28 research outputs found

    The role of sustainability in long term survival of family business: henokiens revisited

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    Our previous research was designed to explore the innovation capability of the firms from the Henokiens Group surviving through ages. Now the purpose of the present study is to explore the sustainability implications of the firms in the same group by using content analysis of their websites in order to observe the role of sustainability in long-term survival of family businesses. The article proceeds in the following manner: First, we briefly review the literature. Secondly, we explore sustainability focus of firms surviving through the ages by using content analysis method. We will be analysing all firms that are listed in the www.henokiens.com. Henokiens is an association that accepts family firms which are at least 200 years of age. The 46 firms from different nationalities were analysed by content. The validity and the reliability reports and procedures are given. Finally, we provide the research findings and discuss their managerial and theoretical implications

    The Moderating Role of Self Efficacy on the Perceptions of Justice and Turnover Intentions

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    Previous research in organizational behavior has reported many variables serving as either mediators or moderators in the predictive relationship between justice perceptions and turnover intentions. So far, none of the studies seems to have considered the possible influence of self-efficacy as a moderating variable in that relationship. Positive organizational behavior approach strongly offers usage of individual capacity variables for producing positive organizational outcomes (Luthans, 2002). In this study, we have explored the moderating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between justice perceptions and turnover intentions. Nine-hundred and four employees coming from private companies of Istanbul and Ankara, in Turkey, participated in the study. To analyze the results, we have used confirmatory factor analyses and regression analyses. Our results revealed important findings in relation to the moderating effects of different self-efficacy dimensions. We have found a negative relationship between justice perceptions and turnover intentions. For self-efficacy dimensions, many interaction effects were as expected, except for those high in willingness to expend effort in completing the behavior. We discussed the results in light of certain theoretical assumptions and offered related recommendations for organizational practice and future research. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    İşletme sosyolojisi bağlamında örgütün toplumsal işlevlerinin tanıtım ve iletişim aracı olarak halkla ilişkilerin, uygulamada bir hizmet işletmesinde yapılandırılmasına ilişkin bir model önerisi

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    "İşletme Sosyolojisi Bağlamında Örgütün Toplumsal İşlevlerinin Tanıtım ve İletişim Aracı Olarak Halkla İlişkilerin, Uygulamada Bir Hizmet İşletmesinde Yapılandırılmasına İlişkin Bir Model Önerisi" adlı çalışmamızda; "İşletme" olarak tanımladığımız sistemlerin; içinde yaşadıkları toplumdan etkilenen ve o toplumu etkileyen karşılıklı bir bağımlılık içinde yaşamlarını sürdürdükleri ve bu etkileşimi sürdürürken işletmelerin yaşam kaynağı olarak nitelendirebileceğimiz ögelerin başında ise "iletişim"in geldiği vurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır. İşletme Sosyolojisi bağlamında İşletmelerin hem toplumla hem de toplumun içinde yaşayan diğer örgütler, gruplar, bireyler, kitleler ile nasıl bir iletişim içinde olduğunu sorgulayan, inceleyen ve bu iletişimi geliştirmeye çalışan "Halkla ilişkiler" birimlerinin, işletme ve toplum arasında nasıl bir iletişim köprüsü olması gerektiği incelenmiştir. Kuşkusuz işletmelerin toplumla iletişim kurmadan yaşamlarını sürdürmeleri olası değildir. Her işletme toplumsal iletişimi oluşturması bakımından mutlaka bir birim ya da çalışanlara gereksinim duymaktadır. Yaptığımız incelemede iletişim ile direkt ilgili birimlerden birisi olarak karşımıza çıkan Halkla İlişkiler işlevini öncelikle işletmenin geçmiş dönemlerde vurgulandığı gibi destekleyici bir işlev ya da yönetim işlevi olarak değil; tam tersi işletmenin en temel ve stratejik işlevi olduğunu ayrıca işletmenin en üst düzeyinden başlayarak en aşağıya kadar her çalışanın benimsemesi, ancak uzman kişiler tarafından yürütülmesi gerektiğini bu bağlamda da halkla ilişkilerin üst yönetim işlevi olduğu savlanmıştır. Yaptığımız araştırma sonucu, bünyesinde böyle bir birim bulunmayan bir hizmet işletmesinin toplumla nasıl iletişim kurduğu öğrenilmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre böyle bir birimin gerekliliği ortaya çıkmış ve böylece bu hizmet işletmesinde bu birimin nasıl yapılanması ve ne gibi işlevler üstlenmesi gerektiği bir model önerisi ile sunulmuştur. A B S T R A C T " A suggestion of a public relations modal structured in service sector as a means of communication and advertising of an organization's social functions in the context of Management Sociology" in this thesis, we tried to investigate public relations as units which questioned explore and improve the communication between organization and society and how that organization relates to other organizations, groups and individuals existing in that society including how public relations should function between the two. In our investigation, public relations, having close links with communication, was defended not as an auxiliary or a management function as was stressed in the old periods, in contrast was put forward as a fundamental and the strategic functions that needs to be recognize by every employee from the very top to the bottom and should be run only by professionals as a top management functions

    Insights on innovation and technology management curriculum in public universities in Turkey

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    To achieve technological capabilities that can lead to sustainable competitive advantage, there is a need for a highly qualified workforce that is capable of innovating and managing technology. Therefore, education on technology and innovation management is increasing in importance, especially for developing countries. Technology and innovation management courses in higher education constitutes the significant part of the formal education in the field, hence the effectiveness of these courses has become a major issue. However in previous literature, several researchers tried to discover the ideal basic characteristics of curricula for technology and innovation management education and particularly for graduate and undergraduate courses in terms of content and theory and practice balance in universities This study aims to explore and reveal the current status of technology and innovation management courses in business administration and engineering faculties, science, technology and social sciences institutes in 95 public universities in Turkey. The findings are evaluated in terms of meeting the required major patterns of courses that are determined based on the theoretical background. Differences are considered as improvement requirements and related recommendations to practitioners are presented. Study reveals that existing courses in the explored higher education institutions are still not sufficient in number and quality to provide the knowledge and skills that create professionals who are competent in technology and innovation management

    Covi̇d 19 dönemi̇nde ai̇le işletmeleri̇ndeki̇ yöneti̇ci̇leri̇n nesi̇ller arası bi̇reysel değer farklılıkları üzeri̇ne bi̇r araştırma

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    Pandemi sürecinin uzun bir döneme yayılması ve etkilerinin halen devam etmesi sebebiyle her alanda değişimler olmuştur. Bireylerin davranışlarına yön veren değer yapılarının da bu değişimlerden etkilenebileceğinden söz edilmektedir. Bu doğrultuda değerler önemli hale gelmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; aile işletmelerindeki yöneticilerde nesiller arası değer farklılıklarının olup olmadığının araştırılması ve eğer farklılık var ise hangi değer yapıları arasında olduğunun değerlendirilmesidir. Araştırma örneklemi, Marmara Bölgesi’nde faaliyette bulunan aile işletmelerinde farklı nesillerden toplam 631 yöneticiden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma bulguları Covid 19 pandemisi gibi belirsizlik ve kriz yönetiminin öne çıktığı koşullara karşı bireysel değerlerin önemli bir rolü olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında incelenen bireysel değer boyutlarında nesiller arasında farklılıkların olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Pandemiyi kontrol etme ya da önleme gibi hususlarda bireylerin yardımseverlik, uyumluluk, toplum yanlılığını içeren evrensellik gibi değer eğilimlerinin öne çıktığı gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca çalışma yaşamı içerisinde nesiller arası değer farklılıklarının kabul edilerek, farklı beklentilerin ve iş yapış şekillerinin incelenmesinin ilgili literatüre katkı sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir.There have been changes in every field due to the fact that the pandemic process has spread over a long period and its effects are still continuing. It is mentioned that the value structures that direct the behaviors of individuals may also be affected by these changes. In this direction, it becomes important to examine the values. The aim of this study is to investigate whether there are value differences between generations of managers in family businesses and, if there is, to evaluate which value structures they are between. The research sample consists of a total of 631 managers from different generations in family businesses operating in the Marmara Region. Research findings reveal that individual values play an important role in conditions where uncertainty and crisis management come to the fore, such as the Covid 19 pandemic. It has been concluded that there are differences between generations in the individual value dimensions examined within the scope of the research. It has been observed that in matters such as controlling or preventing the pandemic, value tendencies of individuals such as benevolence, compatibility, universality including social bias have come to the fore. In addition, it is thought that by accepting the value differences between generations in working life, examining different expectations and ways of doing business can contribute to the relevant literature

    Entrepreneurship Intentions of Public Universities in Turkey: Going Beyond Education and Research?

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    Today, universities play a fundamental role in establishing and developing an entrepreneurship-oriented economy as they represent the main source of new knowledge. Roles of universities in economic growth have evolved in time and grew beyond their traditional teaching and research tasks. Universities are anymore expected to introduce solutions to social and industrial needs by exploiting the knowledge that is created by research. Universities even strategically aim to create wealth by investing in business, by building linkages, partnerships with technological enterprises or by creating new firms through academic entrepreneurship. Evolution of roles of universities in economic growth received close attention of scholars and found place in multiple disciplines like business management and economics literature and research for decades in developed countries. However there is still a significant need for research about the entrepreneurial intentions, activities and contributions of universities to economic growth in developing countries. Findings of this sort of studies can be very helpful to policy makers of these countries in academy, industry and government for utilizing entrepreneurship for economic growth, employment and increasing welfare of their people. In this context, study aims to determine the entrepreneurial intentions of public universities in Turkey by exploring their strategic postures, cultural and organizational units that supplement and support entrepreneurial activities and collaborations. Major characteristics of universities that determine their entrepreneurial intentions are derived from theoretical background. By conducting a qualitative content analysis, these characteristics are searched through Web sites of public universities in Turkey in academic year of 2011-2012. Findings regarding entrepreneurial intentions of universities that are reflected in their strategies, culture, institutional infrastructure, collaborations/partnerships can provide evidence about not only current but also potential entrepreneurial behaviors of public universities in Turkey. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 8th International Strategic Management Conferenc