19 research outputs found

    Factorization of Discriminatively Trained i-vector Extractor for Speaker Recognition

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    In this work, we continue in our research on i-vector extractor for speaker verification (SV) and we optimize its architecture for fast and effective discriminative training. We were motivated by computational and memory requirements caused by the large number of parameters of the original generative i-vector model. Our aim is to preserve the power of the original generative model, and at the same time focus the model towards extraction of speaker-related information. We show that it is possible to represent a standard generative i-vector extractor by a model with significantly less parameters and obtain similar performance on SV tasks. We can further refine this compact model by discriminative training and obtain i-vectors that lead to better performance on various SV benchmarks representing different acoustic domains.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1810.1318

    Exploiting i–vector posterior covariances for short–duration language recognition

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    Linear models in i-vector space have shown to be an effective solution not only for speaker identification, but also for language recogniton. The i-vector extraction process, however, is affected by several factors, such as noise level, the acoustic content of the utterance and the duration of the spoken segments. These factors influence both the i-vector estimate and its uncertainty, represented by the i-vector posterior covariance matrix. Modeling of i-vector uncertainty with Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis has shown to be effective for short-duration speaker identification. This paper extends the approach to language recognition, analyzing the effects of i-vector covariances on a state-of-the-art Gaussian classifier, and proposes an effective solution for the reduction of the average detection cost (Cavg) for short segments

    Target Speech Extraction with Pre-trained Self-supervised Learning Models

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    Pre-trained self-supervised learning (SSL) models have achieved remarkable success in various speech tasks. However, their potential in target speech extraction (TSE) has not been fully exploited. TSE aims to extract the speech of a target speaker in a mixture guided by enrollment utterances. We exploit pre-trained SSL models for two purposes within a TSE framework, i.e., to process the input mixture and to derive speaker embeddings from the enrollment. In this paper, we focus on how to effectively use SSL models for TSE. We first introduce a novel TSE downstream task following the SUPERB principles. This simple experiment shows the potential of SSL models for TSE, but extraction performance remains far behind the state-of-the-art. We then extend a powerful TSE architecture by incorporating two SSL-based modules: an Adaptive Input Enhancer (AIE) and a speaker encoder. Specifically, the proposed AIE utilizes intermediate representations from the CNN encoder by adjusting the time resolution of CNN encoder and transformer blocks through progressive upsampling, capturing both fine-grained and hierarchical features. Our method outperforms current TSE systems achieving a SI-SDR improvement of 14.0 dB on LibriMix. Moreover, we can further improve performance by 0.7 dB by fine-tuning the whole model including the SSL model parameters.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 202

    An attention-based backend allowing efficient fine-tuning of transformer models for speaker verification

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    In recent years, self-supervised learning paradigm has received extensive attention due to its great success in various down-stream tasks. However, the fine-tuning strategies for adapting those pre-trained models to speaker verification task have yet to be fully explored. In this paper, we analyze several feature extraction approaches built on top of a pre-trained model, as well as regularization and learning rate schedule to stabilize the fine-tuning process and further boost performance: multi-head factorized attentive pooling is proposed to factorize the comparison of speaker representations into multiple phonetic clusters. We regularize towards the parameters of the pre-trained model and we set different learning rates for each layer of the pre-trained model during fine-tuning. The experimental results show our method can significantly shorten the training time to 4 hours and achieve SOTA performance: 0.59%, 0.79% and 1.77% EER on Vox1-O, Vox1-E and Vox1-H, respectively.Comment: Accepted by SLT202

    Automatic language identification using deep neural networks

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. I. López-Moreno, J. González-Domínguez, P. Oldrich, D. R. Martínez, J. González-Rodríguez, "Automatic language identification using deep neural networks", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ICASSP, Florence (Italy), 2014This work studies the use of deep neural networks (DNNs) to address automatic language identification (LID). Motivated by their recent success in acoustic modelling, we adapt DNNs to the problem of identifying the language of a given spoken utterance from short-term acoustic features. The proposed approach is compared to state-of-the-art i-vector based acoustic systems on two different datasets: Google 5M LID corpus and NIST LRE 2009. Results show how LID can largely benefit from using DNNs, especially when a large amount of training data is available. We found relative improvements up to 70%, in Cavg, over the baseline system