к легкому закислению таксонами, индикаторными для умеренных температур, обитателями литорально-сублитеральной зоны. В составе кладоцерных и хирономидных сообществ в верхних слоях происходит смена соотношения планктонных и литорально-бентосных видов в сторону увеличения присутствия планктонных видов, что свидетельствует о повышении уровня озера, видимо, вследствие увеличения глубины сезонного протаивания грунта. В это же время начинается сукцессия локальной растительности, выражающаяся в снижении концентрации пыльцы березы и лиственницы и увеличении роли Pinus s/g Diploxylon. Климат, по всей вероятности, стал более сухим и теплым. Состав пыльцы верхних горизонтов донных отложений указывает на снижение обилия хвойных и развитие березняков и открытых кустарниковых сообществ. В сообществах гидробионтов отмечается рост общего числа таксонов, в том числе таксонов, свидетельстующих о повышении трофического статуса озера. Растет численность ацидофильных, теплолюбивых и фитофильных таксонов. В палиноспектрах происходит резкое увеличение содержания спор папоротников и сфагнума, что может свидетельствовать о заболачивания озера, а в комплексе с данными хирономидного и кладоцерного анализов о расширении литоральной зоны, распространении водной и прибрежно-водной растительности и потеплении климатаInvestigation of sediment cores from the lake Bolshoy Kharbey (Bolshezemelskaya tundra) was performed using magnetic-mineralogical and palaeobiological methods, including palynological, Cladocera and chironomid analysis. It was shown that noticeable changes took place in the state of sediments and communities of hydrobionts. Lower part of the sediments is characterized by lower ferromagnetic component, which is related to lower number of magnetotactic bacteria, producing biologically controlled magnetic minerals. Upper part of the core is characterized by higher values of magnetic susceptibility and its components. Pollen analysis has shown that vegetation of the region during the time of the investigated sedimentation was dominated by conifers and by constant presence of dwarf birch, Alnus fruticosa, Ericaceae. Herbaceous are represented mainly by sedge, reflecting local near-water vegetation. Larch pollen disappears gradually from the lake sediments, alongside with the increase of the concentrations of birch and Alnus fruticosa pollen. Taxa characteristic for big water bodies, mainly from the family Bosminidae, dominate Cladoceran communities. The most frequent zooplanktonic taxa in the whole core were Chydorus. cf. sphaericus, Eubosmina cf. longispina, small forms of the genera Alona. Chironomid communities are represented mainly by acid-tolerant, temperate, littoral-sublittoral taxa. In the upper layers of sediments in cladoceran and chironomid communities share of planktonic taxa increases which indicates rise of the lake level as a result of seasonal ground melting. At the same time gradual succession in the local vegetation starts. Concentrations of the birch and larch pollen decrease, and Pinus s/g Diploxylon increase. This can indicate that climate became warmer and drier. Communities of hydrobionts are getting more diverse, the number of the acidophilic, phytophylic taxa and taxa, characteristic for eutrophication grows. In palynospectra concentration of ferns and sphagnum grows, which can indicate swamping, growth of littoral zone and spreading of near water vegetation and reflects warming of climat

    Rectal and Tracheal Carriage of Carbapenemase Genes and Class 1 and 2 Integrons in Patients in Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit

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    The spread of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, which is associated with the distribution of beta-lactamase genes and class 1 and 2 integrons, is a global problem. In this study, in the Moscow neurosurgery intensive care unit (neuro-ICU), the high prevalence of the above-stated genes was found to be associated with intestinal and tracheal carriage. Seven-point prevalence surveys, which included 60 patients in the neuro-ICU, were conducted weekly in the period from Oct. to Nov. 2019. A total of 293 clinical samples were analyzed, including 146 rectal and 147 tracheal swabs; 344 Gram-negative bacteria isolates were collected. Beta-lactamase genes (n = 837) were detected in the isolates, including beta-lactamase blaTEM (n = 162), blaSHV (n = 145), cephalosporinase blaCTX–M (n = 228), carbapenemase blaNDM (n = 44), blaKPC (n = 25), blaOXA–48 (n = 126), blaOXA–51–like (n = 54), blaOXA–40-like (n = 43), blaOXA–23-like (n = 8), and blaVIM (n = 2), as well as class 1 (n = 189) and class 2 (n = 12) integrons. One extensively drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strain (sequence type ST39 and capsular type K23), simultaneously carried beta-lactamase genes, blaSHV–40 and blaTEM–1B, three carbapenemase genes, blaNDM, blaKPC, and blaOXA–48, the cephalosporinase gene blaCTX–M, and two class 1 integrons. Before this study, such heavily armed strains have not been reported, suggesting the ongoing evolution of antibiotic resistance

    Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Causing Severe Infections in the Neuro-ICU

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    The purpose of this study was the identification of genetic lineages and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and virulence genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates associated with severe infections in the neuro-ICU. Susceptibility to antimicrobials was determined using the Vitek-2 instrument. AMR and virulence genes, sequence types (STs), and capsular types were identified by PCR. Whole-genome sequencing was conducted on the Illumina MiSeq platform. It was shown that K. pneumoniae isolates of ST14K2, ST23K57, ST39K23, ST76K23, ST86K2, ST218K57, ST219KL125/114, ST268K20, and ST2674K47 caused severe systemic infections, including ST14K2, ST39K23, and ST268K20 that were associated with fatal incomes. Moreover, eight isolates of ST395K2 and ST307KL102/149/155 were associated with manifestations of vasculitis and microcirculation disorders. Another 12 K. pneumoniae isolates of ST395K2,KL39, ST307KL102/149/155, and ST147K14/64 were collected from patients without severe systemic infections. Major isolates (n = 38) were XDR and MDR. Beta-lactamase genes were identified: blaSHV (n = 41), blaCTX-M (n = 28), blaTEM (n = 21), blaOXA-48 (n = 21), blaNDM (n = 1), and blaKPC (n = 1). The prevalent virulence genes were wabG (n = 41), fimH (n = 41), allS (n = 41), and uge (n = 34), and rarer, detected only in the genomes of the isolates causing severe systemic infections—rmpA (n = 8), kfu (n = 6), iroN (n = 5), and iroD (n = 5) indicating high potential of the isolates for hypervirulence

    Magneto-Mineralogical and Biological Properties of Sediments of the Lake Bolshoy Kharbey

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    Исследование кернов донных отложений оз. Большой Харбей (Большеземельская тундра), проведенное комплексом магнито-минералогических и палеобиологических методов, включающих в себя спорово-пыльцевой, кладоцерный и хирономидный анализы, показало, что в состоянии донных отложений, составе растительности и сообществах гидробионтов произошли существенные изменения. Нижняя часть керна характеризуется более низкими значениями ферромагнитной составляющей, что связано с растворением биогенных магнитных минералов с глубиной. Верхняя часть керна имеет более высокие значения магнитной восприимчивости, что связано с зоной распространения магнитотактических бактерий, производящих биологически контролируемые магнитные минералы. Проведенный анализ продемонстрировал, что в целом растительность региона на протяжении изученного отрезка осадконакопления характеризовалась доминированием хвойных пород (сосна, ель) с постоянным присутствием карликовой березки, ольховника и вересковых, что предполагает наряду с распространением хвойных лесов существование локальных ерниковых и кустарниковых тундровых растительных группировок. Травянистые таксоны в значительной мере представлены осокой, отражающей локальную прибрежно-водную растительность. Со временем в донных отложениях практически исчезает пыльца лиственницы и увеличивается роль пыльцы березы и ольховника. В кладоцерных сообществах озера доминируют таксоны, присущие крупным водоемам, в основном представители семейства Bosminidae. По всему керну наиболее частыми зоопланктерами являлись Chydorus cf. sphaericus, Eubosmina cf. longispina, мелкиe формы рода Alona. Ядро сообществ хирономид представлено толерантными к легкому закислению таксонами, индикаторными для умеренных температур, обитателями литорально-сублитеральной зоны. В составе кладоцерных и хирономидных сообществ в верхних слоях происходит смена соотношения планктонных и литорально-бентосных видов в сторону увеличения присутствия планктонных видов, что свидетельствует о повышении уровня озера, видимо, вследствие увеличения глубины сезонного протаивания грунта. В это же время начинается сукцессия локальной растительности, выражающаяся в снижении концентрации пыльцы березы и лиственницы и увеличении роли Pinus s/g Diploxylon. Климат, по всей вероятности, стал более сухим и теплым. Состав пыльцы верхних горизонтов донных отложений указывает на снижение обилия хвойных и развитие березняков и открытых кустарниковых сообществ. В сообществах гидробионтов отмечается рост общего числа таксонов, в том числе таксонов, свидетельстующих о повышении трофического статуса озера. Растет численность ацидофильных, теплолюбивых и фитофильных таксонов. В палиноспектрах происходит резкое увеличение содержания спор папоротников и сфагнума, что может свидетельствовать о заболачивания озера, а в комплексе с данными хирономидного и кладоцерного анализов о расширении литоральной зоны, распространении водной и прибрежно-водной растительности и потеплении климатаInvestigation of sediment cores from the lake Bolshoy Kharbey (Bolshezemelskaya tundra) was performed using magnetic-mineralogical and palaeobiological methods, including palynological, Cladocera and chironomid analysis. It was shown that noticeable changes took place in the state of sediments and communities of hydrobionts. Lower part of the sediments is characterized by lower ferromagnetic component, which is related to lower number of magnetotactic bacteria, producing biologically controlled magnetic minerals. Upper part of the core is characterized by higher values of magnetic susceptibility and its components. Pollen analysis has shown that vegetation of the region during the time of the investigated sedimentation was dominated by conifers and by constant presence of dwarf birch, Alnus fruticosa, Ericaceae. Herbaceous are represented mainly by sedge, reflecting local near-water vegetation. Larch pollen disappears gradually from the lake sediments, alongside with the increase of the concentrations of birch and Alnus fruticosa pollen. Taxa characteristic for big water bodies, mainly from the family Bosminidae, dominate Cladoceran communities. The most frequent zooplanktonic taxa in the whole core were Chydorus. cf. sphaericus, Eubosmina cf. longispina, small forms of the genera Alona. Chironomid communities are represented mainly by acid-tolerant, temperate, littoral-sublittoral taxa. In the upper layers of sediments in cladoceran and chironomid communities share of planktonic taxa increases which indicates rise of the lake level as a result of seasonal ground melting. At the same time gradual succession in the local vegetation starts. Concentrations of the birch and larch pollen decrease, and Pinus s/g Diploxylon increase. This can indicate that climate became warmer and drier. Communities of hydrobionts are getting more diverse, the number of the acidophilic, phytophylic taxa and taxa, characteristic for eutrophication grows. In palynospectra concentration of ferns and sphagnum grows, which can indicate swamping, growth of littoral zone and spreading of near water vegetation and reflects warming of climat