31 research outputs found

    Functional role of delta and theta band oscillations for auditory feedback processing during vocal pitch motor control

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    The answer to the question of how the brain incorporates sensory feedback and links it with motor function to achieve goal-directed movement during vocalization remains unclear. We investigated the mechanisms of voice pitch motor control by examining the spectro-temporal dynamics of EEG signals when non-musicians (NM), relative pitch (RP) and absolute pitch (AP) musicians maintained vocalizations of a vowel sound and received randomized ±100 cents pitch-shift stimuli in their auditory feedback. We identified a phase-synchronized (evoked) fronto-central activation within the theta band (5-8 Hz) that temporally overlapped with compensatory vocal responses to pitch-shifted auditory feedback and was significantly stronger in RP and AP musicians compared with non-musicians. A second component involved a non-phase-synchronized (induced) frontal activation within the delta band (1-4 Hz) that emerged at approximately 1 second after the stimulus onset. The delta activation was significantly stronger in the NM compared with RP and AP groups and correlated with the pitch rebound error (PRE), indicating the degree to which subjects failed to re-adjust their voice pitch to baseline after the stimulus offset. We propose that the evoked theta is a neurophysiological marker of enhanced pitch processing in musicians and reflects mechanisms by which humans incorporate auditory feedback to control their voice pitch. We also suggest that the delta activation reflects adaptive neural processes by which vocal production errors are monitored and used to update the state of sensory-motor networks for driving subsequent vocal behaviors. This notion is corroborated by our findings showing that larger PREs were associated with greater delta band activity in the NM compared with RP and AP groups. These findings provide new insights into the neural mechanisms of auditory feedback processing for vocal pitch motor control

    Effects of auditory distraction on electrophysiological brain activity and performance in children aged 8–13 years,

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    Abstract Distractibility was investigated in three age groups of children (8-9, 10-11, and 12-13 years) with event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and performance measures in a forced-choice visual task. Distraction was reflected by increased reaction times (RTs) and decreased performance accuracy in the visual discrimination task following presentation of unexpected novel sounds. The amplitude of the late portion of the P3a elicited by novel sounds was largest for the youngest group and showed a centrally dominant scalp distribution and smallest for the oldest group with a frontal scalp distribution. A frontally dominant late negativity (LN) that was largest in the youngest group followed the P3a. Correlation between the RT increase caused by the distracting novel sounds and the amplitude of the LN elicited by these sounds suggested that the LN is associated with the degree of attention engaged by the distracting sounds

    Sleep extension normalizes ERP of waking auditory sensory gating in healthy habitually short sleeping individuals.

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    Chronic sleep loss has been associated with increased daytime sleepiness, as well as impairments in memory and attentional processes. In the present study, we evaluated the neuronal changes of a pre-attentive process of wake auditory sensory gating, measured by brain event-related potential (ERP)--P50 in eight normal sleepers (NS) (habitual total sleep time (TST) 7 h 32 m) vs. eight chronic short sleeping individuals (SS) (habitual TST ≤6 h). To evaluate the effect of sleep extension on sensory gating, the extended sleep condition was performed in chronic short sleeping individuals. Thus, one week of time in bed (6 h 11 m) corresponding to habitual short sleep (hSS), and one week of extended time (∼ 8 h 25 m) in bed corresponding to extended sleep (eSS), were counterbalanced in the SS group. The gating ERP assessment was performed on the last day after each sleep condition week (normal sleep and habitual short and extended sleep), and was separated by one week with habitual total sleep time and monitored by a sleep diary. We found that amplitude of gating was lower in SS group compared to that in NS group (0.3 µV vs. 1.2 µV, at Cz electrode respectively). The results of the group × laterality interaction showed that the reduction of gating amplitude in the SS group was due to lower amplitude over the left hemisphere and central-midline sites relative to that in the NS group. After sleep extension the amplitude of gating increased in chronic short sleeping individuals relative to their habitual short sleep condition. The sleep condition × frontality interaction analysis confirmed that sleep extension significantly increased the amplitude of gating over frontal and central brain areas compared to parietal brain areas

    Grand-averaged vocal responses by group.

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    Grand-averaged vocal responses to upward (top) and downward (bottom) pitch shifts for the a) opposing, b) following, and c) non-varying groups (blue line represents pre-training responses, red line represents post-training responses).</p

    P2 latency and amplitude.

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    The a) mean P2 peak latency and b) mean P2 peak amplitude from the ERPs at Cz for the opposing (Opp), following (Fol), and non-varying (Non) groups pre-training (solid bars) compared to post-training (slanted lines). Bars represent standard error of the mean.</p

    Effective connectivity associated with auditory error detection in musicians with absolute pitch

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    It is advantageous to study a wide range of vocal abilities in order to fully understand how vocal control measures vary across the full spectrum. Individuals with absolute pitch (AP) are able to assign a verbal label to musical notes and have enhanced abilities in pitch identification without reliance on an external referent. In this study we used dynamic causal modeling (DCM) to model effective connectivity of ERP responses to pitch perturbation in voice auditory feedback in musicians with relative pitch (RP), absolute pitch and non-musician controls. We identified a network compromising left and right hemisphere superior temporal gyrus (STG), primary motor cortex (M1) and premotor cortex (PM). We specified nine models and compared two main factors examining various combinations of STG involvement in feedback pitch error detection/correction process. Our results suggest that modulation of left to right STG connections are important in the identification of self-voice error and sensory motor integration in AP musicians. We also identify reduced connectivity of left hemisphere PM to STG connections in AP and RP groups during the error detection and corrections process relative to non-musicians. We suggest that this suppression may allow for enhanced connectivity relating to pitch identification in the right hemisphere in those with more precise pitch matching abilities. Musicians with enhanced pitch identification abilities likely have an improved auditory error detection and correction system involving connectivity of STG regions. Our findings here also suggest that individuals with AP are more adept at using feedback related to pitch from the right hemisphere

    Grand-averaged ERP waveforms and ERP scalp distribution results elicited by the Up shift of the F0.

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    <p>Left panel represents ERPs elicited in predictable and unpredictable experimental conditions measured at two electrode sites that were submitted for statistical analyses. Blue vertical bar depicts time window at which the mean amplitude of the ERP difference wave was measured for the statistical analyses. Right panel represents scalp distribution of N1 response in predictable (top) and unpredictable (middle) experimental conditions as well as the scalp distribution of the ERP difference wave (bottom).</p