69 research outputs found

    Wetting Phase Transition at the Surface of Liquid Ga-Bi alloys: An X-ray Reflectivity Study

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    X-ray reflectivity measurements of the binary liquid Ga-Bi alloy reveal a dramatically different surface structure above and below the monotectic temperature Tmono=222∘T_{mono}=222^{\circ} C. A Gibbs-adsorbed Bi monolayer resides at the surface at both regimes. However, a 30 {\AA} thick, Bi-rich wetting film intrudes between the Bi monolayer and the Ga-rich bulk for T>TmonoT > T_{mono}. The internal structure of the wetting film is determined with {\AA} resolution, showing a theoretically unexpected concentration gradient and a highly diffuse interface with the bulk phase.Comment: 5 RevTex pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. Let

    X-ray study of the liquid potassium surface: structure and capillary wave excitations

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    We present x-ray reflectivity and diffuse scattering measurements from the liquid surface of pure potassium. They strongly suggest the existence of atomic layering at the free surface of a pure liquid metal with low surface tension. Prior to this study, layering was observed only for metals like Ga, In and Hg, the surface tensions of which are 5-7 fold higher than that of potassium, and hence closer to inducing an ideal "hard wall" boundary condition. The experimental result requires quantitative analysis of the contribution to the surface scattering from thermally excited capillary waves. Our measurements confirm the predicted form for the differential cross section for diffuse scattering, dσ/dΩ∼1/qxy2−ηd\sigma /d\Omega \sim 1/q_{xy}^{2-\eta} where η=kBTqz2/2πγ\eta = k_BT q_z^2/2\pi \gamma , over a range of η\eta and qxyq_{xy} that is larger than any previous measurement. The partial measure of the surface structure factor that we obtained agrees with computer simulations and theoretical predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; published in Phys. Rev.

    Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall Engineering in Chromium Films

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    We have engineered an antiferromagnetic domain wall by utilizing a magnetic frustration effect of a thin iron cap layer deposited on a chromium film. Through lithography and wet etching we selectively remove areas of the Fe cap layer to form a patterned ferromagnetic mask over the Cr film. Removing the Fe locally removes magnetic frustration in user-defined regions of the Cr film. We present x-ray microdiffraction microscopy results confirming the formation of a 90{\deg} spin-density wave propagation domain wall in Cr. This domain wall nucleates at the boundary defined by our Fe mask.Comment: submitted to AP

    Surface oxidation of liquid Sn

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    We report the results of an x-ray scattering study that reveals oxidation kinetics and formation of a previously unreported crystalline phase of SnO at the liquid-vapour interface of Sn. Our experiments reveal that the pure liquid Sn surface does not react with molecular oxygen below an activation pressure of \~5.0*10-6 Torr. Above that pressure a rough solid Sn oxide grows over the liquid metal surface. Once the activation pressure has been exceeded the oxidation proceeds at pressures below the oxidation pressure threshold. The observed diffraction pattern associated with the surface oxidation does not match any of the known Sn oxide phases. The data have an explicit signature of the face-centred cubic structure, however it requires lattice parameters that are about 9% smaller than those reported for cubic structures of high-pressure phases of Sn oxides. Keywords: X-ray scattering, diffraction, and reflection; Oxidation; Surface chemical reaction; Surface structure, morphology, roughness, and topography; Tin; Tin oxides; Liquid surfaces; Polycrystalline thin filmsComment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; Submitted to Surface Scienc

    Solvent Mediated Assembly of Nanoparticles Confined in Mesoporous Alumina

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    The controlled self-assembly of thiol stabilized gold nanocrystals in a mediating solvent and confined within mesoporous alumina was probed in situ with small angle x-ray scattering. The evolution of the self-assembly process was controlled reversibly via regulated changes in the amount of solvent condensed from an undersaturated vapor. Analysis indicated that the nanoparticles self-assembled into cylindrical monolayers within the porous template. Nanoparticle nearest-neighbor separation within the monolayer increased and the ordering decreased with the controlled addition of solvent. The process was reversible with the removal of solvent. Isotropic clusters of nanoparticles were also observed to form temporarily during desorption of the liquid solvent and disappeared upon complete removal of liquid. Measurements of the absorption and desorption of the solvent showed strong hysteresis upon thermal cycling. In addition, the capillary filling transition for the solvent in the nanoparticle-doped pores was shifted to larger chemical potential, relative to the liquid/vapor coexistence, by a factor of 4 as compared to the expected value for the same system without nanoparticles.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, appeared in Phys. Rev.
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