395 research outputs found

    Perceived Underemployment Among The Foreign-Born: Its Outcomes And The Moderating Role Of Psychological Empowerment And Perceived Organizational Support

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    In the present study the relationship between perceived underemployment and job attitudes such as job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, and turnover intentions among foreign-born employees was examined. Underemployment occurs when employee education, skills, and previous job experiences are underutilized. Perceived underemployment was used as the specific type of underemployment to examine these relationships. Additionally, psychological empowerment and perceived organizational support (POS) were examined as potential moderators of the relationship between perceived underemployment and job attitudes. Foreign-born employees perceived themselves as moderately underemployed. In addition, there was a significant and negative relationship between perceived underemployment and job satisfaction; but perceived underemployment was not related to affective organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Furthermore, psychological empowerment and POS did not moderate the relationship between perceived underemployment and job attitudes but were directly related to these outcomes. These findings suggest that, as employees feel higher levels of underemployment, they are less satisfied with their jobs and perceive themselves to be less empowered and supported by their organizations. Organizational strategies to minimize the negative impact of perceived underemployment were suggested

    Mustafa Kutlu’nun eserlerinde taşra ve taşralılık

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    Mustafa Kutlu, Türk Hikâyeciliği’nin en önemli simalarından biridir. 1970’lerde hikâye hayatına başlayan Kutlu’nun asıl verimli dönemi ise 1980 sonrası olarak gözükmektedir. Kutlu, hikâyelerinde Türkiye’de 70’li yıllar ile birlikte görülen “toplumsal değişme” yi taşra- modern kent bağlamında ele almıştır. Bu değişimi işlerken, taşradan yana açık oyu göze çarpan Kutlu’nun, pek çok eseri “taşra” ve “taşra değerleri”, bu değerlerin kayboluş serüveni üzerine kurulmuştur. Bu çalışmanın kapsamını Kutlu’nun eserlerinde ele aldığı “taşra” ve “taşralılık” oluşturmaktadır. Giriş hariç beş bölüm ihtiva eden tezin ilk bölümünde, “taşra” kavramı ve bu kavramın ülkemizde geçirdiği tarihsel gelişim ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. İkinci bölümde, Kutlu’nun taşrasında ele aldığı mekânlar ve bu mekânların mahiyetleri ele alınırken, üçüncü bölümde ise taşra, insan ilişkileri, sahip olduğu değerler ve taşralılık noktasından işlenmiştir. Dördüncü bölüm; ilk iki bölümde ortaya konulan taşranın değişim ve dönüşümünü ele almış; beşinci bölüm bu değişim ve dönüşümün önemli bir ayağı olan göçü ve göç ile birlikte şehre taşınan taşra olan gecekonduyu işlemiştir

    Preliminary Design of a Joint Simulation, Analysis, and Wargaming Center for the Turkish General Staff

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    This study develops a framework for the design of a Joint Simulation, Analysis, and Wargaming Center (JSAWC). JSAWC is proposed as the primary decision support center for the Turkish General Staff. The complexity of warfare systems and the fog of future wars make military planning, problem solving, and decision making processes difficult to accomplish without using computerized analysis support tools. The proposed JSAWC will use modeling and simulation technology to provide analytical support for Turkish military decision-makers and planners in operations planning, force structuring, and training. An iterative systems engineering process is defined and applied to the primary design of the center. After providing a background on modeling and simulation, basic functions of the Turkish Defense System are analyzed to identify appropriate missions, users, and environment of the JSAWC. General needs, constraints, and alterables of the project are identified. Functional objectives and performance objectives of the center are examined by detailing them to the lowest possible level and connecting them with the related system behaviors. A preliminary requirement analysis is completed for the software and personnel areas based on the design objectives and necessary functions. Finally, future study plans are developed to continue the design of the center

    M. Orhan Okay, Batılılaşma Devri Türk Edebiyatı

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    Edebiyat tarihi, bir dönemin fikir ve zihniyet dünyasının metinler ve o metinlerin sahibi zihinler üzerinden takip edilerek dönemin özelliklerinin ortaya konmasıdır. Bir devrin panoramasını veren edebiyat tarihi bizim edebiyatımızda pek çok nevi gibi Tanzimat Dönemi Edebiyatı ile görülen “yeni” bir tür olmuştur. Klasik bir akış içerisinde devam eden geleneksel edebiyatımız, gündemde olduğu dönemde edebiyatın dönemlere ayrılarak ele alınması gibi bir inceleme ihtiyacı doğmamıştır. İsimlendirme ya da dönemlere bölerek bakma anlayışı dairenin dışına çıkmakla mümkün olabilmektedir. Şinasi’nin 1859’da yayımladığı “Tercüme-i Manzûme” adlı eseri ile başlatılan Yeni Türk Edebiyatı, edebiyatta geleneksel dairenin dışına çıkılmasının ifadesidir. Değişim, farklılık ve peş peşe gelen “yeni”ler bütünü parçalamış, dairenin içi ve dışını birbirinden ayırmıştır. Bu noktadan itibaren de dışarıdan bir bakışla görülmeye maruz kalan Divan Edebiyatı “tezkire” ve “hâl tercemeleri” dışında bir şiir-şair incelemesine tabi tutulmaya başlanır. Tezkirelerin ihtiva ettiği birkaç satırlık sübjektif sanat, üslup değerlendirmeleri ile şair hayatına dair verilen bazen realiteden uzak bilgiler modern anlamıyla edebiyat tarihini karşılamamaktadır. Edebiyat tarihi çalışmaları 19.yy ile birlikte edebiyatımızda bir hüviyet kazanmış ve dönüp yine belki en fazla bir kırılma ve “medeniyet krizi” olan bu yüzyılı anlatma ihtiyacı duymuştur

    Musculoskeletal disorders in midwives: prevalence, impact and contributory factors

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    Musculoskeletal symptoms have been problematic for healthcare staff, resulting in sickness absenteeism, functional limitations, staff shortages and financial costs to organisations. Maternity professionals who care for women in labour, particularly midwives and obstetricians, are also at high risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders due to a range of associated risk factors including heavy working conditions and awkward caring positions. There has been, however, limited research into this condition in midwives. The aim of this thesis is to investigate musculoskeletal disorders with prevalence, distribution, severity and impact, and to explore contributing factors from a biopsychosocial perspective.A first stage survey study (n=635) explored the extent of musculoskeletal disorders and association with risk factors. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire identified a very high prevalence of symptoms, mostly in the lower back (71%), neck (45%) and shoulders (45%) within a 12-month period. These symptoms resulted in activity limitation (50%), sickness absences (30%) and change of job/duties (45%). An investigation into the associations between potential contributing factors and musculoskeletal symptoms showed that younger age, less experience in the profession, a higher body mass index, longer working hours, lower job satisfaction and higher job stress can each play a role in developing such symptoms.In-depth interviews with 15 midwives and a further validation focus group (n=7) explored risk factors and prevention strategies in considerable detail. The majority of such symptoms were considered to be work related, including working tasks, equipment, environment, heavy workloads, staff and mother characteristics. The primary concern expressed by midwives was the lack of application of protective strategies in real practice due to the heavy workload and mother-centred practice approach. They also argued that they did not benefit from standardised manual handling training due to a lack of content dealing with midwifery caring activities.Finally, the risk of musculoskeletal symptoms associated with common working positions was evaluated by using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment postural analysis tool with a sample of midwives (n=22). This analysis suggested that working postures resulted in a significant increase in the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders, with all postures having a very high to medium risk level, indicating that immediate action is required to address this issue. The trunk, neck and upper arm were found to be the most commonly affected body parts.The findings will inform the development of risk management strategies to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms in the absence of such data in the United Kingdom. Management of such symptoms may have a positive impact on staff shortages, early retirements, individuals’ life trajectories, mother and baby safety as well as staff wellbeing. Organisations and professional bodies play a key role in this regard.</div