5 research outputs found

    Microlearning in Forming the Students' English Competencies with VR Involvement

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    Every year the problem of higher educational establishments’ modernization, introduction of the newest methods and strategies of educational process reorganization, estimation of achievements in the context of information technologies becomes more and more urgent. The situation with the COVID-2019 pandemic has demonstrated the need to involve additional information approaches to teaching within the system of blended learning in higher educational establishments. As a result, the question arises: what mechanisms can be used to make learning effective? The article reveals the concept of “microlearning” as the latest approach in education and identifies its key tools in formation of English-language competencies in university students. The study found that microlearning can be an effective complement to traditional learning, as it extends the learning process beyond the classroom on the basis of information technology, allows consolidating virtually and deepening the knowledge gained during practical classes, and provokes students to daily communication outside the establishment through social network. Moreover, we propose a strategy for implementation of microlearning on the example of the educational process at Kherson State Maritime Academy through interaction of practical classes in the line of communicative-competency approach, virtual and online learning on the principle of rotation.</em

    The Structure of Psychological Mechanism of Forming Foreign Language Capacity

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    У статті розкрито сутність поняття «іншомовні здібності». Виокремлено основні компоненти структури іншомовних здібностей. Проаналізовано індивідуально-типові особливості засвоєння мови. Визначено роль і місце зовнішніх і внутрішніх факторів, що впливають на формування іншомовних здібностей особистості. Доведено, що основою даних здібностей є іншомовне мислення, почуття мови та розвиток мовленнєвих процесів. Схарактеризовано загальну структуру психологічного механізму формування іншомовних здібностей особистості.At present due to the rapid development of intercultural communication the problem of researching the foreign language capacity is really topical. The aim of this paper is to describe the structure of psycholinguistic mechanisms of forming foreign language capacity of the personality and characterize its main components. In the paper the essence of the notion “foreign language capacity” is defined. We interpret this term as the individual-psychological and psycho-physiological peculiarities which enable the high rate and level of mastering foreign language under certain conditions and within the scope of a particular language teaching methodology that is, acquiring basic speaking-, listening-, reading- and writing skills. Language capacity is usually realized in speech activity which stipulates a number of interconnected language actions, that is semantic, phonematic, lexical, morphological and phonetic ones. The main components of the foreign language capacity structure are selected and characterized. They are as follows: foreign language thinking and feel for language. The individual-typical peculiarities (or types) of mastering languages are analyzed. There are three of them, that is communicative speech, cognitive-linguistic and mixed ones. These types differ in the volume of aural- or visual memory; the lability-inertness of mental-speech processes; capacity for speech activity or linguistic analysis. The role and place of internal and external factors which affect the forming of foreign language capacity are defined. The internal factors are as follows: a number of a person’s inclinations along with his or her potential possibilities which stipulate the prevalence of a particular form of activity. The external factors are teaching methods as well as a teacher’s personal characteristics and the peculiarities of the social and psychological environment in which the teaching process takes place. It is substantiated that capacity for communication form the basis of communication skills of the personality and it has its own specific character and structure. The general structure of psychological mechanism of forming foreign language capacity is characterized. It has the following structure: inclinations – foreign language communicative activity – foreign language capacity – secondary linguistic identity – foreign language activity – foreign language competence

    Educational Technology of Forming the Professional Foreign Language Communicative Competence of Students of Higher Educational Establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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    У статті представлено педагогічну технологію формування професійної іншомовної комунікативної компетентності курсантів ВНЗ МВС України засобами інформаційних технологій, яка має забезпечити готовність майбутніх офіцерів міліції до здійснення ефективної професійної комунікації на рівні діалогу культур. Обґрунтовано її зміст, мету та завдання. Схарактеризовано специфічні дидактичні принципи, організаційні форми й методи, на яких базується розроблена педагогічна технологія.The educational technology of forming the professional foreign language communicative competence of students of higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine by means of information technologies aimed at forming the readiness of future law enforcement officers to communicate effectively at the level of the dialogue of cultures is considered in the paper. It is substantiated that the achievement of the above mentioned goal provides for solving the following tasks of professional foreign language training: forming and broadening the professional foreign language thesaurus of law enforcement officers; developing the communicative skills of using linguistic means for building expressions in accordance with the norms of a certain language and depending on the context of the professional communication situation; developing the positive motivation and interest in studying the professionally-oriented foreign language; favouring the students’ realizing the strategic importance of getting the professional foreign language communicative competence for their future career in the context of international cooperation in the field of law; forming the readiness and developing the skills of operating the means of modern information technologies in the course of professional foreign language education. It is defined that by applying the means of information technologies in foreign language education the teacher can solve the following tasks: improving foreign language teaching methodology and materials; managing the learning process; correcting learning activities; automatizing the processes of control. It is stressed that Educational process of foreign language teaching in the framework of this educational technology should be based on the use of the following methods: a method of computer-aided learning; a communicative method, an audio-lingual method, and an audiovisual method. In addition, teaching technology of professional foreign language communicative competence of students of the universities of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine provides for the use of active methods of training at the lessons of foreign language, namely: communicative and interactive (trainings, discussions); games (business and role play); contextual (the method of simulating of professional activity); constructivist (project method, brainstorming), as well as research methods