11 research outputs found


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    On the main scientific directions of "RI CPHOD" SB RAMS connected with the study on the bases of human reproductive health formation estimation, and prediction of population reproduction and. losses of health in the regions of Siberia, the Far East and. the Far North; the hygienic estimation of social, ecological and. industrial conditions in the territories of Siberia with the elaboration of effective methods for prevention, treatment and. rehabilitation of occupational diseases, industrially caused diseases and. common somatic diseases in the working communities; the study on the problems of management and. organization of public health care systems, elaboration of methodological bases and. techniques for formation of strategy and. technology for realization of health improving programs, territorial public health services, medical services and. organizations the scientific review of the results of the researches of the influence of environmental and. genetic factors on the development, course and. outcomes of occupational diseases is carried out

    Determination of the probability of the damage to the health of workers in aluminium production due to the exposure to toxic substances

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    In the electrolytic aluminium production fluorides in the form of hydrogen fluoride and solid fluorides, alumina-containing dust, carbon monoxide, resinous substances and benz(a)pyrene are released into the air of the working zone representing a hazard to the workers' health. The paper presents the results of the researches of the working conditions of the workers employed in the electrolytic aluminium production. The concentrations of toxic substances in the air of working areas of those engaged in anode works and electrolysis, and crane operators are given; on their basis the risks of occupational diseases (fluorosis), of acute toxic effects, of chronic intoxication, and of cancer are calculated. The average-shift concentrations of hydrogen fluoride in the air of working areas of those engaged in electrolysis are 0.40-0.46 MPC, soluble fluorine salts - 0.31-0.38 MPC, insoluble fluorine salts -0.08-0.09 MPC. In the air of the working areas of those engaged in anode works MPC excess is noted for the aerosols of mostly fibrogenic action - in 1.25 times, for resinous substances - in 1.10 times. In the air of the working areas of those engaged in electrolysis MPC excess for resinous substances is registered in 1.06 times. The average-shift concentration of insoluble fluorine salts, and carbon monoxide in the air of the working areas of those engaged in anode works and electrolysis and crane operators are within the MPC. The risk of occupational disease development (fluorosis) due to the air pollution of the working zone in the aluminium production for the workers of the major occupational groups is ranging from 0.045 to 0.0482. Hydrogen fluoride is the most hazardous contaminant in air of the working zone contributing more than 55 % to the risk of fluorosis. The risk of acute toxic effects for the workers of the major occupational groups associated with the achievement of the concentrations of the contaminants in the air of the working areas of their maximum values are ranging from 0.181 to 0.230

    Estimation of carcinogenic risk for aluminium workers health

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    The research aim was the estimation of carcinogenic risk tor aluminium workers health. Average shift concentrations of resinous substances and benz(a)pyrene in working zone air were defined. The levels of carcinogenic risk which exceed admissible one in 2.5-2.84 times were calculated and were the largest ones in the workers engaged in electrolysis. The medical technology “The automated information system of occupational risk estimation for health of the workers of industrial tnterprises" was developed.Целью исследования явилась оценка канцерогенного риска для здоровья работников алюминиевого производства. Определены среднесменные концентрации смолистых веществ и 6енз(а)пирена в воздухе рабочей зоны. Рассчитаны уровни канцерогенного риска, которые превышают приемлемый в 2,5-2,84 раза и являются наибольшими у электролизников. Разработана медицинская технология ‘Автоматизированная информационная система оценки профессионального риска для здоровья работников промышленных предприятий”

    Інформаційна система збору та аналізу даних про міські веломаршрути

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    The shortcoming of modern software tools for processing data about bike trails in the cities ofUkraine are examines in the article. Based on the defined technical requirements analysis of availabletechnologies stack was conducted and the most effective method for creating a system to collect andanalyze data on urban bike trails was defined. Also new software solutions to implement improvedsystems for handling data on city bike trails were proposed. Used technologies: Java EE, Google Maps,Google App Engine service and Google Firebase databaseОписаны недостатки современных программных средств для обработки информации о веломаршрутах поотношению к городам Украины. На основе сформулированных технических требований проведен анализ доступных стеков технологий и избран наиболее эффективный метод для создания системы сбора и анализа данных о городских веломаршрутах в городе Киеве. Предложены новые программные решения для реализации усовершенствованных систем для обработки данных о городских веломаршрутах, которые могут быть использованы в городах Украины. Использованы технологии Java EE, сервис Google Maps и базу данных Google FirebaseОписано недоліки сучасних програмних засобів для обробки інформації про веломаршрути стосовно міст України. На основі сформульованих технічних вимог проведено аналіз доступних стеків технологій та обрано найбільш ефективний метод для створення системи збору і аналізу даних про міські веломаршрути у місті Київ. Запропоновані нові програмні рішення для реалізації удосконалених систем для обробки даних про міські веломаршрути, які можуть бути використані в містах України. Використано технології Java EE, сервіс Google Maps та базу даних Google Firebas

    Використання теорії мартингалів для доведення ґрунтовності оцінок параметрів лінійних динамічних систем

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    The article is devoted to analytical methods of research of filtration algorithms in conditions of a priori uncertainty of information on statistical characteristics of state noise and measurement in linear dynamic systems.  For simple objects it is possible to apply simple evaluation algorithms.  In this case, the estimate of the matrix of the dynamics coincides with probability 1 to the true value, and the Kalman filter constructed on such an algorithm gives an estimate which also coincides with the probability of 1 to the estimation of the true Kalman filter.  To prove the validity of the estimates, the theory of martingales was applied.  Martingales and semimartingales form an important class of processes, which generalizes a class of processes with independent increments.  There is a special method for the study of random processes. But in practice, the condition that all components of the matrix of the dynamics are those that can be observed gives the limit to the use of this method.  The proposed technique will allow to extend the method of obtaining estimates of the parameters of linear dynamic systems in the case of an arbitrary dynamics matrix.Статья посвящена аналитическим методам исследования алгоритмов фильтрации в условиях априорной неопределенности информации о статистические характеристики шумов состояния и измерения в линейных динамических системах. Для доказательства основательности оценок было применено теорию мартингалов. Предложенная методика позволит распространить метод получения оценок параметров линейных динамических систем на случай произвольной матрицы динамики.Статтю присвячено аналітичним методам дослідження алгоритмів фільтрації в умовах апріорної невизначеності інформації про статистичні характеристики шумів стану і вимірювання в лінійних динамічних системах. Для доведення ґрунтовності оцінок було застосовано теорію мартингалів. Запропонована методика дозволить поширити метод отримання оцінок параметрів лінійних динамічних систем на випадок довільної матриці динаміки


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    Purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of the spheropalatine blockade on the state of redox potential in the surgical treatment of congenital cataract in children. Materials and methods. A prospective, nonrandomized study included 52 patients who underwent planned surgery. The first group ( n = 26) included patients underwent anesthesia based on sevorane in combination with spheropalatine blockade as a regional component; a distinctive feature of 2nd group ( n = 28) was the implementation of a retrobulbar blockade as a regional component. The integral index in the form of the redox coefficient (FORD / FORT) before and after operation was estimated. The characteristic of heart rate variability in the frequency domain with the analysis of low frequency / high frequency parameters and the stress index of autonomic system was studied. Results and discussion. The obtained results convincingly show that the use of the spheropalatine blockade is accompanied by adequate antinociceptive protection of the body at the stage of the operative intervention and in the early postoperative period. The positive effect of prolonged regional analgesia is due to blockade not only of nociceptive pathways, but also of sympathetic innervation due to the effect on the periarterial sympathetic plexus of the internal carotid artery. The antioxidative and antinociceptive efficacy of the spheropalatine blockade is consistent with the positive dynamics of clinical indices. Thus, spheropalatine blockade in the surgery of congenital cataract in children is not only a method of postoperative analgesia, but also a therapeutic factor that has a significant positive effect on the outcome of surgical treatment in general

    Antiinflammatory effect of pterygopalatine blockade for anesthetization in ophthalmic surgery

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    Purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of pterygopalatine blockade in the surgical treatment of cataract in children. Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of the efficacy of intraoperative anesthesia and the course of the postoperative period was carried out in 52 patients of two clinical groups that were formed depending on the method of anesthesia. The first clinical group included 26 patients who underwent a pterygopalatine blockade as a regional component of general anesthesia, the second comparison group was formed of 28 patients undergoing retrobulbar blockade. To assess the adequacy of anesthesia, the concentration of plasma cortisol and oxidation-reduction profile was determined before and after the operation, the intensity of the pain syndrome, the extent of the inflammatory reaction of the eye after surgery were assessed. The results showed a decrease in the concentration of cortisol and increased antioxidant capacity of the organism after surgery in patients of the first group. In patients of the 1st clinical group, the Tyndal phenomenon of the 1st degree was revealed in 15.3 % of cases, the remaining patients had no signs of inflammation. Each second patient of 2nd group had a moderate degree of inflammatory reaction, and in 7 % of cases significant exudative phenomena were noted in the form of the Tyndall II degree phenomenon. Conclusion. The use of vesicle blockade in the surgical treatment of cataracts allowed improving the quality of rehabilitation of a patient with congenital cataract, both in the early and late postoperative period

    Localized infrared radiation-induced hyperthermia sensitized by laser-ablated silicon nanoparticles for phototherapy applications

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    International audienceHighlights: Laser-ablated silicon nanoparticles act as sensitizers for spatially and temporally localized photohyperthermia under irradiation in the tissue transparency window. Irradiation with millisecond pulses of laser diode promotes hyperthermia effect due to non-stationary temperature distribution nearby silicon nanoparticles. In vitro experiments confirm the hyperthermia sensitized by silicon nanoparticles