7 research outputs found

    Method for optimizing the number of glass-fiber reinforced plastic rebars in concrete structures

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    Innovations in the construction industry have led to a change in the technological structure, the use of end-to-end technologies, innovative materials, information management and the need for new technical, technological and managerial solutions. The research problem is the optimal placement of glass-fiber reinforced plastic bars in concrete structures. It took several steps to solve the research problem: 1) development of an algorithm for solving the design problem in TEKLA Structures; 2) performing of calculations based on the finite element method in LIRA-SAPR, which were further reproduced in Rhinoceros and Grasshopper (based on interoperability in a single BIM environment); 3) implementation of the optimization algorithm using the parametric optimization method; 4) A practical calculation of determining the optimal values of the loads of glass-fiber reinforcement in the slab on the example of a typical design problem of a structural element of a construction facility; 5) calculation of positive economic effect. The conclusion is that the algorithm can be used in the practice of building design

    Venäläismatkailijoiden tiedonhankinta ennen matkaa ja matkan aikana tarjolla olevista ravintolapalveluista

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    Opinnäytetyön yhtenä tavoitteena oli selvittää mitä markkinointikanavia venäläiset matkailijat käyttävät ennen matkaa Suomeen ja matkan aikana, kun he etsivät tietoa Lappeenrannan seudulla olevista ravintolapalveluista. Toisena tavoitteena oli saada selville, mitkä valintakriteerit vaikuttavat venäläisten matkailijoiden ruokaravintoloiden valintaan Lappeenrannan seudulla. Tutkimus suoritettiin kvantitatiivista eli määrällistä menetelmää käyttäen. Tutkimus toteutettiin kenttätutkimuksena, jonka aineisto kerättiin henkilökohtaisenä kyselynä. Tutkimus toteutettiin Sokos Hotel Lappeessa sekä Cumulus Lappeenranta hotelleissa. Vastauksia saatiin 61 kappaletta. Saadun tiedon tueksi haastateltiin Venäjän sähköisen markkinoinnin sekä ruokaravintoloiden asiantuntijoita. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että kaikista suosituimmat ovat henkilökohtaiset lähteet sekä ennen matkaa että matkan aikana. Ennen matkaa tietoja haetaan pääosin Internetistä. Internetin tärkein sivusto venäläisille matkailijoille on sosiaalisen median yhteisö Vkontakte.ru. Matkan aikana taas hyödynnetään enemmän printtimediaa, kuten esimerkiksi lehtiä, karttoja ja esitteitä. Luetuimmat lehdet ovat Stop in Finland ja Venäjän kauppatie. Ruokaravintoloiden tärkeimmät valintakriteerit ovat ruoan laatu, hyvä palvelu ja sisustus. Venäläiset myös arvostavat palvelua venäjän kielellä.One of the objectives of this thesis was to find out which marketing channels are used by Russian tourists before arriving and during their stay in Finland, when they are searching information about restaurants in Lappeenranta area. Another purpose of the current study was to examine which of the criteria are important for Russian travellers when they are visiting restaraunts in Lappeenranta area. The research method used in this thesis was quantitative research. This study was carried out at the Sokos Hotel Lappee and Cumulus Lappeenranta hotels by handing out a questionnaire to their Russian customers. 61 responses were received. The theoretical background for the current work was gathered by by interviewing experts on restaurants and Russian Internet marketing. The results of the study show that personal sources of information are the most popular among Russian tourists before and during their trip. Web resources are used mostly before arrival. Social network Vkontakte.ru is the most frequent web-page. Printed media, such as newspapers, magazines, maps and advertising brochures, are mainly used by tourists during their stay in Finland. The most popular publications are Stop in Finland and Venäjän kauppatie. The main criteria for choosing restaurant are food quality, good service and interior. Moreover, the service in Russian language is also important

    Advanced digital transformations for food security

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    The issues of digital transformation of the modern agricultural economy and the impact of innovative processes on its effective and sustainable functioning in order to ensure food security are analyzed in this article. The key directions for the development of digital production are shown, with the help of which the real prospects for the development of the agrarian sector of the national economy are determined. The current state of digital transformation of the agricultural sector of the economy is analyzed using modeling of the product impact and process innovations on the development of the agricultural economy. The influence of knowledge spreading in the Internet era, the development of network technologies and the use of digital platforms significantly expand the possibilities of both modern network business and business in the agricultural sector of the economy in solving problems related to the implementation of research and development in the field of digital transformation of the agricultural sector of the economy. In the conclusion, it is concluded that the development of rural areas and ensuring of food security in Russia will largely depend on the level of application of information technologies

    Institution of public welfare: investments within historic settlements and the life cycle of the urban environment

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    Introduction. The transformation of the economic space of the regions based on digitalization and the use of intelligent technologies in the housing sector gives rise to aesthetic technical problems. When implementing spontaneous investment projects to improve the energy efficiency of the old housing stock of cities, including historical and cultural monuments, as well as buildings that form historical buildings, technical and aesthetic consequences arise. The aim of the article is to study the implemented investment projects to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings on the adjacent territory of the border of the historical settlement of regional significance in the city of Kazan. Materials and methods. Full-scale inspection, photographic recording of the results of implemented investment projects to improve the energy efficiency of multi-apartment residential buildings of the housing stock on the adjacent territory of the border of the historical settlement of the city of Kazan. Results. As a result, a classification was drawn up of the types of interventions of the operating company, which significantly change the historical facades, change the single architectural and historical appearance of the street ensemble and generate negative externalities. Taking into account the prospects for growth in demand in the market for improving the energy efficiency of buildings of old housing stock, in order to maximize public welfare, it is proposed to consider the mechanism of state intervention to protect the architectural and historical environment of the city as a patronized good on the basis of state policy to create favorable conditions for the introduction of innovations in the housing sector in the form of institute of public guardianship. Conclusions. The institute of public guardianship will allow to preserve the artistic architectural ensembles of the city throughout the life cycle, to fight against parasitic architecture, to obtain an economic effect: to ensure low energy consumption in residential buildings of the old housing stock of cities, an increase in the value of real estate and the profitability of investment projects for the restoration, reconstruction and reconstruction of buildings in the historical part cities. KEYWORDS: region, trusteeship goods, investments, BIM, intelligent technologies, urban planning, border of a historical settlement, energy efficiency, architectural and historical environment, life cycle assessment, public guardianship institute FOR CITATION: Bakhareva O.V., Azhimova L.I., Celani А., Bolshakov N.S. Institution of public welfare: investments within historic settlements and the life cycle of the urban environment. Vestnik MGSU [Monthly Journal on Construction and Architecture]. 2021; 16(6):762-780. DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.6.762-780 (rus.

    Sunscreen Effect Exerted by Secondary Carotenoids and Mycosporine-like Amino Acids in the Aeroterrestrial Chlorophyte <i>Coelastrella rubescens</i> under High Light and UV-A Irradiation

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    The microalga Coelastrella rubescens dwells in habitats with excessive solar irradiation; consequently, it must accumulate diverse compounds to protect itself. We characterized the array of photoprotective compounds in C. rubescens. Toward this goal, we exposed the cells to high fluxes of visible light and UV-A and analyzed the ability of hydrophilic and hydrophobic extracts from the cells to absorb radiation. Potential light-screening compounds were profiled by thin layer chromatography and UPLC-MS. Coelastrella accumulated diverse carotenoids that absorbed visible light in the blue–green part of the spectrum and mycosporine-like amino acids (MAA) that absorbed the UV-A. It is the first report on the occurrence of MAA in Coelastrella. Two new MAA, named coelastrin A and coelastrin B, were identified. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the development of hydrophobic subcompartments under the high light and UV-A exposition. We also evaluate and discuss sporopollenin-like compounds in the cell wall and autophagy-like processes as the possible reason for the decrease in sunlight absorption by cells, in addition to inducible sunscreen accumulation. The results suggested that C. rubescens NAMSU R1 accumulates a broad range of valuable photoprotective compounds in response to UV-A and visible light irradiation, which indicates this strain as a potential producer for biotechnology