56 research outputs found

    Linear functions and duality on the infinite polytorus

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    We consider the following question: Are there exponents 2<p<q2<p<q such that the Riesz projection is bounded from LqL^q to LpL^p on the infinite polytorus? We are unable to answer the question, but our counter-example improves a result of Marzo and Seip by demonstrating that the Riesz projection is unbounded from L∞L^\infty to LpL^p if pβ‰₯3.31138p\geq 3.31138. A similar result can be extracted for any q>2q>2. Our approach is based on duality arguments and a detailed study of linear functions. Some related results are also presented.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in Collectanea Mathematic

    Sharp norm estimates for composition operators and Hilbert-type inequalities

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    Let H2\mathscr{H}^2 denote the Hardy space of Dirichlet series f(s)=βˆ‘nβ‰₯1annβˆ’sf(s) = \sum_{n\geq1} a_n n^{-s} with square summable coefficients and suppose that Ο†\varphi is a symbol generating a composition operator on H2\mathscr{H}^2 by CΟ†(f)=fβˆ˜Ο†\mathscr{C}_\varphi(f) = f \circ \varphi. Let ΞΆ\zeta denote the Riemann zeta function and Ξ±0=1.48…\alpha_0=1.48\ldots the unique positive solution of the equation Ξ±ΞΆ(1+Ξ±)=2\alpha\zeta(1+\alpha)=2. We obtain sharp upper bounds for the norm of CΟ†\mathscr{C}_\varphi on H2\mathscr{H}^2 when 0<Re⁑φ(+∞)βˆ’1/2≀α00<\operatorname{Re}\varphi(+\infty)-1/2 \leq \alpha_0, by relating such sharp upper bounds to the best constant in a family of discrete Hilbert-type inequalities.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in Bulletin of the LM

    High pseudomoments of the Riemann zeta function

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    The pseudomoments of the Riemann zeta function, denoted Mk(N)\mathcal{M}_k(N), are defined as the 2k2kth integral moments of the NNth partial sum of ΞΆ(s)\zeta(s) on the critical line. We improve the upper and lower bounds for the constants in the estimate Mk(N)≍k(log⁑N)k2\mathcal{M}_k(N) \asymp_k (\log{N})^{k^2} as Nβ†’βˆžN\to\infty for fixed kβ‰₯1k\geq1, thereby determining the two first terms of the asymptotic expansion. We also investigate uniform ranges of kk where this improved estimate holds and when Mk(N)\mathcal{M}_k(N) may be lower bounded by the 2k2kth power of the L∞L^\infty norm of the NNth partial sum of ΞΆ(s)\zeta(s) on the critical line.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in Journal of Number Theor

    Minimal norm Hankel operators

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    Let Ο†\varphi be a function in the Hardy space H2(Td)H^2(\mathbb{T}^d). The associated (small) Hankel operator HΟ†\mathbf{H}_\varphi is said to have minimal norm if the general lower norm bound βˆ₯HΟ†βˆ₯β‰₯βˆ₯Ο†βˆ₯H2(Td)\|\mathbf{H}_\varphi\| \geq \|\varphi\|_{H^2(\mathbb{T}^d)} is attained. Minimal norm Hankel operators are natural extremal candidates for the Nehari problem. If d=1d=1, then HΟ†\mathbf{H}_\varphi has minimal norm if and only if Ο†\varphi is a constant multiple of an inner function. Constant multiples of inner functions generate minimal norm Hankel operators also when dβ‰₯2d\geq2, but in this case there are other possibilities as well. We investigate two different classes of symbols generating minimal norm Hankel operators and obtain two different refinements of a counter-example due to Ortega-Cerd\`{a} and Seip
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