191 research outputs found
Genetics Of Gluten Intolerance
Celiac disease, or extreme gluten intolerance, is an autoimmune disease that primarily causes damage to the small intestine. It is caused by dietary intake of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. The presentation of celiac disease consists of digestive tract symptoms, mainly diarrhea and subsequent weight loss. Other related symptoms and findings are iron deficiency anemia, decreased bone density, and some nonspecific neurological symptoms.In the recent past, the diagnosis of celiac disease was made based on specific serological tests, small intestinal mucosa biopsy results, and fading away of symptoms after gluten-free diet is applied.After the identification of the disease-specific genes HLA-DQ2 and DQ8, genetic testing was considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of celiac disease, because the presence of a specific genotype is a prerequisite for the development of this disease. Risk variants of HLA-DQ2 and DQ8 are found in about 30% of the general European population. Determining the genetic status allows adequate subsequent clinical decisions. The lack of genetic variants predisposing to celiac disease leads to the exclusion of the diagnosis, while the detection of high-risk variant(s) in an individual prompts additional diagnostic steps through a number of serological and invasive tests. The introduction of genetic analysis has led to a significant reduction in the number of invasive intestinal tests (biopsies).The purpose of this article is to present the current practical approach in the diagnosis of celiac disease, which includes mandatory genetic analysis, and to explain the nature of this autoimmune disease from a genetic point of view
Variational problem for hydrogenerator thrust bearing
Reversible and irreversible heavy loaded thrust bearings of a hydrogenerator are investigated. The problem of oil wedge microgeometry profiling for load capacity optimization is considered. The analysis is based on optimization methods using variational calculus. The results of oil wedge microgeometry optimization for reversible and irreversible thrust bearings are presented
Embodied learning of the German language: teaching methodology for translators and interpreters
Las Ciencias Cognitivas experimentales muestran
importantes progresos en cuanto al funcionamiento de
los mecanismos de la adquisición de conocimiento y
de la memoria. Esos avances deben ser considerados
en la carrera de Traducción e Interpretación, ya que la
profesión de traductor o intérprete no solo requiere una
buena fluidez lingüística, sino también competencias
cognitivas específicas muy desarrolladas. Así, numerosos
estudios neuro y psicolingüísticos demuestran que
las habilidades de la memoria de trabajo y del control
ejecutivo interlingüístico, tan imprescindibles para la labor
de traducción/interpretación que comprende el balanceo
entre dos lenguas, son susceptibles a su entrenamiento
mediante prácticas tempranas. Igualmente, existen
progresos significativos en el conocimiento sobre otras
competencias necesarias para esta labor, como pueden
ser la fluidez conceptual, la competencia metafórica o la
práctica de discurso en público, entre otras. El presente
trabajo describe una experiencia de la didáctica del
alemán para futuros traductores o intérpretes que integra
los avances de las Ciencias Cognitivas experimentales. Se
trata del entrenamiento de las competencias traductoras
desde la fase inicial del aprendizaje del alemán, lo que
convierte los estudios de Traducción e Interpretación
en una experiencia empírica y corporeizada motivadora
tanto para los alumnos como para los docentes.Experimental Cognitive Sciences show important
progress in terms of the functioning of the knowledge
acquisition and memory mechanisms. These advances
must be considered in the Translation and Interpreting
career, since the profession of translator or interpreter
not only requires good linguistic fluency, but also highly
developed specific cognitive skills. Thus, numerous
neuro and psycholinguistic studies show that the skills
of working memory and interlinguistic executive control,
so essential for the work of translation/interpretation
that includes balancing between two languages, are
susceptible to their training through early practices.
Likewise, there are significant advances in knowledge
about other skills necessary for this task, such as
conceptual fluency, metaphorical competence or the
practice of public speaking, among others. The present
work describes the German teaching experience for
future translators or interpreters that integrates the
last experimental Cognitive Sciences advances. The
present study is about the translation skills training
from the initial phase of learning German, which turns
Translation and Interpretation studies into an empirical
and embodied experience that is motivating for both
students and teachers
La crisis humanitaria: ¿un desastre o una oportunidad de acción para la interpretación social y de muestra de la humanidad?
The UN report of 2022 points to an unimaginable number of 103 million displaced persons who had to leave their country in search of asylum. In recent years, migrants have come mainly from the African and European parts of the continent. Based on these numbers, it is possible to speak of a serious humanitarian crisis. The European Union (mostly Germany and Spain) is an attractive destination for migration, especially for refugees from the war in Syria and Ukraine. The EU countries are characterised by their proximity and are known for their tourism, but they are also known for their good integration measures and social support for migrants (health insurance, financial help and educational and working opportunities). At the same time, linguistic mediation through translators and interpreters facilitates the reception of migrants and improves communication and coexistence. Social, medical and educational personnel, but also translators and interpreters, bear the greatest burden in the care of the migrant population in the host countries. This paper presents the experience of collaboration to face the current humanitarian crisis from the point of view of remote multilingual interpreters and proposes innovations in Translation and Interpreting Studies.El informe de las Naciones Unidas del 2022 señala una cifra imaginable de 103 millones de personas desplazadas que tuvieron que abandonar su país en búsqueda de asilo. En los últimos años, la procedencia de los migrantes es sobre todo desde la parte africana y europea del continente. Partiendo de estos números se puede hablar de la grave crisis humanitaria. La Unión Europea representa un destino atractivo para la migración, especialmente Alemania y España, sobre todo para los refugiados a causa de la guerra en Siria y Ucrania. Los países de la UE se caracterizan por su proximidad y son conocidos debido al turismo, también destacan por su buena oferta de medidas de integración, oportunidades laborales y ayudas sociales para los migrantes (seguro de salud, medios financieros y oferta educativa). Al mismo tiempo, la mediación lingüística a través de traductores e intérpretes facilita la acogida de los migrantes y mejora la comunicación y la convivencia común. El personal social, médico, educativo, pero también los traductores e intérpretes llevan el mayor peso en la atención de la población migrante en los países de acogida. En el presente trabajo se expone la experiencia de colaboración para afrontar la presente crisis humanitaria desde el punto de vista de intérpretes multilingües remotos y plantea innovaciones en los Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación.  
Genetic polymorphisms predisposing to common cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major health problem worldwide and is a leading cause of disability and mortality. They include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease and arterial atherosclerosis. In the most cases, CVDs are polygenic multifactorial socially significant diseases and result from the impact of predisposing environmental factors, mainly related to unhealthy lifestyles, acting on a sensitive genetic terrain. This is due to specific genetic variants that control the regulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), lipid metabolism, caffeine metabolism, omega-3 fatty acids, homocysteine, etc. Such common genetic variants are designated as SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms). The more predisposing variants an individual carries, the more pronounced the genetic risk of developing CVD. Such genetic variations are: variations in the ACE (insertion/deletion—I/D) and AGT (C-344T) genes of the RAAS; variations in the ApoE gene (Apo E2, E3 and E4) associated with cholesterol metabolism, genetic polymorphism C3175G in the gene encoding apolipoprotein C—APOC3; CETP gene with polymorphism rs708272, 279 G>A, associated with high-density cholesterol metabolism; lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene and polymorphism 1595C>G (Ser447X); a polymorphism in CYP1A2 associated with caffeine sensitivity; polymorphism rs174537 G>T in FADS1 involved in polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism, and polymorphisms in MTHFR (677 C>T and 1298 A>C) associated with homocysteine metabolism
Perspectives For Target Therapy In The Treatment Of Malignant Neoplasms Of The Urinary Bladder
Етиологията, патогенезата и лечението на злокачествените новообразувания на пикочния мехур все още пораждат редица въпроси. Установени са биомаркери, показващи разлики в молекулния образ на инвазивния и неинвазивния уроепителен карцином, които са част от факторите, отговорни за големите вариации в лечението дори и при тумори с еднакъв хистологичен резултат. В момента стандартно прилаганата системна терапия включва различни цитотоксични химиотерапевтични схеми и се основава главно на хистологичната оценка и стадирането на тумора. От май 2016 г. за първи път се разреши прилагането на прицелна терапия при лечение на онкологични зболявания на пикочен мехур. Прицелната терапия се използва за спиране на растежа и разпространението на раковите клетки, посредством потискане на активирани сигнални пътища - най-често на фибробластния, епидермалния и ендотелния растежен фактор. Изборът на „правилното` лекарство се базира до голяма степен върху молекулно-генетичната диагноза на тумора и наличие на специфични биомаркери, показващи възможността за прилагане на едно или друго лекарство.През последните години е постигнат значителен напредък в ерата на молекулната диагностика и прицелната терапия, което неминуемо води до удължаване на преживяемостта на онкопоциентите и подобряване качеството им на живот. В тази статия ние разглеждаме потенциалните и съществуващите възможности за приложение на прецизирана терапия при пациенти с уроепителни тумори.The etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of malignant neoplasms of the bladder still address a number of issues. Several biomarkers have been identified showing differences in the molecular image of invasive and non-invasive uroepithelial carcinoma. These biomarkers are part of the factors responsible for the large variation in treatment even in tumors with the same histological diagnosis. Currently, standard systemic therapy includes various cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens and is based mainly on histological evaluation and tumor progression. Since May 2016, target therapy has been approved for the first time in the treatment of oncological bladder disease. Target therapy is used to stop the growth and spread of cancer cells by suppressing activated signaling pathways - most often fibroblast, epidermal and endothelial growth factor pathways. The choice of „ the right` drug is largely based on the molecular genetic diagnosis of the tumor and the presence of specific biomarkers indicating the applicability of one or another drug.Significant progress has been made in the era of molecular diagnosis and target therapy, which leads to prolonged survival and improved quality of life of oncology patients. In this article, we examine the potential and existing options for the use of precision therapy in patients with uroeptithelial tumors
Optimum design of hydrodynamic thrust bearings with rayleigh's pocket profiles
Optimum design problem for hydrodynamic self-aligning acting thrust bearings was considered. Based on results for rectangular region the problem for sector region was solved. As an objective function, the maximum of pressure integral over the lubricant layer surface was used and five geometrical parameters described Rayleigh's pocket shape were used as optimization variables during optimization procedure. The bearing pressure distribution was determined on the basis of the Navier-Stokes equations using the ANSYS / CFX software. Numerically the optimization problem was solved using three different methods: IOSO, SIMPLEX and pilOPT+AFilter SQP realized in two commercial optimization software IOSO and modeFRONTIER. The aim of this investigation was designing the technologically advanced profiles of thrust bearing sector microgeometry ensuring the maximum load capacity
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