36 research outputs found

    The Prevalence of Antibiotic and Toothpaste Sensitivity Found in Oral Streptococcal Isolates in Healthy Individuals in the Okada Community of Nigeria

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    Background: This study aimed to determine the prevalence, antibiotic, and toothpaste sensitivity of oral streptococcal isolates in healthy individuals in the Okada community of Nigeria. Methods: Oral samples were collected from 230 volunteers and were subjected to standard microbiological tests. Antibacterial sensitivity tests were carried out on the streptococcal isolates that were obtained using a disk diffusion technique, and eight kinds of toothpaste (A-H) were screened for their antibacterial effects on Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans). Results: The prevalence of oral streptococci found in this study was 26.1% and the predominant species was S. salivarius (13.9%). S. salivarius was highly resistant to cloxacillin (100%) and Augmentin (96.9%), whilst resistance to gentamicin and erythromycin was low at 21.9% and 3.1% respectively. S. mutans were completely sensitive to gentamicin whilst resistance to erythromycin was 33.3%. The entire Streptococcus species showed the lowest resistance to erythromycin (20.0%), followed by gentamicin (31.7%). At 100 mg/mL all toothpaste samples had antibacterial effects on S. mutans. At 50 mg/mL all samples except toothpastes G and H inhibited the bacterium. Toothpastes A and E had the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration of 25 mg/mL. Conclusions: Toothpastes A and E were the most effective toothpastes of the eight assessed in this study

    Effects of Land Use Land Cover Run Off on Surface Water Quality in Enugu Urban Area, Enugu State, Nigeria

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    The physico-chemical characteristic of runoff on land use land cover along the river basin  as well as geographical dispositions, combined with anthropogenic factors are strong causative factors of of  pollution in surface water quality in the study area. The purpose of this research determines the effect of land use land cover along the river basin on surface water quality in Enugu urban area. The landsat 8 of 2017 of Enugu urban was downloaded from United State Geological Survey (USGS) web site and was used to assess the land use land cover of the study area through remotely sensing pixel based image classification. The measurements were conducted on the on six major rivers in the study area (Ekulu, Asata, Aria, Idaw, Ayo and Ogbete river). Two samples were collected from each river but Ekulu river being the longest of all, three samples were collected with aid of handheld Geographical Position System (GPS).  The laboratory test was conducted on the sample water to assess the physico-chemical characteristic of surface water in the study area. All the generated data was imported into ArcGIS software where the Geostatistical analysis was run.  The physico-chemical parametes were analysed using Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation. Inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation explicitly implements the assumption that things that are close to one another are more alike than those that are farther apart. GIS proximity analysis was used to determine the river basin by creating a buffer of 500 m along the main river line and 250m along the tributary.  The result shown that the total percentage covered by residential land use (urban land) area is 35.19%, followed by woodland (32.09%) and then  tropical rain  forest(12.16%) the agricultural area accounted for 2.22%. above that the urban area is mostly caused the degradation of urban waterways. The runoff water with high concentration of physico-properties was recorded in urban area. The major pollutants found in runoff from urban areas include Ph, Total Dissolved Solid, Temperature, Conductivity and turbidity. It also revealed that urban area and vegetation area were the most highly pollutants land use in the study area because of its high concentration of chemical-properties. the nature of the quality of surface water from runoff in various land use in the study area using remote sensing image classification  shows that the land use land cover of the area has been drastically affected by physico-chemical properties of surface water runoff and this is evidently clear from land use land cover Maps of  Enugu urban Subcatchment area. Additional studies should be conducted to cover the rural areas of Enugu state for land use and cover analysis, for extraction runoff /land degradation prone area in order to educate and evacuate inhabitants of the environs before runoff lead land failure occurs. Keywords: Land Use, Land Cover, Runoff, Water Quality, Surface Water.

    A Review of Information Needs of Rice Farmers: A Panacea for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation

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    The study aimed at reviewing rice farmers’ agricultural information needs, access, and utilization and the constraints faced in sourcing for information. Information were got on the concept of information needs, assessment of information needs of rice farmers, concept of information access, farmers’ information search behaviour,  concept of utilization or adoption of information and the constraints faced or being faced. Review of related literature on the information needs of rice farmers, access and utilization have been included. Recommendations are given for effective transformation in rice production technology sub-sector if considered such as setting up of adult literacy education programme for farmers, developing ICT-based agricultural information delivery support system. Key words: Information, Technology, Utilization, Innovation, Access, Farmer

    The Effects of the Interraction of Various Oil Types and Rate on Carpophore Wet and Dry Weight And Stipe And Pileus Diameters of Lentinus Squarrosulus (Mount.)Singer

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    Lenllm~r squurN.1.1ulu•, un ltldlgaw>US 11111Siuoom spec~ conunvnly fou!W growing on dt."ld Jogs in the Z...ria ~n'liron of !-.:lith~ State Wti c:uhu~ on !ix cliff~n::nt medilr wh"h won:: 111ocu l ~red sl'pilliltcly with three diff~ten l spnwn grains o.nd amended \\i lh ~ix diffcJ ~nt oil~ nl nve different mtes. Th~ rc::sul{j h!•c,,led that the lntcmction of uti l)'pe '< nuc produe~ 11 htghly significil.nt effect on <:llfPOphore wet 11nd dry \lt1:iih18 aud st1pc and pileus di~mc rcrs v( L. sqrwrrtt~ultt.J. 1bc intl!mC1 iun or coconut oil x 0.014 ml/tt lndutc:d 1hc htavJcst CMJ)Ophorc wet w~igbt am! wtdesc pileus diam~tc:rs respccll n~ ly, while the: rntmu:tioll of grouodnut oil 1< 0.028 mllg 11:nd coccmul oil x O.O:Zll mllg mduc-e<lthe widest sripe diameter and heaviest C:o'lrpopboro dry weight, rtspee-trvcl

    Urinary Tract Infection in Okada village: Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern

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    The antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of bacterial isolates from suspected urinary tract infection (UTI) patients at Igbinedion University Teaching Hospital was carried out from November 2004 to November 2005 using the disc diffusion method. The subjects were made up of 330 (60%) males and 220 (40%) females. The commonest isolates were Escherichia coli (51.2%), Staphylococcus aureus (27.3%), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (12.8%) respectively. Both methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and methicillin sensitive (MSSA) S. aureus were isolated in the study. The isolates were highly sensitive to ofloxacin but low to moderately sensitive to gentimicin, tobramycin, nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, nitrofurantoin, and cefuroxine. The MSSA isolates were highly sensitive to ciprofloxaxin and ofloxacin while the MRSA were sensitive to ofloxacin. In addition, the isolates showed multi-drug resistance

    Modification of Lipid Peroxidation and Oxidative Stress In Hepatocytes of Diabetic Rats Treated with Root Extract of Sarcocephalus latifolius

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    Abstract: Increased oxidative stress and lipid disorders may exacerbate complications of diabetes mellitus. This study, therefore was designed to evaluate the effect of aqueous root extract of Sarcocephalus latifolius and Daniella oliveri (SDAE) on oxidative strees and lipid peroxidation in nondiabetic and alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The alloxan (65mg/kg) induced diabetic rats were treated in 12-h cycles for 3 weeks with 250mg/kg of the extract and glibenclamide (5mg/kg); while the nondiabetic control rats received distilled water. The results indicated that hepatic catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were significantly increased in the diabetic animals (p&lt;0.05) for both activities. The extract significantly reduced catalase activity (p&lt;0.05) but non-significantly reversed the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity observed in diabetic liver tissues. However, glibenclamide treatement showed slight modification in the changes observed in diabetic liver tissues. A significant increase in MDA content and decrease in reduced glutathione (GSH) was observed in the hepatocytes of the diabetic untreated rats. The diabetic induced changes in both MDA and GSH were distinctly reversed by the extract. The study concluded that the combined root extract reversed diabetes -induced oxidative changes in the hepatocytes, thus suggesting its use for the management of diabetic complications