154 research outputs found

    Application of machine learning approaches in predicting clinical outcomes in older adults – a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Machine learning-based prediction models have the potential to have a considerable positive impact on geriatric care.DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analyses.PARTICIPANTS: Older adults (≥ 65 years) in any setting.INTERVENTION: Machine learning models for predicting clinical outcomes in older adults were evaluated. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted in two grouped cohorts, where the predictive models were compared based on their performance in predicting mortality i) under and including 6 months ii) over 6 months.OUTCOME MEASURES: Studies were grouped into two groups by the clinical outcome, and the models were compared based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve metric.RESULTS: Thirty-seven studies that satisfied the systematic review criteria were appraised, and eight studies predicting a mortality outcome were included in the meta-analyses. We could only pool studies by mortality as there were inconsistent definitions and sparse data to pool studies for other clinical outcomes. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve from the meta-analysis yielded a summary estimate of 0.80 (95% CI: 0.76 - 0.84) for mortality within 6 months and 0.81 (95% CI: 0.76 - 0.86) for mortality over 6 months, signifying good discriminatory power.CONCLUSION: The meta-analysis indicates that machine learning models display good discriminatory power in predicting mortality. However, more large-scale validation studies are necessary. As electronic healthcare databases grow larger and more comprehensive, the available computational power increases and machine learning models become more sophisticated; there should be an effort to integrate these models into a larger research setting to predict various clinical outcomes.</p

    Application of machine learning approaches in predicting clinical outcomes in older adults – a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Machine learning-based prediction models have the potential to have a considerable positive impact on geriatric care.DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analyses.PARTICIPANTS: Older adults (≥ 65 years) in any setting.INTERVENTION: Machine learning models for predicting clinical outcomes in older adults were evaluated. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted in two grouped cohorts, where the predictive models were compared based on their performance in predicting mortality i) under and including 6 months ii) over 6 months.OUTCOME MEASURES: Studies were grouped into two groups by the clinical outcome, and the models were compared based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve metric.RESULTS: Thirty-seven studies that satisfied the systematic review criteria were appraised, and eight studies predicting a mortality outcome were included in the meta-analyses. We could only pool studies by mortality as there were inconsistent definitions and sparse data to pool studies for other clinical outcomes. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve from the meta-analysis yielded a summary estimate of 0.80 (95% CI: 0.76 - 0.84) for mortality within 6 months and 0.81 (95% CI: 0.76 - 0.86) for mortality over 6 months, signifying good discriminatory power.CONCLUSION: The meta-analysis indicates that machine learning models display good discriminatory power in predicting mortality. However, more large-scale validation studies are necessary. As electronic healthcare databases grow larger and more comprehensive, the available computational power increases and machine learning models become more sophisticated; there should be an effort to integrate these models into a larger research setting to predict various clinical outcomes.</p

    Tourism, Development, And International Relations: Discursive Productions Of Imperialism

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    This thesis explores how transnational tourism and “development” practices in post-colonial spaces promote and rely upon each other, creating constant tension between expectations to “develop” and tourist requirements of authenticity/exoticism. Utilizing Foucauldian, Constructivist, and Post-Colonial scholarship, I argue that cultural and ethnic tourism in “developing” or “transitioning” countries is contingent upon the commodification of local culture and environment. Content analysis and literature reviews show that the discourse around tourism and development in international relations literature has changed over time. The following chapters substantiate and provide qualitative support for four hypotheses: H1) International discourse around “development” and “tourism” is constantly changing and being produced according to interests, norms, beliefs, and resistance. H2) Patterns of discourse around “development” and “tourism” are similar and are have been produced to achieve similar goals. H3) The tourism industry offers powerful industrialized states and corporations opportunities to continue imperialist practices of political, cultural or economic advantages over previously colonized territories. H4) Cultural and ethnic tourism in Indonesia relies upon markers of perceived authenticity and exoticism that can prevent host communities from using tourism revenue to “economically develop” as policy and discourse suggests

    Dynamics of a Brownian circle swimmer

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    Self-propelled particles move along circles rather than along a straight line when their driving force does not coincide with their propagation direction. Examples include confined bacteria and spermatozoa, catalytically driven nanorods, active, anisotropic colloidal particles and vibrated granulates. Using a non-Hamiltonian rate theory and computer simulations, we study the motion of a Brownian "circle swimmer" in a confining channel. A sliding mode close to the wall leads to a huge acceleration as compared to the bulk motion, which can further be enhanced by an optimal effective torque-to-force ratio.Comment: v2: changed title from "The fate of a Brownian circle swimmer"; mainly changes of introduction and conclusion

    Drug Burden Index is a Modifiable Predictor of 30-Day-Hospitalization in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Complex Care Needs:Machine Learning Analysis of InterRAI Data

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    BACKGROUND: Older adults (≥ 65 years) account for a disproportionately high proportion of hospitalization and in-hospital mortality, some of which may be avoidable. Although machine learning (ML) models have already been built and validated for predicting hospitalization and mortality, there remains a significant need to optimise ML models further. Accurately predicting hospitalization may tremendously impact the clinical care of older adults as preventative measures can be implemented to improve clinical outcomes for the patient.METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study, a dataset of 14,198 community-dwelling older adults (≥ 65 years) with complex care needs from the Inter-Resident Assessment Instrument database was used to develop and optimise three ML models to predict 30-day-hospitalization. The models developed and optimized were Random Forest (RF), XGBoost (XGB), and Logistic Regression (LR). Variable importance plots were generated for all three models to identify key predictors of 30-day-hospitalization.RESULTS: The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve for the RF, XGB and LR models were 0.97, 0.90 and 0.72, respectively. Variable importance plots identified the Drug Burden Index and alcohol consumption as important, immediately potentially modifiable variables in predicting 30-day-hospitalization.CONCLUSIONS: Identifying immediately potentially modifiable risk factors such as the Drug Burden Index and alcohol consumption is of high clinical relevance. If clinicians can influence these variables, they could proactively lower the risk of 30-day-hospitalization. ML holds promise to improve the clinical care of older adults. It is crucial that these models undergo extensive validation through large-scale clinical studies before being utilized in the clinical setting.</p

    High-resolution copy-number variation map reflects human olfactory receptor diversity and evolution

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    Abstract Olfactory receptors (ORs), which are involved in odorant recognition, form the largest mammalian protein superfamily. The genomic content of OR genes is considerably reduced in humans, as reflected by the relatively small repertoire size and the high fraction (,55%) of human pseudogenes. Since several recent low-resolution surveys suggested that OR genomic loci are frequently affected by copy-number variants (CNVs), we hypothesized that CNVs may play an important role in the evolution of the human olfactory repertoire. We used high-resolution oligonucleotide tiling microarrays to detect CNVs across 851 OR gene and pseudogene loci. Examining genomic DNA from 25 individuals with ancestry from three populations, we identified 93 OR gene loci and 151 pseudogene loci affected by CNVs, generating a mosaic of OR dosages across persons. Our data suggest that ,50% of the CNVs involve more than one OR, with the largest CNV spanning 11 loci. In contrast to earlier reports, we observe that CNVs are more frequent among OR pseudogenes than among intact genes, presumably due to both selective constraints and CNV formation biases. Furthermore, our results show an enrichment of CNVs among ORs with a close human paralog or lacking a one-to-one ortholog in chimpanzee. Interestingly, among the latter we observed an enrichment in CNV losses over gains, a finding potentially related to the known diminution of the human OR repertoire. Quantitative PCR experiments performed for 122 sampled ORs agreed well with the microarray results and uncovered 23 additional CNVs. Importantly, these experiments allowed us to uncover nine common deletion alleles that affect 15 OR genes and five pseudogenes. Comparison to the chimpanzee reference genome revealed that all of the deletion alleles are human derived, therefore indicating a profound effect of human-specific deletions on the individual OR gene content. Furthermore, these deletion alleles may be used in future genetic association studies of olfactory inter-individual differences

    Global analysis of contact-dependent human-to-mouse intercellular mRNA and lncRNA transfer in cell culture

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    Full-length mRNAs transfer between adjacent mammalian cells via direct cell-to-cell connections called tunneling nanotubes (TNTs). However, the extent of mRNA transfer at the transcriptome-wide level (the 'transferome') is unknown. Here, we analyzed the transferome in an human-mouse cell co-culture model using RNA-sequencing. We found that mRNA transfer is non-selective, prevalent across the human transcriptome, and that the amount of transfer to mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) strongly correlates with the endogenous level of gene expression in donor human breast cancer cells. Typically, <1% of endogenous mRNAs undergo transfer. Non-selective, expression-dependent RNA transfer was further validated using synthetic reporters. RNA transfer appears contact-dependent via TNTs, as exemplified for several mRNAs. Notably, significant differential changes in the native MEF transcriptome were observed in response to co-culture, including the upregulation of multiple cancer and cancer-associated fibroblast-related genes and pathways. Together, these results lead us to suggest that TNT-mediated RNA transfer could be a phenomenon of physiological importance under both normal and pathogenic conditions

    Efficient Dynamic Importance Sampling of Rare Events in One Dimension

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    Exploiting stochastic path integral theory, we obtain \emph{by simulation} substantial gains in efficiency for the computation of reaction rates in one-dimensional, bistable, overdamped stochastic systems. Using a well-defined measure of efficiency, we compare implementations of ``Dynamic Importance Sampling'' (DIMS) methods to unbiased simulation. The best DIMS algorithms are shown to increase efficiency by factors of approximately 20 for a 5kBT5 k_B T barrier height and 300 for 9kBT9 k_B T, compared to unbiased simulation. The gains result from close emulation of natural (unbiased), instanton-like crossing events with artificially decreased waiting times between events that are corrected for in rate calculations. The artificial crossing events are generated using the closed-form solution to the most probable crossing event described by the Onsager-Machlup action. While the best biasing methods require the second derivative of the potential (resulting from the ``Jacobian'' term in the action, which is discussed at length), algorithms employing solely the first derivative do nearly as well. We discuss the importance of one-dimensional models to larger systems, and suggest extensions to higher-dimensional systems.Comment: version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    GeneCards Version 3: the human gene integrator

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    GeneCards (www.genecards.org) is a comprehensive, authoritative compendium of annotative information about human genes, widely used for nearly 15 years. Its gene-centric content is automatically mined and integrated from over 80 digital sources, resulting in a web-based deep-linked card for each of >73 000 human gene entries, encompassing the following categories: protein coding, pseudogene, RNA gene, genetic locus, cluster and uncategorized. We now introduce GeneCards Version 3, featuring a speedy and sophisticated search engine and a revamped, technologically enabling infrastructure, catering to the expanding needs of biomedical researchers. A key focus is on gene-set analyses, which leverage GeneCards’ unique wealth of combinatorial annotations. These include the GeneALaCart batch query facility, which tabulates user-selected annotations for multiple genes and GeneDecks, which identifies similar genes with shared annotations, and finds set-shared annotations by descriptor enrichment analysis. Such set-centric features address a host of applications, including microarray data analysis, cross-database annotation mapping and gene-disorder associations for drug targeting. We highlight the new Version 3 database architecture, its multi-faceted search engine, and its semi-automated quality assurance system. Data enhancements include an expanded visualization of gene expression patterns in normal and cancer tissues, an integrated alternative splicing pattern display, and augmented multi-source SNPs and pathways sections. GeneCards now provides direct links to gene-related research reagents such as antibodies, recombinant proteins, DNA clones and inhibitory RNAs and features gene-related drugs and compounds lists. We also portray the GeneCards Inferred Functionality Score annotation landscape tool for scoring a gene’s functional information status. Finally, we delineate examples of applications and collaborations that have benefited from the GeneCards suite

    A Framework for Exploring Functional Variability in Olfactory Receptor Genes

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    BACKGROUND: Olfactory receptors (ORs) are the largest gene family in mammalian genomes. Since nearly all OR genes are orphan receptors, inference of functional similarity or differences between odorant receptors typically relies on sequence comparisons. Based on the alignment of entire coding region sequence, OR genes are classified into families and subfamilies, a classification that is believed to be a proxy for OR gene functional variability. However, the assumption that overall protein sequence diversity is a good proxy for functional properties is untested. METHODOLOGY: Here, we propose an alternative sequence-based approach to infer the similarities and differences in OR binding capacity. Our approach is based on similarities and differences in the predicted binding pockets of OR genes, rather than on the entire OR coding region. CONCLUSIONS: Interestingly, our approach yields markedly different results compared to the analysis based on the entire OR coding-regions. While neither approach can be tested at this time, the discrepancy between the two calls into question the assumption that the current classification reliably reflects OR gene functional variability
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