5 research outputs found

    Prema etičkom poimanju zakonskog propisa o cijepljenju u Ruskoj Federaciji

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    Today the ethical aspect became the cornerstone of all public discussion defining the success of vaccination all over the world. This situation had a basic influence on formatting the modern normative regulation connected with vaccination by the inclusion of the universal ethical principals in the legislative concept. It is also extremely important to reach an understanding and recognition of these fundamental bases among responsible professional community and public society in general. Another significant impact is also to get harmonization and solidarity between existing national legislation and international ones. These provisions defined the main objective of this article to analyze the role and value of the ethical component in the current legislation in the Russian Federation connected with vaccination. First, the significance of universal ethical principles in the process of vaccine’s R&D and practical vaccination is presented (Chapter I). Secondary, the legal system of the Russian Federation is analyzed considering the compliance and the possibility of executing various ethical standards (Chapter II). Third, the author’s research based on a questionnaire survey held among the various categories responsible for vaccination, an imbalance of knowledge, and the implementation of basic ethical-normative principles are shown (Chapter III). The main conclusion of the article is the confirmation of the compliance between Russian legislation and the universal principles of bioethics. At the same time, there is an urgent need for education and awareness in order to improve the scientific and practical achievements of vaccination and to get the real adaptation of an ethical concept among professional society, as well as to reach the public trust.Danas je etički aspekt postao kamen temeljac svih javnih rasprava koje definiraju uspjeh cijepljenja u cijelom svijetu. Ova je situacija imala bitan utjecaj na oblikovanje suvremenog normativnog propisa povezanog s cijepljenjem uključivanjem univerzalnih etičkih načela u zakonodavni koncept. Također je izuzetno važno postići razumijevanje i prepoznavanje ovih temeljnih osnova između odgovorne profesionalne zajednice i javnog društva općenito. Drugi značajan utjecaj je također usklađivanje i solidarnost između postojećeg nacionalnog zakonodavstva i međunarodnog zakonodavstva. Navedene odredbe definirale su glavni cilj ovog članka, a on je analiziranje uloge i vrijednosti etičke komponente u trenutnom zakonodavstvu Ruske Federacije povezane uz cijepljenje. Prvo je prikazan značaj univerzalnih etičkih načela u procesu istraživanja i razvoja cjepiva i praktičnog cijepljenja (I. poglavlje). Kao drugo, pravni sustav Ruske Federacije analizira se uzimajući u obzir usklađenost i mogućnost provođenja različitih etičkih normi (II. poglavlje). Treće, prikazano je autorovo istraživanje temeljeno na anketnom upitniku provedenom među različitim ispitanicima odgovornim za cijepljenje, neravnotežu znanja i primjenu osnovnih etičko-normativnih načela (III. poglavlje). Glavni zaključak članka je potvrda usklađenosti između ruskog zakonodavstva i univerzalnih načela bioetike. Istodobno, postoji hitna potreba za obrazovanjem i osvješćivanjem radi poboljšanja znanstvenih i praktičnih dostignuća cijepljenja i postizanja stvarne prilagodbe etičkog koncepta među profesionalnim društvom, kao i postizanja povjerenja javnosti

    Bioethics in Russia: History and Present-day Problems

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    10.1353/asb.2015.0041Asian Bioethics Review75481-49

    From the Editor

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    10.1353/asb.2015.0040Asian Bioethics Review75423-42

    Religious exception for vaccination or religious excuse for avoiding vaccination

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    Vaccination is considered to be one of the greatest public health achievements in the 20th century, which has helped to build a society free of vaccine preventable diseases and save lives of millions children across the globe. However, in the 21st century, pediatric practice in the western world witnesses an era of vaccination refusal. Pediatricians, infectious disease experts, and public health professionals ask themselves why and how “the greatest achievement of public health” became a medical procedure that frightens parents across the globe. Many parents are seeking a legal way to avoid vaccinating their children. The legal systems of some countries predict legal vaccination exemptions. One of the most usual reasons for exemption are medical reasons, followed by the religious, social, and philosophical reasons (personal belief, conscience objection)