11 research outputs found

    Helminths found in common species of the herpetofauna in Ukraine

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    Only a few comprehensive studies have been carried out on parasites in amphibians and reptiles in Ukraine. This has resulted in identifying over 100 helminth species across these vertebrate groups. However, most of the studies were performed in the 20th century and the taxonomy of many parasites and their hosts has changed ever since, in addition to the discovery of new species and registrations of species that had not been previously known for Ukraine. In recent decades, there have been very few publications on helminths from amphibian or reptile hosts in this region. Notably, just one of these recent studies is a faunistic study, providing a list of helminths found in two species of green frogs – Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) and Pelophylax esculentus (Linnaeus, 1758). Therefore, it is clear that publishing datasets of modern records of helminths in these vertebrate groups, based on modern taxonomy, is an essential step in further studies of their parasitic diversity. Additionally, such study is important in terms of global climate change, the growing number of possibilities of invasion of alien species (both hosts and parasites) that might potentially become a threat to native biota and growing anthropogenic pressure on local populations of hosts that affect the parasites as well. In future, this study is planned to be used for the creation of a checklist of helminths of the herpetofauna of Ukraine. The present dataset is an inventory of various species of helminths parasitising common species of the herpetofauna in central, northern, western and southern Ukraine recorded during field studies in the 2021-2023 period.The dataset is the first one to represent the up-to-date and unified data on helminths of reptiles and amphibians of Ukraine. Previously, records of this group of organisms with reference to their hosts were presented as several separate records within the country. Currently, this is the largest dataset presenting geocoded records of non-human-related helminths in the fauna of Ukraine. It reports helminth species from 15 hosts (205 individuals), including eight amphibians and seven reptilian species found in various Ukrainian regions. A total of 47 helminth species have been documented in the research and during 2021-2023 period on the territory of northern (Kyiv and Zhytomyr), western (Lviv, Zakarpattia Ivano-Frankivsk), central (Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkasy, Zaporizhzhia and Poltava) and southern (Odesa) regions of Ukraine. The identified helminth species belong to the following phyla: Acanthocephala (Centrorhynchidae (2), Echinorhynchidae (2)); Nematoda (Acuariidae, Anisakidae, Cosmocercidae (3), Dioctophymatidae, Gnathostomatidae (1), Kathlanidae (1), Molineidae (7), Onchocercidae (1), Pharyngodonidae (1), Rhabdiasidae (6), Strongyloididae); Platyhelminthes (Diplodiscidae (1), Diplostomidae (2), Encyclometridae (1), Haematoloechidae (1), Leptophallidae (2), Macroderidae (1), Mesocestoididae, Opisthorchiidae (2), Plagiorchiidae (3), Pleurogenidae (2), Polystomatidae (3), Proteocephalidae (1), Strigeidae (1) and Telorchiidae (3)). Only some helminths in the dataset were not identified to species level. Material is stored in the collection of the department of Parasitology of the I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine

    Intrinsic and extrinsic size in metallic glasses

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    Structuur metallisch glas op nanoschaal in beeld gebracht Enkele jaren geleden zijn metaallegeringen gemaakt met een structuur die vergelijkbaar is met die van glas, d.w.z. amorf in plaats van kristallijn. Ze worden ‘metallisch glas’ genoemd en hebben unieke eigenschappen, ze zijn bijvoorbeeld zeer goed bestand tegen beschadigingen. Oleksii Kuzmin onderzocht de mechanische eigenschappen ervan door de structuur onder verschillende druk- en trekcondities op nano-schaal te bekijken met zeer geavanceerde apparatuur. A metallic glass represents an exceptional class of materials which possesses rather unique properties for metals. Size effects in metallic glasses can be potentially divided into intrinsic or extrinsic. The deformation is defect-nucleation-controlled in larger pillars but becomes propagation-controlled in smaller pillars. Pillars with a diameter smaller than a certain diameter show a homogeneous flow behavior without shear banding during compression. The initial structure and chemical composition of MGs also affect the deformation behavior at the nanoscale. The Al86Ni9Y5 taper-free metallic glass showed the highest transition threshold for brittle behavior, i.e. above pillar diameter of 300 nm. This composition shows plastic deformation becoming even more apparent through softening and toughening effects. Extrinsic size effects as opposite to intrinsic are caused by dimensional constraints due to preparation methods or influence of preparation technique. These extrinsic constraints arise due to geometry of the specimens, aspect ratio or are influenced by the FIB interface layer. The pillar aspect ratio has a large influence on deformation behavior representing a clear extrinsic size effect. Tensile experiments were performed in order to separate the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic size effects. The transition threshold from inhomogeneous flow which is characterized by shear banding events is shifting compare to compression experiments towards a lower diameter of the specimens. It indicates the separation of volumetric extrinsic size effect which was concluded by compression experiments and intrinsic size effects on MG composition which is related to collective behavior of STZs.


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    In the below article, the application of the fuzzy logical conclusion method is considered as decision-maker in the process of analyzing the students skills and abilities based on the requirements of potential employers, in order to reduce the time of the first interview for potential candidates on a vacant position. When analyzing the results of the assessment of the competence of university students, a certain degree of fuzziness arises. In modern practice, fuzzy logic is used in many different assessment methods, including questioning, interviewing, testing, descriptive method, classification method, pairwise comparison, rating method, business games competence models, and the like. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages, but they are effective only as part of a unified personnel management system. As a method for implementing a systematic approach to the assessment of the contingent of students, it is proposed to use fuzzy logic, a mathematical apparatus that allows you to build a model of an object based on fuzzy judgments. The use of fuzzy logic, the mathematical apparatus of which allows you to build a model of the object, based on fuzzy reasoning and rules. The most important condition for creating such a model is to translate the fuzzy, qualitative assessments used by man into the language of mathematics, which will be understood by the computer. The most used are fuzzy inferences using the Mamdani and Sugeno methods. In a fuzzy inference of the Mamdani type, the value of the output variable is given by fuzzy terms, in the conclusion of the Sugeno type, as a linear combination of the input variables. Research in the field of application of fuzzy logic in socio-economic systems suggests that it can be used to assess the competencies of university students


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    In the below article, the application of the fuzzy logical conclusion method is considered as decision-maker in the process of analyzing the students skills and abilities based on the requirements of potential employers, in order to reduce the time of the first interview for potential candidates on a vacant position. When analyzing the results of the assessment of the competence of university students, a certain degree of fuzziness arises. In modern practice, fuzzy logic is used in many different assessment methods, including questioning, interviewing, testing, descriptive method, classification method, pairwise comparison, rating method, business games competence models, and the like. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages, but they are effective only as part of a unified personnel management system. As a method for implementing a systematic approach to the assessment of the contingent of students, it is proposed to use fuzzy logic, a mathematical apparatus that allows you to build a model of an object based on fuzzy judgments. The use of fuzzy logic, the mathematical apparatus of which allows you to build a model of the object, based on fuzzy reasoning and rules. The most important condition for creating such a model is to translate the fuzzy, qualitative assessments used by man into the language of mathematics, which will be understood by the computer. The most used are fuzzy inferences using the Mamdani and Sugeno methods. In a fuzzy inference of the Mamdani type, the value of the output variable is given by fuzzy terms, in the conclusion of the Sugeno type, as a linear combination of the input variables. Research in the field of application of fuzzy logic in socio-economic systems suggests that it can be used to assess the competencies of university students.В данной работе рассмотрено использование метода нечеткого логического вывода для поддержки принятия решения в задачах анализа навыков и умений контингента студентов исходя из требований потенциальных работодателей, с целью уменьшения времени на первичную обработку информации касательно потенциальных кандидатов на вакантную должность. При анализе результатов оценки компетентности студентов вузов возникает определенная степень нечеткости. В современной практике нечеткая логика применяется во многих различных методах оценки, в том числе анкетирование, интервью, тестирование, описательный метод, метод классификации, парное сравнение, рейтинговый метод, деловые игры модели компетентности и тому подобное. Каждый из методов имеет свои преимущества и недостатки, но эффективны они только в составе единой системы управления персоналом. Как метод для реализации системного подхода к оценке контингента студентов предложено использовать нечеткую логику, математический аппарат, который позволяет построить модель объекта, основанную на нечетких суждениях. Использование нечеткой логики, математический аппарат которой позволяет построить модель объекта, основываясь на нечетких рассуждениях и правилах. Важнейшее условие создания такой модели заключается в том, чтобы перевести нечеткие, качественные оценки, применяемые человеком, на язык математики, которая будет понятна вычислительной машине. Наиболее используемыми являются нечеткие выводы с помощью способов Мамдани и Сугено. В нечетком выводе типа Мамдани значение выходной переменной задаются нечеткими термами, в заключении типа Сугено – как линейная комбинация входных переменных. Исследования в области применения нечеткой логики в социоэкономических системах позволяют говорить о возможности ее использования для оценки компетенций студентов вузов.У даній роботі розглянуто застосування методу нечіткого логічного висновку для підтримки прийняття рішень в задачах аналізу навичок та здібностей контингенту студентів виходячи з вимог потенційних роботодавців, з метою зменшення часу на первинну обробку інформації щодо потенційних кандидатів на вакантну посаду. Під час аналізу результатів оцінки компетентності студентів ВНЗ виникає певна ступінь нечіткості. У сучасній практиці нечітка логіка застосовується у багатьох різних методах оцінки, у тому числі анкетування, інтерв’ю, тестування, описовий метод, метод класифікації, парне порівняння, рейтинговий метод, ділові ігри моделі компетентності тощо. Кожен з методів має свої переваги та недоліки, але ефективні вони тільки в складі єдиної системи управління персоналом. Як метод для реалізації системного підходу до оцінки контингенту студентів запропоновано використовувати нечітку логіку, математичний апарат, який дозволяє побудувати модель об’єкту, засновану на нечітких розсудах і правилах. Використання нечіткої логіки, математичний апарат якої дозволяє побудувати модель об'єкта, що ґрунтується на нечітких міркуваннях і правилах. Найважливіша умова створення такої моделі полягає в тому, щоб перевести нечіткі, якісні оцінки, що застосовуються людиною, на мову математики, яка буде зрозуміла обчислювальній машині. Найбільш використовуваними є нечіткі висновки за допомогою способів Мамдані та Сугено. У нечіткому висновку типу Мамдані значення вихідної змінної задаються нечіткими термами, у висновку типу Сугено – як лінійна комбінація вхідних змінних. Дослідження в сфері застосування нечіткої логіки в соціоекономічних системах дозволяють говорити про можливість її використання для оцінки компетенцій студентів вищих навчальних закладів

    Deformation of nanoporous nanopillars by ion beam-induced bending

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    We have applied a novel approach to the investigation of deformation of nanoporous metals at the nanoscale by exposing nanoporous nanopillars to a Ga+ ion beam. We will show the results that we have obtained with Au nanopillars, but we have also observed similar behaviors in Cu, Al, and Ni nanopillars, i.e., a gradual massive deformation effect of the pillar during Ga ion beam exposure, where the pillar bends toward the ion beam. We derive a relationship between the formation of defects due to ion collisions in the nanopillars and the pillar's deformations and find that the deflection is linearly related to ion fluence. Computational models have shown that the deflection rate can be varied through change in acceleration voltage. This occurs due to the dual influence of a decreasing bending arm which reduces the associated bending moment, as well as the decreasing ion concentration, and thus defect concentration at the peak stress point. The high degree of control over deflection and the variables that influence it open an opportunity for use of ion-induced bending as a characterization technique of mechanical performance

    Nanopillar Fabrication with Focused Ion Beam Cutting

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    A versatile method to fabricate taper-free micro-/nanopillars of large aspect ratio was developed with focused ion beam (FIB) cutting. The key features of the fabrication are a FIB with an incident angle of 90 degrees to the long axis of the pillar that enables milling of the pillar sideways avoiding tapering and the FIB current can be reduced step by step so as to reduce possible radiation damage of the milled surface by Ga ions. A procedure to accurately determine the cross-section of each pillar was developed

    Nanopillar Fabrication with Focused Ion Beam Cutting

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