3 research outputs found

    Use of high performance technologies in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain

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    Spinal cord neurostimulation is a minimally invasive treatment method for chronic neuropathic pain that is refractory to treatment, and is part of top technology in field. Relatively recent introduction of this method in the Neurosurgery Clinic "Prof. Dr. N. Oblu "of Iasi has aligned the clinic's therapeutic arsenal to world standards. This has made it possible to treat in Romania a category of patients who would be treated abroad until now. Our clinic has entered the "National Program for diagnostic and treatment using high performance equipment "- Subprogram of treatment of neuropathic pain by implant of a spinal cord neurostimulator and is currently the only one in Romania where this treatment can be done. This represents a new step in the transformation process of the Clinical Hospital Emergency "Prof. Dr. N. Oblu" Iasi in a real Center of Excellence in the field Neurosurgery. The team dealing with the implant consists of 3 neurosurgeons, a neurologist, pa sychologist and an anesthetist, trained in a specialized foreign center

    The evolution of the inflammatory processes at the injured with po-litraumatisms with the prevalence of the injuries of the locomotor appratus in connection with the interleukins IL 6 si IL 8 level in the blood.

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    Institutul de Medicina Urgenta, Chifinau, Republica Moldova USMF ”N.Testemitanu”The article reflects a clinical trial, on determining the value of the interleukin IL 6 si IL 8 levels in the blood, in order to predict the development and the evolution of the infectious and inflammatory processes at the patients with politraumatisms, including those with a predominance of musculo-skeletal system injuries and open fractures of the major segments. nivelulul de interleukine IL 6 si IL 8 in sange. Articolul reflecta un studiul clinic, cu privire la valoarea determi-narii in sange a nivelului interleukinelor IL 6 si IL 8 in sange, in scop de prezicere a dezvoltarii si evolutiei proceselor infectioase si inflamatorii, la pacientii cu politraumatisme, inclusiv cele cu o preponderenta a leziunilor sistemului musculo-scheletal si fracturi deschise ale segmentelor majore