7 research outputs found

    The Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map of the Calabar Flank, Southeastern, Nigeria

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    Raw gravity data acquired using a Lacoste and Romberg (model G446) gravimeter and its accessories have been converted to a digital data set and were contoured to produce the first Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Calabar Flank. The data were corrected for drift and elevation (Bouguer and free air). The average crustal density of 2.67g/cm3 was used to compute the Bouguer correction. The effect of the curvature of the earth was taken into consideration. To account for tidal effect, an observational time window for forty-eight hours was determined prior to the actual field survey. Humidity/temperature correction was made to remove effects caused by humidity/temperature variations on raw data. The data was latitude-corrected based on the 1967 Geodetic Reference System (GRS67). This invariably gave the theoretical gravity. A comprehensive computer program for processing raw gravity data was used to compute the Bouguer and free air anomalies and were converted from their geodetic coordinates to x-y coordinates. The data were then transformed to an equally spaced grid (1km). The Bouguer and free air anomaly maps were produced from this grid using a Surfer Plot program. The results from these analyses showed a close relationship between the Bouguer and free air anomaly data; which is compatible with mid-continental results. Calabar Flank is largely not in isostatic equilibrium judging from the dominance of shortwavelength free-air anomaly patterns. The circular, elliptical contours in the Bouguer and free air anomaly maps are lineaments with distinctive trends. These trends indicate structural features that pre-date exposed geology and that have probably controlled the tectonic expressions of the geological province

    ‘To your tents, O Nigeria’: An exegetical study of 1 Kings 12:1–16

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    Solomon’s exerting decrees led to Israel’s prosperity, yet they took away the freedom of the common folks. His son Rehoboam had just been anointed king over the whole of Israel, but this son, being less than his father, had to make compromises towards political demands from his subjects or the kingdom would divide. The common people of the north felt marginalised and encumbered, so they had to be listened to. Rehoboam’s first advisers told him to reassure the people of his magnanimity, but his contemporaries suggested he maintain his father’s zest even when he was not in any way as charismatic as his father. Revolt came and the united Kingdom of Israel collapsed. Nigeria’s leadership, toeing the same line of noninclusive governance, has provoked agitation leading to several calls for secession. Only a soft-pedalling and compromise on the Nigerian part can assuage the virulent and unyielding voices of discord and secession. INTRADISCIPLINARY AND/OR INTERDISCIPLINARY IMPLICATIONS: By challenging the orthodox belief that a new Nigeria is possible without a radical approach to what divides, the study brought to the fore the possible situation that Nigeria could face as a result of insensitivity by the leaders and to contextually relate it to the mistakes of Rehoboam leading to the collapse of the united kingdom of Israel.http://www.ve.org.za/index.php/VEdm2022New Testament Studie


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    A seismic refraction survey was conducted in parts of the Akampka Basement Region of the Oban Massif, South-Eastern Nigeria, using a portable MOD. S79 3- channel digital type signal enhancement seismograph. The objectives were to determine the depth to the water table, the thickness of the saturated overburden, and the depth to basement, for purposes of groundwater development. The result showed that for the three selected areas, the average depth to the basement was 16.4m, the average aquifer thickness was 10.6m, and the average velocities of 492m/s, 969m/s, 1811m/s and 3759m/s for the first, second, saturated aquifer and bedrock respectively were obtained. The mean depth to the water table was determined to be 8.7m at Aiyebam 10.1m at Awi and 1.7m at Mbarakom. There was a good correlation between seismic interpretation and borehole lithologic section within the study area. With a considerable saturated thickness, areas of good potential aquifers for groundwater development abound in the study area. KeyWords: Seismic refraction, groundwater development, basement, Oban Massif, South-eastern Nigeria. [Global Jnl Geol. Sci. Vol.1(1) 2003: 43-50

    The velocity-thickness characteristics of the mangrove swamp low velocity layer (LVL), South Central Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    A total of 14 upholes were shot in the Mangrove Swamp of the Niger Delta of Nigeria. The aim of the survey was to determine the thickness and velocity of the low velocity layer (LVL). The velocities and thickness of the layers were computed from the reciprocals of the slopes of the straight-line segments using the FACE Static computer program. Results obtained showed a variation in the thickness of the weathering layer from 2.0m to 5.7m with an average of 3.40m. The variation was random and did not show any trend. The velocity of the low velocity layer ranges between 295ms-1 and 727ms-1 with an average of 562.7 ms-1 while the velocity of the sub-weathering layer ranges between 1502 ms-1 and 1918 ms-1 with an average of 1716 ms-1. These data are important in seismic static corrections and in geotechnical engineering. Key words: Thickness, Velocity, Low velocity layer, Uphole [Global Jnl Pure & Appl. Sci. Vol.9(3) 2003: 369-374

    The ERBB3 receptor in cancer and cancer gene therapy

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