12 research outputs found

    An Information-Logical Model for Determining Consumer Priorities in Electronic Commerce Based on Clustering and Classifying a Client’s Personal and Consumer Profile

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    An informational-logical model for the implementation of the process of determining consumer priorities in the framework of supplier and customer interaction is developed using the clustering and classification methods based on a client’s personal and consumer profile. The information-logical model for determining customer preferences allows improving the business process of choosing a rational set of goods and services depending on customer characteristics; form an actual system of market relations; ensure rationality and timeliness of the flow of goods and services to the e-commerce market, which will ensure their diversification and differentiation. A rational set of parameters of information about clients and their activity in the e-commerce market is proposed. The process of collecting, preparing and analyzing information about clients in the e-commerce market for its subsequent clustering and classification is characterized. The sources of information are identified, the relationship among the selected characteristics is illustrated, and a set of 22 characteristics of consumers in the e-commerce market is presented. There given a description of the concepts of consumer profile in the e-commerce market and personal profile of a client as a descriptive component of the element within the client cluster, which together represent a complete model of a typical e-commerce client and can be used to identify and analyze consumer priorities. To establish the relationship between the profiles and clusters, the support vector machine is applied

    Моделювання ринку криптовалют за допомогою фрактального та ентропійного аналізу в умовах COVID-19

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    In this article, we present the results of simulation for cryptocurrency market based on fractal and entropy analysis using six cryptocurrencies in the first 20 of the capitalization rating. The application of the selected research methods is based on an analysis of existing methodologies and tools of economic and mathematical modeling of financial markets. It has been shown that individual methods are not relevant because they do not provide an adequate assessment of the given market, so an integrated approach is the most appropriate. Daily values of cryptocurrency pairs from August 2016 to August 2020 selected by the monitoring and modelling database. The application of fractal analysis led to the conclusion that the time series of selected cryptocurrencies were persistent. And the use of the window procedure for calculating the local Hurst coefficient allowed to detail and isolate the persistant and antipersistant gaps. Interdisciplinary methods, namely Tsallis entropy and wavelet entropy, are proposed to complement the results. The results of the research show that Tsallis entropy reveals special (crisis) conditions in the cryptocurrency market, despite the nature of the crises’ origin. Wavelet entropy is a warning indicator of crisis phenomena. It provides additional information on a small scale.У цій статті ми представляємо результати моделювання ринку криптовалют на основі фрактального та ентропійного аналізу з використанням шести криптовалют у перших 20 рейтингу капіталізації. Застосування вибраних методів дослідження ґрунтується на аналізі існуючих методологій та інструментів економіко -математичного моделювання фінансових ринків. Було показано, що окремі методи не є актуальними, оскільки вони не забезпечують адекватної оцінки даного ринку, тому комплексний підхід є найбільш доцільним. Щоденні значення пар криптовалют з серпня 2016 року по серпень 2020 року, обрані базою даних моніторингу та моделювання. Застосування фрактального аналізу привело до висновку про постійність часових рядів обраних криптовалют. А використання віконної процедури для розрахунку локального коефіцієнта Херста дозволило деталізувати та ізолювати стійкі та антистійкі прогалини. Для доповнення результатів пропонуються міждисциплінарні методи, а саме ентропія Цаліса та вейвлет -ентропія. Результати дослідження показують, що ентропія Tsallis виявляє особливі (кризові) умови на ринку криптовалют, незважаючи на характер виникнення криз. Хвильова ентропія - попереджувальний індикатор кризових явищ. Він надає додаткову інформацію в невеликому масштабі

    Modelling of Cryptocurrency Market Using Fractal and Entropy Analysis in COVID-19

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    У статті наведено результати моделювання ринку криптовалют методами фрактального та ентропійного аналізу на прикладі шести криптовалют, які займають перші позиції в 20-рейтингу капіталізації. Вибір та застосування обраних методів дослідження засновано на аналізі існуючих методологій та інструментів економічного та математичного моделювання фінансових ринків. Було доведено, що окремі методи не є релевантними, оскільки не забезпечують адекватної оцінки цього ринку, тому комплексний підхід є найбільш доцільним. В роботі використано добові значення криптовалютних пар із серпня 2016 року по серпень 2020 року з бази даних моніторингу та моделювання. Застосування фрактального аналізу дозволило дійти висновку, що часові ряди обраних криптовалют були стійкими. Використання процедури рухомого вікна для обчислення локального коефіцієнта Херста дозволило деталізувати та ізолювати стійкі та антиперсистентні розриви. Міждисциплінарні методи, а саме ентропія Цаліса та вейвлет-ентропія дозволили уточнити результати. Результати дослідження показують, що ентропія Цаліса виявляє особливі (кризові) умови на ринку криптовалют, незважаючи на характер виникнення кризи. Вейвлет-ентропія є попереджувальним показником кризових явищ. Вона надає додаткову інформацію на малих масштабахIn this article, we present the results of simulation for cryptocurrency market based on fractal and entropy analysis using six cryptocurrencies in the first 20 of the capitalization rating. The application of the selected research methods is based on an analysis of existing methodologies and tools of economic and mathematical modeling of financial markets. It has been shown that individual methods are not relevant because they do not provide an adequate assessment of the given market, so an integrated approach is the most appropriate. Daily values of cryptocurrency pairs from August 2016 to August 2020 selected by the monitoring and modelling database. The application of fractal analysis led to the conclusion that the time series of selected cryptocurrencies were persistent. And the use of the window procedure for calculating the local Hurst coefficient allowed to detail and isolate the persistant and antipersistant gaps. Interdisciplinary methods, namely Tsallis entropy and wavelet entropy, are proposed to complement the results. The results of the research show that Tsallis entropy reveals special (crisis) conditions in the cryptocurrency market, despite the nature of the crises’ origin. Wavelet entropy is a warning indicator of crisis phenomena. It provides additional information on a small scale

    Identification of integral indicators of socio-economic development of regions on the basis of expert assessment and principal-component method Определение интегральных показателей социально-экономического развития регионов на основании экспертных оценок и метода главных компонент

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    The article studies procedures of identification of integral indicators of socio-economic development of regions, which are based on automation of methods of expert assessment and principal-component method. It offers the mechanism of intellectual analysis of data of socio-economic monitoring on the basis of expert-statistical assessment. It provides a mechanism of automation of expert assessment of weight factor ratios, which takes into account competence of experts. It conducts a programme realisation of the procedure of identification of integral indicators of socio-economic development on the basis of expert assessment and principal-component method. This programme technology allows consideration of differentiation in socio-economic development of regions in the mechanisms of identification of integral indicators. The article shows an example of application of the proposed mechanism of intellectual processing of data for calculation of integral indicators of socio-economic development of the Vinnytsia oblast districts.<br>В работе исследуются процедуры определения интегральных показателей социально-экономического развития регионов, которые базируются на автоматизации методики экспертных оценок и метода главных компонент. Предлагается механизм интеллектуального анализа данных социально-экономического мониторинга на основании экспертно-статистического оценивания. Представлен механизм автоматизации экспертного оценивания весовых коэффициентов факторов, который учитывает компетентность экспертов. Выполнено программную реализацию процедуры определения интегральных показателей социально-экономического развития на основании экспертных оценок и метода главных компонент. Данная программная технология позволяет в механизмах определения интегральных показателей учитывать дифференциацию в социально-экономическом развитии регионов. Представлен пример применения предложенного механизма интеллектуальной обработки данных для расчета интегральных показателей социально-экономического развития районов Винницкой области

    The Method of Building a Network of Online Showcases on the Basis of the MVC Architecture

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    A method to build a network of online showcases that support a large number of customer orders and visits, which meets the current performance standards and the reliability of Internet solutions in the sphere electronic commerce, has been developed. The method involves the creation of a typical showcase and the implementation for the information management system of a showcases network of an own database operating on the data from the central management information system with the two-way data replication. A mechanism for «cloning» the online showcases, which are part of the network, and their quick integration with the business processes of enterprise and a management system based on a typical showcase, has been proposed. The development of typical online showcases is implemented on the basis of MVC concept (Model-View-Controller), the ASP.NET MVC Framework Technology, and the visual templates of web pages, thus ensuring that the algorithms for the behavior of objects are independent of both the objects themselves and their visual representation. This enhances the development of e-commerce projects significantly, speeds up the implementation process, and provides a high degree of flexibility and functionality of the online showcases

    The Web System for Managing Interaction of E-Commerce Entities

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    The development and software implementation of the web system for managing interaction of e-commerce entities is described, and a technology for its use is proposed. The web system has a three-level software architecture and is designed to automate interaction between an online store and online consumers. Specific requirements for the web system for managing the interaction of entities in e-commerce determine the features of its architecture and the structure of interactive elements of the program interface in the context of the specific tasks and processes for automation of which it is created. The web application is designed to work with three groups of users and provides access to elements of control of the interaction depending on the level of access of a particular user. For each group of the web system users there implemented measures to ensure the security and reliability of procedures for conducting trading operations. Important aspects of the developed web system for managing interaction of entities in e-commerce are the automation of all payment mechanisms and procedures of forming routes for delivery of goods and cross-browser support for working in the Internet computer network, which provides all geographically distributed users with the access to its resources

    The price competition simulation at the trading market in the presence of electronic and traditional trade

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    In the present work, an attempt has been made to apply economic and mathematical methods for the simulation of electronic trading market operation based on price competition between e-trade companies and traditional trade enterprises. The developed price competition model based on the concept of symmetric product differentiation. The results obtained in the present investigation demonstrate that in a mixed strategy, firms sell products at different prices, depending on the price strategy or the volume release strategy. The company that sets the volume, sells more, but at a lower price than its competitor which sets prices. The influence of strategic output exceeds price influence. Thus, the company that sets prices, falls into an unfavorable situation and receives lower profits compared with its competitor with the strategy for the volume of production. The company that has decided to introduce electronic trading technology initially will bear losses

    Computational method for risk assessment of regional socio-economic development

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    In this study, we present the computational method for risk assessment of the socio-economic development of regions. An attempt has been made to develop a method for the determination of integral risk indicators of socio-economic development based on the joint use of the methods of factor analysis and expert evaluation. This approach has increased the reliability of the calculations and made it possible to analyze the influence of socio-economic indicators on the risk level of socio-economic development. The integral risk indicator shows the effect of the inconsistency in the level of factor provision on the socio-economic development of the j-th region (district) in comparison with the general situation in the country (regions). The closer the value of integral risk indicator is to 1, the higher the level of risk in this region. Using Kyiv region districts as an example, the process of risk assessment for regional socio-economic development has been considered. The results obtained in this investigation demonstrate that the presented computational method solves the problem of formalization of risk assessment for the socio-economic development of regions

    Global migration processes analysis and modelling of migration attractiveness of countries through fuzzy logic

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    The article deals with the analysis the current state of migration in the context of globalization and identifies the most important corridors for the labour movement. The main donor countries of migrants are developing countries, with low socio-economic indicators, difficult environmental conditions and high levels of poverty. According to forecasts, the most migratory flows will take place in the countries of North America and in Europe, which is due to rising trends in unemployment in the countries of the “third world” and the demand for cheap labour, changes in the structure of the economies of developed countries, changes in labour market demand. The main world regional corridors in 1990–2019 have been identified through statistical analysis. And their growing and declining trends. The need to use economic and mathematical modelling techniques to analyse and determine the migration attractiveness of recipient countries in an uncertain environment has been substantiated. It has been shown that fuzzy logic tools are the most effective in this case. Based on the results of the simulation using the Mamdani method, the world’s attractiveness rating for migration is calculated, which with a “high” thermo leads such countries as Italy, France, United Arab Emirates. The findings suggest that migrants are attracted by countries with the lowest inflation rates, high and average GDP per capita and average or low taxation levels