4 research outputs found

    Determination of the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone of the state regional electric power plant: environmental aspect

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    In order to ensure the safety of the population around objects and industries that are sources of impact on the environment and human health, a special territory is established with a special regime of use - the sanitary protection zone (SPZ). According to the regulatory framework of Russia, the approximate size of the SPZ should be justified by the project of a sanitary protection zone with calculations of expected air pollution and levels of physical impact on atmospheric air, and confirmed by the results of field studies and measurements. This paper analyzes the requirements and possibilities for establishing the boundaries of the SPZ for a state regional electric power plant (SREPP). The paper presents an example of the established SPZ boundaries of the energy company, where all calculated indicators correspond to sanitary and construction norms and rules, and the company does not need to create a new SPZ project. The new requirements for defining the SPZ boundaries from 2018 are presented, and terms of object outline, areal object and circuit are analyzed

    Sustainable urban development: the impact of an asphalt plant on the quality of atmospheric air

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    The development of industry, the use of various chemicals in technological processes, the large emissions of industrial enterprises, the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture have caused environmental pollution with harmful substances. Environmental protection is now becoming one of the economic problems and is an extremely urgent task of humanity. The purpose of this article is to present the main results of the study and analysis of atmospheric air pollution by the asphalt plant, which is located almost in the center of Yekaterinburg; to investigate the compliance of the existing hazard class of the enterprise, which increases its production volumes, to correct the size and location of the sanitary protection zone of the plant, taking into account the wind rose, and to try to propose a number of measures to reduce the negative impact of the plants in this industry. In considering the impact of anthropogenic activities on nature, attention should be paid to the concept of sustainable development, which carries principles based on the satisfaction of human needs, with a focus on caring for the well-being of future generations. If we consider the issue from the perspective of this concept, then the asphalt plant, in order to prevent possible environmental damage, should invest material and money to further minimize the amount of pollutants

    Lease or easement for a forest plot for linear objects: an economic aspect

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    In this article, we will consider the interesting, in our opinion, presented data of practitioners and scientists in terms of the study of more cost-effective disposal of forest plots provided for linear objects on the lands of the forest fund of Russia. In our opinion, today it is quite relevant to resolve issues around the payment for the use of forest plots for linear objects for our country: granting the right to lease or establish an easement for the considered plots, as well as conducting forecast financial calculations of these options for the provision of land for 2020. In this article, we only showed forward-looking calculations on the example of the Ural Federal District, which has almost 10% of the country’s forest land (almost 60% of the district’s area), for conclusions about the damage to the budget due to lost revenue due to the choice of the form of granting forest plots, a more complete study of the economic mechanism of land management of the country is necessary, such a task the authors have not yet set themselves

    Assessment of the recreational potential of the forest territory of the Sverdlovsk region

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    The purpose of this study is to present our vision of assessing the recreational potential of the territory (RPT) for its effective management. We suggest using this territory assessment method, which consists of two main stages: assessment of the recreational component of the natural environment and assessment of the necessary amount of investment to use the recreational biodiversity of the territories.The article analyzes the approaches and presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of the recreational potential of the forest lands of the Sverdlovsk region. Created a map ranking the Sverdlovsk region according to the results of research with application for developing a comprehensive assessment of RPT on the methods, developed on the basis of the theory of “games with nature”: the method of structured comparison of RPT on the Hurwitz criterion, aspiring to the maximum and to identify the factors dominating the impact from the application of the Wald criterion. Based on the conducted research on the analysis of the influence of forests on the formation of recreational characteristics, the authors obtained weighted average generalized coefficients of recreational attractiveness of forests of different types in the forest management areas of the Sverdlovsk region and identified 10 forestcadastre areas in the Sverdlovsk region. This paper also presents a developed and tested method for a comprehensive assessment of the recreational potential of forest lands in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region in order to attract investment. Preliminary investment volumes for the development of the Sverdlovsk region’s RPT (based on the cost of forest biodiversity) are presented. We consider the proposed territory ranking to be a necessary indicator for effective management of the subject’s territories