5 research outputs found
Demographic data for the entire group and, separately, for the Warm and Cold groups.
<p>ANR: Anorexia Nervosa Restricting type; ANP: Anorexia Nervosa Binge Eating/Purging type; EDNOS: Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified. Significance differences between Warm and Cold groups, *p<.05; **p<.001.</p
Differences in physical activity as a function of AT for a subsample of 8 patients.
<p>Mean (SEM) physical activity levels (counts/day) as a function of AT for a subsample of 8 patients that showed a >4°C difference of AT over consecutive days. AT =  lowest mean AT; Δ AT =  mean difference between the lowest and highest AT. Patients were more active at lower AT, *p<.05. Cohen’s d = 0.89.</p
Physical activity over daily hours for the Warm and Cold groups.
<p>Mean (SEM) physical activity over daily hours (counts/hour) for the Warm and Cold groups (3-days measurement). Overall activity was higher for the Cold group, p<.01.</p
Cross sectional correlations between physical activity levels, BMI (z scores) and psychological measurements for the whole sample (n = 37).
<p>BMI: BMI (z scores); PA: Physical activity (counts/day); S. PA: Sedentary physical activity; Lig. PA: Light physical activity; MVPA: Moderate to vigorous physical activity; AT: Ambient temperature; STAI-S: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State; STAI-T: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait; CDI: Children Depression Inventory; EDI-2: Eating Disorders Inventory-2 (total score); DT: Drive for Thinness; BD: Body Dissatisfaction. Correlations for the different activity measures are not shown because they are related measures. *p<.05; **p<.01.</p
Physical activity, time spent per day in various levels of physical activity and psychological measures, mean (SD), for the Warm and Cold groups.
<p>STAI-S: S. Activity: Sedentary activity; Lig. Activity: Light activity; MV activity: moderate to vigorous activity; State anxiety; STAI-T: Trait anxiety; CDI: Children Depression Inventory; EDI-2: Eating Disorders Inventory-2 (total score); DT: Drive for Thinness; BD: Body Dissatisfaction. Cut-offs for Sedentary, Light and MV physical activity were <200, 200–1800 and >1800 counts/min respectively. *p<.05; **p<.01.</p